“help stop the stigma around mental health?” – Well, that’s taking it into a different place. Right, mental health issue versus meditation but that’s where he’s asking. – [Andy] Yeah. – What do you think about that? – Well mental health is a really broad scope so how would we define mental health? We could […]
“help stop the stigma
around mental health?” – Well, that’s taking
it into a different place. Right, mental health issue
versus meditation but that’s where he’s asking.
– [Andy] Yeah. – What do you think about that? – Well mental health is
a really broad scope so how would we
define mental health? We could talk very
narrowly about something, anxiety. It’s something a lot of people,
it’s the number one thing I hear people talk to me about. Anxiety and I think that’s a
mental health issue and I do think one of the best antidotes
to anxiety for me when I was having panic attacks and anxiety
bouts was learning to be mindful which is just learning
to be present right now. I did it by following my hands
around in the day and it let me not worry basically because
I was forced to be present. And so it was actually a very
profound tool for change for me. – Can I interrupt
you for one second? – Yeah, go ahead. Before we get into guns.
– Yeah. Before you get into guns, and by
the way I’ve done an incredible job not interrupting. I know all of your
watching, I’ve crushed it. Are they commenting?
I’ve crushed it. Biting nails.
– Mhmmm. – Now that frickin’,
you know I’m so curious, do you know anything about,
is you looking at your hands, is biting nails
something that I’m… Listen, I’ve got Jewel. She knows her shit,
I’m excited here. Biting nails,
do you think that’s a move? – A move? – Like the way you did that, am
I so at peace and pumped because I bite my nails all the time? Like I’m trying to
figure out what that means. – Do you bite your
nails all the time? – Yeah. When I’m
really in an interesting spot. – Mhmmm. My guess is that’s how you’re
handling a type of anxiety and you’re gonna think and you’re
gonna figure things out and that’s your way of doing it. I don’t know if you’re mindful
while you’re doing it or if it’s an absent distraction. – No, it’s
definitely not mindful. – Yeah.
– I’m just not. I’m just like, wait,
fuck, I’m eating my hand. Keep going.
Gun control. – True to yourself,
so mindfulness would be, “Oh, I’m eating my nails.” – Yes.
– Get curious about it. Just observe it.
– Yep. – That’s mindfulness.
– Got it. – And it takes you from
being hijacked by your brain to back to being the driver.
– Yeah. – I’m in control
of my brain, Jewel. – Yeah? If you’re biting your
nails and you don’t know why I’m not sure that you are. – Well, I respect that but
that’s only a micro one example on a macro level, anyway.
– Good to know your answer. – Guns. Guns? – I think guns are
a mental health issue. – I do too. In a big way. – I think it’s really
important to focus on. Learning to calm our anxiety,
learning about mental health does nothing but help our entire
culture a multitude of ways. And so, I would encourage
both sides of the aisle to start looking at
mental health, mindfulness, mental health solutions
instead of talking about highly polarizing things
look at the deeper cause. – [Andy] Do you think there’s a
stigma around those solutions? – I do and I often
have people say like, “Why do you, how do
you talk about this? “Isn’t it scary?”
And I look at them and go, “Have you never not
felt anxiety? Jealousy? Fear? “Am I inventing new emotions
somebody’s never come up with?” No. I don’t know why
people don’t talk about it. – I think we’ve had enormous progress in the
last half decade. This was not even
being talked about. – Yeah. – Ten years ago this
was (clicks tongue) zero. – I did a pre-tape interview
for the “Today” show and we were talking about the movie
that’s coming out and she said, “I looked at your
website,” she talked to me about mindfulness
the entire time. That would not have
happened to me five years ago, two years ago. I was flabbergasted.
– 100%. – Yes, I said
flabbergasted. Two points. – (laughs) Tell me
two seconds about this.
culture and look at zeitgeist. Where is culture swinging and where do I authentically intersect with that? For me, I’m great at connection and I love the technological age. I love how accessible information is. I love that with education at our fingertips. I love that it’s disrupting everything. It have the tremendous ability to […]
culture and look at zeitgeist. Where is culture
swinging and where do I authentically
intersect with that? For me, I’m great at connection and I love the
technological age. I love how
accessible information is. I love that with
education at our fingertips. I love that it’s
disrupting everything. It have the tremendous ability
to cause a distraction addiction and we need to be careful with
our children and with ourselves of how we consume. Now what does that mean?
It’s a very interesting topic. How do we consume in a way that
doesn’t hurt our mental health? That doesn’t cause
neural pathways of addiction and distraction addiction and that’s actually a
very fascinating topic. – I think the thing that a lot
of people are talking about, Simon Sinek has a video that’s
going viral on this right now. I think the question
becomes that we never do is what was the alternative?
