the Nickelodeon 2016 Kids Choice Awards Orange Carpet. I’ve done over 700 interviews since I was seven years old and I’ve also been pitching a scripted TV show concept. Eventually I want to expand to an online TV network sort of thing so I want your advice on how to monetize. Where do I go […]
the Nickelodeon 2016 Kids
Choice Awards Orange Carpet. I’ve done over 700 interviews
since I was seven years old and I’ve also been pitching a
scripted TV show concept. Eventually I want to expand
to an online TV network sort of thing so I want your
advice on how to monetize. Where do I go from here and
when can I interview you? – Oh my God!
– That’s amazing. – So Piper I’ll save you a
ton of time let’s do it ASAP. Tell me where you’re at,
get to New York, call me. – That was pretty impressive. – Actually sorry Piper, text me. That was amazing. What do you guys
think about that? – I think that when she talked
about how to monetize the short game is to go for brands, the long-term game would be to continue her hosting on YouTube,
push it on her platforms and maybe even grow it in to
sort of a brand where she has a clothing line.
I mean she’s adorable. She has this red hair that is
different she could do something with that.
– Yep. – Make her own little
network. I mean honestly. – Yeah. – And I also think right now,
it’s not about the ads, the pre-roll ads, it’s about who the
brands who want to work with you and that makes
sense with your brand. – Right. – If you have hover board
sponsor a video no one’s going to care. (crosstalk) Find things that work
with your brand and integrated into your content.
Don’t, you know– – I think I will definitely
have you on the show. You’ll interview me and during
that show I’ll give you much more detailed answers
because it’s really predicated on your situation. I don’t know the
financial situation of your parents’
or your situation. There are so many things, I
hate giving general advice when there’s an opportunity
to give specific advice. Since were going to be
hanging out, I’ll go there. The longer you can wait,
the more you will make if you’ve got the talent. I think that’s a real KPI. I think the other thing is, I
noticed all the things you had there I would aggressively
start looking at musically. I don’t know what you guys are
doing with musically either one of you are on it. But I think that is the absolute
platform of junior high right now and it seems like
that would be a very smart place for you to go. I would continue to be first
mover in new places because I think that you’re at such a
young age were that can be a big, big, big advantage. Supply and demand is different
on musically that it is on Snapchat, Instagram or YouTube. We’ll have specific advice
for you Piper very soon. – That was cool.
– That was cool. – Now you guys.
What do you got? – I was thinking of questions
and I pretty much know all the
p.m. in a way that will thrive beyond your charisma the CEO how do you build great successors that’s a great question I think it comes in daily be fifteen you’ll see me in the dirt I think one of the things that’s very confusing about me as I do live Parallel lots I do […]
p.m. in a way that will thrive beyond
your charisma the CEO how do you build great successors that’s a great question I think it comes
in daily be fifteen you’ll see me in the dirt I think one of the things that’s
very confusing about me as I do live Parallel lots I do live a life where I’m
8 outgoing personality a lightning rod of personality charismatic character the
basis of this question we have the show we have daily be able my content I
engage on TV I mean you know I’m actually keeping myself off of TV but
here we go with the new book coming out Dr Oz right Fox and Friends in the
morning CNN with Don Lemon like I’m gonna be out there right magazines things of that nature so you
know with all that being said one thing that people struggled with quantifying
is that I am working eighteen hours a day which allows me in essence live two
lives and I’m living two lives on putting the hours in as I was as if I
was a personal brand and abundant in a a tastemaker an author and speaker and a
personality but equally at scale running this organization I you know it’s very
keeping his company to to run that and be structured and we set up for success
without me I mean I don’t think I just met de TMP client you know like like
like there’s so much business going on that has nothing to do with me that is
set up I D well compensated very senior twenty
years into their career executives that roll around here there’s six hundred
people deeply as much fun as getting too little bit of editing here no joke I
need need need 21 seconds of people of the three floors in New York Knicks I happened to ya last operational
meetings for being so understanding never get upset when people don’t
believe that to be true or agencies doing it like they don’t know and they
don’t know and it has been the only beginning about 60 people to know that
I’m actually doing the work Daniel as well people use anchor as an
alternative pocketing platform I do
follow her snap them a personal brands don’t use it as a two-way street are they missing the point i think that the missing something I i you know I’ve been feverishly and you know send me a message renounce snapshot asked me to bring you up and try to do as many as I […]
