with basically no recurring dollars? – Meaning like he just doesn’t have a lot of money? – [India] Yeah. Yeah, I guess. – He doesn’t have business model that’s recurring. It’s I get a wedding, I shoot it, I get money. So how would you scale? First and foremost, if I’m a wedding photographer, one […]
with basically no
recurring dollars? – Meaning like he just
doesn’t have a lot of money? – [India] Yeah. Yeah, I guess. – He doesn’t have
business model that’s recurring. It’s I get a wedding,
I shoot it, I get money. So how would you scale? First and foremost, if I’m a
wedding photographer, one of the first moves I would do is
very similar to the advice that I gave to designers, immediately
I would layer a tier of Snapchat filter capabilities. I believe every modern wedding
35 and under in America in the next 18 months is
gonna have a Snapchat filter. It’s going to be a big
thing like Karen and Rick. That thing. I would do modern marketing. One, I would go triple in,
quadruple in, all-in uploading all your photos five, seven a
day get approval do your thing on Instagram and
learn all 15 hashtags that matter on Instagram. The five most popular ones,
the five medium ones and five long tail ones
like #HamptonsWedding. You know, #RockawayWeddings. Your area that you shoot in. There is always that hall, that place that everybody gets married at using
that name and weddings. 15 hashtags against 5 to 7
photos every single day on Instagram, I think will
lead to tremendous business. The other thing that I would do
is I would try to guest blog on wedding sites about Instagram
and Snapchat because again if you’re watching my show you’re kind of aware of
these things, right? Use modern social creative as your linchpin to your
actual business. If you think about being a
photographer for weddings as a secondary thing and you think
about being great in Snapchat and Instagram around the wedding
industry, using it and then commentating on it you will
create a much bigger awareness funnel and then people are like,
“Oh, I want to use that girl, “that guy. They’re good and
Snapchat and Instagram and “wedding photos.
It’s 2016, 2017.” I would hustle. I would work. What I just said took work. You like that one, Andy? It’s real. Work three more, four more hours
a day to do it I just told you and amazing things happened. You know how many people are
like “Oh miraculously, I made “$500 this week on eBay because
instead of drinking beers on my “porch and watching
Thunder-Warriors I went in my “garage or when garage
sale-ing and I sold stuff.” Staphon smiled because he
watched all of Thunder-Warriors. – [Staphon] I sure did.
(laughter) – That’s why has $500
less in his pocket. But he has the memories
and enjoyed himself. – [Staphon] It was a great game.
– Escapism. Great games.
“I know my target audience. “I post regularly and promote all social. “Numbers won’t budge. Thoughts?” – My advice, personally, would be to keep at it. It’s something that I literally do seven days a week. There is not one day that I had taken off in the last five years. You have to just […]
“I know my target audience. “I post regularly and
promote all social. “Numbers won’t budge. Thoughts?” – My advice, personally,
would be to keep at it. It’s something that I
literally do seven days a week. There is not one day
that I had taken off in the last five years. You have to just crush it. You have to keep at it. – Did you ever get any
pushback to the word skinny? Skinny is one of these new
politically incorrect words like three years ago. – [Man] I wondered that too.
– You wondered that? Great, so I’m
answering the questions. You know it’s interesting, you
been doing this for a while. You’re actually in a better
place where I don’t think the word is as controversial but
24 months ago there was heat. Did you ever feel it? – All the time but I like that.
I like heat on me. There’s things I talk about on
my blog are camel toes, boob jobs, vagina steaming and
enemas like I could go on and on. I talk about really
controversial taboo subjects that no one wants to deal with. Having the word skinny
in the title is really fitting for the brand.
– Understood. – When you’re talking
about coconut lube the words skinny just–
– Fits right in. – Coconut oil is amazing
for lube though it really is. (laughs)
– This is a tremendous show. – Everyone go home and try it. You will not be sorry. It’s your birthday, DRock?
