– Gary, what’s going on? It’s Captain Cory from CaptCory.tv and the Captain’s Vlog on YouTube. I’m in the back of the airplane because it’s more quiet but I got a couple questions for you. First off, Gary aside for your incredible interpersonal skills, what would you say is the most important leadership quality that […]
– Gary, what’s going on? It’s Captain Cory
from CaptCory.tv and the Captain’s Vlog on YouTube. I’m in the back of the airplane
because it’s more quiet but I got a couple
questions for you. First off, Gary aside for your
incredible interpersonal skills, what would you say is the most
important leadership quality that you deploy amongst
those that you lead? And the second part
of that question, what are two important
leadership qualities that we as young leaders can develop
that’ll make us more effective as leaders and have a greater
influence and make a bigger difference amongst those? Appreciate all you do.
Love the show. I’m not watching as much any
more ’cause I’m grinding and hustling but love it.
Love what you do, man. If you ever need
a ride too, man, let me know. – That’s good. That’s my big thesis
by the way, Oliver. Unlike a lot of people, I actually want my audience
of people to decline– – Sure. – because I want to inspire
people to actually go do. – Right. – The amount of
reading all our books, watching all our stuff,
that’s fine and I like that. – Yep. My tagline’s always
been I get shit done. Just get it done. – You’ve been a successful
leader in your companies, what’s the biggest thing
that has really worked for you? – I think being humanistic which
is a word that I don’t think many people, especially
in this country, use. But there’s a real value
to putting humans first. And it sounds so trite but
there’s a real value to having empathy and putting humans
first and looking at them from a perspective that you can
say, how do I help you grow? What is both this sympathy parts
and the nourishment parts that are going to help you realize
your potential as a person? And I’ve started
seven companies now and made a lot of mistakes. Human resources is the hardest
thing to do at scaling a company because I always make
the joke they are neither a resource nor human,
human resources. And so–
– That’s why the head of mine is called Chief Heart
Officer, Claude. Claude is the number two person in this company
and everybody knows it. It is the foundation at
Vayner because we sell people. – Yep, exactly and so, I mean
you’re in a service business, in a content business so
that makes sense and so I think taking a lens of humanism has
been the biggest gift for me. It’s one of the reasons
I moved to Iceland. You have a humanistic society that doesn’t punish people
for their weaknesses. – I like that. – You have no poverty,
you have no homelessness. You have reform
instead of prison. Big, important things especially
coming from a place like Mississippi where I was born. You look at that and
that’s a place where people are not
treated like humans. There are systems in place. I remember with American Express
we made a movie called “Spent” about payday lenders in America. Talk about your
audience and the pains. That’s $1 trillion business
in America that is parasitic. – Yep. – It adds no value to
the system whatsoever. In Iceland, a human human right is to be able to
access your money. – Sure. – Here we have the basic
principles of our economy are inaccessible in my hometown to
80% of the people have to go to a payday lender and a check
cashing place and spend a percentage of their income just to take just to be able
to spend their money. That is not humanistic. That is counter to anything that will help a system
grow and evolve. – I couldn’t agree
more with the human– – Not to rant about
payday lenders but fuck– – but it’s a valid point and
I think from my standpoint it’s listening and
it’s self-awareness. I think the biggest mistake
charismatic CEOs make is they try to fake the funk and act
like they know everything. – Mhmmm. – I always feel like I think
I know everything and lot of you leave
comments about ego. Only ’cause I stay in my lane. There’s a very narrow
world where I’m very good. I tend to never go out of it. You notice how
I have social media and business people
on the show. This is not a healthcare expert. We’re not talking about
hair dying activities. This is not, nobody’s gonna be
on the show talking about how to raise cattle because I’m not
gonna put myself in a position where I do not know what
the fuck I am talking about. – Right. – And so being all-in on what
you know and then being very empathetic and listening and deploying humility against
the things you don’t know. People pick up on
that real, real, real fast. Because when you come across
somebody that works for you that does know the thing that
your bullshitting about and you bullshit it,
you just lost a winner. – Yep.
– You’ve just lost a winner. – It’s about building
that trusted relationship at every level of all of this. – I got to get the
hell out of here.