– Mhmmm. – So, it’s one thing to say that
we’re addicted to this and we’re spending our time on this. My question is
that same human being, what would they have been
doing with this time– – Mhmmm.
– in 1989? Would they be
addicted to television? I had plenty of friends who
played 11 1/2 hours of Nintendo. – Yep. – You know we’re deploying our
angst against the medium and we’re not looking at
the human being enough. – Absolutely. – You know there’s a lot of,
there’s a lot of kids sitting in their room on their phone all
day long creating Instagram accounts and doing
stuff that would’ve been on the street doing something bad. Like this thought that it’s all
bad is very fascinating to me. I don’t know. I am unbelievably
pro-human being. – Yeah. – I mean back to just data
and behavior and patterns, like we’re still here.
– Yeah. – Like we’ve
had all the ability, when you think about what we could be doing to
each other negatively. We’ve all, there’s so much
carnage that could happen in one second and we don’t and so we
are scared of what we don’t know and I think that, I think that
I’m surprised by the collective cynicism of the of
the American market, for sure, around these
technologies but it makes a lot of sense to me because
every time there is a massive communication shift we
are very cynical of it. – Yeah. And we’re frightened. – We’re scared.
– But what I love is the Millenials already
have the antidote. So they’re already a
product of the culture of being, having the ability to do this
and look at their screen and what are they telling us? We want experiences,
we don’t want things. – Of course.
– That’s the antidote. We get to get out
and have experiences. – Guys, this is nothing
compared to VR in 20 years. – Mhmmm. – People are
gonna sit in their home. You’re never
gonna see them again. They’re gonna put their contact
lenses on and they’ll be gone. This is, I’m being, this is it. Be happy that they’re
actually out and about looking at the phone ’cause of
the San Diego in a pod and they’re not coming out.
– Right. Yeah. – Andy? Really though
because by the way,– – Yeah? – to your point, and I
see where you’re going. It’s why we’ve
always loved reading books, and watching movies. We need to escape–
– Yeah. – for our mental health.
– Mhmmm. – That’s what this is. It becomes the
alternative universe. The much more extreme version
of that is gonna be the virtual reality world when they
can absolutely in 20 years technology put in
contact lenses and be somewhere. – I always add in caveat–
– Go ahead. – a lot of people talk
to me about mindfulness and, you know, about
being in your head. It’s actually not about,
we do need an escape. – Yes. – Our minds will
run us, they hijack us. – Yeah. Yep. – And so a lot of us use
escape so that we don’t, so that we can escape our minds. I look at our bodies
as an amazing machine. And it’s an amazing machine, our brain is
actually not the driver, it’s the steering wheel. So who’s the driver? I think it’s our observer. When we get so
caught up in our mind we’re desperate for an escape. For me that’s when mindfulness
tools come into play with how we interface
with everything. You have to give yourself a
break from your mind that’s healthy habit and not
just constantly a distraction. – Jewel, just because
you’re so deep in this. This is what I want
to ask you for me. I’m being selfish now. I don’t know the answer. I’m curious for
your perspective. I don’t need an escape.
– Mhmmm. – I don’t want to escape. I’m super duper pumped.
– That’s good. – Like I mean it. Like, I’m even
scared to do meditation, this is real because I’m so
happy with my mental state that I don’t anything that
rejiggers anything ’cause I never need an
escape from anything. I’m super it’s true, And. I deal with plenty of stresses
and things of that nature. I don’t know, I like it. It’s fine, it’s part
of the, I don’t know. What do you think about that? – I don’t know what
to think about that. But I know you
can trust yourself. – Yeah, and?
Have you seen that? How do you think about that? It’s just interesting to me that I don’t gravitate
towards an escape at all. – That’s awesome. – I don’t want to, I want to
stay in my head all the time. – Yeah?
– It’s cozy. – Uh-huh. What’s it like in there?
– Fucking awesome. – Yeah?
(group laughter) That’s good.
– Alright, And. One more time.
One last one?
confrontation with people whenever you aren’t really sure. So like, for example– – Yeah, let’s go right to the details. – [Matt] Yeah, for an example, I’ve had issue before where a best friend and my current girlfriend got into an argument together. – Yep. – [Matt] And it just tore me apart. I didn’t […]
confrontation with people
whenever you aren’t really sure. So like, for example– – Yeah, let’s go
right to the details. – [Matt] Yeah, for an example,
I’ve had issue before where a best friend and my
current girlfriend got into an argument together.
