Now I know what you did at age 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 getting involved in wine and selling sports cards but what would you be doing if it were 2016 and you were 12, 13, 14 and 15 and 16? Appreciate your answer, appreciate everything you do, thanks. – Buster, Buster, Buster honestly what […]
Now I know what you did at
age 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 getting involved in wine and selling
sports cards but what would you be doing if it were 2016 and you were 12, 13,
14 and 15 and 16? Appreciate your answer, appreciate everything
you do, thanks. – Buster, Buster, Buster
honestly what I would tell you is to give you the answer that
you’re looking for which is what what I do what
should you be doing? How should you be
thinking about things? Reverse engineer
your strengths, right? You like the NBA you should hit
up Dunk first of all and have him put you on but besides that
I think that you need to figure out what you’re good at and
what would you want to do. I would basically be
today, I’m trying to think. There’d be so many
things I’d be doing today. I give a lot of that advice, I would’ve made bank
on Snapchat filters. I think that one guy who did
the Pokémon GO consulting. I think that was super smart. Having the
internet to buy and sell. I’m a salesman. Buying and selling, uh, just
buying stuff on you know in Asia and re-marketing in the US. I think I’d be doing pretty much
everything I was doing at scale. So because when
I was growing up sports cards were
what people collected, I would just be focused on
whatever that version is now. Sneakers, I’m telling you right
now, I would be, my stories of Toys “R” Us and garage sales
would be waking up, you know, at one in the morning and
standing in line at a SoHo sneaker
store to get that thing, flipping like I would
be doing a lot of that. I think the truth is, Buster, I’d be focusing on
what I was strong at. What I think I’m really
good at is buying and selling. I did that with
stuff my whole life. Now, I do it with
people’s attention and the end consumer’s attention. That is my strength that
I would double down on that. You, my friend, need to
figure out what you’re best at? Is that making
content on social media? Is that being a charismatic
personality that I think was shining through the question? Is that being a salesperson,
buying selling stuff? Connecting with people? When you’re 16 you have time. Like, Jesus, remember
when you were bored? Remember when you could do that? Andy, do you remember when
you’re like, “I’m bored.” You don’t have that kind of time
when you grow up and so I would take advantage of that time
because that is the asset. – [India] That’s good. – ‘Member being bored?
– Yeah. Was good times. (laughter) – From Brandon.
– Brandon.
behind why people are on periscope I saw your interview with Marie for earlier recently where you talked about the psychology of why people are on Pinterest and Twitter so I periscope thanks huh welcomes me that like I think the psychology on that is I think you’ll live TV right and are some people […]
behind why people are on periscope I saw
your interview with Marie for earlier recently where you talked about the
psychology of why people are on Pinterest and Twitter so I periscope
thanks huh welcomes me that like I think the
psychology on that is I think you’ll live TV right and are some people that
are gonna QVC or or Saturday Night Live I was got a lot of kick out of like a
short meeting theme is people I heard a ongoing conversation of the actors and
actresses that would not do Curb Your Enthusiasm because it was not structured
enough they were scared of the Improv nature SML and of course you know that
took spoke to me because I think I can crush those things but if you if there
was cue cards right now I can’t read or spell today on the Ask Gary B show
leaders so moist fascinated by people stinks because i think is great for
people that can improv just roll keep it sing and I think people want to project
themselves I think everybody’s fascinated with television and getting
out there so if you’re doing periscope you’re somebody who doesn’t fully take
themselves seriously end or you’re very confident in your improv and your troops
the reason I’m super into doing daily be and things of that nature is I’m not
scared how it’s gonna be edited the only the only reason even involved in setting
is sensitive information like lines and stuff of that nature but like clearly
like the balls but it’s so crazy I think about another 15 pounds and get a couple
more muscles like I’m getting closer just living like naked do that ok terrible reaction like it’s
cool you understand lets you make it as a yes I’ll probably not walk around
naked though it’s crossed my mind living life pretty naked and by the way I’m not
naive like we’ve all got Skelton’s plenty of things that I don’t share you
guys all know I don’t share my family like there’s a lot I like pushing myself