(laughter by all) – I think that there is
one thing, I do think that there is the
three, four years and then you have your moment. You look at it and it happens
all the time in real life. Amy Schumer, Amy Schumer’s
career has been going on for a decade. Kevin Hart, Kevin Hart was
working at that shit for 15, 12, 14 years and you
have your moment. The problem is, one thing I want
people to know is, it’s not your numbers growing, it’s
how do you feel about it. Currently my Snapchat
numbers are not growing. I’ve hit my kind of 30,000 views and I’ve been there
for about a month. I feel fine with that because I
feel I’m getting better at it. I know what I want to do next. I know I’ve been studying on
other things because the book has been coming out. I feel content with myself
even that’s against the numbers. Too many people, and this is I’m
sure we all think about, you’re going to be
thinking about it when you see
the podcast numbers as you start this new venture
this market is absolutely way too deeply focused on numbers. Now, Nick and Romando,
people buy on numbers, I get it. You make your short
term money on numbers. – Short. Not long game. – That’s right, short-term
money on numbers. So I would say, who is
the person again India? – Nicole. – Nicole, I would say if you
feel like you’re moving the needle and you feel
like you getting closer. And you can taste it,
none of us can tell you, then you keep at it. If you been watching right now
and you’re been trying to build your brand for 24 months, 36
months, you felt completely stagnant, both in the
numbers both in the heat you don’t get recognized. Less selfies, no selfies. No mentions, no friend even
knows you’re doing it, if you feel stagnant, I actually
compare this to wrestling. So stick with me, I know you
talk about coconut oil but I’m going to talk about WWF
wrestling for a minute. When you look at gimmicks,
gimmicks is like when you’re Mr. Perfect or your Red Rooster or
or what have you there are a lot of wrestlers that have three
or four gimmicks and then they become Stone Cold Steve Austin. And they been four the
things and it didn’t take but the new thing works. But the difference there
is that the character. I could’ve stopped doing the
wine thing and started a Jets thing and I could be
on ESPN right now. And then I did a business thing,
I have three things that I probably could have done as me. Wine, business and the Jets. Now I’ve done two. I may become a
Jets sportswriter. If you have other interests, if
you have a blog about root beer or skateboarding but you’re
also into clothes or jam or rollerblading if you feel very
stagnant for two or three years your system and your
thing might be right but your topic may be wrong to you. It may not be that moment in
time so that’s another version to think about this if you feel
in your heart and numbers a 24, 36 months stagnant. Because I do see people, I know
people right now, because I’ve been doing this since ’06 who
have been doing the same thing for 7, 8 years and there’s
nothing that’s going to happen. – Talent, you always
talk about talent. – It’s real.
– Yeah, it’s real. – And interaction, I think
interaction with people. – It is real. You have to have talent. If you don’t have talent in this
industry I think you’re going to get washed away. You have to know who
you are, like you said. You have to remain
authentic to yourself. If you think you have the
talent to be a blogger then blog every damn day. – How long were you doing
YouTube before this moment? – I started YouTube
in 2012 and then I was consistent this past August. – What happened in August
that made you get really going? – I was like I want to build
a business someday and I know having an audience is valuable. And so I just started
with travel vlogs. I love filmmaking. I love making videos. It wasn’t hard for me
because I love doing it. I also think that interaction
with people is so important. You can look at the numbers all
day but who is mentioning you on Twitter, who is retweeting
things, who was favoring things. – Is Twitter an
important platform for you? – Yes, it has
been so interactive. I only have about 5,000 followers
but everyone is so interactive and it’s an awesome– – Do you interact with
your YouTube comments? – Yes, I’m glad you
asked that question. When I had 3,000 followers
I made it a habit to comment to every single comment. Every single comment. It’s hard to do it now. – It’s so crazy to see all you
guys spur up from all of the theses that I
wrote seven years ago. It’s so crazy. – Yeah, I know.
I read Crush It! recently and I was like holy
shit he predicted the future. – Yeah, yeah.
– It is weird. – I’m telling you, I read that
influencer chapter today in your new book it’s refreshing to have
somebody with such a loud voice say it because it has been
what we have been thinking and working on and saying
five, six years now. – Sure. – Tell them about what happened
recently to me on a shoot ’cause you’ll appreciate it. – This kind of goes into
influencer marketing as well. A brand recently brought her
on to offer her voice and her perspective and it
was a video thing. Four videos, 30 seconds they
brought her in and they said hey going to stick to this script
you’re going to do this thing and had 15 people on set they
completely got away from her voice and it was like– – What’s the point?
Why do you want me– – I got fired up about
it because I said this brand’s on its way out. – It’s on its way out. – And it made me fired up about
her because her brand– – So what happened?
Did you do it? – No, I did it. I did the script
I did what they said but the point is they could’ve
hired a model or an actress to just read it. They don’t need a blogger. I’ll never do it again. Ever. – Using her voice and trying to
get her audience– – If they’re not going
to use my voice– – They had 15 people there, we produce six of those videos
in three hours with three of us. – They micromanage everything. I think brands need to let the
influencer do what they do best. – Well, let’s look at DailyVee. It’s literally DRock
and GaryVee and it works. You don’t have five
people following you around. – The curated things out. I think it’s on its way
so out, so done. – The bigger issue is the
people that follow you know that’s not you. – Yes, exactly.
