– [Voiceover] David asks, “What are your thoughts “on Facebook and their need to start TV advertising?” – David, great question, and I’m really excited about answering this. You have to understand that everything to me is an arbitrage. So for most businesses in the world that don’t have complete reach, right? TV is not […]
“what’s your take on podcasting? “You’re playing in the space, but not all in. “Not worth it yet?” – Brendan, great question. The only reason I’m not all in on the podcast right now is because I’m too busy, meaning, everybody has to kind of decide opportunity costs, and for me, I think I over-index […]
– So Gary Vee, this is what I wanna know. Because you have this 500 person agency, I want you to explain why people should use a digital agency? – For looks. – What’s the circumstances? When not to use it, when to use it? How do you optimize it? Well basically, give us the […]
– [Voiceover] Marius asks, “Hey Gary, can you explain in more detail your statement from Market Makers that Super Bowl ads are underpriced?” – I sure can, Marius. I appreciate the question just moments after I got off the set. (Gary laughs) (people laugh) You know, I care about attention, just like the questions we […]
– Hey GV, it’s TF. Got a question for you for all my friends in the real estate space around the world. And the question is, how much of my advertising / marketing dollars should I be spending on salespeople, telemarketing efforts, versus direct mail, print, traditional, versus online. You know me, buddy. I’m a […]
I actually just started at VaynerMedia yesterday, so I’m on day number two. – Newb. (laughter) Newb. I’m impressed with the hustle though, like sneaking in to the first episode of questions on your second day? That’s an impressive start. Trying to make an impression on the boss. I, I appreciate it. All right. What’s […]
“I know you hate talking about ROI, “but how do you show someone there’s a true return “on your efforts on social media?” (sighs) – Well, how did he set the question up again? “I know you hate talking.” – [Steve] I know you hate talking about ROI — – Yup. – [Steve] but how […]
What are your thoughts on using Kickstarter to start a business? – Mount Dream. I wanna climb that mountain. Mount Dream, Kickstarter. First of all, I think it’s a great way to start a business. Tons of people have started businesses on the back of Kickstarter. Didn’t Oculus Rift start on the back of Kickstarter? […]
for vetting clients, specifically at VaynerMedia?” – Dan, answer number one. Do you have enough money? Dan, answer number two. What I’m really looking for, to not make a joke, and you know, this show’s putting me in a better mood, guys. I gotta be honest with you. I forgot that that’s what Wine Library […]
Entrepreneur on Fire here, and I have a #AskGaryVee question. Pareto’s Law states that 80 percent of our desired outcomes come from just 20 percent of our activities. Do you agree with this? If so, what’s your 20? – That’s a great question. I think a lot of people have brought that up. I know […]