Sean from Denver, Colorado here. You can see the beautiful Rocky Mountains in the background. My question for you about negotiation. What are your best tips for getting the deal done and making sure that it’s mutually beneficial for both parties? – Sean, it’s interesting. Great question. Thank you for heeding the call for better […]
Sean from Denver, Colorado here. You can see the beautiful Rocky
Mountains in the background. My question for you
about negotiation. What are your best tips for
getting the deal done and making sure that it’s mutually
beneficial for both parties? – Sean, it’s interesting.
Great question. Thank you for heeding
the call for better video, better scenery in the background. I’m sure there’s a bunch there
pent up from a month or two ago. It’s funny. They’re one of the same. I’m very aggressive. And I very aggressively go
after a person and say look as quickly as possible I
want you to trust me. Tell me what you want. What is in your vested interest? If I can figure out what that
person wants and first I go with honesty and you know it’s funny
and when somebody is negotiating with you they don’t
want to give you honesty. And actually I use it as a
tactic to build a relationship. If I go at somebody and say look
you guys know this with, some of you know
this with salaries. It’s how I negotiate
almost everything. I just want to know. Because by the way, if you say
“Hey, I want to pay VaynerMedia “four dollars a month,” and I want
four dollars a month well then we just saved a lot of time. I’m like cool.
Let’s do it. I think my best tactic has
been the same which is honesty, truth and aggressiveness to extract the truth
from the other person. I’m naturally a counter puncher. In my marketing and
definitely in my negotiating. What do you want to
happen for how much? And if I can get them
into a truthful place. Now one of the keys to my
strategy is drawing a line in the sand. When I say to somebody
give me your best offer and if I can hit, I’ll do it. If they then give me an
offer that I can’t do I have to say no
and I can’t move. It’s all grounded in truths. I think you have to know what
you want and I think you have to try to extract from the
other person what they want. And you need to try to make
them feel comfortable that you’re in their best interest. One thing I do is I point to
my career at this point and let them know I’ve done everything
on lifetime value that I don’t need to make much money up
front it’s all of the long-term. I require that for my people. I require that for my partners. I just think the right way to
go there is go right at it. What’s going to
get this deal done? For me, I’d rather leave profit
on the table to get the deal done quicker. I think too many want to
guess the higher number. Let that one $8000 for this. I think too many people are like
12,000 instead of saying how much is it going to get done and
Staphon says 7500 if I’m okay with that because I want 8000
I’m like good, done, let’s go. Speed, movement, trust,
relationships finding a place where you can trust that
person you’re on the same page. That’s how I see it. – [Voiceover] Nishita asks,
“Gary, how do design changes to
– [Voiceover] Mike asks, “As a copywriter/fiction writer, a lot “of work goes uncredited or remains private to buyers. “What’s the best way for me to showcase my business without “practical examples of my work?” For Fiverr, it’s a very fair question. Fiverr when you come as a buyer you buy on Fiverr like you […]
– [Voiceover] Mike asks, “As a
copywriter/fiction writer, a lot “of work goes uncredited or
remains private to buyers. “What’s the best way for me to
showcase my business without “practical examples of my work?” For Fiverr, it’s a
very fair question. Fiverr when you come as a buyer
you buy on Fiverr like you buy your book on Amazon. And Gary’s book, please.
Ideally. You buy what you see. Buying what you don’t see is a
little more difficult so how do you do that? It’s about your seller profile,
it’s about your skills, it’s about the emotion and your
talents on how to describe your gig on Fiverr. It’s about to show your
personality, it’s about the put your face as your profile
picture and not use a design. You want to create trust
and confidence to do that. That would be my
clear recommendations. – I would say this again I’m
going to pound this because it is just true. They wouldn’t be here, you know
that, this is a great tool at what it does you don’t need to
make every tool do everything for you. If you want to get your name
out there as this great writer there’s something called Medium.
Medium is amazing. You can get completely
discovered, all day long, write for free.