– That’s what it is. That’s right. And there’s
no money that they can pay you that makes
it worth it for you. – Yep. – I mean I had early deals for
Wine Library TV before this was a real thing and a car company
wanted me to drive a car in to Wine Library. It was so wild and it was so
early days, and I was like, it was a lot of money at the time
and I didn’t do it because even then back in ’07, ’08 people are going to
think like forget it. Gary sold out. That was so scary. It’s so different now. – It’s a little bit more
accepted now but we refuse to sell ad space on the site.
– Yeah. Now, if I would’ve grown
up during this time, I would’ve done it. Back then it was just so… There wasn’t a single
video on YouTube that had 1 million views
when I started. This was 2006. How old are you in 2006? – I was in sixth grade. – Yeah. You know what I mean, it
was a different world. India, keep us moving. – Hi Gary! I’m Piper Reese from
@PipersPicksTV and I’m here at the Nickelodeon 2016 Kids
Choice Awards Orange Carpet.
which conditions is advisable I think it’s advisable under several conditions condition number one where you want when he started a blog really it was eighty-nine as an email newsletter yep so do the math a long time ago then I met Joey dough and switch to TypePad you know what some blogging before that […]
which conditions is advisable I think
it’s advisable under several conditions condition number one where you want when
he started a blog really it was eighty-nine as an email newsletter yep
so do the math a long time ago then I met Joey dough
and switch to TypePad you know what some blogging before that but I can’t find a
where it is and then after I met you ito I’ve been doing it as relentless as I
could there was a period was five bucks a day and then I realized it wasn’t
helping me where the reader so now it’s been one today for a really long time so
the if you want to develop to get to the deputy the best at something you gonna
have to say no to a lot of things you know it’s super important super
important and so on Twitter came along I thought I could be pretty good at this
cause I’m early but I would have to use my blogging time to be pretty good at
this so better well I spend 10 hours a day thinking
about the next blog post a bunch but you don’t see most of them when he just like
kill him know stick around you might like when you’re spending 10 hours a day
in four weeks we spent hours in a ship and recall that’s why I think every
image double block even if you don’t put your name everyday write something that you
willing to put in the world so that a week from now on a month no new year
from now you can look back at it I said this I predicted his little as a
youngster you like writing and I like talking
about ideas I like helping change happen there was a time in the middle of the 18
books when the thought of sitting down and going to the practice of writing a
book really engaged me but I’d rather look someone in the eye and talk to them
then what about public speaking we’ve got to do a couple of months I hate
flying there love being a major on and then you’re off their rules can’t bring on you know chimpanzee
marching band you can you let you slide rules go beyond that can throw things
into the audience and stuff but that’s too many variables so back to India’s
question yes let me go see president in his book The War of our talks about the
resistance in Lebanon yeah I do ya like how many books do you read well I get
two or three a day in the mail and I read them until I get the joke and then
I stopped at 2000 she says but sometimes you don’t need to be there may be asked
for it gives you don’t mention that sounds a little pre ordered that book
will probably take me more than 15 minutes to get the joke it’s just rich
and layered in a lifetime ago insight you don’t say yeah but there are
other books like if the other did a good job in five pages you get the point you
trust that the rest of it is proven and now you can go on to the next thing I’m
not going to last for you fictionwise there was a book of whiskey
Tango Foxtrot hysterical brilliant funny science fiction and it’s about you
you’re in it you don’t like the devil character yeah he’s a handsome yes yeah but the best thing to say but that’s all
i care parts of that I’m in any way and then there there’s a really great book
about novel about Marcel Duchamp’s work called the bride was stripped bare by
her bachelor’s even yeah that’s really juicy book is fired up to go and then
but non-fiction wise I’m just constantly amazed at how generous authors artists
authors no you can’t make a living writing books but they do it anyway question I’m real money out of town on
Sunday as it shot shot at the way to the punch line is this piece than 20 years opposite course did you say you can be a
meaningful specifically said when your have ever walked out of the show yes cause I could go second I have
something important to adhere go ahead I just you know what I’m just glad he was
my friend generality and the problem with most social media is your not the
customer you were the product it was optimized to make you anxious and to use
it to get with optimized to extract from you nervous energy not productive output
so most people fall into it are checking one less time checking this posting that
liking this why to keep them from doing important work which I was watching
television but here’s where we disagree a little bit I mean like like they’ll
stick here for a second India who thought that all of a sudden MySpace and
Friendster Facebook and Twitter came along and took us away from all this
mass important or so let’s start with Clay Shirky Clay Shirky pointed out up that Wikipedia got built a decrease
