“from the producers/hedgers to the consumers. “All of my current and potential customers “are large commercial and industrial property owners. “What would be the best way for me to leverage “social media marketing to try and increase “my customer base in this strictly B2B atmosphere? PS, Chris Ivory is a boss.” – Chris Ivory is […]
“from the producers/hedgers
to the consumers. “All of my current and potential customers “are large commercial and
industrial property owners. “What would be the best
way for me to leverage “social media marketing to try and increase “my customer base in this
strictly B2B atmosphere? PS, Chris Ivory is a boss.” – Chris Ivory is a boss, I think
he might not play this week for the Jets, I’m concerned. I would go out and create white papers on SlideShare and then run
LinkedIn and Facebook ads against those white papers. What I mean by that is, when
you into a B2B environment, I believe that long form
becomes much more valuable than short form. I think that you reverse the
headlines that people think that it needs to be
all short form content, I think you know your audience, you know who your buyers
are in a B2B environment, you know what they value, and you need to deliver on that. And so, that’s exactly what I would do, I would go out, and I would
create long form content that’s valuable to them,
and not a sales pitch that’s valuable to you. But content that those
decision makers need, not just for what you do for a living, but holistically, let
me give you an example. Even though I’m trying
to get CMOs as clients, I might be able to put out content that teaches them about Cloud computing, or IT infrastructure, or I
would make a white paper of how the CMO needs to
interact with the CIO. These are valuable pieces of content that I brought to them
that have nothing to do with hire me as an agency to do your work, but I brought you value
in a nine page deck that you saw on LinkedIn
because I targeted you properly, so that’s what I would think about, create long form content in video, in audio, but in definitely deck form, B2B people love decks. And get that in front of
them through targeting on LinkedIn and Facebook, put
your branding on the bottom, make the last click go to your world, provide them value, do what I always say, become a media company, not just around what you do for a
living, but what actually brings them value, and
so what I would do is I would call, and let’s get real tactical, I would literally call the
25 customers, 50 customers you have right now,
call them and say “Hey.” Real quick, if you’ve got two minutes, maybe email them, ’cause people
don’t like people calling. Email them, say, “Do you
have two minutes for me, “I’m looking to provide you more value,” you call them and say, “Hey, what are “your other business problems or frictions “besides what we do
together in the world.” If eight out of 25 of
them say the same thing, that would become my first content pillar to put out to the world. Bringing value to people is
an amazing way to guilt them into doing business with
you, even if you bring value to them in a genre
that has nothing to do with your own, but is still
within the collective, cohesive unit of what
they do for a living. Stefan, fire emoji out of my mouth,
“What do you think about the revamp Facebook “gave it’s Notes platform? “A Medium contender, maybe?” – Zoltan. First, I feel like Zoltan and I should try to take on the world. I feel like there’s–(laughs) Let’s team up. Kill the world. Truth is, I haven’t dug deep. Obviously, I’ve been checked out for the […]
“What do you think about
the revamp Facebook “gave it’s Notes platform? “A Medium contender, maybe?” – Zoltan. First, I feel like Zoltan and I should try to take on the world. I feel like there’s–(laughs) Let’s team up. Kill the world. Truth is, I haven’t dug deep. Obviously, I’ve been checked
out for the last 48 hours with the fam and Notes kind of hit out. Obviously I got pinged
by a lot of people here especially ’cause I’ve been
pushing the longform thing. We had a little bit of a conversation. Andy mentioned that it’s a link out thing. I haven’t really looked yet. So the answer is, I
can’t fully answer this. Help me here real quick, India, ’cause I know you had a look at it. Andy mentioned that it’s linked out. – When you post it, it shows up as a link. – Kind of like if you did
YouTube or GaryVaynerchuk.com – Yeah, but it actually
stays within Facebook. – Got it. So our point of view and
why we talked about that is, when you guys see the box
image and the headline, you know you’re leaving
the Facebook environment. That creates a friction point that the longform post does not. But I would say we’ll probably even– You know what, let’s test a note today and we’ll follow up on 133, 134, 135. I think Facebook has a very clear plan. Let’s be the layer on top
of the internet itself. So if anything works, YouTube video. Medium blog post. If anything works, let’s have our version of it and that’s keeping everybody
in our walled garden because we’ll make a lot
of money if we do that. And AOL is the only other
company that ever had that kind of ecosystem in
the late 90’s, mid-90’s when people where scared– I was scared to go to the world wide web. There was a button up
there and it was like, the world wide web, forget it. I was in an AOL world, I’m like, that’s spooky. I’m staying in here, it’s safe. Facebook doesn’t have that advantage, people are more educated,
they know the web exists. But in a mobile first world, in a Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp world that’s why they offered
3 billion for Snapchat. If Facebook owned Snapchat right now, they would own the entire– Alex even got excited
and he keeps it chill. I mean he said, “Pshhh.” (laughs) I don’t know if you heard it. They would own the ecosystem. So they’re 3/4 of the way. There is some other players but, YouTube, there’s other players but… I think Facebook’s plan is obvious. And I think in general,
it’s very interesting to watch them navigate. I think it’s proper for maximizing business. It’s why I’m very bullish on the company. It’s why I haven’t sold a
single share of the stock. I bought it private before it went public, not a share. I’m a big believer in it. Video time.
