and I’m a marketing consultant. I have my own blog, but I don’t do any podcasts or videos, basically anything that involves me speaking. That’s because I have this terrible Russian accent and I’m worried that it might hurt my trustworthiness. Do you think this is something I should worry about or people from US […]
and I’m a marketing consultant. I have my own blog, but
I don’t do any podcasts or videos, basically anything
that involves me speaking. That’s because I have this
terrible Russian accent and I’m worried that it might
hurt my trustworthiness. Do you think this is
something I should worry about or people from US don’t
care about my Russian accent as long as I give them tons of value? Thanks. – Thank you, Tim. First of all, clearly I
might be dramatically biased because you sound like all my relatives. That Russian accent is so endearing to me that made me feel at home. I think the … Look, do I think there
are certain Americans in the American market will hear that and jump to conclusions? I absolutely do, let’s live in the world we actually live in. Current events in our society prove that. There’s a lot of things
still grounded in our society that maybe many of us wish
that wouldn’t be the case. Do I think that people look at accents as a sign of inferiority,
not as much intellect? I absolutely believe that to be true. On the flip side, I think, Tim my friend, you’re looking at the negative. What about all the people
that who do have accents, by the way a crap load? Let me tell you another thing. As a marketing person, you’re
speaking to entrepreneurs. Do you know the far majority of pure entrepreneurs
and who have that hustle? Many of them in this amazing country do have accents and so
I think you’re looking at the negative instead of the positives. I do also believe that there’s enormous, and I believe the
VaynerNation is a big part of this, because look, the way I roll is something that a lot of people don’t think is the right way to go. I have too much bravado, too much cursing, too much oomph, too much all of that, and so I think it’s
massively important … (laughing) Nice work. I like watching A-time. He loves getting on the show. This time, I’m just really enjoying. I’m enjoying. He doesn’t like it as much when I know which was a big victory for me. I really think that people need to recognize that there’s pros and
cons with everything. My intuition is that if you
think that you can communicate through video or audio podcast, then that is something
you should invest in and that you should not
worry about the market because the market will come to you if you believe that you’re
actually good at it. Unless, you’re not. It comes down to are you good at it. Look, you clearly want to go there because you just made a video question and you got the exposure here. I’m sure you’re probably even using The #AskGaryVee Show
as a little test case, but don’t let the
VaynerNation who’s all going to jump in here and say “Do it, Tim, do it.” You’re part of this community and they’re going to build you up. The real answer is,
once you start doing it, do people give a crap and to me, the fact that I know based on your actions that you want to do it, the bigger answer to your question is go and
do it for the next 100 days and then figure out was it a prejudice or preconceived notions that didn’t allow you to have the upside and then you adjust and that’s the real answer, my man.
“Can anyone create good micro-content? “How can you make sure your team consistently “creates good content?” – Joe, great question. First, for everybody who’s watching and/or listening, I want to talk about the term “micro-content.” It’s something I started using three, four years ago. Hasn’t really caught on. I myself don’t know how often I’m […]
“Can anyone create good micro-content? “How can you make sure
your team consistently “creates good content?” – Joe, great question. First, for everybody who’s
watching and/or listening, I want to talk about the
term “micro-content.” It’s something I started
using three, four years ago. Hasn’t really caught on. I myself don’t know how often I’m gonna use it going forward. But the notion was
content made specifically for the platform. You know, the videos and the pictures, the quotes, the written words
that worked on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest,
Instagram, Snapchat, Vine. It was the context of the book
“Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook.” DRock, throw it up there. Throw it up there, show it. They got it? – [DRock] Mmhmm. – [Gary] You got it, ok.