in television viewing billion hours invested in building Wikipedia came from
GV it could have come from reading know he can show that it is great book came
from TV you put it shipping everybody’s who talked about this with me but you
can’t deny this scholars work without examining it is a wait yeah i know i
think thats fair and I think you’re right about that I do believe an
enormous amount of internet behavior at the at the television so what my point
is television’s dying because we’re giving people more choices channels are breaking down its rhetoric
masses going away what do we want people to do with the time they’re not spending
watching Happy Days just watching TV which is stunning to me but my argument
is that people who are watching you and I talk by Bryce and John at then end the
cycle already knows I’m about to say they have the ability to make a dent in
the univers hundred-percent we gave them a platform they can use to 200% and they
think that they’re advancing their cause by using various social media networks
the way that they are optimized to be used in my argument is there not that
I’m super glad that the musicians of the sixties that went way out on an edge
worried seduced by just sitting there listening to people’s records all day
they decided to make pitches before they decided to make so train coming or
whatever it is they went outside thing to say this is my work and the problem I
have with the people who are just saying me too plus plus they think they’re
doing their job they’re not doing their job they’re hiding from their job their
job is to create a body of work that are into trust you know that that’s
interesting but let’s let’s let’s go a little bit deeper sort of like this don’t you believe when
you’re saying plus + and this other thing don’t you believe that that is
exactly mapping the people that didn’t just like not everybody is going to make
great bodies of work a true ok go ahead you think they’re born that way know the people everyone who makes great
work was born naked unable to read and proven in their diapers right somewhere
along the way you make a decision you make an investment you go forward and if
we look we see that it used to be that John Hammond would pick you and you
would become a famous recording artists yes I saw the pictures are gone and so
now the building number of people who are picking themselves going up what im
saying my only point in this case is this if you find it at the end of the
day you could say I did a really good job and my social media universe is
clean and taking care of and that’s all you have to point to today I don’t think
that’s a good day and what i’m saying is that we pimps Magee who has that 2.2 in
1974 had that same thing to point him better she had the chance to do better
so what you’re saying is that everybody can go to Yankee Stadium today hit the
bat on people and take a swing which is different than giving up just yet just
let it can’t ever heard that from a political numbers are different the
intellectual endeavors for sure so when you’re saying is everybody has the same
capacity to learn you know what i’m saying is what we define as athletic
endeavors he is one axis but I could say for example if your caregiver for senior
citizens are struggling with alzheimers yes you were capable of looking at
person in the odds with empathy and infection in a way that changes that
tell me how you develop empathy tell me well you change the topic with you
because you just said I can teach me how to be a caregiver that’s gonna any
conduct we meet on los Mande and the and the you can teach the teacher I can
teach Andy yes to do I can’t ever teach him to hit a home run ok I can teach introduced something with
his voice as hard as you can teach them at home running at the same but you can
teach him to be the best version of a baseball player that he can be in the
same way that you can well that’s a whole different conversation that’s
coming up trying to have no not true not true because what’s what’s most
interesting to me is there is no economic situation that Sally pence
McGee could be focusing more time on something else besides liking buttons on
that ok do you agree with me that silly pants McGee would probably likely in
1984 to be sitting and watching well that’s what I’m say right now I’m saying
nothing changed the places that people are deploying their energy my family
liking something Instagram Facebook is a way to hide from
the productive thing she could be exposing yourself to productive thing is
scary you think you think she’s she’s gotten
to a place where that makes her feel better and that we’ve tricked people and
people drink themselves to be a part of something versus when they sat on the
couch know when they sat on the couch the entire culture was in on it and it’s
similar what i’m saying is we didn’t build the internet so that YouTube
videos we built the internet isn’t on capitol videos escapism for somebody just like a
reading a good book escapism for you seriously I’m asking I know people
around the world have something they really need to escape from the people
who are watching this much less fine I would argue and agree with you that
people have much bigger headaches then but the reality is that somebody’s
watching this has their micro version of what they think they’re skipping from I
sit here everyday and yell and say look if you’re white male in america Jesus
Christ you want about winning the lottery you want so I’m with you on that what what I’m fascinated entertaining
there’s nothing wrong people think cats just just acknowledge
you’re entertaining yourself you’re not doing your job that’s the only thing I’m
trying to put the question to India was what I’m doing my from India was when
I’m doing my job why are they using the other forms of