– Yep. – [Matt] And it
just tore me apart. I didn’t know how to
deal with something like that. – Yeah, so I think, one thing
that I’ll jump in because I want to get some other calls in. I will say this. I think it’s
important for the people, so the people around me know
that confrontation that has no value is a deal breaker for me. It was funny what raced
through my head which is both my girlfriend and my best
friend wouldn’t have liked the way I would have dealt
with it if it was not valid. If they were just,
you guys are young people, if it was just dumb shit that we
were complaining about or having a real confrontation about,
I would have leveled up, I would have had one
conversation with both and said, “Why are we fighting over
our trip to Disney together?” Like if it’s
completely meaningless, I would have created the
context that it’s meaningless. If it was something
serious, then I would have, I’d made a decision on what
I believe and the truth is the way I deal with confrontation
and something you should think about is I think it’s a
strength to not want to have negativity in your life
and so I deal with it with one conversation and it’s a one
strike policy on confrontation with me in a world where I have
80 strikes in everything else. And if they’re not able to
adjust to what matters to me in that then I just kind of move
on and I mean that by the way. – [Matt] Dude, yeah.
No, 100%. – Just be fair
with them, be fair, be empathetic but literally
unless you’re madly deeply in love and she’s the
girl that you have to marry. Like I’m very
aggressive with my friends. I didn’t lose friendships
over this by the way. This is a line in the sand that
I created and so people realized they had to level up
their emotional intelligence and actually what they cared about
if they wanted to be around me. I really pressured my inner
circle to care about things that mattered because so much shit is
bad if you’re willing to think about it that way or it’s great
if you’re willing to think about it that way. (crosstalk)
Go ahead. – [Matt] It’s ridiculous.
– Yeah, of course. – [Matt] …the adult world
because they don’t have that higher level thinking–
– Hey, hey, hey. I have real bad
news for you, youngster. – [Matt] Let’s hear it. – The college
mentality trickles into 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70-year-olds. Just ’cause they’re older
doesn’t mean they’re any smarter about the way the
world really works. – [Matt] You’re so right. – Alright, man, take care. Love ya, see ya, bye. Alright, give me another number. I mean that’s it, DRock. You know, actually in these
breaks on The #AskGaryVee Show as they set up the call it’s a
good opportunity for me to just not interact with the
person but add the bow. So here’s what it is my friends,
whether running a business, whether running your
relationships one of the things that’s been fascinating to me
is watching the evolution of the people that are closest
to me including this team. Like watching Courtney evolve
over next year is going to be super fascinating because I’m so
aggressive around the emotional things that I care about. Tyler, you care way less about things than
you used to, right? And you’re pretty and you
have that skill naturally. Oh, we got somebody.
– [Chris] No. – ‘Kay. Get your
shit together, youngster. But you have to, I assume
you have to now put things into context better than you did even though that was a
strength of yours. Why? – Because there’s just not time
for shit that doesn’t matter. – You just can’t even get to it.
– Yeah. It’s just you realize what
you should spend your time and energy on and what you shouldn’t and 99% of the
stuff just doesn’t matter. – I love the quotes.
I love the quotes. I mean it is. There is that piece of content
that I put out that 99% of things don’t matter and
everybody hits me up in the comments and talks
about what do you mean? That’s what I mean. I mean you would be
flabbergasted if you gave a lot of thought to how much time you
spend on things that at a macro level aren’t bringing any
value and I want to belittle the argument or the confrontation
that a girlfriend or best friend at 20, you ready? At 22 have with
each other but I just, – Yo, this is GaryVee and
you’re on The #AskGaryVee Show.
It’s your boy Zain coming from Sydney, Australia and welcome to the show, ET. I believe this is a huge issue for a lot of people in life and my question is where does where does motivation stop and execution begin? I want to take this opportunity to thank you both for being huge influences […]
It’s your boy Zain coming from
Sydney, Australia and welcome to the show, ET. I believe this is a huge issue
for a lot of people in life and my question is where does where does motivation stop
and execution begin? I want to take this opportunity
to thank you both for being huge influences in my life and I can
proudly say that I wouldn’t be the man I am today if
it wasn’t for you two. – That’s very nice.
– I appreciate that, man. – Z-squared I’ll tell you that,
the amount of people that come in and write notes all day,
little notebooks of motivation, spend ungodly amount of hours, the amount of hours that we’ve spent watching
each other’s stuff, I don’t want to speak for you but my gut is zero.