follow her snap them a personal brands
don’t use it as a two-way street are they missing the point i think that the
missing something I i you know I’ve been feverishly and you know send me a
message renounce snapshot asked me to bring you up and try to do as many as I
can probably snatches all your messages don’t see you start to go away if you
get too many like I do like I can get an accusing gotta keep kind of paying me a
little bit which stinks like I can keeps rolling yeah like hundreds of messages
an hour I’m kidding I’m just the razor fine you probably are you know so so
that kind of stinks but yeah I do I do think that when you look at Mike who’s
been winning on in some of the other people like some of the early people
that are following the blueprint by the way real quick everybody’s kind of yet
yapping at me right now we’re going to put a shot so hard you guys have been
very close to the show nobody was saying that about Facebook with me last year
that’s all I talked about right or Instagram because it’s the first day
I’ve never seen it happen in an early stage the kind of caught me mid Facebook
thesis when I started the shell guys this will happen again the show continues and like smooth like
that’s what all talk about until i feel like im totally screwed anyway yes I
look look the interest they’re not missing the point they’re playing means
that these personalities are playing the with game not the depth game let me
explain if you just keep it as your content pusher and people want to see
you dressed sexy your business advice or whatever the hell you’re doing if you’re
just doing that and you’re not engaging with people because first of all
personal brands have different I mean I’ve already talked to multiple of my
female friends on the that they’re getting from leaving their snapshot open
its like like not good ok that’s number one number two for the guys in the crowd
it’s a complete no-brainer if you want to create depth for four women
unfortunately just life it’s a little trickier for me to give blanket advice
but clearly you know about fact question of the day whether it happened on
Twitter or whether it happened on I’ll or whether it’s happening right now
on snapchat has me personally responding in a world where I’ve done by the way
from the prior question has that impacted how you feel about me that’s
the question and the answer is yes from a lot of people write like people
appreciate effort and that engagement and so when the questions being asked or
the missing the boat I do I think they’re missing an opportunity people
affected by what their elderly putting but those if they took one second and
said thanks lol yeah I said yeah Holland to some guy did you know like if they do
that I’d literally believe that that that person will pay more attention do
more things with them biz dev more with them care about them longer and I think
there’s a real ROI for that little extra effort even go to work my way into work carry this is John Coles sharp the evil said now you know
– Hi everyone, I’m Nancy El Gaudi, at Nancy ElJudge on Twitter, (laughs) a little plug (laughs). So, as someone who is just working out building their personal brand, would you say, quality of concept is more important, or quantity of content. – Both! – Okay. (laughs) Should I be putting out stuff every day? […]
– Hi everyone, I’m Nancy
El Gaudi, at Nancy ElJudge on Twitter, (laughs) a
little plug (laughs). So, as someone who is just working out building their personal
brand, would you say, quality of concept is more important, or quantity of content. – Both! – Okay. (laughs) Should I be putting out stuff every day? – Yes! – What if I’m not passionate about it, what if I’m just going–
– No! – No, only stuff I’m passionate about. – Yes!
– Okay, cool. – And now, the question
becomes, do you have enough? – Right.
– And that’s why I just did that funny little exercise with you. Guys, we’re not all entitled
to have personal brands and make millions of dollars. – Yeah. – It’s predicated on
if you have the skill. Like, I really knew a shitload about wine. I really know a shitload
about business and marketing. You clearly are doing your thing with him. Like, you have to decide if
you’re actually good at it and you have enough, but
you’re gonna need both. – Yeah. – And, if you’re great,
and you got the content, you can do both, but that’s where the rubber hits the road, right? Like, you know, building a
personal brand is just like becoming a rock star,
musician, or a famous athlete, or a politician. We don’t all get to do it,
but you know what’s cool? Unlike the way our parents grew up and our great-grandparents grew up, we all get a chance. We all have a camera and a
phone, and we all get a chance. But, the cream is going to
rise to the top, my friends, not everybody’s entitled
to be a personal brand. – Okay. – making millions of dollars doing what they want to do at all times. It’s just not that easy. What’s special is that you get to find out if you’re good enough, because
there was millions of people that were good enough, but
didn’t live in Hollywood, that didn’t have parents that
could send them to Hollywood. And, that’s what’s special, not if you, that we’re all going to be famous, it’s that we all have a
chance to create something. – [Nancy] Thank you so much.