“What’s your strategy with Facebook long form posts?” – Been waiting for this moment, this is the one I picked, I’m super excited about this question. You know, it’s really interesting. I’ve been really challenging myself, you know, we’re a buck and a quarter into this show, and I’m like, what can I do to […]
“What’s your strategy with
Facebook long form posts?” – Been waiting for this moment,
this is the one I picked, I’m super excited about this question. You know, it’s really interesting. I’ve been really challenging
myself, you know, we’re a buck and a quarter into this show, and I’m like, what can
I do to make the show better and better and better. Clearly, the entertainment
value has gone up, because we’ve found the
characters, the context, some of the fun little things, you know, but how do I make the show better? Depth, right. Entertainment, utility,
entertainment, utility. I need to balance them. And so, this falls into probably
the strongest utility play that we’ve executed on this show, and so really get cozy, you
may wanna even pause this right now, go get yourself
a nice glass of wine, really settle in, because this
is a very important moment in the show’s history. The question is, what
is my strategy, right? Two great things are gonna
come out of this answer. This is gonna be your
favorite answer of all time. Because two things are
gonna come out of it. Number one, I’m gonna make you understand why when I do things on social
networks that confuse you in lieu of me writing a book called Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook,
and then you telling me that’s not native, and many
of you have commented like, Gary, isn’t that what you
say not to do in your book? Yes, in a net-net score
if you look at my stuff, I’m following that blueprint, but things change, and more importantly, the number one thing
that I’m worried about that so many people here do is they don’t challenge themselves. Back to the first question. I always wanna put myself out of business, wanna call my bluff before
somebody writes a blog post saying Gary Vee is wrong,
I wanna write a blog post saying Gary Vee is wrong, right. God, I hate their person. I wanna do that, so I’m
always testing myself, so I wrote a long form piece on Facebook two weeks ago, right, two Saturdays ago. I just did it. Like, not talking to the team
on a Saturday, just did it. Xander just went to sleep,
Misha and Lizzie were tied up with something, like,
alright, got a minute here, let me just, this has been on my mind, you know, I’ve been seeing
some things in the trenches, I’ve been feeling something
in my gut, my intuition, let me write a long post. Let me treat Facebook like
a blog, like a website. That’s really been sitting in my mind. I did it, it did extremely well. A lot of reach, a lot of
sharing, a lot of engagement, and I’m like, huh, so I
wrote another one that day. Actually, not wrote another one, reused things I wrote on
Medium that we did months ago. And that did really well. Did another one, and that did really well. As a matter of fact, DRock,
let’s roll it out right now. Here’s some screenshots
of the same exact article being written natively, longform, doesn’t feel like a native execution, but in the feed of Facebook, versus a picture and a
link to go out of Facebook. And that, my friends, what
you’re seeing right now, and, D-Rock, I want you
to take over the screen, jump into, like, splitting me, I don’t know if it’s here or if it’s here, but let’s keep going, just keep kind of going here, I want them to really grasp the numbers. It’s just working. And so, that’s what I’m doing. I’m always challenging
myself, I’m always testing. I did longform Instagram,
actually doesn’t feel native, right, the, you know, I
think we could all agree that the right hooks, tag your friends, all that things, that doesn’t
feel native to Instagram. It’s supposed to be nice
pictures and artistic. These are the things that happen, right, these are the things that happen. You’ve always gotta test, and I think I’ve hit on something, and I’m really excited
about passing it onto you, and I expect the
disproportionate amount of the Vayner Nation right now to write a longform Facebook post within the next 24 hours,
in whatever shape or form, you’re an NGO trying to
raise money, tell a story, you’re trying to sell some
t-shirts, you just wanna talk to your friends, this is a page dynamic, this is my page, not my account, so you’ve gotta take that into account. If you’ve got a business page, roll it, write it, try it, big picture, longform, feel it, I think you’re gonna see results. And again, I look at Facebook’s algorithm the way I look at Google’s search results. They’ll keep changing things, they keep doing that, and
so, right now it feels right. By always challenging myself,
I was able to get results, and double down on them, and
I will squeeze that orange until I get every ounce
of juice out of it, and then I’ll just find another orange. And that’s what you do. And so, whether that’s another orange within a Facebook environment, or if that’s Snapchat, of if
that’s boogaboogadooga.com, wherever it is next, I will
squeeze the mother (bleep) orange.
