“platform to make a virtual bookshelf with quotes “and books that mean a lot to me? “Pinterest?” – Yes. Good job, Anders.
“platform to make a virtual
bookshelf with quotes “and books that mean a lot to me? “Pinterest?” – Yes. Good job, Anders.
was one of the winners of the Crew for a Day challenge. Thank you so much for choosing me. As you can see, I’m resting up for the big day. But before that, Gary, I have a question. Put yourself in my shoes. You just won a trip to meet Gary Vaynerchuk. You’re pumped, you’ve […]
was one of the winners of
the Crew for a Day challenge. Thank you so much for choosing me. As you can see, I’m
resting up for the big day. But before that, Gary, I have a question. Put yourself in my shoes. You just won a trip to
meet Gary Vaynerchuk. You’re pumped, you’ve been
following this dude for awhile. This is a once in a lifetime
opportunity for you. How would you go about preparing yourself for that type of trip? Would you set expectations and goals or just kind of go with the flow? What would you do if you were meeting you? You keep throwing contests,
I’ll keep winning them. – That’s pretty, listen, I like, by the way, that last part is probably why this question’s on this show. I like the bravado. (breathes deeply) Respectful bravado is very attractive. Bravado insanity is not. That is a little forewarning
to some of the people’s actions in the last couple weeks. I think that what I would
do is I would probably bring him some English peas, because I would know that
Gary loves English peas. And not like the bullshit
kind, like the big ones. You know, like English peas, not like Long Island English peas which are a little smaller. Definitely not snow peas, like sugar peas. Got so many different names. – [India] You walk on
the show with your dad. – Exactly, 118, watch those the big ones so I would bring him that. I’d probably bring him
like a rare Jets jersey of maybe the second or third round pick in the draft this year. What else do I want? I would probably bring some cool Nikes. Something that was like fly like these. I would bribe him to thank him. No. The answer to the question is very simple. I think you’ve already lost. I predict that your Friday
experience is not gonna be as good as you think because you’re already overthinking it. You need to roll in, be you,
the end, the end, the end. It works for me so much. Yesterday Brandon Marshall was here, football player, Jets wide receiver, umps. I don’t even know how to not be myself. First of all, I think I’m
better than everybody, so I don’t get star struck. It’s a flaw and a strength. And I think you roll in with that thing. I think you walk in
and you just need to be basically, it’s so hard, and I get it. Really, around Jets
players is probably where I struggle with it the most
but yesterday I crushed it. Just you have to be yourself,
there’s nothing else. Because then, if it doesn’t, and by the way this is why I fundamentally believe in being yourself. This is the secret
reason to being yourself. If you’re not yourself, and
then it doesn’t go well, you have to think about that
for the rest of your life. You went out of your way to not
let the natural thing happen and it didn’t go well, that sucks. I’d much rather be like, welp? When I get a comment
that like, “you suck.” Right now, the USC video and
the Monday motivation video are both going viral on Facebook, right? A lot of people have never seen me before. When somebody says you
suck, I’m like well, that was me, that’s just
where the chips fell. But if that was my schtick or
that was a fake version of me or that, well then that would hurt. Be like whoa, what if
I just was me, right? And so, that my friends
is why it’s always best, because then you don’t
have to second guess.
“of all time?” – John, my favorite swear word of all time is dickface. There’s something about dickface that really, really, you know, I don’t know why, but like, I think when I use it, people just really, like, actually, I’ve never really even thought about the word until just right now and I mean, […]
“of all time?” – John, my favorite swear
word of all time is dickface. There’s something about
dickface that really, really, you know, I don’t know why, but
like, I think when I use it, people just really, like,
actually, I’ve never really even thought about the
word until just right now and I mean, it’s pretty self explanatory. – [India] I thought you
were gonna say dickface.
or what’s gonna come out of my mouth. – I’m excited, I love improv. – Shoot, oh my gosh. What was either your first or your most embarrassing screen name? – Oh! – [Group] (laughs) One of my AOL chat names way back in the day was GeeNutz with a Z. – (laughs) – G-E-E […]
or what’s gonna come out of my mouth. – I’m excited, I love improv. – Shoot, oh my gosh. What was either your first or your most embarrassing screen name? – Oh!