– [Gary] You’re welcome. – I really appreciate that.
– Thank you. Get in here, let’s go. Let’s go, big man.
“Gary, you talk about in your early years, “you didn’t say anything and just built your brand. “How do you know when to switch to the next level?” – You know, I think, you know, listen. There’s a lot of people who never switch. Who says you have to switch to become an outward personality […]
“Gary, you talk about in your early years, “you didn’t say anything
and just built your brand. “How do you know when to
switch to the next level?” – You know, I think, you know, listen. There’s a lot of people who never switch. Who says you have to switch to
become an outward personality or you want to, I wanted
that, I love, you know, mom, you’ll like this,
because I know you’re watching now that I mentioned you and
you’re paying extra attention. You know, my mom loved me so much, to such a high level, I
feel that I’m a good guy because I want the love and
admiration from all of you because I still want that
feeling, I like that feeling, and it’s crazy, I’m starting
to really, really understand that that’s what, I’m like, why am I, why do I even care to be a good guy when it’s so easy not to? It’s because I really like
the feeling of being loved. I mean, just, it’s super,
and there’s only one way to do that, which is
to provide love first. And so, you know, I
think that making that, I needed that, I needed
to be out in the open, mass love or whatever I’m looking for, but not everybody needs that. Do you know how many people, for every Mark Cuban or
Richard Branson, right, for every one of those
kinds of entrepreneurs that are out there, you know, there’s so many that you’ve never heard of building hundred, do you know
how many people right now have a hundred million dollar business, a five hundred million dollar business, that you’ve literally never heard of? Countless. Go look at Forbes 400 richest people. You’d be flabbergasted how many of them you’ve never heard of. So, you don’t have to make the switch to become a personal
brand, or be out there, you know, do you know how many people push the other way, who never wanna be, use the money, actually, to not be known? They just wanna keep getting the money. It depends what drives you. Money is fine, but its a
byproduct of what drives me, which is building community,
creating a legacy, empowering people, it’s equally selfish as it is, you know, noble, and so I think, first, it starts
with knowing yourself and recognizing you don’t have to. One could argue that
if I didn’t need that, I’d have a 500 million dollar
wine business right now. So it’s not necessarily always
about making more money, it’s about checking the
boxes that make you happy. Like, going to a Jets game. That makes me very happy.
– [Voiceover] Mike wants to know, “Are you building an eco-system or an ego-system?” – Michael, this is a great, great question, and I think the answer is both. I think the true answer is both. I think that I’ve created an infrastructure of free content and interaction and organization that has created an ecosystem. […]
– [Voiceover] Mike wants to know, “Are you building an
eco-system or an ego-system?” – Michael, this is a
great, great question, and I think the answer is both. I think the true answer is both. I think that I’ve
created an infrastructure of free content and interaction and organization that has created an ecosystem. It’s super hard to argue. I mean, wait ’til “Crushed It” comes out, the book that follows the 400 people, which is 400 of the 4,000 people that read “Crush It”
and their lives changed. Go read the comments in the Facebook posts and in the Instagram
posts around this show of people literally, in the last 30 days, ’cause I’m reading them all, just talking about how, like, weird, watching 100 episodes of
this has changed their life. They make more money, like, real life stuff. So that’s an ecosystem. On the flip side, it’s very centraled around a human being, right? Me. And that’s an ego-system, so I think the answer is both, and I think that, you know, I think like anything in life, there’s a very fine line. I often use Oprah to
bunch of spammy gurus. She just walked the fine line of inspiration and motivation just right to create all-time great billionaireship and all-time great impact, whereas, gosh, if she just turned an inch in the other direction, and if you look at her early career, she
probably was in that lane, and I think when she was able to squeak it a little bit more to the left, it took her to the stratosphere. Look, I think I’m
walking a very fine line, and I think I’m walking it properly, and I think I believe that because I just clearly know myself best and know my motivations, and I think that if you were to intimately look under the hood of
my actions and career, you would see all the dollars
I’m leaving on the table, which I think usually tend to be the motivator that forces people to get on the wrong side of the road of this eco-ego system
that you talk about. And so I think the answer is both. I very much thrive off the attention, the pressure, the admiration, the trolling and hating. It’s all part of it, and I think I’m capable and
I have broad enough shoulders and puffy enough chests to be able to deal with it, and so the answer is both, and I think done right, done properly, by all standards of the seven-person jury, I think it’s the way to
pull off a great legacy, and that’s what I’m trying to do.
