“Like why is my dad following me on Instagram? “Like noo that’s unacceptable.” – Stephanie, I have bad news. Every social network that you go to to try to get away from Pops, when they hit scale, Pops is gonna show up. Hey Stephanie? It’s your dad! This knick knack thing is real cool! That’s […]
“Like why is my dad
following me on Instagram? “Like noo that’s unacceptable.” – Stephanie, I have bad news. Every social network that you go to to try to get away from Pops, when they hit scale,
Pops is gonna show up. Hey Stephanie? It’s your dad! This knick knack thing is real cool! That’s what’s gonna always happen for the rest of your life. And by the way, let me get a little bit deeper on that. Steve, you were about to say something. – I was just gonna say something
for the end of the show. Hold it til the end of the show. – Do it, do it, ruin the end of the show. – We’re on Spotify! – Whaddya mean? – You excited? I’m excited, we’re on Spotify. The #AskGaryVee Show. – It’s on Spotify? – I sent you four emails yesterday. (laughing offscreen) – Guess it was a busy day. That is cool. – [Steve] Yeah. – We’re on, see? It was a black and white announcement. This is a black and white announcement. We’re on Spotify. This was not a color announcement. This was a black and white announcement. We’re on Spotify. – [Steve] Her dad’s on Spotify, too. – And Stephanie, going back to you, and the entire VaynerNation, soon you’ll be a part of it, Stephanie. Yes you will. You know, I know it was weird, that creep Alex hit you up that somebody answered your question
on Twitter randomly. I love this whole thing. Making Alex the creepy
guy is so fun for me. (laughing offscreen) Look, that’s what just happens, right? It happened with Facebook, it’s happening right now with Instagram. The youth establishes these new kind of community centers for our society and then everybody follows. That’s a very interesting dynamic because I think that’s the reverse of the way human nature has been for a very long time. And so I think that the
youth culture of our society is now establishing the
main community centers. Not the hot new club. That’s different. This is the out and out community centers of our society. It’s going to have very
massive long-term effects on us as humans. I think that’s why we’re living through a youthification that I talk a lot about. And so that’s why it’s
happening, Stephanie.
“What kind of headlines attract you on social media?” – Lyndon, it’s a great question. I think the interesting part about this question is I think a lot of different headlines attract me and I think the headline copy reading call it the Buzzfeed-ification of Media is fully in play now. I mean, when you […]
“What kind of headlines
attract you on social media?” – Lyndon, it’s a great question. I think the interesting
part about this question is I think a lot of different
headlines attract me and I think the headline
copy reading call it the Buzzfeed-ification of Media is fully in play now. I mean, when you go look with a, it’d be fun to ask
Steve this question. It probably hurts your, actually nah, that’s not true. I’m curious what your take is on the fact that like the New York
Times now does this, right? Like literally the whole
world has gone slang and five, you know, ways to do this. Like it’s all headline copy marketing. It’s the stuff I built Wine Library on on email marketing headlines. It’s just become the game. I’m not quite sure exactly
what’s grabbing my attention. Usually it’s around the subject matter, so usually things that scare me, like, “Jets running backs in trouble.” Oh no! You know, like? But I’m not sure but the reason I wanted to answer the question is because I think it’s very important for everybody who’s watching the show. I know a lot of people
here are go-getters, entrepreneurs, and do-gooders, whether you’re trying to
raise money for your charity or whether you’re trying to sell a boot for the winter, you need to really think about the copy on everything you put out. It is an absolute variable to success. You can follow all the structural advice that I’m giving you, but when you get to writing the copy on a Facebook dark post or a
Pinterest post or on Twitter, if you’re not good at that, if you’re not good at
grabbing someone’s attention, you’re in big trouble and so I’m not sure what’s
grabbing my attention but I know that the
person behind writing it is doing a good job.
I’m from Queens. I’m co-founder of a brand of vodka called Pruv. – Are you a Jets fan? – I love the Jets. – Are you telling the truth cause that felt soft? (audience laughing) – No, I absolutely love the Jets. – I need you to name two offensive linemen. – Two offensive linemen? […]
I’m from Queens. I’m co-founder of a brand
of vodka called Pruv. – Are you a Jets fan? – I love the Jets. – Are you telling the
truth cause that felt soft? (audience laughing) – No, I absolutely love the Jets. – I need you to name
two offensive linemen. – Two offensive linemen? Could I talk about Wide
Receivers or Running Backs? – No, dick. Because “people that love a football team” know the offensive line. – Should I have meant to say like? I like, I like the Jets.