You want exposure? It comes at a cost, it’s
called not getting paid for it. I wish you got paid $100,000
to write an article for the New York Times and get
money and exposure. I wish. I also wish I was 6-foot-5
and could throw 100 miles an hour so I can be a
baseball player. Wishing doesn’t mean anything,
here’s the practical answer. You don’t use that
screwdriver to hit in a nail. You have a whole tool belt. You don’t need to make Fiverr
do this and you don’t need Snapchat. Everyone’s like, “Oh Snapchat how are
you going to target?” You don’t. You just realize that every
13 to 25-year-old is on it. And it’s awareness. So what I would say it’s funny
eluded back to a recall when I said I see this social
media-Fiverr I guess what I see is I think of your designer or
songwriter or things of that nature using the Fiverr URL on
your Instagram to drive people there to create transactions
around your free creative in an Instagram environment
could be quite interesting. It’s a very subtle way to throw
a right hook without it doing especially because
of the oomph now. There’s a lot of Fiverr’s. I’m sure there’s a lot of
marketplaces out there but this now has the oomph in the same
way that a Facebook something of that nature an Amazon has. There’s a lot of
bookstores on the Internet. Once something hit scales
and it’s the brand you take advantage of that and so I would
say write great stories for free on platforms where
people can see it. Here’s a good one and go
and search every fiction or nonfiction Facebook Page that
has a lot of followers and ask them if you can write an
original story for them to post in their community. I’m sure there’s something
called “Fantasyland Fantasy” where you write a great little
fantasy article, a story– – And what kind
of page was that? – It’s a Facebook page. – Meaning?
Moving on. – I think there is some kind of
silly page that has 4 million fantasy readers that people love
that Harry Potter and stuff like that, you write a great
story for it they post because they said yes or maybe they’ll charge you for
the exposure, I don’t know. Heck, you may have to get
charged to build your brand and things of that nature. Nonetheless it’s about exposure
and you got to find the avenues that have it and not every
tool has to everything for you. – [Adam] Great. Last question.
people who don’t keep their word?” – Wealth, I’ll be very honest with you I think one of the great secrets of my business success and life in general is zero expectation of others. I know that a lot of people get mad at me when I say that in my life, in my business […]
people who don’t
keep their word?” – Wealth, I’ll be very honest
with you I think one of the great secrets of my business
success and life in general is zero expectation of others. I know that a lot of people get
mad at me when I say that in my life, in my business life,
when I say it in public but it’s my truth. I’m just not that devastated.
It’s a data point. People don’t keep their
word all the time, India. As a matter of fact,
it’s probably a thing I struggle with the most in being
the CEO of this company. A lot of people have worked in
other places where the person hasn’t kept their word and
they’re cynical to my word. And listen, by the way,
I haven’t kept my word my whole life. Even now because something
may fall through the inbox. Like, you see
what’s going on now. Right? I know that I promised to give a
shoutout or a birthday wish and I miss it. There’s human error in not
keeping your word and then there’s just not keeping
your word which happens often. It’s a reality,
humans are flawed. And I would tell you that the
biggest differentiation between myself and many others if I’m
self-evaluating that has been a big deal for me is
I just don’t cry. There’s no crying in business. How do I deal with it? I move on.
I collect data. I’m like, “Oh, Staphon doesn’t
keep his word very often “so his word is not as valuable
to me so I’m going “to take it with a grain of salt “that he’s going to
actually link this up.” Whatever it may be, I think
it’s something that you know, I don’t like entitlement. And I do think believe it or
not, I do think that people get upset with others from a
level of entitlement more than anything else. Like sorry, Rick. Sorry, Wealth Wellness,
Wealth Life sorry that entrepreneur life
let you down and didn’t post that thing. It is what it is what it is. I just let stuff
roll off my back. It is what it is. I’m just prepared
for the negative and so I’m completely unfazed by it. I’m like,
“Oh, that was intriguing.” Not like, “Oh, screwed me.
I’ve been sabotaged. “I failed because India didn’t
come through with her word.” “Ogilvy screwed me.” It’s business.
Put on your pants. Your big boy, big girl
pants and get to work. I contextualize it. I use it as a data set for my
next business behavior with that individual or organization
and I just move on. And, I don’t dwell
and I go forward. People slow themselves down. – [India] Ready?
It’s good. Really good. – Thanks, it’s true.
It’s true. It’s the game, I’m sorry. People are going
to let you down. People are not
going to come through. Almost nothing turns
out the way I want it to. It’s the ability to adjust to
that that separates winners and losers in the business world. – [India] From Justin.