your brand with the public. How personal is too personal? Where do you draw the line?” – Kyle, I think for everybody it’s different. I draw a line heavily around the kids. I don’t do a lot of stuff with Xander and Misha, but I’m also thrilled to put out a picture of me being […]
your brand with the public. How personal is too personal? Where do you draw the line?” – Kyle, I think for
everybody it’s different. I draw a line heavily around the kids. I don’t do a lot of stuff
with Xander and Misha, but I’m also thrilled to put out a picture of me being on the toilet. Everybody’s got different lines. Some people are very conservative. Some people are extremely aggressive. Some people take photos nude, some don’t even wanna
show their belly button. Everybody’s got their own objectives, their own agenda, their own
North Star or what’s too much. For me, I just always go on gut feel. What may be too much
last week might not be too much tomorrow. I don’t really I don’t really second guess my feelings. I’ve done pretty well with them. For me, it’s what I’m
feeling of the moment. I like getting personal. I think it allows people
to get closer to you. I love doing this show for that reason, and so that’s where I’m at. – [Voiceover] Autumn asks, “I
wondering what everyone thinks
a young woman to brand herself on YouTube if she’s worried about privacy and security for her family?” – Dana, that’s a tough question for me to answer because I’m acutely aware that a lot of practices that I do, I would struggle to execute if I was a woman, and definitely, the thing that […]
a young woman to brand herself on YouTube if she’s worried about privacy
and security for her family?” – Dana, that’s a tough
question for me to answer because I’m acutely aware that
a lot of practices that I do, I would struggle to
execute if I was a woman, and definitely, the thing
that I spend a lot of time on this lately, serendipitously,
I’ve been in a couple of meetings with a couple
of friends, that are what I would call, very attractive
girls, and that becomes– Call it whatever you want to call it, that becomes a whole nother variable. And so women have it different. I’m thrilled for people to leave comments, and I know they will, and say, “No…” Yes. Women have it different,
African Americans have it different, Latinos have it
different, context out there is different. White males
have certain advantages. And putting yourself out
there, as a woman, leads to dudes being dudes, what I
mean, dudes are jerk offs, and they’re scum buckets,
and it’s just how we roll. Don’t be mad at us, we
were given chemicals that made us want to be
hunters and we just don’t know how to handle that 94% of the
time, I’m in the six percent. What I would say is, carefully. I’m petrified to give an answer
here because if one deems into an uncomfortable situation
for you, but I think, look– I think there’s different
levels, I mean, the fact– Here’s a good example, it is
very hard to find pictures of my kids on the Internet, right? And your question actually
has your child in the picture. I’m not calling you out
for that, I’m saying, clearly you have some comfort level of putting yourself out there. This is not an answer for
me, or for anybody else, this is the answer for yourself. But what I would tell
you is to be careful, but to recognize people are good. The number one underrated brand in the world is human beings. The mainstream media
spends all of its time telling us about the terrible
.01% of us, as humans. But the truth is, it is
stunning, in the world that we live in now, where
everybody’s putting out their information, where they
are, how they roll, who their relatives are,
how empty their home is. Remember when Foursquare came
out, and everyone was like, “Oh, everybody’s gonna rob you”, because– Let’s put up that article,
I’m gonna find it. Put it up here. This was an
article that was literally written, google right now like “burglar Foursquare robbing your house”. Everyone’s like, “Oh, you
can’t check into places because people are gonna
know you’re not home and they’re gonna rob you.” Ludicrous. You found it already? – [India] There’s something
called please rob me. – Yeah, please rob me. It
doesn’t happen because 99.999% of us, who are watching this
show, living in this world, are good people. So, look, I’m
not giving you advice on this because I care way too much
about the health and wellbeing of your family, and I
care way less than you do. So you need to roll your
way. But I will say this, people are good. It’s stunning how
many more bad things can happen to you by percentage