– [DRock] Mmhmm. – [Gary] So, you know, how do you
make good micro-content? How do you consistently
get your team to do it? First of all, content
is subjective, right? Steve likes “Game of Thrones” shows. I don’t, not that I don’t like it, I just haven’t even seen it yet. Some people watch “Game of
Thrones” and don’t like it. Very few, I think,
’cause it’s very popular. But you know, it is
still clearly subjective, that’s number one. Number two, how do you get a
team to be good at anything when you’re scaling your
kind of P.O.V. on the world and marketing to a 400
person, and downstairs, lot of comments about
downstairs, we’ll get there, um, organization. It’s about education,
but I would actually say that for me scaling and
getting my team to get there has a lot to do more with osmosis, right? Like putting it into their water stream, versus having a class that teaches it. Sure you can write a book. Sure we have lunch-and-learns
and learn-ups within the new organization, but they’re not attended that well. Need to talk about that, by the way. Um, what’s happening more here is that people are doing
and people are smart. You know, it starts with hiring
good people, smart people. And then when you realize
that you’ve hired somebody who’s not capable of learning
through that process, well then you gotta make some decisions. But to me, making good content takes a couple core pillars. Number one, you’ve got
to respect your audience. Meaning, you’ve gotta
respect the psychology of what they’re doing when
they’re on the platform. I know a 40-year-old woman
is in a different mindset when she’s on Facebook versus
when she’s on Pinterest. And that is how I try
to story-tell to her, because I know on Pinterest,
she intent to shop, aspiration to shop, and on Facebook, she’s keeping up with her
world or consuming information. And I strategize around
that, the psychology and the platform itself. Number two, when I say respect, I put out content that
I think she will like versus what I’d like to accomplish. Yes, I’d like to, give me a bottle of wine. Yes, I’d like to, a little faster, Alex, I know it’s early. Yes, I’d like to sell this,
but if I put it in a way that is more interesting to her, five under $10 bottles
of wine that, you know, help you get through the day when you have eight-year-old kids, and then you’re targeting
eight-year-old-kid moms, you’re going to start getting into a game that gives you a better chance. You know, 12 wines somebody
who’s 38 will like, and then you target people
from that were born in 1975. These are all strategies that will work. Again, very heavy Facebook. Or Instagram, taking a glamour
shot of it, in an angle, and it’s just like cool and nice. It’s like it’s all the kind of stuff. Respecting the audience,
respecting the platform, taking your agenda and making it third. – [Voiceover] James asks, “What are your thoughts on
podcasters and YouTubers
– [Voiceover] Chase asks, “How can you stand out “on LinkedIn with all the chatter from “the “social media gurus” that are spamming “everyone’s feed?” – Chase, I took this question because I need to razz you and everybody else who asks a question like this, but I want you to know that I love […]
– [Voiceover] Chase asks,
“How can you stand out “on LinkedIn with all the chatter from “the “social media
gurus” that are spamming “everyone’s feed?” – Chase, I took this question because I need to razz you and everybody else who asks a question like this, but I want you to know that I love you and I apologize. This is a loser question. If you’re worried about everybody else, you’re not worried about yourself and that’s the bottom line. It is stunning how little
I know about anything else, except my world and you guys. Period, end of story. I don’t know how everybody
else’s podcast is doing, I don’t, I’m not listen
to anybody else’s podcast or video show or anything else. I’m aware, I know that
I’m between 60 and 80 on the podcast ratings, but I don’t look at
Tim Ferriss who’s higher or somebody else, I listen to it and try to figure it out. I focus on my stuff. Way too many people cry, “Oh, these social media
gurus are so loud.” Their loud but if they don’t have depth they’re going to weed themselves out and so if you spend one minute looking at what anybody else is doing versus spending all your time
about what is your audience care about and how are they
reacting to your stuff, you know what I spend my hour on? When I’m like winding down. Instead of looking at
who’s ratings are higher and then trying to copy their moves or complain that they’re putting out shows longer or better or different things or get guests or this and that. Instead of focusing on their context and their competitive advantages or what they’re doing well. What I do, is I read my comments. That’s what I do, because I really care about
what you guys are saying about this show. Where the value prop is, what your opinion on the website is, what your opinion about chugging is, what your opinion about banter is, because that’s how I’m collectively trying to make this show better. I’m focusing on the people
that give a crap about this and so, instead of worrying about what everybody else is doing, I don’t… It’s crazy and I think you
can see my energy on this. I know this is a huge, huge, you know, in lieu of the marathon coming
to New York this weekend, I am not a runner who looks around me. I’m like straight ahead. That analogy that people
use, that’s not my analogy. I have a lot of my own. Oh, by the way. We have the reverse engineer shirt, right, let’s link that up. That’s up. Did I blow it? You put it on TeePublic and it only has like 72
hours where it’s 14 dollars then it goes to 22. – [Steve] That’s right. – So we need to like…
I need put it… – [Steve] You got it. – Do I have a BSU? Can I post it? I need to put… I’m going
post this on Facebook, it’s already up by the time you watch this because DRock’s got some editing to do. Drock, did I ruin your Halloween, did we start to late here, like what time’s this going to be done? [DRock] You’re fine. Okay. My friends, stop paying
attention to everybody else. Who gives a (beep)! I need a lot of beeps in this episode because I want to keep
it clean for the podcast. Who gives a crap, what every
other social media guru and expert, if they’re attracting an audience, maybe they’re doing something right. It’s not up to you to decide
that they’re a fluffy, crappy guru and they don’t deserve it. Clearly, they’re hustling
and putting out stuff and clearly they’ll stay. Don’t forget, I’ve been around since 06 under this kind of monarchy and this is the interesting thing, there’s a lot of people
that were the social media technology gurus in 2007, eight and nine, that you’ve never heard of. They come and go if
they’re not good enough, and if they’re good enough they stay. – [Voiceover] Kahlil says, “Sup?”