Zero full hours. – He said it. – You know, I don’t know,
I don’t know but here’s what I can tell you some
people need to be motivated. For me, I didn’t. I got a chip on my shoulder and
that thing will drive me until the day I’m in the ground. I’m so motivated it’s
coming out of my face. So I don’t need that. So I can’t speak for everybody, everybody’s got
different versions. But here’s what I can tell you
there’s a sign in here that is driving everybody crazy. It’s been brought up like
four times in the last week. It says, “Ideas are shit.” It hangs in our office and it’s
driving crazy and the reason I don’t finish my statement in that sign is I want people to think. ‘Cause the sign actually reads
if it was in full entirety, “Ideas are shit
until you execute them.” Where does
motivation stop and start? Everybody’s got a different
answer but here’s what I can tell you; It’s really easy to be
motivated either you’ve got it or you can watch it. It’s really hard to execute. It is the variable
that separates people. People are always gonna tell me
every day, every day I roll up on people they’re like yo,
I’m gonna buy the Seahawks and you’re gonna buy the
Jets and I’m like great. Can’t wait to see you. People are always telling me
that going to do this, this and this and that and you know what
I do, I don’t know if you do this I ask a lots of them to
email me in 60 days, in 90 days in a year and you
know how many do? Goose egg. (clicks tongue)
People talk shit. And I don’t know where it stops
or starts but I know that most of you, 99% of you aren’t going to do anything about it
and that sucks. – I’m with Gary, inhale, exhale
it’s like asking me which one is which, I don’t know
which one is which. When you inhale, you exhale. I don’t know which ones first
which one is second but you’re not executing
you’re not motivational. I don’t know what the other
stuff is you’re doing but real motivation I don’t know which
one comes first but it makes you do something. If you’re not doing anything
you’re not really motivated. – Do you think it’s a
little bit Star Wars like? I just went somewhere weird. I’m sitting here I’m like you
know, the truth is don’t you think motivation comes
a little bit from a little bit of darkness? This is my point, this is fun
to do this in his room and I’ve been talking to a bunch of
female entrepreneurs the other day and some
leaders in my company. There’s a lot of
mixed genders in here. And again, I’m so scared to go
here because I understand where I’m going I don’t know, I think having,
being a minority, being an underdog
is an advantage. I can’t not believe that. I genuinely believe
I’m making this for my son, Xander, I think you’re soft. I think you’re watching this
right now, six years now I think you’re gonna text me in
a few minutes and be like “Yo, I’m going to kill you,”
which I hope because I hope you have that in you but the truth is, I just believe
that Andy’s in a disadvantage. I just genuinely believe that. I don’t know how else to say it? Now, by the way,
that’s me stereotyping. If Andy’s lucky to be motivated,
something bad happened, I don’t know his dynamic with
his brother but I think being a younger brother’s a
great one, right? Show me a kid who walks in here and says, I’m like
what’s your story? Well, I grew up super rich
and white and it’s awesome. I’m like keep going, they’re
like well my older brother was a star football
player and I wasn’t. I’m like okay now right
I’m like show me something. – Absolutely. – I think, I think a lot of you
are not motivated because you’re lucky and what I mean by that is
you’re lucky in different ways. You haven’t dealt with adversity
that much and by the way it’s not a black-and-white
thing, girl-boy thing– – Absolutely, absolutely.
– you just had great parents. You had a good upbringing. Life just didn’t give you that
much adversity and so, I don’t know,
I want to slice throats. – Yeah. – Like I don’t know.
My stuff is super evil. I’m being really honest
with you guys today. I go to the conference
everybody’s in the green room friends, friends. I’m like I’m gonna
slice your throat. – No question. – You’re gonna go up there
and people are gonna clap. I’m gonna up there and
people are gonna hate you after. They’ll be like why did I even
clap for the guy before me. That’s what’s
going through my mind. – No question.
– It’s just not a nice thing. – Yeah, no question. – Do you know why people
hate when I have guests on? It just happened right now.
I interrupt. – You’re supposed to, Gary.
– I can’t help it. – You’re ready to go. I was an was gonna say for
me, everybody’s like you’re so engaged with your son,
you’re so engaged your daughter. That’s because my
father wasn’t there. I’m not a good father. I just didn’t have my father so every day I wake
up that drives me. I’m not gonna be him. Every time I get on the mic it’s
like my people didn’t take all of us talk
nobody’s taking action. So I’m with you
it’s the dark side. It’s the I didn’t have,
I ate out of trash cans. I told the kids yesterday with
the NBA I said look everybody can get but can you keep. So, for me, I say I’m not into
money I just don’t want to go back to being homeless. I don’t want to each
out of trash cans again. I don’t want to sleep
in abandoned buildings. It’s the darkness that
gets me up and drives me. – I genuinely believe the
worst thing in life is to be somewhere, grow and
then go backwards. Now, I’m weird because I’m
also weirdly romantic to it. That Rocky where he
loses everything, he’s back. There’s a part of me was always
like, ooh, if I lose everything but then I’ll rise back and then I’ll realize who my
real friends were. Andy will not want to
be my friend any more. Good, when I rise back,
I’ll be like fuck you. – Andy will be there.
– You think so? – I think so. – Let’s go to the next one.