– Justin. Timberlake?
thought leader the question you don’t have to think about you know you can pick up semantics semantics matter a whole bunch here what does authority given me and I think the currencies of anybody who wants to make change happen right now our attention and trust and they’re in a virtuous cycle you don’t […]
thought leader the question you don’t have to think
about you know you can pick up semantics semantics matter a whole bunch here what
does authority given me and I think the currencies of anybody who wants to make
change happen right now our attention and trust and they’re in a virtuous
cycle you don’t get attention unless your trusted you don’t get customized
you get attention there are other kinds of attention you can you know like
yourself on fire in the street children trust doing that so this attention trust
cycle goes around the question then is how do you get there I don’t think you
get there by saying how do I hustle content media player to figure out how
to get in front of people never heard of me and somehow seduce them I think you
do it by being generous I think that people tend to trust folks who step up
before they have to they trust people who keep their promises especially when
it’s not convenient they trust people who tell them the truth and if you do
those things they’re prob gonna tell someone else you’ll get more attention
and more chances to be generous and the cyclone goes it goes good and guess what
it probably never ends at a moment where you say ok now it’s my turn to take take
take we left the take take take part out mostly you don’t feel like you own hinds
00 hines anything you don’t feel like you owe TWA anything you just are in
this environment where you know your attention is precious you know your trust has been abused if
someone shows up and treat your attention with kindness and earned your
trust every day well then one of the byproducts will be they will want to
hear what you have to say next super easy to figure
out why this guy and I get along if you’ve been watching this show is that
just wrapped up a hundred eighty four episodes in one statement I think it i
know i think im trying to play along here I think what would a super
interesting about that answer and this question is that’s right and I think
it’s good I think one of the reasons that iPad personal success is because I
think about things in such a long period of time that that answer spoke to me
because it’s my natural state when you think about things that a 10 or 20 or 40
year kind of cycle in your behavior matches that and so you’re not worried
about their one week one day one month even one year results and then I also
think the market gets to decide there’s one thing that i very much believe I
just put a little asterisks please because you’re you’re about to sell
yourself short here he’s scared that glacial strategy which says I’m a
glacier and make it all the way down the Hudson to the ocean and it’s obvious
we’re going to take a long time yes I would say that the strategy you’re
talking about which you have done consistently is that at any given moment
the short term thinker thinks you’re an idiot because you are not treating and
that the key is that you were doing things that are so generous and so trust
earning that people look at you and say why aren’t you doing that other taking
thing and it’s that feeling that the people around you think you’ve lost your
mind that’s what makes it scares me a little bit weird and you know this
because of my purse because my personality actually on stage and style
makes people think I am in short-term game you know I I recognize that my vibe
at times comes across as the worst version of the things that you’re
referring to and so it takes people a little bit of
time to completely figure me out a lot of fact I would tell you one of the
interesting things about how I live my life the reason I so deeply you know
you’ll infection toward Jews I was surprised myself how quickly you like I
can’t judge people based on how quickly they get me or not and and it’s and it’s and I always
wonder if it’s I am never sure if I do it on purpose if the stick is almost
clearly on purpose or was it always natural I think it’s not going they’re
based on what happened in school long before I thought about these things but
that’s right at the end of the day the thing that really really matters to me
is whether step said that whether I say it whether the president of the bottom
line is the market gets to decide you know when you make book when you write a
blog post when I feel like you know at the end of the market is the judge and
so when you think about who’s the peacemaker who the authority in today’s
world we clearly of mediums today and look what’s going on here right now you
know you talked about this that’s fine but that would basically I mean it’s
incredible don’t live and production TV here think about this twenty years ago
you and through the whole everyone on their own media company its create one
thing we need to amplify here though there isn’t one market there are many
market yes so you can sell to a market that wants you to be a pickup artist yes
there whatever but just please understand that’s your market don’t call
me cause I’m not your market and my argument is that most people especially
the people you want to be trusted by don’t like to be hustled percent and I
wish that a whole bunch of people call themselves the attackers were right on
the wall most people I care about don’t want to
be hustled because being hustled makes you feel bad agreed but I got india price he’s got a
candidate right where do you see the
“from telling blatant lies about my business, “without stooping to their level?” – Craig, by recognizing those blatant lies have no impact on your future. Now, stick with me here. It’s hard, because you’ll say, “no way, Gary, it’s already had an impact. This person stopped working with me because of that lie.” Net net […]