My name’s Rafael, I run the Personal Development YouTube Channel. My question to you is, what would you do if you were starting over and building your personal brand all over again? Basically getting the name GaryVee out there, all over again. In this day and age, what would you do to go out there […]
My name’s Rafael, I run the Personal Development YouTube Channel. My question to you is, what would you do if
you were starting over and building your personal
brand all over again? Basically getting the name GaryVee out there, all over again. In this day and age, what would you do to go out there and really spread the word and to get yourself known? – I love this question and
boy, I’m gonna set it up. Do I have a really good answer for this, because you, and thanks for the question, and every other youngster
needs to hear this really, really loud and clear. And this is not being disrespectful because I was a 22-year-old
genius business person in my mind because of what I did. But I would do exactly what I did. Which is, for the first 10
years of my professional career, I didn’t say a damn thing. From 22 to 32, when it comes to business, at 30 I started Wine Library TV. From 22 to 32, and one would argue that I was really doing business since 14, but I’ll just say 22 ’cause it
was all in, no school, fine. From 22 to 32, my friend, I did nothing in building the Gary Vaynerchuk brand. You know what I did? I did the work that allowed me to have the audacity to build the
Gary Vaynerchuk brand. This notion that you can
just come out the gate and build your brand by growth hacking and putting yourself out there,
and getting on some podcasts and leveraging other people’s brands to get on and build yourself
as in expert, in what? Like when are we gonna start
asking all these people that are experts, what did they do? Here’s what I did and why I think you should listen to me in business. I am now in the midst
of building my second 50 million dollar plus business
within a five year window. That’s good execution at a speed that most people can’t
calibrate, at a high volume. Is it 50 billion? No. But it’s a life, right,
for a lot of people. It’s business. I invested in companies early on and made a lot of money because I saw where the market was going. Hence the video I popped
up earlier before, that’s linked below, of
what I saw with Apple Pay. I did things that allowed
me to start having a shot to be worthy of people buying a $15 book. Or spending 15 minutes and
watching his or her show. So I did things. So my friend, to you, and everybody else, I promise you before you
get your name out there, it’d be really nice that you
can go to the accomplishments, because when I ask you, hey bro awesome, that
your branding or health, or personal coach, or
whatever the hell you are, but what did you do to become good enough to do this, I’d like to know? I love when people argue
with me on this issue. They’re like, well look at
all the football coaches. These coaches a lot of
times are not real players. You don’t have to be a
great football player to be a great football coach. Guys, have you looked
at every football coach? There’s no football coach that comes out of nowhere at 23 years old and is then an NFL coach and wins Super Bowls. They’ve been a ball boy
since they were seven, and worked within the organization
for 20 years, 15 years. Eric Mangini, when he
was the Jets coach at 36, had been a ball boy since he was 18. Like they’re in it forever. They’re kids, they’re sons
and daughters of coaches, they’ve been in it their whole lives. That’s how you get there. And so this quick move of
using good, modern technology to build up your brand,
siphoning and doing JVs with other people to
siphon their brand equity, that you’re passing
on, that I’m an expert, and then coming out the gate and saying, I’m an expert building
a brand. It’s ludicrous. I laugh at it in my soul, in my stomach, and so does everybody who’s got chops. Gonna say it one more time, I laugh at it and so does
everybody that’s got chops. And I need you to pay attention to that. You have to earn your opportunity to be a personal brand. And the only way to do that
is to actually execute. And so when somebody asks me, well what makes you a social media expert? I show them things I’ve sold, in sales, business, put money in the pocket, predicated on marketing
within that channel. That’s a way to do it, that I believe in.