than the stalker that’s gonna come to your house and hurt you. It is far riskier to drive
a car than 99% of the things people talk about around social media. That’s just my context point
but I will not give you an answer because when it comes to family, everybody has to make their own decisions. – [Voiceover] Jonny asks,
“Any tips on giving
– [Voiceover] Chris asks, “Gary, would you support “Vayner employees writing their own books “and curating their own content streams “and personal brands?” – Chris, this is a great question. As a matter of fact, first of all. India, first let’s talk about Chris bribing you, and, like, attacking you. Let’s go over here to […]
– [Voiceover] Chris asks,
“Gary, would you support “Vayner employees writing their own books “and curating their own content streams “and personal brands?” – Chris, this is a great question. As a matter of fact, first of all. India, first let’s talk
about Chris bribing you, and, like, attacking you. Let’s go over here to India. India, tell the VaynerNation,
oh, the VaynerNation, the story of, actually,
while you tell everybody Chris’ attack and bribing, I actually am gonna bring a prop for this. – [DRock] You can
mute your microphone. – That’s fine, I’ll be right back. Trouty! All right, I’ll give you the
microphone for India’s story. – All right, Chris was
extremely persistent over the holidays. A time where not a lot of our people were Tweeting questions. And he got his friends to
tweet after his question, and tag me. And then he said that he
might start bribing me. So, it definitely worked; here’s
your question on the show. – It didn’t work because
you didn’t execute the actual bribe gift. Right, you went noble. But now, Chris, I want you to know, and we’ve known each other a long, long long, long, long time. And it’s good to have you on the show. That you will need to send India a gift; it will need to be substantial. (people giggling) And we tell the
VaynerNation what you got her in an upcoming episode. And, so, this is really your
chance to either be a good guy, or a terrible guy. Trouty, can you do me a favor? Can you find me Jason Donnelly? – [Trouty] Yeah.
– He was going through– – He’s floatin’ around.
– [Gary] He’s floating around. He was going through orientation. Cool, we will, we’re
looking for Jason Donnelly. And we will answer Chris’ question with Jason Donnelly as a
human-prop to your question. Let’s go to the next question. I’ll interrupt that question
when Jason Donnelly shows up. That’s how we’re doin’ it, DRock. Don’t fight me, DRock! Let’s move on. All right, here we are to
finish off this answer. This is, actually, tremendous timing because the question came at the same exact time that Jason
rejoined VaynerMedia. Jason, you made the
vital, devastating mistake to leave VaynerMedia,
and go somewhere else; but then you rejoined Vayner today. Why don’t you tell VaynerNation first, just ’cause I wanna hear it
and feel good about myself, about why you did that. But just one sentence ’cause I wanna actually answer the question. – This is home; that’s it. (chuckling) – All right, I figured you
could answer this question better than I did, so, why
don’t you tell the VaynerNation how I did support somebody who
was writing their own book? – Not only did he support
me by just lovin’ the book, he bought copies and gave it to people throughout the office. He’s been nothin’ but helpful,
and the best boss ever. – So, yes, the answer
to the, thanks go work! You gotta make up lost time. The bottom-line is, of
course, I think that you can’t get away with saying you’re gonna take care of people, and you wanna build around them. Too many people wanna act like they’re gonna take care of everybody but then suppress people who
they think can trump them. See, there’s something
amazing that happens when you think you’re
greatest of all time. You don’t think that
anybody is necessarily gonna be able to surpass you. Thus, you don’t need to
suppress, and I mean that. I mean, it may sound like
a douchebag-thing to say, but, like, I believe so much in myself that there is no value in me
tryin’ to hold down people that I think are more talented than me. And that happens every day of the year in organizations all the time. And, so, for me, show them, show them. For me, if they’re better than me, or if they need to fly the nest; well, then that’s what needs to happen. If that means writing their own book and building their brand,
I’m more than happy to do that and support it. I just believe in fair, and in capitalism. And, so, not only do I
believe in supporting it I do support it actively when it happens.