– [Gary] Respect. (audience laughing) – It’s given that you’ve
started your career with Wine Library
– [Gary] Yes. – I wanted to see where do you
see the biggest opportunity for innovation for Wine and Spirits brand in the market today? – So, look, you’re going into, first of all, I like you already because that’s ballsy to go into vodka because vodka is past it’s trend which I actually think
begins it’s next opportunity. Two, it’s crowded. Three, it’s really, really
financially intensive. You need money. Right, so I think you know, the nice thing is this falls perfectly aligned
to the world we live in. Right, like you being
part of this community, that’s your only prayer. Your only prayer is to know
what’s going on Meerkat. Your only prayer to win is
knowing what’s going on Yik Yack. Right, and all these things. So, I think place to
innovate is in story telling it’s not about huge billboards anymore. It’s not about going to wholesalers and giving them tons of
dollars for their sales people to kick in the store. It’s about creating a grounds well, but you’ve got to create content and you’ve got create
it in relevant places. You’ve got to find micro-influencers there’s a ton to be done,
but it’s a tough game, man. It’s a real tough game. – It’s tough and I guess
one of the episodes that you said kind of
clearing out the cave – Yes. – before (mumbling)
– [Gary] Yes. – That’s something that
we’re trying to do is just go where other brands are
not going to right now. – 100%, there’s a ton you
need to become the vodka of like elderly Lego builders. (audience laughs) – Like you’re gonna
have to go super niche. – We’re going more
towards like dance music so like EDM influencers,
everybody is there dick face. (audience laughs) – What are you talking about? You’re finished you’re out of business. Next. (audience laughs) – Let’s go up here. We’re going to where other people aren’t. right, like EDM. That’s it, you’re out of your Mike.
and I know you love wines so you know my country– – Of course. – I read about you a lot, and what I like is that in one of your videos you say one is better than the zero. – Yes. – I love it. I love these words and I always do this. […]
and I know you love wines
so you know my country– – Of course.
– I read about you a lot, and what I like is that in one of your videos you say one is better than the zero.
– Yes. – I love it. I love these words
and I always do this. – I think that’s one of the best videos. Staphon, let’s hear it
for Staphon on that one! (crowd cheers) – So, I believe in the same so. – [Gary] Yes. – This way I say I’m holding
the food business today – [Gary] Okay. – And I believe in healthy eating so, my question is if
I target New York City as healthy eaters and
healthy eating city in the future it might be right. I know I will have one or more followers. One is still better than zero,
but should I go in this and should I create some
social media content in those terms and which it should be like, video or deals or blogging or stuff. What do you suggest?
– I understand what you’re saying. – Let’s take a step
back, hold on to the mic. What are you actually doing? What’s the business actually you do? ‘Cause that will dictate the answer. – All right, we have a product
start up with my friends and I’m working at a restaurant. – Got it. What’s the product? – So, the product is a
Georgian recipe well modernized for the American market. – Interesting.
– I mean, the retail market. – Is it an actual like food? – Yeah, it’s a food.
– [Gary] It’s a food. – It’s dip, you know. – Like a humus? – Yeah, like a hummus, but
we are much different. – We’re much better
than hummus. Fuck hummus! Okay. – (mumblling) (Gary laughing) – So, are you asking about
marketing that product? – No, I’m asking about
social media term? Should I go into social media and create some social content about healthy eating
– [Gary] No. – No
[Davey] will it be successful? – You should make content
about your product. Your product
– [Davey] Yeah, of course – well that’s it, there’s not of course you just fuckin’ asked me about some fuckin’ food shit in New York. Your product, focus on making
content around your product and around the lifestyle of that product but not for the sake of New
York City health enthusiasts. Right?