– Andy, you owe him. – [Voiceover] Aaron Perez asks,
“En route to self-awareness,
“How do you deal with people who take advantage of you? “You give, never take. “Does it get lonely?” – Yeah, I mean I think what I tend to do. I’m tying a lot of these things together. One of the reasons I don’t try to manipulate GlassDoor like all my friend’s companies do is […]
“How do you deal with people
who take advantage of you? “You give, never take. “Does it get lonely?” – Yeah, I mean I think
what I tend to do. I’m tying a lot of
these things together. One of the reasons
I don’t try to manipulate GlassDoor like all my
friend’s companies do is it helps you
actually get the truth. I think one of the
things that’s great about meritocracy, open ended,
not holding grudges is that you get to see truths. One of the things that I
think I’ve done quite well, and I highly recommend
to a lot of you is not to manipulate situations. So by letting things
play out, you get hurt. But because I’m so
emotionally strong, or I like to think I am,
it gives me data. When people hurt me
or take me for granted or don’t see the bigger picture, I don’t look at that
as a negative, I look at it as a data point. It allows me to decide
what opportunities I want to give that person
if I’m in control. Do I wanna do things
with that person if I’m not in control. Do I give that
person opportunities because I am in
control in reverse. If I think that they’re
being very appreciative or they see the big picture. So one of the things that
I think is quite important is not manipulating one’s truth. And so, to me, somebody
taking advantage of me is very common. A, I’m most comfortable in
being taken advantage of because I like the leverage of it. So it’s a whole weird
think of my own mishegoss, which is craziness
in Yiddish I think. So, I’ve got my
own kind of thing. I love giving. I create environment. I’m self aware enough
to know that I create a lot of the beds that I make that lead to people
taking advantage of me because I don’t create
boundaries of my giving early on and the behavior
becomes it’s like just like anything else right. Like you know, rich
kid, by eating too much. By anything, discipline, if
you’re not creating parameters so I feel like I make
the bed to do that, thus I can’t be a hypocrite
and be upset about it. The reason I like it is
I think I win twice. One, it just feels nice. I don’t mind it, I’m good. I’m good so I’m not scared
by people doing negative things to me because
I’m globally good, emotionally, forever. Two, it’s just data, I just
love watching people navigate in a blank space. If you don’t make
too many rules, if you don’t have
too much to process, if you do run your
company quickly, if you do all those things,
you actually get to see what people actually do in
real life circumstances, not the manipulated rules
and structures and processes that you create that
inevitably slow you down, make you too big to change
and lead to your demise in the game of entrepreneurship. So, I’m very calculated
and comfortable, C-C, calculated and
comfortable in the way that I go businesses
and very honestly, whether you like it or not, whether I like it or not,
the results have spoken for themselves. I win, and I think that
when I look at other people playing similar games,
they win too, and so, you know,
how do I feel about it? I feel like I’m thankful
that I’m in an emotional place that allows me to be
able to eat it for breakfast, and I think any of you that
are emotionally capable to be taken
advantage of, should. It’s called leverage.
People, organizations you won’t work with for whatever reason? – That’s an interesting question. You know and actually, one thing I promised myself on my comeback trail, here in episode 216 is I’m gonna answer these questions not just kind of literally, black and white, but I’m gonna really challenge myself. I think the golden […]
People, organizations you
won’t work with for whatever reason? – That’s an interesting question. You know and actually, one thing I promised myself
on my comeback trail, here in episode 216 is I’m
gonna answer these questions not just kind of
literally, black and white, but I’m gonna really
challenge myself. I think the golden
eras of the show was when I could
answer the question, but also then know how to bring
value to the whole audience and I, right off the bat,
came in hot, I’m excited. Which is, I don’t and
now let’s talk about it. I truly believe that
anybody who has a shit list has a vulnerability. Because when you’re
using negativity to drive your success,
I think that’s a problem. To me, spending
any energy and time, with a list of people I don’t
wanna do business with or put out of business, or
negative, or like people that got me and
I’m gonna get them back, I think is insane. It’s stunning to me, looking
back at my 20 year career. There was a guy that I went
to a wine tasting of, went to the wine tasting in
New York City at the Hilton. The Wine Spectator
National Wine Tasting, all the best wineries are there. I came in, and I come,
and I go to this winery, and they have this great
Shiraz, Australian wines are getting super hot, and I’m
like selling a lot of them, more than anybody
in the country. And I come and I’d like
to taste your wine, thinking this guy was
going to react really well because we sold a ton of it. He goes into a curse
laden, I’m a piece of crap. And I’ve never lad this
happen to me in life. Like just drilled me. You’re the devil of the
industry, I hate you. Like nasty, nasty, nasty stuff. And it was because
I was selling his wine at the most aggressive
price in the country and he thought