– [Voiceover] Veronique asks, “You say to put out quality content daily. “Can I add curated content to my own content? “If yes, what’s the right mix?” – V, thanks so much for a great first question. I’m real excited, by the way, I’ve been really missing the show. Between the weekend and traveling to […]
– [Voiceover] Veronique asks, “You say to put out quality content daily. “Can I add curated
content to my own content? “If yes, what’s the right mix?” – V, thanks so much for
a great first question. I’m real excited, by the way, I’ve been really missing the show. Between the weekend and traveling to LA and St. Louis on Monday and Tuesday. Big shout out to everybody
who’s listening on the podcast. Oh, I said watching. I didn’t say watching and
listening on the intro. Well, that’s just how it is sometimes. Anyway, the answer to your
question is absolutely. As a matter of fact, I
think what I call DJing, the ability to take
content that’s going on all around the world right now and bring it into your voice
and putting it out there is an enormous skill set. I think it’s mapping what’s happening in the actual music world, right? You look at what’s happening in EDM and other places of that nature, DJs, people that are able to take a lot of different things and put ’em together, it’s sort of like being
a great chef, isn’t it? So, actually I think one of my biggest weaknesses is my lack of curation. Because I take so much pride
in that the content is mine. I haven’t gone out and taken
articles from other people and then like kinda jumped on top of that. I remember loving Tumblr. One of the reasons I invested in Tumblr way back when was the
notion of reblogging, like tumbling something. You hit somebody else’s blog post and then you wrote your
two cents on top of it. The retweet functionality, with a quote, and then you’d put your
own two cents on Twitter, I think still has a lot more potential. They like limit you to room. I love the ability to retweet, and then have 140 characters, and let the whole thing be 250 characters. Twitter, you should steal that because I think that would
make Twitter much better. I think the adding of
two sets has always been something that I think has been valuable. And you look at somebody
like Guy Kawasaki. I mean people look at his
Twitter feed, it’s all curation. He treats himself like a media company. It’s almost not him. It’s like the Guy Kawasaki network, and he’s just putting out
hundreds of tweets a day it feels like of just different articles, things of that nature, kind
of like a human Nuzzel, or kind of like a human RSS feed. So I think curation of
other people’s stuff or passing on other headlines
is the biggest weakness in my social media content game. And I highly recommend
all of you working on it, and if it feels comfortable. For a lot of people,
you know I would say my, here comes a humblebrag, (bells rings) but I’ve been doing a lot of that lately. If you can see the latest
video. (clicks tongue) I like that dynamic pause, don’t edit it. So for me I think the reason
I don’t do as much curation is I have the ability to do
original content at scale. That’s a struggle for a lot of people, so for a lot of people that
don’t know what to say, the curation of other content
and being the news source for somebody and the rest of the world, under their context, within their genre, if you’re a yoga person
or a health person, or a pumpkin picker, your
two cents on Apple Pay, or George Clooney’s wedding
or things of that nature, under the context of being
a pumpkin picker matters.
– [Voiceover] Paul asks, “We get like five views on our video, “three of them being from us. “How do very new and small channels “gain a following when people don’t interact?” – Paul, nice ratio on your viewership because from Wine Library TV I had a similar thing and it was my grandma and […]
– [Voiceover] Paul asks, “We get like five views on our video, “three of them being from us. “How do very new and small channels “gain a following when
people don’t interact?” – Paul, nice ratio on your viewership because from Wine Library TV I had a similar thing and it was my grandma and mom, so, I know that world. The reason I was able to build up my channel back in the day and now as well, though I have a bigger base now and you can argue with that, is the quality of the output, right? I mean, at the end of the day, how are you gonna find traction? There’s two ways. One, you can put out great content, that’s what I do. Two, and I don’t know
if that’s what you do, maybe you stink, so we need to talk about that. Two, you need to biz dev. Show this man. Right, so, I’ve done all my biz dev my entire career, but, I’m getting stretched so thin. So, Alex DS is gonna come in and start doing biz dev. So, when I see something from a tweet from one of you, and you want to distribute this content on your page, that used to go to my inbox and it would disappear, or the new and there’s wine content there, and I want to get that distributed ’cause you have a food blog, and you’d hit me up on Twitter, that would get passed on. But now, he can capture that and biz dev. So, it’s about biz dev. You now, don’t have
anybody talking about you ’cause you have five views, and all those things. But you need to biz dev in reverse. I’ve been lucky enough to have a 20 year well-executed successful career, so it comes to me, I
deserve it. It’s capitalism. You have not done that yet, but you will, hopefully. I want you to. I want to
look back at this video and be excited that you did. When I didn’t have that, I had to biz dev. When Wine Library was
