First off, I want to start by thanking you for putting out all that content. I’ve been an entrepreneur for over five years now and I feel like that I am becoming a better businessman, a better entrepreneur thanks to your content and insight so thank you for that. This is my question. I’ve been […]
First off, I want to start by thanking you for putting
out all that content. I’ve been an entrepreneur for
over five years now and I feel like that I am becoming
a better businessman, a better entrepreneur
thanks to your content and insight so thank you for that. This is my question. I’ve been working to get with a
few interns for couple years now and they’re always around
21-years-old and I feel that they’re lacking two
important skills. The first skill is critical
thinking or self-criticism. They should think about what
should I do first and what next. Why am I advising this? Is what I produced
really good enough? The second skill is
taking ownership. When all given tasks are
finished do they start thinking about what the next
best step could be? Do you have any idea how I,
as a boss, as a guides, can help them
develop their skills? Thanks. – Jelle, listen, I think that the answer to your question is the critique that you
are putting on them. You are critiquing them for
this kind of thoughtfulness, critical thinking and then
action and taking the initiative in being on the offense. My answer to you is you need to
do the same with you as a boss and you need to audit
yourself to do that. Meaning there is no reason
that you should be in a scenario where you’re struggling with
21-year-old interns for long period of time because the
truth is if you put the time and effort to really audit them and
really spend time with them and then decide for you whether
you’re right or wrong as the judge and jury, as the boss,
that they’re good or they’re not good you could speed up
this process very quickly. So my answer to you is go deep
and spend more time with them whether that’s virtually
or in reality or in real life where these interns are. Figure out if they’re good. Give them very detailed
feedback at scale. Suffocate all the excuses and
then make a decision whether that person should be in
your organization or not. For me, if I wanted to know if
anybody here should be in my organization or not it would
literally take me two days. Just make it the
thing you do today. Today you should decide
if these interns are capable, have the talent and
the capacity to deliver on your
expectations or not. Have you been clear in them
and move forward so I think the answer to your question is in
the same way that your upset with them that when
their task is done, they’re not doing
the next thing. I’m upset with you which is
if you slept last night you could’ve allocated some of those
hours to auditing your interns and giving them clear feedback
and making the decision if you wanted them here or not. Now I know what you did at
age 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 getting
– I would probably if I was allowed to on a university level I probably would be and obviously take out the economics, could we afford to, I would try and get them out of the room, out of the classroom as much as possible whether physically or mentally and what I mean by that […]
– I would probably if I was
allowed to on a university level I probably would be and
obviously take out the economics, could we afford to,
I would try and get them out of the room, out of the classroom
as much as possible whether physically or mentally and what
I mean by that is mentally we would be in our
apps doing, creating. I would get kids out of, if I was
in Chapman in California I would go to local businesses I would
take the 29 kids in class we’d go to Lou’s pizza shop. Be like “Lou, we’re here.
And were here to work. “What do you need?” I very much believe, I’m so
proud of you I was so thankful that you reached out to me and
you’re taking us up on this week because you’re
going to go be better. You’re gonna go back to school
and what you’re gonna learn this week you’re going to be better. – Yeah.
– Because it’s real. This is real.
– Mhmmm. – The classroom is less real. It’s less of the
market, it just is. My answer to your question is I would force them
to do real shit. – Yeah. – I would just try to get them
do as much real stuff as much as possible. You can watch GaryVee videos,
you can read books, you can pontificate,
you can debate but nothing beats getting thrown. I can tell kids about swimming. Okay, so what you
want to do is, right? I can tell you. We can debate what
the best stroke is. But how are you going
to be a good swimmer? You’re going to throw
that kid in the pool. I would put the kids in as many
real life situations as possible and I would do in a
couple different ways. One, I would try to use my
connections if I was allowed to based on this fantasy world
you’ve created and get them to go to Under Armour or a Toyota
see how they think about it. But then I’d also do a
competition the last three weeks of the semester
I would say okay we’re all going to go to the
farmer’s market. You all have three weeks to
figure out what you’re going to sell in a farmers market and
then all you can use is digital for the whole three weeks
leading up to it and then whoever sells the
most fruit wins. Try to get them into that kind
of mentality because I think that matters. I’m very scared, Professor,
of eighth place trophies. I’m very scared of rewarding people for success
that isn’t real. We would have the fruit and
vegetable farmers market competition and then the
next day in class I would say unbelievable job Sally and
I would say Elliott you suck. You are a loser, you sold eight
dollars in radishes and let’s break down why you sucked. Your Instagram was boring, I don’t know what the hell
you were thinking. Your radishes look like shit
so let’s start with the biggest thesis which is no
marketing fixes crap product. So these are the things
that we would go through. – Thank you.
– You’re welcome. – I will use this for my class.