I was killing his brand, meanwhile, there were 30
other stores selling it for that price, but he hadn’t
been on top of technology yet and didn’t know there was
a site called Wine-Searcher that allowed you to see
every price on the internet, and I was just matching the
best price in the country. But because I was
the biggest guy, when I emailed it
and promoted it, all the other stores that
were selling it for more called and complained. He did no homework,
he was immature, he was very hot at the time so
he had the audacity and ego. Needless to say, the
Australian wines got less hot, over the next five years,
and then that coincided with Wine Library TV’s explosion, and then this guy who said I
was the devil of the industry and the worst piece of
crap, and a loser kid and was never going
to amount to anything, emailed me, five years
later, begging for me to be on the show for
exposure for his wine. And with no hesitation
I said yes. I believe being the bigger man. I believe not holding grudges. I believe that one of the
reasons I’m successful in life, let alone business is I don’t
allow poison or negativity to be stored within my confines, and I think it’s a very big thing. I’ve been talking a
lot more about optimism and positivity being
a real factor, I’m starting to get
a little more zen in my older age, and
I believe that if you have a shit list, if you have a list, if you hold a grudge, you’re
coming at your own expense. That you’re not doing
anything, do I forget? No. But it’s just context,
it doesn’t mean I’m going to get you with it, it just
means I have to navigate around it, and that’s
a very big difference. I don’t wanna stick it to you. I just need to navigate
around your truth and there might be
some negativity there, and I wanna get around it. I don’t wanna walk into your
cancer over and over again, punch in the face either. So, I would highly
recommend for all of you, If I can do anything
with this episode, if this becomes the
moment in your life where you stop thinking
having a shit list. By the way, so many people
in my family love that. They love the grudge list,
Eastern European old school, we’re gonna get them,
we’re gonna stick it to them in the end. I think the positivity
and the winning. I think nothing sticks it to
anybody better than results. Instead of tearing them down, just get so God damned big
that that’s the ultimate I got you back. And that comes
through positivity.
– [Voiceover] Nishita asks, “Gary, how do design changes to “apps that cause a negative stir affect brand image or usage?” – Is this back Instagram? – [India] Yeah. – This stuff happens all the time. Remember when Uber changed it’s logo? I think Uber’s new logo is way worse than it’s old one. But […]
– [Voiceover] Nishita asks,
“Gary, how do design changes to “apps that cause a negative stir
affect brand image or usage?” – Is this back Instagram?
– [India] Yeah. – This stuff
happens all the time. Remember when Uber
changed it’s logo? I think Uber’s new logo is
way worse than it’s old one. But that’s one man’s
subjective opinion. Even though all four
of you shook your head. Do you like the
Instagram one better now? No, no.
– [Garrett] Yeah. – Yeah, got it.
Me neither but whatever. Nobody gives a crap. If anybody still today still
cares about the Instagram design change then they don’t realize
that Instagram is a business and not a museum. In the context that I come from
if you’re making art that you want debated for the rest
of time it really matters. If you are talking about
business everybody complains about logo changes on
sports teams pro, con, logo changes of apps pro, con. It’s a fun thing to talk
about but if you noticed I got bombarded about it on social and
I didn’t even answer anybody’s question about it because I
didn’t even want to respect the question because for me from
a business standpoint it has 0.00000 impact on
Instagram’s business. Now the UI and UX if it makes
people stay on it longer, engage with that it longer, that has
huge impact but the logo itself as a matter of fact it does
have impact I’m not pooh-poohing design.
I believe in the design. For example, I think
I’m using Instagram less. The first week just because my
eye didn’t recognize the logo as much I hit it less times. Not even kidding. But I’m a focus group of one. I think net-net on a 60, 90,
100 day term, it doesn’t matter. I’m already back to my
normal usage on Instagram. It can be an issue but
I think a lot of time press over engages it. For example, when the Gap
changed it’s logo and that was a whole to do and they changed
back or when people have to do that a lot of times is
more about the press and the perception and then the
stock price more so than what’s actually happening
in user behavior. But sometimes it
could be a change. I don’t over, I think a name and
a logo can always be trumped by the quality of the product. Even bad press. When Uber’s getting
all that bad press. My friends, “I feel bad
what Uber is doing,” and they’re take an Uber
while they’re saying it. I’m a big fan of
actions over words. All the people that I hate the
Instagram logo but are using it .3 times more today
than they did a week ago, what does that then mean? It’s like saying you’re moving
to Canada if you don’t like the president and then not moving
which is what basically all of my extremist friends on the
Republican and Democratic side have done of the last 16 years. Everybody moved to Canada during
Bush every move to Canada during Obama and so far
nobody moved to Canada. Because you’re full of shit. And that’s just a higher
level conversation of the logo. What does it mean?