My name’s Rafael, I run the Personal Development YouTube Channel. My question to you is, what would you do if you were starting over and building your personal brand all over again? Basically getting the name GaryVee out there, all over again. In this day and age, what would you do to go out there […]
My name’s Rafael, I run the Personal Development YouTube Channel. My question to you is, what would you do if
you were starting over and building your personal
brand all over again? Basically getting the name GaryVee out there, all over again. In this day and age, what would you do to go out there and really spread the word and to get yourself known? – I love this question and
boy, I’m gonna set it up. Do I have a really good answer for this, because you, and thanks for the question, and every other youngster
needs to hear this really, really loud and clear. And this is not being disrespectful because I was a 22-year-old
genius business person in my mind because of what I did. But I would do exactly what I did. Which is, for the first 10
years of my professional career, I didn’t say a damn thing. From 22 to 32, when it comes to business, at 30 I started Wine Library TV. From 22 to 32, and one would argue that I was really doing business since 14, but I’ll just say 22 ’cause it
was all in, no school, fine. From 22 to 32, my friend, I did nothing in building the Gary Vaynerchuk brand. You know what I did? I did the work that allowed me to have the audacity to build the
Gary Vaynerchuk brand. This notion that you can
just come out the gate and build your brand by growth hacking and putting yourself out there,
and getting on some podcasts and leveraging other people’s brands to get on and build yourself
as in expert, in what? Like when are we gonna start
asking all these people that are experts, what did they do? Here’s what I did and why I think you should listen to me in business. I am now in the midst
of building my second 50 million dollar plus business
within a five year window. That’s good execution at a speed that most people can’t
calibrate, at a high volume. Is it 50 billion? No. But it’s a life, right,
for a lot of people. It’s business. I invested in companies early on and made a lot of money because I saw where the market was going. Hence the video I popped
up earlier before, that’s linked below, of
what I saw with Apple Pay. I did things that allowed
me to start having a shot to be worthy of people buying a $15 book. Or spending 15 minutes and
watching his or her show. So I did things. So my friend, to you, and everybody else, I promise you before you
get your name out there, it’d be really nice that you
can go to the accomplishments, because when I ask you, hey bro awesome, that
your branding or health, or personal coach, or
whatever the hell you are, but what did you do to become good enough to do this, I’d like to know? I love when people argue
with me on this issue. They’re like, well look at
all the football coaches. These coaches a lot of
times are not real players. You don’t have to be a
great football player to be a great football coach. Guys, have you looked
at every football coach? There’s no football coach that comes out of nowhere at 23 years old and is then an NFL coach and wins Super Bowls. They’ve been a ball boy
since they were seven, and worked within the organization
for 20 years, 15 years. Eric Mangini, when he
was the Jets coach at 36, had been a ball boy since he was 18. Like they’re in it forever. They’re kids, they’re sons
and daughters of coaches, they’ve been in it their whole lives. That’s how you get there. And so this quick move of
using good, modern technology to build up your brand,
siphoning and doing JVs with other people to
siphon their brand equity, that you’re passing
on, that I’m an expert, and then coming out the gate and saying, I’m an expert building
a brand. It’s ludicrous. I laugh at it in my soul, in my stomach, and so does everybody who’s got chops. Gonna say it one more time, I laugh at it and so does
everybody that’s got chops. And I need you to pay attention to that. You have to earn your opportunity to be a personal brand. And the only way to do that
is to actually execute. And so when somebody asks me, well what makes you a social media expert? I show them things I’ve sold, in sales, business, put money in the pocket, predicated on marketing
within that channel. That’s a way to do it, that I believe in.