social media the answer is a quote you find what you want job but Neil Gaiman
has said is the way he deals with writers block has written a book in need
to do is he makes himself super bored he eliminates all input and so into you so
bored the only way to entertain himself is to right are you saying that one of
the big KPI’s for you just think the blog was not getting all that stimulus
in allowing you to create more forcing me to say either I did nothing today or
make something worthwhile that there are days when I will answer nothing but
email and I feel horrible at the end of the day cuz I don’t believe that the
product meets let me tell you what the most interesting part of this last 45
minutes was for me self-awareness for himself and I think
that to me is the most interesting part of what just happened like to me that
speaks to really understand yourself and positioning yourself in the best
position to succeed based on the successful contributors / artist I know
are similar so for me I need chaos like I just walked here I just walked into my
office lol laugh it was so quiet I started yelling at everybody I can’t get
into my place without all the employees are aware this is key it is but if we
look at most of the people who are showing up in my box and you’re about to
say what I do know what I do they’re copying pattern yes social media without
being aware of the tribes well I’m the question without being aware that
those patterns are sabotaging their mother pushing for you when a winner
when is it right when it arrived in that first try nothing see what happened if
you were forced to eat level up not by getting in but to level up by standing
out by saying something important 25 just sitting at home thinking it’s one of the funniest things about how I
go about things is I don’t want to read anybody else’s things I don’t consume
anything else because it puts me in that it’s really not even like I’m crazy that
way but I don’t want to consume anything cuz I just like observing people in
whatever format the real world digital world to be able to just do my thing cuz
that’s what makes me comfortable in analyzing it so it’s a little bit of
like it’s interesting so the way to the way we built the author MBA which is
cool I guess is it’s 28 days and there’s an enormous amount to do yes with your
name on it in public and commenting substantially with your name on it on
other people’s work like a repeat cycle repeats 1314 assignments before we do
some people struggled with that system everyone does that’s what it’s for you
if you if I sent you to Ranger School you’re going to struggle if I send you
to tightrope circus school you’re going to struggle that learning is hard that’s
why the dropout rate on online courses at 98% yes and the reason is because as
soon as it gets hard and it has to have you learned something you quit when
people are mad at watching my content because I talk about hard work and they
don’t want to hear that they want to see what the secret Asst you know what’s funny about that India
thank you brother because that’s what it is referring to I need to be accountable
to somebody I think about what triggered that game I needed to be accountable
somebody else besides myself India last one John asked what does
something we both disagree on i mean i
blog, how would you market it?” – I would go to Instagram and search every hashtag that you can think of around fatherhood, starting with fatherhood, Stunwin, let’s put you to work. Can you quickly check how many people have used the fatherhood hashtag on Instagram. I would go to Twitter search and I’d go […]
blog, how would you market it?” – I would go to Instagram
and search every hashtag that you can think of
around fatherhood, starting with fatherhood, Stunwin,
let’s put you to work. Can you quickly check how many people have used the fatherhood hashtag on Instagram. I would go to Twitter search
and I’d go to Instagram search and I would search the fatherhood hashtag. I would then look at
the content and I would engage with it, I would do that under the the name of your blog, not as Rick. – 464,000 of them. – 464,000, so there’s
464,000 pieces of content on Instagram that you can engage with in a jab way under an account you
create for the fatherhood blog, you go look at the
piece of content, you look at what the dad or the
mom of the dad and the kid wrote and you engage with
it, like “that’s cute”. Like I would go look at one, I’d see a dad holding a Patriots, a little Patriot baby, because it has a Patriot bib and I would jump in and be like boo
Patriots, you suck, but cute kid. Be real, jab, don’t be
like come to my blog, it’s really good, you
want to learn more about fatherhood come to my, no that’s spam. Engage in the community,
work 15 hours a day, grind, grind, grind,
grind, grind, that is the easiest and hardest way to do it. The other thing you can
do is go and map the 25-50 important fatherhood
blogs and platforms and ask to guest blog and
then you’re syphoning that audience, now you have to write
a good blog because nobody will come over if you stink and
that would be another thing. I’d also scrap up a couple
bucks, I would spend $20-50 a week, instead of buying a
shake or taking an Uber or going to see Star Wars, take
that $20-50 and buy Facebook ads against dads that show
interest about being a dad. There’s a million things that you can do. India.
“working 7 pm to 2 am doing what they love, but aren’t “sure how to monetize it, such as a blog?” – Helena? – Yeah. – You know Helena I think, you know, I think it’s dangerous not to have a concept of how you’re gonna monetize if you want money as a KPI meaning, […]
“working 7 pm to 2 am doing
what they love, but aren’t “sure how to monetize it, such as a blog?” – Helena?