Shopper’s Discount Liquors and nobody gave a crap, I walked around the neighborhood and knocked on restaurant doors and said, “Can you put these flyers on your counter, “for a 20% off coupon
by the case of wine?” I hustled. You, my friend, need to hustle. Number one, the variable
is your creative. No matter how much you hustle and sell and put out flyers, Steve, and put out flyers. Podcast listeners, that was Steve playing something in the background, I apologize, he just
doesn’t have any manners. I was on a big point too, Steve. No matter how hard I hustle, and put out flyers and made it happen. When people came to Wine Library, if we didn’t have a good selection, if we didn’t get good prices, if we didn’t have good
customer service, we lost. So, the two variables are, can you biz dev, can you make it happen or are you willing to hustle? Do you realize that we can’t be romantic, that, we’re just gonna
put out an awesome show and it’s all gonna work out. Bullshit. What needs to happen is you have to put out an awesome show and hustle your face off 15 hours a day to get people to care. That’s very different
than spamming people. That’s very different
than going on Twitter and be like, “Watch our show, “watch our show, watch our show.” Even in a world where you don’t have a huge audience, you have a way to bring value to somebody. If you can figure out how to do that, and then leverage that value for them to give you what you want which is exposure, you will win. It blows my mind how many people email me every single day saying, “Gary, can you tweet about my show?” In a world where I’m such a hustler and such a biz dev guy, and such a wanter to give
to people on the rise, and none of them ask
what they can do for me, or do something for me. Like, where’s that video,
where’s your video show saying “Hey, we want to do like “five custom GaryVee videos.” In our world, we’ll give ’em to you, you can use them as assets and then maybe you can give us some love. No, because people think about themselves and how do I get views. And what the whole world is predicated on when you’re doing biz dev is, can I give that person
51% of the value of the situation. Because if I do, then they’ll say yes and then I can get 49% of the value, and that’s what I do, day in and day out, and day in and day out. And that’s why I continue to win in a world where people
want 100% of the value. You wanted this question answered ’cause you wanted an answer and you were hoping that you could get on this show
and get the exposure, right, for your channel. You know what?
I’m gonna be a good guy, DRock link it up, there it is. Can’t you do stuff
within the YouTube world? There you go, you got some views. Now, bring some value.
when you feel you have unique content but not tapping into the right audience or not gaining visibility.” – Nikola, this is where you start looking yourself in the mirror and deciding if you have business development chops. This notion that you have the greatest content and it’s not finding it’s audience is romantic at […]
when you feel you have unique content but not tapping into the right audience or not gaining visibility.” – Nikola, this is where you start
looking yourself in the mirror and deciding if you have
business development chops. This notion that you
have the greatest content and it’s not finding
it’s audience is romantic at worst and audacious at best. To me what you need to
look at is are you capable of also building audience for your content or are you just the content provider and do you need a partner
who can help you go out and do that or have
you just lost all sense of reality and you’re
stuff is just average. – [Voiceover] Galen asks, “At
what point do you just get rid
– Hey Gary, it’s Jason Calacanis. Love the new show and just a question for you. Short or long videos? I like long ones, you do short ones. Who’s right in this situation? What’s the value of short versus long videos? Explain. – Great question @Jason. Fun to see some of the internet famous peeps […]
– Hey Gary, it’s Jason Calacanis. Love the new show and
just a question for you. Short or long videos? I like long ones, you do short ones. Who’s right in this situation? What’s the value of
short versus long videos? Explain. – Great question @Jason. Fun to see some of the
internet famous peeps showing up on the show. You know, it’s funny, I hear him say “I like long ones, you like short ones.” Wine Library TV was 30 minutes everyday so I’ve been in the long game unless he’s talking an hour which is fine. But like now we’re
getting into nitpicking. I like both. Here’s what I would say. Avatar, three-plus hour movie. People sat, listened to it, loved it. A tremendous Jerome Jarre, my partner in GrapeStory, six-second Vine video, people
love it, sit through it. I actually think, Jason,
and VaynerNation, that length has no variable on quality. You need to play within your length but you can watch an hour
and forty-minute movie and think it sucks, right? Or you can watch a six-second
Vine and think it sucks to counter my earlier point
of those quality outputs within those time lengths. So, to me, which one’s better? Both, cause I’m a positive guy. Somebody would say neither. And I think it comes down
to what are you doing within those constraints and
I think it becomes contextual. The skill it takes to make
three-hour feature film is very different than the skill it takes to make a six-second Vine video or 15-second Instagram video to capture somebody’s attention. So, that’s my answer. – [Steve] George asks “What’s your take