– [Group] (laughs) One of my AOL chat names
way back in the day was GeeNutz with a Z. – (laughs) – G-E-E N-U-T-Z. – (laughs) – That one is a good one. That is your answer Allison. Not bad for an improvisation. Good job, awesome.
– Yeah it’s great. Let’s clap that up.
– [Group] (applause)
“before you do something big? “Anything at all? “It doesn’t even have to be business related.” – Clinton, the only thing thing that I’m scared of, really, in a public setting, or that might sound big. This is what the #AskGaryVee Show is for, right? We gotta show the 360. This is probably gonna be […]
“before you do something big? “Anything at all? “It doesn’t even have
to be business related.” – Clinton, the only thing
thing that I’m scared of, really, in a public setting, or that might sound big. This is what the #AskGaryVee
Show is for, right? We gotta show the 360. This is probably gonna be one of the more vulnerable things that
I’ve said on the show. I’m setting it up, but you’re all gonna be like, “What?” I am actually scared of reading in public because I’m come to learn in the last three or four years, I am atrocious reader. I really struggle with it. As a matter of fact, one of the big shifts
in 2015 that I’ve made is I’m making a lot more five
and seven minute meetings with my staff because I
don’t read fast enough for the value of my time. Even when I read to
Misha, believe it or not, I’m like a quarter of an inch hesistant. Like, if I had to create
the greatest story off the top of my head, right now, for Misha, I feel cozy and calm. Reading Goodnight Moon,
I’m like (humming). I’m just a terrible reader. Like in Passover, reading
the things on the table. I don’t like to read. It’s funny, when I started getting asked to do TV shows, one of the reasons I didn’t want to do a TV show was I didn’t want to read off the chiron. And even when I did my wine web radio show on Sirius for nine months, my first commercial read was a disaster, probably the worst thing
I ever did publically. Guy came in, Sam Benrubi, big ups. Father of many of the
employees at VaynerMedia came in, he’s like, “Do
what Howard Stern does. “He can’t read either. “Just read it and then do your thing.” The second read was insanity ’cause I read it, I knew
what the Stella Artois, ironically a VaynerMedia client now, what that ad wanted to get off. And I did an incredible read. So I’m very improv. I know what I’m good at. I’m stunningly not scared of most things. I’m scared of snakes, somewhat of heights. I really am, ultimately, scared of dying. And weirdly enough, the first thing that came to mind was I really don’t wanna read in public. Badly. That is probably at the top of the list, believe it or not. And that’s kind of intriguing to me. It’s a funny kinda thing. That’s it? That’s it, huh?
– [Voiceover] Ginson asks, “Do you work “on your birthday?” (spitting) – Couple things, my man. Number one, I hate my birthday. My 40th birthday is coming November 14th of this year. That was a little bit of a specific drop, mainly ’cause I want the entire VaynerNation to buy me a lotta gifts, Jets […]
– [Voiceover] Ginson asks, “Do you work “on your birthday?” (spitting) – Couple things, my man. Number one, I hate my birthday. My 40th birthday is coming November 14th of this year. That was a little bit of a specific drop, mainly ’cause I want
the entire VaynerNation to buy me a lotta gifts, Jets jerseys of random rare players are at the top of the things that I like, medium. I’ve worked on every birthday of my entire life, all of them. Literally, even some in my teenage years, ’cause they happened to fall weekends when my dad was draggin’
my ass to the store. But since I became a
full-time professional at 22, I’ve worked every birthday. I’ve given a talk. I gave a speech, the RE/MAX convention for Thank You Economy came out during my birthday. Like, gave a speech on my birthday. Yeah, absolutely, that was a silly question. 100% all in. You wanna do what you
love on your birthday. I’m lucky enough to
be doing what I love. – [Voiceover] Ben asks, “How do you handle
“two years and she still refuses to acknowledge their “relationship on social media, red flag?” – Ryan, your brother is in deep (beep). Any relationship that is two years old where one of the people in the relationship has not acknowledged it publically on a social network platform is up to some scandalous (beep). Period, […]