– Yeah. – You know Helena I think, you
know, I think it’s dangerous not to have a concept of
how you’re gonna monetize if you want money
as a KPI meaning, I need everybody understand, there’s a difference between strategy and patience. You need to be patient to
execute your strategy but you need a strategy, and by the
way, strategy is very easy. If you’re building a personal
brand or you’re talking about coffee or things
of that nature, whatever you’re doing there’s
a lot of ways to sell. You sell as being a personality,
you show up at events to get paid for that, you
make a book and you sell that, you create a product, like a
coffee maker and you sell that. There’s not a lot of different
ways to monetize and make money, you make it through
advertising, you make it through appearance fees, you
make it through selling stuff. It’s quite basic so I’ve saved
you time on your strategy, that’s how you’re gonna monetize. You’re either gonna
syphon the leverage into a product, a service or your time. That’s it, that’s your strategy. I’ve told you, you now know
how you’re gonna do it. Now, what you really need to
worry about is does anybody give a crap about what you’re
doing between seven and two. You can’t just talk about
loving knitting or loving sneakers but nobody
thinks you’re good at it. You know there’s a little
bit of a metatocracy in this. The market has to care, and if the market doesn’t care, you lose. – [Voiceover] Daniel asks,
“I’m starting a fatherhood
GiantThinkers.com. – [Gary] Giant thinkers. – Recording this from Sydney, Australia. I am an author, a blogger, a podcaster, a speaker and CreativeLive instructor that helps emerging designers be employed. I have a “what would you do” question, Gary. Currently I have one book and CreativeLive courses for all of us bloggers and podcasters out […]
– [Gary] Giant thinkers. – Recording this from Sydney, Australia. I am an author, a blogger,
a podcaster, a speaker and CreativeLive instructor
that helps emerging designers be employed. I have a “what would
you do” question, Gary. Currently I have one book
and CreativeLive courses for all of us bloggers
and podcasters out there that are looking to better monetize. What would your next right hook be? Would it be to create another book, potentially a video course or
even a membership component? Cheers. – That’s a good question. Ram, right? Ram, great question, big
shout out to Australia. Looks like Australia next
March for the book tour is becoming very realistic. So going down under could be fun. Haven’t been there since
I’ve been in the wine world. Not true, actually just
remembered I flew in and flew out for a business talk
three or four years ago. Ram, I think it comes down to what’s the best product you could put out? Whatever form you think
that you can execute in. Whether that’s a second book
’cause you’re a great writer or an online course ’cause
you’re charismatic on video or a membership site because
you think you can provide enough value worth paying for
in a differentiated market, and yes you can taste my cynicism there, or continuing to build
up your brand to become more of a persona that
gets to publicly speak. I think speaking is a very
lucrative way to monetize one’s personality. I think it’d be really interesting
if, since it sounds like you’re teaching other
people to become employed, I think it’d be really
interesting for you to do more of that yourself. So instead of teaching
people how to make money, maybe you go out and get employed more so that you can speak to, like, “I did a million dollars
worth of gigs this year.” I think you know that from
me, I’m cynical to people just teaching for the sake of teaching. So I enjoy the fact that I’ve built, of course with AJ and team, but, like, I’ve built a
machine that does, soon to be, a hundred million dollars
in social media work. It sure give me a lot of
oomph to say now, like, this stuff works ’cause these companies don’t keep us around
’cause I’m charismatic. And so, you like the recall there? Recall. Go ahead, Stephon. Stephon? (laughs) Hey, Stephon. Hey, Stephon, over there.
(everyone laughs) Talk to Staphon.
(everyone laughs) And I’ll take a recall
(laughs) component here. Little rusty, a week away and… I think all of those are viable options. And for everybody who’s watching, you can tell the back-end
ones were the ones I’m more excited about because
I love proof in the pudding. I love proof in the pudding. I love proof in the pudding. That make you think of Bill Cosby, too?
“How would you market an HR staffing agency?” – Um, Kamil I would market an HR staffing agency by creating enormous amounts of content. I would probably reach out to the biggest HR software companies in the world to see if they had a blog, and then email them and say that you would love […]
“How would you market
an HR staffing agency?” – Um, Kamil I would market
an HR staffing agency by creating enormous amounts of content. I would probably reach out to the biggest HR software companies in the world to see if they had a
blog, and then email them and say that you would
love to write guest blogs around HR dynamics in organizations. I think that would be
incredible way to do it. I think guest blogging
is a stunning arbitrage that most people don’t take advantage of. If you are starting any
business right now of any, a landscaping business, a