“from telling blatant
lies about my business, “without stooping to their level?” – Craig, by recognizing those blatant lies have no impact on your future. Now, stick with me here. It’s hard, because you’ll say, “no way, Gary, it’s already had an impact. This person stopped working
with me because of that lie.” Net net with me, my friend. Net net with me. If they’re lies, and they may not be, let’s first make sure
they’re lies, my man. But if they’re lies, you will win. Lies have been, people have
tried that tactic on me, you will never, ever win that game if you’re on the lying end. Like, the truth is undefeated. You just have to be patient. So, the fact of the matter is, that’s too much on your mind. By you even asking me this
question, it’s bubbled up, and it’s really no different, and I’m sorry to use this, ’cause it’s an extreme version of it, and it’s obviously top
of everybody’s mind. It’s really, in some weird way,
no different than terrorism. Like, terrorism works
because people get scared, and that’s propaganda. Right? And of course things happen, but what they’re trying to
do is get people not to fly, not to go to Europe,
like, all these things. They scare you, they make these videos and say “we’re gonna go
after all these places” to scare people in those places. That’s how it works. That’s what that is as
well, which is like, they’re trying to propaganda your clients into believing that. But when there’s a net result a year later, two years later, when people are like, “oh,
Gary’s just good at Twitter. VaynerMedia’s not,” I mean, you know people said
VaynerMedia was gonna fail because I’m just a social media pundit, I’m just bullshit and
pizzazz, I’m all this? Well, they lost. Because now here we are. And so as long as you’re
confident in your execution, please do not spend time
going on the defense against your competitors
who are lying about you. Just go do your thing and let the results show for themselves. This is a very important thing. People get way too hung up on their negative comments on YouTube, the competition making lies about them. The results always speak for themselves. Marky Mark was not gonna
transition into a real celebrity, until Mark Wahlberg did it. Justin Bieber was always
just gonna be a teeny bopper until he put out fire. Right? Like, the truth always wins. Period. – [India] Nice.
– Hey Gary, it’s Mark Cuban, I like to know what your go-to interview questions are. Questions you have to ask every candidate that you interview every time. Inquiring minds wanna know. – Cuban’s with the nice hat. I like that. Mark, who’s accomplished in his life the goal I have, which is to own […]
– Hey Gary, it’s Mark Cuban,
I like to know what your go-to interview questions are. Questions you have to ask every candidate that you interview every time. Inquiring minds wanna know. – Cuban’s with the nice hat. I like that. Mark, who’s accomplished
in his life the goal I have, which is to own
professional sports teams, I like that. And a lot of you are fans of Mark and he’s a really smart
dude, knows his stuff. With interviews, I really
try to reverse-engineer what the person wants. I try to break down the
person in an interview within the first few
minutes of meeting them to fully trust and believe
in me, which is something I tried doing to all these
guys on a daily basis. It’s a never-ending battle
from the day I try to interview to four years into our relationship. How can I disproportionately
get their trust because I know my intent and my actions mapped to doing good things 96 percent of the time. And I’d like to think 100, but sometimes there’s a miscommunication
if it is the right thing. And so I try to get them
to tell me the truth. Things like, I wanna come
to VaynerMedia to steal all your ideas and see how you do it, so I can start my own agency
and steal some of the people here to start it. I’m not bothered by that. I’m like, cool, great. Staphon, that’s your plan. I’ll help you. I’ll speed that up. But I expect you to work
your fucking face off 19 hours a day for the next three years for me to then help you
start your own thing. I don’t care what you want. I don’t care. I want to know what it is, so I try to get to that place very quickly. I think the other that
I’m always doing as well is at the same token as
I’m hearing those answers, I’m trying to feel out the person. I’m complete. When I interview, there’s
times where I’m in compelete Charlie Brown mode. I’m not even hearing a word you’re saying. It’s is want want want
want, I’m just going by the feel. The feel is what has
guided me the whole time. Not necessarily the words,
there’s no black and white answer. I still find it intriguing
that I ask almost everybody about siblings. It’s maybe because I love
by brother and sister so much. And I don’t judge if you’re an only child, I don’t say, oh, well you
don’t work well with others, all that dumb, cliche shit. I know plenty of only-children,
the most charistmatic of all time, and can work with everybody. And I know only-children
that cliche don’t play well with the others. I know plenty of jerk-offs
in this office that have 17 (beeps) brothers and sisters
and don’t know how to play. So that’s not what I’m looking for. I don’t know even why I
asked that question, Mark, about the siblings. But it makes, I’d like to think,
and I explain it’s because of my relationship with
mine and how I like it. And so it’s really the feeling, and trying to reverse-engineer the person. That’s what I’m looking for, Mark. Those are the insights, my man. – [Voiceover] Shannon
asks, “How do you feel about
“You always say that people pay for services that give time. “What area needs a timesaving business like an Uber?” – Sam, I don’t know all of them. For example, I would absolutely pay for my clone to do this show right now so I could be in the meeting that I really have to […]