– [Davey] No. – (mumbling) Your so small. Like you can’t worry
about going that abstract. Nobody knows, there’s
not a single person here that knows what the fuck
you are talking about. They are like Georgian Dip,
you mean Georgia like Atlanta? No, the former fuckin’
Soviet Union fuckers. You know, so you know what I mean? So like, you have to understand
like nobody understands you have to educate, it’s
kind of like, you know, I don’t if this, I left Russia young, but like when I was growing up we ate a ton of pomegranates.
– [Davey] Yeah. – Right? But nobody in America ate
Pomegranates in the ’80s. Like my friends would
come over to play Legos and they’d be like what the fuck is that? You know, that’s not an apple. You know, like we ate pomegranates for years, and years, and years. Before Pom juice came and pomegranate became like, you know a Pinkberry flavor so like, I think that you have a lot of educating to do. Like I don’t know what
you’re talking about and I was born in that area. I don’t know what you’re talking about so, I think that you need focus there, you’re going too abstract, and
that’s a good piece of advice for a lot of people
like way too many people back to I said it before,
because it’s just so important. How many people here know who I am? 90% don’t, people make
way too many assumptions they think they are bigger
than they actually are you know, and it’s fine,
it makes people feel good. But like for as much ego
and bravado as I have 24 hours, 25 I think I
can build any business I’m always grounded in reality.
I think you need to focus on building a story around your product. – [Davey] Thanks so much.
– You got it, man. (audience applauding)
“If you could only make one post “and then not post again for another year “on any platform, what would your post be? – That’s a great question. Who’s this from? – [India] Jacob. – Jacob, two things went through my mind fast. Literally, I think fast. So as India is asking the question, I […]
“If you could only make one post “and then not post again for another year “on any platform, what would your post be? – That’s a great question. Who’s this from? – [India] Jacob. – Jacob, two things went
through my mind fast. Literally, I think fast. So as India is asking the question, I was like, the first one was gonna say, “I love you.” And then the second one– This is really– This may be– You know what, we need to
really think about this. This might be the question
that most sums me up. As you asked that question, the first reaction was, “I love you.” The second reaction is, “What
call to action do I want?” Which is like, “Buy my book.” or like, “Download my show.” or, “I promise I’ll be back “so sign up for my email newsletter.” It was literally, literally,
literally, literally, the two most polar opposite thoughts and that my friends, sums it up. That’s insane.
“I feel like it’s not as popular as it was “a number of years ago. – Jared, good question about blogging. Blogging, you know, what’s happened with blogging, is blogging is massively important it’s just not the thing that people talk about. Not only that, blogging became so big it become the establishment. I mean […]
“I feel like it’s not as popular as it was “a number of years ago. – Jared, good question about blogging. Blogging, you know, what’s
happened with blogging, is blogging is massively important it’s just not the thing
that people talk about. Not only that, blogging became so big it become the establishment. I mean if you have a website and you’re putting out content on
it, you’re blogging. And what has also happened
is social networking has in theory become the micro
version of that blogging. And so now everybody in theory, as a matter of fact
Twitter was flat out known as a microblogging platform for many. Zak? Can you just show Zak’s face? (laughter) I feel like you were
hacking the show, right. Like you put them on knowing
that I would respond to that and then get on camera.