chocolate making business, a candle selling business,
you go map the 15 sites that most of the people that
are likely to buy your product are spending their time reading, and reach out to the editors and ask them to guest blog, whether an audio form, video form, or written form,
depending on your skills sets. They may be a written blog,
you can’t write like me, and they won’t take video or audio, then you’re going to miss
out on the opportunity. But maybe you find two or three, being able to siphon that
attention to awareness around you, as long as you
don’t make your article about you selling stuff. You have to level up
and be a media company. So for you, what’s the name again, Kamil? – [India] Kamil. – Kamil, what you need to do is talk about six behaviors you look for in an employee that’s
been in your organization for three years, and
then you write about it, instead of saying, why using a staffing
agency is a good idea. Can’t be in your best interests, it has to be in the
audience’s best interests. Hence this show. This show is to bring
as much value as it can to build up equity, to bring up value, to bring up leverage. To guilt everybody who watches
and listens to this show to buying many, many books
of the #AskGaryVee show. Or tell people to watch it. That leads to speaking engagements or clients of VaynerMedia. Or, what I really care about,
’cause those last three things are nice-to-haves, turn
everybody in the world into a New York Jets fan when I own them. So, you know, I think that um. By the way, you know what’s
gonna be funny about that? I’m literally gonna clip that in 30 years, and I’m gonna play it in the stadium. Just want you to know. Um, so, I would do that. I would start putting out infographic or visuals in Instagram,
and use the right hashtags for discovery around HR. That may sound very weird. It’s probably very, very, very niche, but there are tons of
HR people on Instagram. I mean, we have a HR department,
they’re all on Instagram. So there’s a lot of hacks,
but it’s all about content. Level yourself up and
act like a media company instead of an agency. Put out content. That’s what we do for VaynerMedia. I, at the forefront, am great
at it, and that’s just truth. I mean, I’m sorry, but it’s true. I’m great at producing content. My team’s great at helping. You know, that has been
a huge gateway drug to new business and building
the brand of VaynerMedia. Then you have to deliver. Because what comes along with it, especially when your a personal brand that is charismatic, as
good looking as I am, is there’s a level of cynicism
that comes along with that. So a lot of our early clients were like, “Eh, is this Gary Vee with a
buncha bullshit behind him?” So then you gotta deliver too. So there’s a lot of things you have to do to be good at business. You have to bring ’em to the table, and then you gotta serve ’em great food. And then, they come
back to your restaurant. Get it? You like that? – Yeah, you can’t just get
’em to the restaurant, India.
– Hi everyone, I’m Nancy El Gaudi, at Nancy ElJudge on Twitter, (laughs) a little plug (laughs). So, as someone who is just working out building their personal brand, would you say, quality of concept is more important, or quantity of content. – Both! – Okay. (laughs) Should I be putting out stuff every day? […]
– Hi everyone, I’m Nancy
El Gaudi, at Nancy ElJudge on Twitter, (laughs) a
little plug (laughs). So, as someone who is just working out building their personal
brand, would you say, quality of concept is more important, or quantity of content. – Both! – Okay. (laughs) Should I be putting out stuff every day? – Yes! – What if I’m not passionate about it, what if I’m just going–
– No! – No, only stuff I’m passionate about. – Yes!
– Okay, cool. – And now, the question
becomes, do you have enough? – Right.
– And that’s why I just did that funny little exercise with you. Guys, we’re not all entitled
to have personal brands and make millions of dollars. – Yeah. – It’s predicated on
if you have the skill. Like, I really knew a shitload about wine. I really know a shitload
about business and marketing. You clearly are doing your thing with him. Like, you have to decide if
you’re actually good at it and you have enough, but
you’re gonna need both. – Yeah. – And, if you’re great,
and you got the content, you can do both, but that’s where the rubber hits the road, right? Like, you know, building a
personal brand is just like becoming a rock star,
musician, or a famous athlete, or a politician. We don’t all get to do it,
but you know what’s cool? Unlike the way our parents grew up and our great-grandparents grew up, we all get a chance. We all have a camera and a
phone, and we all get a chance. But, the cream is going to
rise to the top, my friends, not everybody’s entitled
to be a personal brand. – Okay. – making millions of dollars doing what they want to do at all times. It’s just not that easy. What’s special is that you get to find out if you’re good enough, because
there was millions of people that were good enough, but
didn’t live in Hollywood, that didn’t have parents that
could send them to Hollywood. And, that’s what’s special, not if you, that we’re all going to be famous, it’s that we all have a
chance to create something. – [Nancy] Thank you so much.
– [Gary] You’re welcome. – I really appreciate that.
– Thank you. Get in here, let’s go. Let’s go, big man.