I don’t know. A lot of people like to
say things on social media. I like to know what you actually
do versus what you actually say. – [India] That’s good. Yeah that put the (smack).
hate wasting time but how do you adjust on days nothing is going right now there’s no such thing luckily I mean I don’t remember they were nothing went right first and foremost the way I really deal with it if you wanna get them about this and love you know this is as long […]
hate wasting time but how do you adjust
on days nothing is going right now there’s no such thing luckily I mean I don’t remember they
were nothing went right first and foremost the way I really deal with it
if you wanna get them about this and love you know this is as long as
everybody’s healthy everything went alright I always quantified one business
doesn’t go well i default quickly to our business is bullshit about life you know
my kids look how cute my kids I look at your life like I quickly switch from I
don’t do well you know I’m not good at Welling I loved speed and I don’t like
wasting time dwelling complaining wishing hoping you know pondering how
you wish it was is the single biggest waste the time in life and in business
like the bottom line is we all wish things I wish I was six-foot-four the single best looking guy in the world
and the quarterback of the New York Jets won 19 straight Super Bowls I wish that
I wish that I mean I just wish that I wish that the same way that that’s funny
is the same way to wish that like that deal went through or that employee took
the job or that person didn’t quit or that concept didn’t work out I mean I’ve
had multiple divisions multiple strategies here at one at the
intermediate that haven’t worked in the last 12 months get were dismantling it
and so much like anything else you just like the next it’s the next play using
artistic stuff like you’re doing a Broadway play when you mess up the line
and just stop and just cry on stage you just gotta go to the next line we just
can’t keep moving forward and so how do I handle it easily I’m champ on this
issue champion I am an absolute champion on
this issue meaning like I’m prepared for the punches in the face I expect things
not to go well I it’s kind of the way proper Jets game Saturday night nobody
likes being around because I’m just devastated all bad gonna have a real do you know like I I
subconsciously like that but I like the Jets were I say that I would leave these
guys can tell you I’m only on winning in office at all times like I wish I was a little bit more
patient because I was so hungry to prove
“on today’s Tiwtter executive ‘exodus’ news?” – Rochell, I think there’s, I think that… So I asked for this question to be on the show because I wanna teach everything about optics. Meaning, when a new CEO comes in and then there’s this “huge exodus,” a lot of times it means the new CEO has […]
“on today’s Tiwtter
executive ‘exodus’ news?” – Rochell, I think
there’s, I think that… So I asked for this
question to be on the show because I wanna teach
everything about optics. Meaning, when a new CEO
comes in and then there’s this “huge exodus,” a lot of
times it means the new CEO has brought in the people that they want. And they’re respecting
people and letting them leave on their terms. I don’t see, or these
people actually don’t believe in Jack’s vision. My intutition is, based
on Twitter’s track record over the last three to four
years, and I love Dick Cusam, one of my best buds in business
and I saw him recently, but results are results,
meaning it didn’t go good enough for him not to be excited
about the guy who invented it to be back in place,
though you might not like his personality, things of
that nature, but I hate when the media’s like,
everything is so negative. Like when I buy a company,
and become a CEO of it, because that will happen
in my career, and there’s an exodus, becaue big shot Gary is coming, let me promise you, anybody
that I wanted to keep would have stayed, because
I would convince them that I’m coming to do nothing but good. And maybe three or four
just wouldn’t see it, or they were best buds
with the former CEO, or they’re just tired. But please don’t get
caught up in the hyperbole of there’s a new CEO, we’re
still witihin the year of that new CEO, this is
common business stuff, period. Like, this is what always
happens, so you don’t know if they were forced out or
they were left on their own, I don’t know, even though
I’m close to a lot of the people involved. Because when I read those
headlines, I poo poo them because I am an actual operator. I’m not confused by them, I
know what real business is. Jack’s come in, he’s got a
different plan, some pieces fit for that, some don’t,
some people he might have wanted to fit for that, decided
they don’t fit for that, it’s just real life, it’s
not some huge conspiracy. I think that’s what I think. Like that’s what it is, I
just wanted to answer this question because I’m
stunned by how many people just accept very basic
narratives, when if you live it you know the real details
underneath, just like you know anything that’s in your world. My world is business, you know the real, I read headlines, I’m
like “oh,” you’re like “no, that’s what really happened.” Just like we’ve gotten
cynical to “leave of absence.” Did you see “Spotlight?”
– No. – Okay, it was about the priest
that did sexual harassment. – Oh yeah, I heard about it. – Their official, when
they were doing bad things was they got relocated on
assignment, or “sick leave.” “Sick leave.” So this “exodus” may
be on strategy, get it? Question of the day, actually educate me.