“I’d like to know what you feel makes a great teacher?” – I think what makes a great teacher is one that doesn’t impose what they want the student to learn but the person that actually audits the student and understands where to point them. A counter puncher, per se, more so than somebody who’s […]
“I’d like to know what you
feel makes a great teacher?” – I think what makes a great
teacher is one that doesn’t impose what they want the
student to learn but the person that actually audits
the student and understands where to point them. A counter puncher, per se, more
so than somebody who’s got a strict blueprint and
whether or not you fit into that blueprint is irrelevant. I, teacher Rick, am going to
make you go down this path and this is what you have to learn
and I think it’s a huge mistake. It’s my biggest problem
with curriculum in traditional schooling. It does not account
for the creative. The over smart the
slightly different. And what it’s trying to do is
to create an 80% of these type of output workers. And the 20% either pro or con
get kind of left along the way. And so I think a
great teacher listens. And a great teacher reacts and
a great teacher deploys empathy and understands there’s other
things can sniff out there’s problems at home if you’re in
the younger years or as an older I feel like I’m a teacher and
I feel like one of the biggest things that I try to say all
the time is I’m just telling you what works for me, please don’t,
I don’t tell you have to work 18 hours a day. I don’t tell you you
have to do anything. I tell you that
this is what works. These are some theories and
use the context around that. I think a teachers need a
lot more listening skills and adjustment to the reality versus
how they were taught or what they’re trying to
accomplish by year’s end. By year’s end, these
23 students are going to know how to do multiplication.
It’s so tactical. It doesn’t feel like a teacher
at all and I question and I push and I prod and I poke and I battle a lot of my
teaching friends of are you just checking
the box for your eight months a year job to get it through to
hit tenure to be in a union that never creates any vulnerability
or are you actually trying to teach these kids? And I hope everyone
understands I’m not pumped I’m not cynical against
teachers. I don’t think teachers, I don’t. I think a lot of times,
sometimes people when they hear micro answers from me think
I’m tough on teachers or this and that nature,
I’m mad at the game. I wish teachers got
paid $400,000 year. I send my kids to private
school I spent a lot of money. I don’t like the system that a
lot of people K-12 have to play within and I think a lot of
those talented teachers could be doing unbelievable things
and I’m so excited show the computer. Not that computer, by the
time it actually happens, I’m so excited actually
it’s probably contact lenses I’m so excited for this. Because so many of the great
teachers in the world won’t have to play within the confines of
the politics of the traditional school system and will teach, be
way more profitable and make a much bigger and this is a big
one make much bigger impact on their students lives. – [Voiceover] Ben asks, “Would
you consider adopting children?”
“has been boring for way too long! “What would #AskGaryVee do to create a bad a- “golf coaching business?” – Well golf is boring. I’m just kidding with that. So wait, Matthew starts with golf coaching, – [India] The golf coaching world’s been boring for way too long. – [Gary] Got it. Now look I […]
“has been boring for way too long! “What would #AskGaryVee
do to create a bad a- “golf coaching business?” – Well golf is boring. I’m just kidding with that. So wait, Matthew starts
with golf coaching, – [India] The golf coaching world’s been boring for way too long.
– [Gary] Got it. Now look I mean, every world
is boring in a lot of ways outside of heavy entertainment
genres or high energy genres until a personality comes along. I would say for the
common American financing and finance news was boring
until Jim Cramer came along. I take a lot of pride in the fact that a lotta people through the years, tens of thousands maybe
hundreds of thousands, have told me that wine was
boring until I came along and so you’re always one personality away. You know Howard Cosell
changed sportscasting. I think you’re one extreme, high-energy, entertaining person away from changing an entire culture. And so this is quite basic. I mean to me any time
something becomes exciting it’s on the back of a human
being making it exciting. And so, Emeril Lagasse made chef culture, you know, less boring by saying pow or whatever he did right and that was in the early 90’s. So the answer to your questions is, and I assume you’re
alluding this way Matthew, listen Matthew if you’ve got the chops, if you’ve got the charisma,
if you’re entertaining enough then you will be that person. And I think that’s an important thing for everybody to understand. Everything is based and
predicated on the actions, you know everybody who wants
a change, you know my tagline on Wine Library TV is we’re
changing the wine world whether they like it or not. Caught a lot of people’s
attention and brings a lot of people coming to me
around this question. If you, you’re actions
have to represent the thing that you want to happen and
so please anybody who’s trying to change the hair extension
world, or the art world, or the music world, or you
know whatever, the making apps for the iPhone, like
whatever thing you’re trying to change you’re either
changing it or you’re not. Your actions are creating
your change and so when I hear that question, if you’re
not putting out the content that’s compelling and
entertaining experience well then there’s no talking about it. Like if you’ve been doing
it, then it’s happening and if you’re not doing it, it’s
not happening and saying that you’re gonna do it or asking me to, for the answer to it,
it’s just the actions. It’s every single boring
world can be changed. Science, there’s people that
make science interesting and literature interesting,
it’s out there. Like LeVar Burton made reading
interesting with his rainbow. I mean like you know anybody can do it. So, that’s the answer. It’s just a human being coming
along and being entertaining within the genre and having the expertise to not have the experts
laugh them off the stage and make it seem like they’re
a comedian, just doing that. And I think that’s what it comes down to. The equal parts, you actually know what the hell you’re talking
about with golf lessons and golf culture and really know golf and can really teach and then you’re also ridiculously handsome and
charismatic to execute that entertainment factor.