– [Zak] I just want fame. Got it, okay, okay, cool. That was amazing. Twitter was known as a
microblogging platform. So I think Facebook and Instagram and you know Medium, there’s platforms that
people are now using. Because what people
started understanding was they want exposure. If you’re blogging you
wanna talk to the world. What people aren’t as good
at is actually getting people then to come and see that. They’re relying on SEO back in the day and things of that nature. What people realized is that people are living in Instagram and in Pinterest and in Facebook and in Twitter. And so they’re now going to
the people and blogging there. You know, telling a story in your home and nobody’s there is quite lonely and not that interesting. That was what would
happen to a lot of people in the blogging sphere. Whereas going to town
hall and getting on there and grabbing a mic and talking, maybe some people will listen. But maybe that person was better. Everybody’s talking, everyone’s listening. So it’s just the evolution. The thesis of people wanting communicate on the Internet hasn’t changed, the formation, the way it’s looked at, the terminology that we
use, the new, you know, recarnation of it is just what
you’re living in right now. – [Voiceover] Soundspace
asks, “My business is
– [Voiceover] Rocky asks, “What’s your opinion “of Nielsen ratings and how do you “benchmark traditional versus social media “success for big brands?” – Rocky, this is a great question as you can imagine, this is the world I live in, I do think that all reporting, if it’s not black and white and quant, […]
– [Voiceover] Rocky asks,
“What’s your opinion “of Nielsen ratings and how do you “benchmark traditional versus social media “success for big brands?” – Rocky, this is a great
question as you can imagine, this is the world I live in, I do think that all reporting, if
it’s not black and white and quant, hold on, Tim
is like being weird. Come here, look at, what? (laughter) Are you all right? – Yeah. – Good. So, you know, traditional
metrics, you know, reporting versus black
and white quantifiable data on the back end are very different. Attribution models done on the web, the whole way where you
can see the whole funnel, you can take more in that
than you can the reporting, and whether that’s
reporting from traditional, like TV Nielsen’s, or
even digital reporting, like there’s plenty of digital reporting. And so you gotta look at ’em differently, and look, I’m a very big believer in branding and marketing,
what are called qual data, and so to me that stuff’s very important, and I believe in brand. I don’t look at the hardcore
quant data of this show, I think I’m building
brand, I’m bringing value. Over the last several episodes, I felt an absolute uptick
in my Twitter stream, and the Instagram comments
of the show’s getting good, I’m bringing, you know,
literally in the last week, anecdotally, not hardcore data, I’ve seen like 13, 14
people tweet or Instagram about like, how the more they go into my rabbit hole of content, the more value, or like he’s really hitting his stride, so I can feel it. It’s like a branding thing. Like I can feel this
show and the last show and the last show, like
we’re taking it up a notch a little bit as we head into the crescendo that is episode 100. And so I think they both matter. If I’m looking at data, I’m
gonna look for something as pure as possible, and so in general, digital stuff attracts me more. But I think there’s a place for both. – Hey Gary, what’s a
good place to get pizza?
“I mustache you a question. “What’s your opinion on brands “building social campaigns around “consumers taking selfies? #mugmustache” – Ya know, this is kind of a, I loved your picture, so I don’t wanna dis you. This is an interesting question. Meaning, it’s very easy answer. What do I think, I think, of course. Selfie […]
“I mustache you a question. “What’s your opinion on brands “building social campaigns around “consumers taking selfies?
#mugmustache” – Ya know, this is kind of
a, I loved your picture, so I don’t wanna dis you. This is an interesting question. Meaning, it’s very easy answer. What do I think, I think, of course. Selfie culture is real, it’s important. I think it’s a noisy space. I often, when I go do brainstorms,
think selfies right away because it’s so in culture. I think it’s not a white space. I think that, too many
brands are doing things with selfies, too many
people are doing things with selfies, too startups. I already think it’s kind of
like, I don’t wanna call it jump the shark, but
like, ya know, it’s fine. By the way, the ironic thing
about making this statement, if you ask me what’s one of
the most likely categories of the breakout marketing
hit in the next year, I would say selfies, even with
the answer I just told you. Meaning for me, the reason I was tough
on the question is like, that was literally asking me
like, what do you think about oxygen, like do you think
it’s important? Yes. What do I think? Of course, yes. It’s a mundane answer, it’s like yeah. I think it’s cool, I think it’s not cool. Meaning, they’re doing it,
somebody could even have a breakout hit if they come up with some clever version of theirs. I don’t think it’s that interesting. I think it’s been going
on for 24 to 36 months. (bass-heavy music)
– [Nicole] Amanda asks, “I just watched episode 96 &
you went off on IP.