further and further because it is literally the last battle of a mile when
you take ownership of all your flaws and weaknesses you’ve won and I actually
think that’s the Nirvana of the connected world yes privacy is getting
pushed on yes negatives there’s a lot of positives with us all putting our
laundry to each other to get except that it’s not that high school to college the difference guys this is so basic but
the high school college and everybody likes not everybody but a lot of people
like college more is shortened to a place where you can only ship more
you’re sensitive to your zips and you really think there’s a lot of your shit
that happened between 14 and 18 change a lot we’re not ready to calibrate that
things very far and few between people that can own it all the way we’re
insecure our security is much stronger in our twenties that it is in our teens
and that’s what we like it better adam asks I feel like I’ve lost my
household help what do I do if anybody
“the Jets with regards to their effect on your mood “as a strength or weakness?” – India, you’re really picking some doozies. Do I… Do I…? – [India] Do you see your reliance on, like, the fact that the Jets has such an effect on your mood– – Do I see the Jets impacting me […]
“the Jets with regards to
their effect on your mood “as a strength or weakness?” – India, you’re really
picking some doozies. Do I… Do I…? – [India] Do you see your
reliance on, like, the fact that the Jets has such an effect on your mood– – Do I see the Jets impacting
me so much on a Monday, as a strength or weakness? A strength. It means I’m
emotionally in tune with myself, which I deploy in other places. See, this is the whole– You know, I’m gonna
actually turn this question into a really good question. The disproportionate amount of you, who are not winning as much– And I’m not trying to
zing, I love you guys. But I believe a lot of the
people who are watching this right now who are not winning,
back to the cursing question, are looking at things too
much at a micro level. You look at, and people assume– And a lot of people believe,
“Oh that’s a weakness. You’re wasting a half a day,
or a day, or you’re not as efficient as you can on a Monday.” I view it at a much higher level
of if I’m capable of caring about something so much, and
allowing it to affect my mood, that means that my emotional
intelligence is at such a high level, that those are
some of the strengths that allow me to do all the things
that I do, and have the intuition around how
people feel about things, hence the HR question, hence the culture, hence the business success,
hence where consumers are going with their feelings,
my feeling skills are– I’m proud that I cry– I cry, I went to Hamilton,
there was a part in the play that I was almost crying,
I cry all the time. When the Lion King’s
dad died in Lion King, I was on a date in high
school and I cried. You know how wimpus that
is? That’s like the anti– Pam, you like that? – I did too. – Yeah. Beaches? And Steel Magnolias? I cried like a fucking waterfall. So those are feelings,
those are my strengths. I see it as a strength.
from pushing past their comfort zone I’m not sure what means do I think self-awareness yes you know I think this is a very valid point that a lot of people in my inner circle like intellectual friends who are watching what I’m up to a note to self awareness is a pain but my […]
from pushing past their comfort zone I’m
not sure what means do I think self-awareness yes you know I think this is a very valid point that
a lot of people in my inner circle like intellectual friends who are watching
what I’m up to a note to self awareness is a pain but my right now argue with me
that is a counterpoint to my point which I have which I have tremendous respect
for but absolutely I’m not scared up and disagree and honestly believe that
that’s the normal which is why the norm sits directly in the middle and doesn’t
have that upside so yes to I think if you’re high percent so hyper self aware
and know that you’re interpreted or you just ate a certain things that you never
explored things can there be some limitations I do but to the point of
true self awareness if you actually know what you’re best at and what you’re good
at and you spend time there you will have the most upside so yeah you could
say well you’re not getting his well-rounded as a person I would argue
that by far the happiest and by far the most successful people are not the most
well-rounded and have gone extremely deep not extraordinarily wide and that
doesn’t mean look i think i play all over the place but I really in one spot
and so it’s about drilling that one spot and so it’s a great questions of
tremendous you know the rock keep you busy lives because we know that many
shows we’re now throw me up a little bit of a tremendous alert tremendous if it’s
a question but one thing that’s really
cool I just like it I just think people should see that car alright I tremendous question one that a
lot of people need to think about but I got my answer is you know I don’t wanna