“You don’t talk much about ad-blocking. “With more people doing it, how will small and medium “publishers and blogs survive?” – They’ll survive by adjusting to the reality of the marketplace. There used to not be ads and they would make native content and soap operas integrated their products into the shows. The Ed Sullivan […]
“You don’t talk much about ad-blocking. “With more people doing
it, how will small and medium “publishers and blogs survive?” – They’ll survive by adjusting to the reality of the marketplace. There used to not be ads and they would make native content and soap operas integrated their products into the shows. The Ed Sullivan Show put a big fat car, a Lincoln town car that paid
for that entire show in it. And Alpo, or whatever that,
that’s Alpo’s dog food, right? Alpo used to bring out it’s, right? Used to bring out the
dog on the Today Show and eat the God damn Alpo
right in front of America. And so ads my friends are
just one way to monetize. I didn’t run ads on Wine Library TV all those years when everybody told me. I decided to get paid millions
of dollars to write a book, and to speak, and to
actually build an audience and monetize them differently instead of making nickels
and dimes on them. Nickels and dimes are cool. But you know what’s way better? Hundred dollars bills. I feel like that’s from the movie, right? I mean that’s what it is though. And so I’m laughing at everybody’s panic because I think lowest common denominator, average players are going to
get forced into being better. I actually think this is
going to motivate people to step up their game
and not just mail it in. And so I’m excited to just
watch smaller and large. You know, it’s way more, you know, it’s a funny question and I’m sure it’s coming from an entrepreneurial place. Big companies have a lot
more to lose than you. Like ad-blocking, listen. It’s all relative right? Like your 400 bucks,
their 40 million, fine. But like everybody’s equal in this. Everybody’s going to be disrupted. Not just small businesses
and small publishers. Big publishers that make
all their God damn money on banner ads and things of that nature have a real issue at hand and
I think it’s God damn great. Because what I think is actually happening is that it’s better for the end consumer. I mean it is not fun for me. Especially now that we’re
on full, I need it back. Sorry periscope. How are you guys doing. I’m just showing you DRock. Actually I’ll show you myself because you don’t want to look at DRock. Well they’d rather look at me. It’s the #AskGaryVee show DRock. You know, I forgot my thought
because I got mad at DRock. You know, because, got it. Because I don’t want to go to like ESPN.com and check a score and a big fat banner ad pops up and I got to X it and then I miss it and then I’m going to
something I don’t want and that costs me six seconds
and time is the asset. And so I really really think it’s great. I’m not talking about it because I’ve been talking about intrusive
advertising my whole life. This is just a continuation. It will get, Tivo, ad-blocking,
whatever comes next. Feedblocker. Like whatever it is,
it’s all going to happen. It’s all happening India. – It’s all happening, feel good?
on the #AskGaryVee Show. – This is amazing. – Gary who? – Follow him, mother [bleep]! Hey Gary, it’s Matthias Schaudig aka @mschaudig here from Germany. Just got a quick question. I just thought up my new YouTube channel and blog and I’m putting out content in German and English. How would you manage multilingual […]
on the #AskGaryVee Show. – This is amazing. – Gary who? – Follow him, mother [bleep]! Hey Gary, it’s Matthias
Schaudig aka @mschaudig here from Germany. Just got a quick question. I just thought up my new
YouTube channel and blog and I’m putting out content
in German and English. How would you manage multilingual
content in social media? Thanks for your answer. – Do it again, the wink is amazing. Do it again ’cause I really enjoyed it. – To begin the whole– – Yeah, the beginning I didn’t fully get. – [Matthias] Yo bro, it’s your
opportunity to ask a question on the #AskGaryVee Show. – Gary who? – [Matthias] Follow him, mother [bleep]! (laughter) – Amazing. Matthias had an amazing, amazing video. Big ups to you, I’m glad to
give you some exposure in here. Make sure you leave a
comment in Facebook as well to like get more fans out of this ’cause clearly you’ve
got a nice buzz going. Not buzz like alcoholic, I mean, like, not buzz like I drink wine all the time when you’re not looking! (laughter) I mean, I mean, buzz like
you got some good energy. Look, I think, I think
you know to handle this better than I do. There’s certain questions
that come along the show that the truth is, I’m
not a practitioner in, I haven’t managed, I
mean our brands have and I would say the one thing
that I would think a lot about is if you’re handling
them in two languages, really use the capabilities
of Facebook specifically that allow you to only
target people that are, you know, German speaking with the content and then only English speaking. Huge opportunity there. Obviously English is a universal language at a lot of places at this point so there’s something to
think about there but I think it’s the targeting capabilities and with Instagram getting
Facebook’s targeting capabilities late this year, I think
you’ll have a chance where you’re able to segment properly and plan where your content’s going by language and region. And I think that’s super important and so I would say that it’s the organized planning upfront of the distribution of the content that you have more flexibility
around in today’s world that you should take full advantage of. There’s a lot of platforms that you can’t, Pinterest, Twitter, things of that nature and there I think you’re
just doing your thing. I’ve seen a ton of people manage both. I’m a big fan of something
with brands here talk called Spanglish, you know,
which is like Spanish English. I’m very intrigued by some
of the work we’ve done for Latino brands where we
start a sentence in a Tweet in Spanish and then finish it in English. Have you tried the
German English play yet? Where you actually are putting out content that has both languages in it. In the post and the copy
hack a little bit there. I think I just gave a lot of people a good little nugget there. I think that will work. I think you’ll see a real
over-indexing opportunity there, especially with the youth who
are playing in both languages and who grew up in
households where, like I did, with Russian and English. You start a sentence in Russian and you finish it in English. That’s how a bilingual works and I think you should play with that.