“manager of a nonprofit on a heavy topic such as “human trafficking make the depressing content dynamic?” – Fwarg, I think the first thing you need to do is make sure that you realize the content doesn’t have to be dynamic. Right, I think everybody thinks like, ugh, how do we make it social. How […]
“manager of a nonprofit
on a heavy topic such as “human trafficking make the
depressing content dynamic?” – Fwarg, I think the
first thing you need to do is make sure that you realize the content doesn’t have to be dynamic. Right, I think everybody thinks like, ugh, how do we make it social. How do we make it fun? Certain content has to
be done a certain way. It’s contextual. I mean, this is really hardcore stuff that you’re dealing with. I actually think the content needs to be educational while not being too complicated. I mean, it’s a depressing manner. You’re not gonna be able
to light it up, right. You need to focus on what it is and so I would educate and create
narratives through white papers, infographics, SlideShares, videos, pictures, quote cards that actually educate the market. None of us here, none of us here, and when I say here, I mean everyone listening and watching. I would argue that less
than one percent of us are really educated on the matter. So how do you get the information out? And I don’t think that
it needs to be dynamic. I think it needs to be truthful and it needs to be
contextual to the platform. Is that a 45 second video on YouTube with the right tone music behind it that is giving me the information? Is that an infographic with the right color tones that aren’t bright orange and– I don’t think bright orange
and yellow and sparklers on my Pinterest board
around this subject matter. And so I think, I think respecting subject matter and making in contextual for the platform are way more important
than pigeon-holing yourself in a world where you see other people having the option to be
dynamic in a social media world and you wanting to be
in that world because either you want to be there or two, you think that’s the way to win. I think the best way to respect content is to respect the content. And I think that matters. – [Voiceover] Thomas
asks,”Would you be willing
for candidates running for president on how to utilize social media for their campaign?” – Shaybod, I think most intriguing thing to me, and I don’t know if it will ever happen, but I think when it happens I’ll be like, damn, if I was born in America that would have been me, because truth […]
for candidates running for president on how to utilize social
media for their campaign?” – Shaybod, I think most
intriguing thing to me, and I don’t know if it will ever happen, but I think when it happens I’ll be like, damn, if I was born in America
that would have been me, because truth is if I was born in America, I would 100% be a
politician and try to become the President of the United States. But because I wasn’t,
and I can’t be president, I’m selfish in the fact
that I can’t be the top dog. Makes the game completely not interesting. Fuck being a governor. And so anyway, what I would do is go rogue as rogue. I would come out the gate,
throw every skeleton I’ve got out there, all of them. I mean I don’t care what the person does. If that person did drugs,
cheated on their wife or husband, stole money, punched
someone, stabbed someone, like all of it, all of it,
all of it from the gate. Get it out of the way, because it’s ammo against the thing I
want that person to do, which is then go transparent as hell. Right, like throw it all out there, leave nothing for your
competitor to dig up on you, because you’ve now taken control of it by throwing it out there. You may dip, people may
not want to vote for you, but then you start building
momentum from that bottom spot, and you start going in the
direction of pure Meerkat, Periscope, pure content at scale, pure Q and A sessons, all day, every day. Pure and utter transparency in a world where you’ve created the leverage by throwing every skeleton,
I mean all of them. I don’t mean the ones you’re okay with. You’re okay maybe saying
you cheated on your spouse, or you did drugs, or you stole cash, but you feel bad that
you punched your mom, but that’s then that’s ammo. You’ve gotta let it all
out, all of it, all of it. Is the punch to mom funny to you? – Yeah, a little bit. – Okay, cool. You gotta go all out,
and then what you’ve done by doing that is you’ve created
leverage on the other side for you to be able to be as transparent, and then what happens
is really interesting. Then what you have is momentum
in the other direction, because you’ve been
transparent with America, but your competition
and competitor haven’t. Now you’re at the debate, and saying what about you Staphon? You know it’s kind of,
you know what it is? Oh my god you know what it is? It’s literally Eminem’s
last battle in 8 Mile. That’s exactly (laughs) that’s literal. It just hit me looking at you,
cause we talk about hip hop. Like I was, it’s literally,
I was about to say, but I know something about you. That’s really what it is. I actually think, so my advice is the way
Eminem won the last battle in 8 Mile, the movie, is
the way I think a politician can revolutionize politics in America. As a matter of fact, before I
die I think that will happen. Because I think technology
will push us into a corner of not allowing the shadows
of society to exist. It’s crazy the way I live my life now. I would be a totally different person if I wasn’t so self aware of what’s going on with technology. I would be a worse moral
person, I just would, and nobody’s perfect, but it’s crazy to me that I’m a better man, because
I’m scared that somebody’s gonna meerkat it, tweet it,
instagram it, see me out doing this, that, the other
thing, it’s just the way it is. And so, that was funny, pretty cool. That’s what I would do.