share my answer is no I’m not concerned about that really not a matter of fact
as I’ve gotten older I’ve become more educated more rounded into more things
because my success has given me permission to do that and I think if you
go deep in the beginning that successful common then you can worry about some of
that second everything’s in my opinion which is rounding out the window when
you missed out on being the greatest singer of all time so that’s what I
think that’s cool statement that I remembered impressive
myself dreamt the couple times I
and Gary, the question I have for you is about all this talk you’ve had about self-awareness lately and I love the idea of understanding what our talents are and what they’re not but my fear is that we’re gonna get into a mindset of things we can and can’t do. Robert Browning says, “A […]
and Gary, the question I have for you is about all this talk you’ve had about self-awareness lately and I love the idea of
understanding what our talents are and what they’re not but my fear is that we’re gonna get into a mindset of things we can and can’t do. Robert Browning says, “A man’s reach should exceed his grasp.” I want people think that they can try and do a lot of different things and I’m afraid it’ll bleed to our children and make them start saying
what they’re good at and what they’re not good at. Let me know how you feel about that and how you can incorporate that into your self-awareness talk. – Ted, big ups to you. First and foremost, you’ve
been, you know, again, back to the theme of the show not digging fully deep, I’m not completely sure
but it’s been really fun to watch from afar of
you amassing an audience and people really respect
you and kudos, do your thing. I think this is a great
question and a challenging one. First and foremost, here’s
the way I answer it. This. Nothing completely one way
or the other is ever healthy. You should always be
pulling from directions, finding a blend. I will say that I think people
are way more, at this point, June 2015, in belief that
they can do anything, are good at everything,
should try everything, should work on their weaknesses so I believe that I’m being aggressive in starting a conversation
that lends itself to like drawing a line of
strengths and weaknesses that I think is very small. I do not believe this
is a big conversation. I believe modern parenting is like, hey little Steve, you
can do anything you want. Steve sucks at basketball. (laughter) He can’t do everything he wants and the amount of people
that want to play basketball for a living or sing or
wanna be an engineer. You know, like a, entrepreneur, I mean you know how I feel about that. So, I think that, Ted,
I think you’re right. I think right at this moment, my point of view on this is so small compared to the overall conversatIon that I’m going 100% all in and I don’t want to hedge
against it with your point which is correct because I think the whole
market’s hedging against it and thus, I’m just trying to crackle it. It’s the same way I talk
about social media marketing versus traditional TV. I believe in TV but I don’t
need to advocate for TV. 99% of the market’s advocating for TV. I believe that the
market, 90% of the market is advocating for you
can do whatever you want, you should try to do everything,
you should push yourself. They package it in you
should try new things and push yourself. I don’t think people
are talking enough about be very self-aware, know
what you’re good at, force yourself, guys, I don’t know if you’ve broken this down. Do you know what forcing yourself to be self-aware, do you know
what that process entails? Drinking a shit-load of humble kool-aid. Uh-huh, like it’s insane of how much, like, it’s why I talk about liking to lose. Like, it’s insane of how much humility I’ve had to instill to now
make it optically look like I have too much ego and self-esteem. So many of you, the first
time you consumed me, some of you, like I’m really
getting in my Facebook mentions as a lot of you have noticed. Plenty of people sharing my stuff and their friends are
saying screw this guy, ego for days, full of himself. I get it but what it actually is is the post game of me being really humble every minute of my life to recognize what I should stay away from. And I think people have
not gotten into that gear so Ted I would say that I
get it and I agree with you. And everything should
have a push and a pull. I just think the market is way, way in the direction of (pats Steve’s back) and I think that we need a
hell of a more a lot of like you kinda suck at that, you
may want to focus on that. Now, if you love that, then do it. But you need to know what
that comes along with which is if you love singing
more than breathing, cool but you’re gonna wait tables and you’re gonna make eight bucks and that’s great! Because guess what? I pay the price for doing what I love in a lot of different ways. And so that’s just life. That’s just life.