“as an entrepreneur sometimes. “How do you cope with that feeling?” – You know, for me, I’m built for it. I wanna be lonely. I want to struggle and grind and have all the pressure. I’m gonna take the last shot in the game always, every time. It makes me simpatico with Staphon’s idol Kobe, […]
“as an entrepreneur sometimes. “How do you cope with that feeling?” – You know, for me, I’m built for it. I wanna be lonely. I want to struggle and grind
and have all the pressure. I’m gonna take the last shot in the game always, every time. It makes me simpatico with Staphon’s idol Kobe, the black mamba who’s on this amazing, it was funny, I was
working out this morning and I had to do some cardio
stuff that was hard for me, so I’m like Mike, put on TV
so I can watch Sports Center and not think about what
we’re actually doing, and I caught the clip of
the way Kobe last night in Philadelphia, and I said to Mike, I said, you know what’s
so awesome about sports? It’s that if you time it
right, and you know it, you can have this kind of farewell tour, so I’ve been thinking about
my farewell entrepreneur tour. I don’t know how to do that. I’m gonna be like 89, 97, be like eeeh, but you know, I don’t even
remember the question. I just wanted to talk
about Kobe’s farewell tour. What was it again? Oh! Being lonely. Look, the reason I brought up Kobe is, Kobe wants to take the last shot. Winners wanna take the last shot. You want to take the high with the low. When you are truly an A, and
actual pure-bred entrepreneur, you don’t know anything else than getting the accolades or getting shit on when you don’t execute. Actually, from first, you
know, it’s really interesting. I had a 100th of a second,
because I’m concerned about macroeconomic climates, for a 100th of a second yesterday, which is unheard of for me, I was like woo, what if Vayner took a step back and I had to deal with
people being like, oh, you’re not running this business well, or what’s going on? It’s so funny. I thought of it for a 100th of a second, and then I got so happy. I got so happy because
I quickly thought about the second chess move, which
was, for whatever reason, couple of our clients,
as you know, are starting to become very big clients
and I don’t like them being too much a percentage of my business ’cause they can go away the next day. I don’t like that, so that maybe is why it popped up in my mind. Or, I also think we’re in
a bubbly kind of world. You’ve got terrorism activity,
you’ve got Wall Street being too bubbly for
a long period of time. Anything can happen. Things can happen, and
so it was funny for me when I thought about it,
because that’s my job. I’m lonely at the top. I have to worry about
everything and make sure I’m hedged and ready and mentally prepared for anything that could go wrong, and then I got excited
about the second chess move, which was the thing I live for, which is the I told you
so when the doubters came and said, oh, you misplayed it, you didn’t think, social
wasn’t as big as you thought, you didn’t see this coming, then being able to navigate
through those choppy waters. I often talk about
being a war-time general over a peace-time general. Anybody can look good. Anybody who’s watching
or listening to this show can be an entrepreneur
now, ’cause shit is good. When it gets tough, when there’s not people throwing around $25,000 investment, when you can’t put up
your idea on Kickstarter and everybody wants to give you $100, because the economy’s crap
and they need their $100, that’s when the cream rises, and so for me, the way I deal with it, I, the way I deal with it is: there is no dealing with it. It is my DNA. It is my only known gear. I don’t even understand
that damn question. Now, I recognize that, to take
myself out of the equation and try to answer for the whole, look, you’ve got to put things
in perspective, you know? If you want the accolades,
if you have the audacity to want to be somebody that is successful, let’s play the data. If you want the audacity
to be a millionaire, which is by percentage, almost impossible. There’s very few of them,
if you really break down. Let’s play some math here.
Let’s keep it unemotional. If you want the audacity to
be in the top 1% of Americans, which is a very rich company, company! Country. Probably company too. Country. Are people in the hundreds of
thousands of dollars a year in revenue, not millions. So, we’re talking about a
very small group of people that are able to get to this
extreme level of success in business, and we can have shows about, actually, you know what, I
was going to point at India. Danielle, tell India, we
need to do a show about life and not business stuff, but
in the context of business, life happines, and there’s a million ways, and we ranted on it the other day, but if you want the audacity
to be a millionaire, to be successful, to write books, if you want the audacity,
don’t you understand the crap that comes along with that? Like, I wanted the
audacity to be in shape. It’s come with a lot of crap. It’s been a lot of work. I’m 18 months in, and I
said this the other day, on my fitness video, I’m
not sure I would do this if I saw what I would
look like 18 months later, meaning I look a lot better, but damnit, I would have been like really? For every single day for 18 months? To wake up at four in the morning? Like, I’m going (mumbles skeptically). You deal with it because it’s
a very small price to pay for all the phenominal
stuff that you headline read and you aspire to and you dream for. The problem is, most of you don’t want to eat that shit to get there.