“You always say that people pay
for services that give time. “What area needs a timesaving
business like an Uber?” – Sam, I don’t know all of them. For example, I would absolutely pay for my clone to do this show right now so I could be in the meeting that I really have to be in, right? Obviously that’s a little
farfetched and a little faraway, but I think there’s a ton of things. I think I would pay a
lot of money right now to have somebody on
demand do certain things for my grandma in her
retirement home, right? Picking up my cleaners. Obviously there’s the Postmates and people that are saving
time, but I actually think, I got a good one for you. I’m gonna go deep here a little bit, even though I’m a little bit of a rush and I clearly am talking a
little faster than normal, so all of you, so for all of you that are
listening to this on 2x speed, let’s 4x this shit, here we go. When Facebook really hit and
MySpace was still leading, like kind of leader, everybody started creating
niche social networks, right? Niche social networks. I would have invested in
the baseball social network, the gardening social network, the Goth museum social network, like, I’m kidding. I really, really, the niches were happening, right? What it turned out to be, hindsight, was we only needed one social network. I actually think the
reverse is gonna happen for the timesaving economy. Meaning, there’s Postmates and there was all these kind
of, like, “We do everything.” I actually think this is gonna be a space where people win on niching out. So, like, a dry cleaner pickup thing. Shyp, S-H-Y-P, I’m obsessed with. We got a little money in in our last fund disclosure for Shyp, no, not a lot, but boy, do I love them because nobody wants to
go to the post office, so I think that’s an incredible one. You know, I think there’s, look, I’ll give you one, like,
“I don’t wanna go shopping,” like, “Come to me here at Vayner. “Let me put on some shoes
and pants real fast, “five minutes, and I’m out.
I will buy so much more.” So, personal shopping
coming here, big one. There’s Instacart, so there’s food. Literally, anything you do, any, like, Question of the Day. List two things that you
do that you hate doing. That’s in play. ‘Cause you hate doing it because you’d rather
be doing something else and that’s where the time arbitrage is and so, you know, gardening,
hanging pictures in your house, like, just everything. Just everything is gonna be arbed. Anything a human doesn’t
want to do is in play. I’m trying to think of
one more good example. Anybody got one that popped to their mind? – [Staphon] Laundry. – [Gary] No, but laundry’s-
– They’d come in and hit it. – No. No, no. Get back
to here. Staphon, no, no, There’s nothing that’s
a singular app right now that literally you press a button and you give somebody a bag, like, how about you don’t even put a bag? How about they walk into your
house and take your pile? Because we’re living
in a more open society where trust is a real play. We’re letting people stay in our home. Wait a minute. You’re telling me that somebody wouldn’t leave
their door open and let, and just put a pile of,
this is what I would do. Put a pile of clothes in the front and somebody could come
with a key and get it in a world where Airbnb, you’re letting people stay in your home? Trust is on the rise, my friends, ’cause transparency is on the rise. Getting harder to hide
and do the wrong thing. Very, very interesting times.
“integrity in the communications industry?” – Dylan I want to too and I think the answer is there absolutely is but I think that there’s integrity, there’s very little integrity in every single market, advertising, politics, sports, music. The reason integrity is so attractive is it’s so hard. It’s far and few between and integrity’s […]
“integrity in the
communications industry?” – Dylan I want to too
and I think the answer is there absolutely is but I
think that there’s integrity, there’s very little integrity
in every single market, advertising, politics, sports, music. The reason integrity is so
attractive is it’s so hard. It’s far and few between and
integrity’s defined differently by everybody and I think
it’s interesting to watch. I actually think society
is giving people more room to be flawed, which is intriguing. I think the level of
integrity, the way integrity is viewed upon today I
think is in a much better place than it was by society
let’s say 50 years ago because I think we’re
now factoring in that nobody’s perfect and we’re making mistakes even by standards like
drugs and relationships and cheating, like intense
stuff, I think there’s an interesting evolution and I think that that’s allowed for a
little bit more gray and a little bit more if you’re
really on your high horse creating a scenario where
you judge integrity. But I think in a lot of ways
there’s plenty of integrity. I think there’s a ton of
integrity out there still. I’ve been saying this
a lot lately, I said on another video, are we gonna bang out that video that I did earlier today? – [Voiceover] Which one, we did four. – Yeah I know, the last one we did. – [Voiceover] The Twitter one? – Yeah, Staphon’s working on it? – [Voiceover] Yup. – In there I say, no I think
it was a different one. – [Voiceover] It was the other one. – It was in another one, I screwed up. But, I’m a big fan of this
thing that’s on my mind right now which is you find
what you’re looking for. You know, I see integrity everyday. Everyday and I think it’s
because I look for it and I look half glass full,
like this is Niagra Falls to me. Like this is a very full
glass and I think that plenty of people can see plenty
of what’s missing. I think that’s as much on you my man as it is on what’s actually
happening in the marketplace.