“Who do you ask when you have life or business questions?” – Jason, this is my strength and my weakness, and so I want to set that up immediately. I ask absolutely nobody. It is insane, I think about this all the time, and I truly, and you know what, it’s funny, subconsciously I said […]
“Who do you ask when you have
life or business questions?” – Jason, this is my
strength and my weakness, and so I want to set that up immediately. I ask absolutely nobody. It is insane, I think about this all the time, and I truly, and you know what, it’s funny, subconsciously
I said it’s my strength and my weakness, I guess
maybe that answer’s my 51/49 question of, is it a strength or a weakness? I do think about it a lot. I do wonder why I’m not
really mentored out, even with the most amazing
dad who’s in the business, you know, I was mentored, you know, and maybe this
is just the way I roll, maybe I’m being mentored by example. You know, I think my parents, my parents, you know, it’s funny, I’m gonna be a different parent I think, and sit down with my kids, and do my spiel, I mean I love doing this, imagine me as a dad, I’d be like, kid, when the wind blows, you know, I’m just gonna like you know, do shit like that. You know, like, I never really went that route, I watched my parents, and maybe I watch other people. And I, you know, Steve Ross, who’s my LP and investor partner now, one of the most successful businessmen of the last hundred years in the US. You know, I have full access to
him at a scary level, and I don’t hit him up for, like, what do you think? And this is a guy who
owns a football team, you know, 5 billion dollar man, and I never sit down and ask him, I’m like, let me tell you. It’s in me, again, it’s either a
strength or a weakness, but the true answer to the
question is absolutely nobody. I’m a big believer that people should see a psychiatrist, and
vent, and like do that, I don’t do that, even though
I believe in it tremendously, I don’t think I’m a hypocrite, because the truth is, it’s stunning, and by the way, if I ever go through a, if I ever went through a sustained 36 hour period
of being really upset, I would do it in a heartbeat, I would change my behavior, but I am so scared, and so blessed and so thankful, and so grateful for the perspective that
I have as a human being, which is, you just can’t
wrap your head, my friends, VaynerNation, you just
cannot wrap your head around the excitement that I would have in my body, if all the things on paper that seemed like my successes would disappear tomorrow. Obviously I want to take care of my family and put a roof over their heads, and those kinds of things. But you do not understand
my lack of taste for caviar like I just don’t give a shit. Like I love the game. You know why I love the
Jets and the Knicks? Because they don’t win. Do you understand? And so for me, the fear of
failure is not a fear at all, as a matter of fact I would argue that I have more a fear for success than I have fear for failure, and so, because of that, I don’t know, it puts me in a very happy place. I don’t look for advice,
because the truth is, I don’t want to screw anything up. I don’t want to speak to somebody to vent, because I don’t want to
screw anything up, like, I feel like the chemicals
are aligned right now, and I’m very happy. I’m super duper duper happy. – [India] Cool, that’s good.
“trade one of your weaknesses for one of your strengths, “which two would you trade?” – This is one of the great questions ever. This is really good, and I don’t wanna like, I don’t wanna, I’m scared to screw this up, which is probably why I’m giving it some thought. So, DRock, Staphon, find […]
“trade one of your weaknesses
for one of your strengths, “which two would you trade?” – This is one of the great questions ever. This is really good,
and I don’t wanna like, I don’t wanna, I’m
scared to screw this up, which is probably why I’m
giving it some thought. So, DRock, Staphon, find
some Jeopardy-like music that doesn’t get me sued as I ponder this and talk this out. A strength into a weakness, what am I really strong at that I don’t think is so needed? God, I love myself so much that I don’t want to change anything. This is why I’m struggling with this. This talks about the
level of happiness I have. What’s a weakness that I
can’t, God, I really… So first and foremost, the
answer to the question is there’s no absolute here. This is more like 80,
20, where maybe I would switch it from an 80, 20 to a 20, 80. That’s one of the first reactions I have. There’s nothing I’d
be, there’s no strength I wanna give up… So fast. You know at some level… (laughter) Yeah, like you know,
I’m a little combative in meetings at times with clients where, like I love competition so much, I would say being competitive is probably as big of a deal as it
is, but I would say that my competition, competitive
gene goes five to seven percent too far, I would give up