– [Mayanmurfee] Ben asks, “What do you think about recent Omnicom advice to move 25 percent of ad budgets to online video?” – So for the small businesses or the entrepreneurs, Omnicom is a big kind of conglomerate agency in my VaynerMedia world these days and they do a lot of what’s called working media, […]
– [Mayanmurfee] Ben asks, “What do you think about
recent Omnicom advice to move 25 percent of ad
budgets to online video?” – So for the small businesses
or the entrepreneurs, Omnicom is a big kind
of conglomerate agency in my VaynerMedia world these days and they do a lot of what’s
called working media, the dollars you spend for distribution. Not to create content. Something we do a lot in social channels but not on TV, print, radio,
all that kind of stuff so I just want want to set the
stage for that question. The thing that scares me with that general kind of statement is that when people think of online video, they think about spending five, 10 percent of the overall budget, let’s call it 100 thousand dollars, on the video production, the quality, the stuff and 95 on the distribution and then what they spend on, and maybe up to 80. Maybe 80 to 90. Let’s say 80. I want to be polite here
today in San Francisco because it’s got a little
bit more of a polite vibe than New York. Of that 80 percent, they pounded in right hook form. What does online video
mean to most people? Let me just explain what it means. It’s pre-rolls on YouTube where people tab out and don’t actually consume it. You go to and a video pops up and takes over 30 seconds of my time which pisses me off. And so what I’m most worried about when I hear people allocating and it’s part of the bigger story which is that people talk about moving TV budgets into other places. My problem is I actually like
live television commercials more than I like banner ads on websites and pre-roll video that’s blocking the user from doing what they want. So this isn’t about
traditional or digital. This is are you bringing value and when I hear move from television and put it into online video, what I know is going on in
actual practitioner world is people are spending
that money on online video that is annoying customers and putting it in places
where they don’t want it versus putting more
percentage of the money on actually creating great video and then figuring out a more native way to distribute it. That being said, Facebook dark post video native to me is a very attractive option, especially if you’ve been seeing it, the audio doesn’t play but if you’re into it, you click it. And so that’s my overall thought, which is that in theory it’s great that we’re moving traditional dollars here but I see a lot of people
misplaying digital. – [mayanmurfee] Laura asks,
I love the new series. So, for the past 18 months, I’ve been delivering daily emails to a community of thousands of women. And this fall, my startup was getting ready to launch its first product. It’s interactive workshop, called Victory Rituals, where we flip the morning routine on its head. As we go from […]
I love the new series. So, for the past 18 months,
I’ve been delivering daily emails to a community
of thousands of women. And this fall, my
startup was getting ready to launch its first product. It’s interactive workshop,
called Victory Rituals, where we flip the morning
routine on its head. As we go from concept to final product, what’s the best way to empower our readers to help us spread the word
about Victory Rituals? Look forward to your thoughts. – You got it, Nicole. I like how you positioned that, Nicole. How could we empower our readers to spread the word. What you mean is, how do we get our readers
that we’ve been able to amass, to spread the word so
we can get more people into our funnel and sell
this thing, which is great, because we are talking
about business here. Two ways, there’s only two ways. And everybody saw lovely
Nicole ask the question. And she was very politically
correct, in my opinion, and structuring it properly. But what you’re basically saying is, I’ve amassed an audience and
now I want to sell them stuff and not only do I want to sell them stuff, because I feel like I’m entitled
to because I’ve given them a bunch of free content on email over the course of these
last couple of months, or year, Nicole, how
you’ve been doing it, plus. But I also want them to not only buy, but then I also want
them to spread the word so other people buy. There’s only two ways to have
the audacity to make that ask. And that’s what that is, my friends. You can be doing a daily email and putting out great content. You could be putting out
a great show, every day. But then you come to that moment. A book, a something. And there’s only two ways to convert. Number one, write a good book. In your case, Nicole, your product needs to be good. Is it worth the $38? Is it worth the $83? Is it worth the $388? Is it worth the $883? There used three and eights in there if anybody was paying attention. So, first and foremost,
the best way to convert and empower them, aka have
them push it on to others, is by putting out something
great that they want to tell other people to use. They valued it more than they paid for it. Number two is good old fashioned honesty. You just need to be
really upfront with them of what you want from them. You want them to share your video. You want them to go to your website. You need to be upfront with the fact that here are the things that you want. And so, for me, it’s
putting out a great product that’s worth the money. And number two, not
hedging your right hook. Just asking for it, like a woman. – [Voiceover] Dan asks,
“What’s your process for vetting clients,
specifically at VaynerMedia?”