“to sacrifice your ethics for a business win?” – Thomas, this is a great question. As you know, it’s because of the #AskGaryVee Show and how busy I’ve been, I haven’t been answering a lot of the #AskGaryVee, if any, of the #AskGaryVee questions as they come through my Twitter feed. But I answered that […]
“to sacrifice your ethics
for a business win?” – Thomas, this is a great question. As you know, it’s because
of the #AskGaryVee Show and how busy I’ve been, I
haven’t been answering a lot of the #AskGaryVee, if any,
of the #AskGaryVee questions as they come through my Twitter feed. But I answered that one pretty damn quick. India, give me the call on
how fast I responded to that, in minutes or days. – [India] Looks like less than… – Less than a couple minutes, good. And the answer was a big, fat no. And by the way, I’m gonna break this down into an interesting place. So it’s not only no because
I wanna live a noble life and be a good dude and
like ethics matter to me, and my legacy. I think everybody who
knows me, knows my legacy. I’m obsessed with my legacy. Over the currency. So that would be that factor. But it’s also because I actually think it’s practically the right thing. I’m a big fan, right of the slower-hedged money. I feel like I make more money
if I don’t grasp at the money that’s in front of me and so
one of the biggest reasons I won’t break my ethics is,
if I do break my ethics, the people that I’m building
around me would see that. You know, my assistants
see everything that I do. They’ve complete ac– Steve, you access to my inbox?
– [Steve] I do. – Steve has full access to my inbox. If he sees, you know, it’s
hard to do anything now not documented. If I do something that breaks… At this point he as a good
sense of what my morals are and how I roll. He would, if he saw me do something, even if it didn’t have
anything to do with his world or the stuff that we do together, that breaks that compass, he would then have to question everything that I’ve established with
him as a moral compass. Which would then lose
the trust that we have. Which would then slow us down in all the speed that I value the most. It’s speed. The fact that this whole team here, and this whole collective team here and you as a team here don’t have to, once you get to know me. Once I can get over that hump. Don’t have to then question anything from a moral or emotional standpoint, it adds to the speed of everything. That’s what a great culture is. It’s speed. You’re not spending the 15
minutes a day bickering. You’re not spending the four hours a day wondering if that person’s
trying to ruin you. You’re not doing those things
which then lets you go fast. And fast, fast, my friends
is the oxygen of winning the big, fast, important game. See it’s even a game called fast. You have to be fast. (laughs) So for me, it’s really
important that everything breaks the second I make that kind of decision. And there’s just not enough money. I mean, I guess there’s enough money, everybody has a price. (inhales deeply) A trillion? (laughs) A trillion would feel– and you know what’s even funny? It’s funny, even if Zach came
out of my mouth, I don’t know, I don’t know, I’m gonna end up, I’m gonna end up leaving a
lot of money on the table in my life because that’s
not the way I score myself. I score myself on number
amount of people– The matrix of the number amount of people that come to my funeral
and the business success that I was able to create. I’d be lying if was just about everybody showing up to my funeral but then I was like, didn’t
win in this game that I played, scored in business growth,
dollars, all the things, the game But a hefty push to that funeral number. Again, recently,
unfortunately in a tech space we had a beloved character pass away of CEO of Survey Monkey
that a lot of people knew. A lot of my friends knew him really well. I didn’t really know him
well but it was interesting how I was affected by it
just watching the outpouring of what kind of a mensch, what kind of a great human being he was. I’d be lying if I didn’t say,
“Wow, that’s a little bit of a preview of what I
want at scale as well.” And so, you know it’s funny, I literally said a trillion and I’m taking it back. I just can’t go there. It’s just not the way I want
people talking about me. – [India] That’s it.