“two years and she still
refuses to acknowledge their “relationship on social media, red flag?” – Ryan, your brother is in deep (beep). Any relationship that
is two years old where one of the people in
the relationship has not acknowledged it publically
on a social network platform is up to some scandalous (beep). Period, end of story. There’s nothing else to being said there. I don’t want to hear that you like to keep it private, on the DL, scandalous. (laughter) (chatting in background)
– [Voiceover] Christopher asks, “You get questions “all the time, some you like, some you hate. “Do you feel there is such thing as a stupid question?” – Chris, I’m not going to go cliche here, I think that there’s probably an enormous amount of stupid questions. There’s a lot of stupid people with stupid […]
– [Voiceover] Christopher
asks, “You get questions “all the time, some you
like, some you hate. “Do you feel there is such
thing as a stupid question?” – Chris, I’m not going to
go cliche here, I think that there’s probably an enormous
amount of stupid questions. There’s a lot of stupid people
with stupid points of view, but nobody gets to be the judge
and the jury of that stupid. What maybe stupid to me,
is not stupid to Staphon and vice versa and so thus I
think the judge and the jury, the person that makes the
decision whether it’s stupid is making that decision
and so I think, I think 99% of the questions people
ask me are stupid at some level truthfully, especially
when they’re the things that come most naturally to
me, cause people aren’t asking me questions in biophysics or the weather or traffic theory, I mean like actual traffic, not web traffic. People don’t ask me a
lot of questions about things that I’m not
knowledgable in so I think all of us when we have
a depth of knowledge of something can think
things are stupid because we know them well and others don’t. Stupids an ugly word by the
way, I hate that God damn word. The energy of the question
is there’s a human that decides if it’s
stupid or not and I think the politically correct
answer to this question is no, you learn from it
or in all that and I’m into being PC, I think,
you know I’m sure some of the homies
here thought I would go that route with this
answer but not India but DRock maybe,
he get’s tricked sometimes. And so that’s that guys, yes
there are stupid questions. This question’s (beep) amazing, go ahead.
“Do you believe in aliens?” – I do believe in aliens. – [India] Cool. – I’m not sure if I do. Let’s talk about this for a second. There’s more gray, in my opinion, DRocK, this is not an official question. Do you believe in aliens? – It’s, probably, – [Gary] As a matter fact, […]
“Do you believe in aliens?” – I do believe in aliens. – [India] Cool. – I’m not sure if I do. Let’s talk about this for a second. There’s more gray, in my opinion, DRocK, this is not an official question. Do you believe in aliens? – It’s, probably,
– [Gary] As a matter fact, you know what? I’m not even gonna listen to your answer. But do you believe in aliens? Straight up.
– Yes. – [Gary] Like on the record forever. – Yes.
– Okay. Do you Staphon?
– [Staphon] No. – DRock? – [DRock] I’m unsure, I’m on the edge. – DRock you have to answer the question. Life on the line, yes or no? Simple. Simple, it’s not really complicated. – [DRock] I’m gonna say yes. – Cool me too. I think that, I think
space goes way further than our solar system. What I’m curious about,
and way more intrigued by is I actually think there’s
another Gary Vaynerchuk in a different world. – [Staphon] I believe that
when you believe in aliens, – Really? Like,
– [Staphon] Someone that looks just like someone
– Yeah, I mean, I’m so curious if Gary
in a different galaxy is crushing it, or is a (bleep) loser. (laughing)
“Wait. How does one deactivate Twitter?” (laughs) Gina? Hey, Gina. It’s Gary. It’s really easy to deactivate Twitter on your phone. It’s called deleting the app itself. Hope it works for you.
“Wait. How does one deactivate Twitter?” (laughs) Gina? Hey, Gina. It’s Gary. It’s really easy to deactivate
Twitter on your phone. It’s called deleting the app itself. Hope it works for you.