five to seven percent of it because it’s insane, like you know, I mean you guys know
how I play basketball. Like I really am mad,
like I wanna hurt people, like I wanna hurt people’s
feelings in meetings. (competitive banter) I literally, like in
meetings will turn red, my eyes will turn red when
somebody says something that I think is really
disrespectful to my company, and literally try to historically
clown them in the meeting so that forever their
contemporaries at that table, I literally want to say
things that the other people at the table on their side
tell to their grandchildren. Like, “Oh, I was once in this meeting with “this Gary Vaynerchuk guy and said that “Rick was a douche bag
boss, he said fuck you.” You know like I’m very into that. I wanna like end the debate in the room at that time, whereas I
could’ve done it afterwards, I could’ve done it a little
more politically correct. But if I get to that rogue
tilt place emotionally in a business meeting,
even maybe the first time we ever meet,
I let my competitive juices, I can feel it, it’s like that
Incredible Hulk type stuff. Like I can feel like, oh
crap, I’m about to destroy this person’s soul. So that’s one thing that I would give back five to seven percent. On a weakness that I’d like
have more of a strength on, I’d like to remember
people’s names better. Actually that’s very easy. I spend an enormous amount of time in our HR software trying to make sure I know everybody’s names. And then the answer really is, I have to listen a little bit better in the initial meeting. Like I’m like, hey, I’m Gary. You need to say, “Hi, I’m India.” – My name’s India. – But like when she says hey she’s India, I’m not listening. I’m already on to like oh, hey, I’m Gary. – I’m Staphon. – Alright I didn’t listen, right. So like not listening
when people say hello is a weakness because
if I actually listen, I’ll have a 50% chance of
remembering their name. It’s crazy, I will remember everything. I’m very visual, like
I can never get lost, I’m killer on directions. I will bring up stuff
that happened between us like 15 years from now,
you’ll be like, “What?” If I see it, it’s on. But if I hear it, it’s
on, but I need to listen in the first place to remember your name. So remembering names is
something I’m passionately upset with myself about,
like, Doc, you could see, I knew Sheldon right away. Visually I know his profile
side face, like hair, glasses, like I know exactly who he is, but names I struggle with.
“You say one, play to your strengths, “two, don’t worry about small details. “What if my strength is attention to detail?” – Adam, couple things, and this is for the entire VaynerNation, so many of the things that I say are contradictions. I like pulling from both directions. That’s where I think the strength comes […]
“You say one, play to your strengths, “two, don’t worry about small details. “What if my strength is
attention to detail?” – Adam, couple things, and this is for the entire VaynerNation, so many of the things that
I say are contradictions. I like pulling from both directions. That’s where I think
the strength comes in. I really do think of life,
business, as a bridge. If you pull equally very hard, ego, humility, right? I don’t care what anybody thinks about me, I care about what everybody
thinks about me, right? Big, big, big picture, clouds,
but I’m a practitioner. I know more about all the
details of social than you. Details, dirt. And so I love pulling
from opposite directions, so if I’m giving advice
and you’re listening to 105 composite shows
and things are coming from different angles
that are contradictions, this is where you have
to go within yourself and not listen to a
guru, ’cause I’m not one, nor is anyone else, this is
on you to figure out that, and so if your strengths are, you know, to me in that one, you bet on yourself. To me, look, I can answer these in detail, and I will this time. I would bet on the strengths. Cool, you’re detail-oriented. You need to recognize two things. If your skill set is detail-oriented, two things are gonna happen. One, if you’re the number one, if you’re the top dog, your company, your business is gonna be small. Number two, you’re probably an awesome number two, three, and
four to a number one that goes all the way out to the clouds and doesn’t care about the details, and you may be able to make more finances, or whatever you’re looking
for, and be happier and not have the pressure
of being the number one by laddering up or attaching
yourself to a number one and acting your two, three, four role. If your strength is the finite details, your upside is limited as the number one. You have two decisions to make. One, you’re cool with that, back to the first question in this show. Or two, you’re gonna latch onto somebody who’s gonna be able to elevate, and your 8%, your 20%, your 40%, your 2% of the whole nut is going to be greater than 100% of what you’re gonna do for yourself.