Alright, my man, are we on? – [DRock] Yeah, we’re on. – [Gary] Alright, my man, why don’t you tell the VaynerNation who you are, what you do here, how long you’ve been at Vayner? And then I will be ready for your question. – Cool, cool, I hope so. Hey everybody, I’m Jordan, I’m […]
Alright, my man, are we on? – [DRock] Yeah, we’re on.
– [Gary] Alright, my man, why don’t you tell the
VaynerNation who you are, what you do here, how long
you’ve been at Vayner? And then I will be
ready for your question. – Cool, cool, I hope so. Hey everybody, I’m Jordan,
I’m a project manager here. I’ve been here for a little over a year, maybe a year and a half. And I’ve got a question for you Gary. – OK, (laughs) that’s what I figured. (laughter) It is the #AskGaryVee show. – Oh, is that where we are? – Not I’m Giving You
A Statement Gary show. (laughter) Can we register I’m Giving
You a Statement Gary .com? Can we get on that?
– [Voiceover] Yeah. Thank you. – I’m a huge fan of long form media. – OK. – Which is medium to– – Like movies? – No, mainly on-site so like– – [Gary] Got it.
– [Jordan] Vlogs. – [Gary] Like when Verge writes a 7,000 word expose?
– [Jordan] Exactly, 7,000. Yeah, yeah.
– [Gary] Yeah OK. Vice, big fan.
– [Gary] Got it, OK. – [Jordan] What do you
feel is like the next best way to monetize off those sites? So, beyond sponsored
content, beyond placements, how could someone who writes
that make money off of it? – You know, I think
that’s a good question. So you’re saying, if you were to start a long form media company and you hired journalists and your spin was anti, let’s call it, BuzzFeed, and
it was the other direction, and back to the old days of journalism, but from a digital standpoint. Are you saying, to me the mix of that and BuzzFeed has always
been interesting to me, are you saying what if I just went in that whole direction of just that? Like if the site put out
three to four long pieces of content a day, is
that where you’re going? – Yep exactly. – You know, to me, obviously
sponsored content would work. Obviously people will still sell banners and things of that nature
against those things. But if you wanted to go
in a different direction, there’s a couple of places to go. First and foremost, I
actually think events is a sneaky thing. I don’t
think people recognize or understand Re/code or
TechCrunch or Mashable, how much money they actually make on event arbitrage versus ad revenue. So I think that’s one way to go, I also think the keystone
sponsor is something that people haven’t thought enough about. So imagine a world, if
you were the modern day Sports Illustrated with long form and Pepsi was your anchor sponsor. Almost like, for anybody who watches ESPN, I’ve been fascinated by 30
for 30, the documentary series where the brand comes in and says, this 30 for 30 was
brought to you by Levis, and then that’s it.
(hands smacking) I think there’s a real play
that if you show quality and there’s a brand wanting
to be associated with it, where there’s just one
anchor brand that owns, let’s call it, like a
stadium naming rights. Like if I was starting
something like that, I’d go out and try to sell
my thing up front to a huge brand for three years as
the anchor sponsor period. I actually think television
over the next decade, as they start struggling
with monetizing commercials, you’re gonna see a lot
more product integration, but all of us are cynical
to product integration, I think if you, for a
lot of you who watch, you know how when you watch TV there’s the NBC or Fox logo, I think
there’s a substantial chance that in the next decade,
when you’re watching a TV show, you will see the Fox logo, but you’ll also see on the other side, the Bud Light logo, and they’ll be there the entire time, and it’s
a college show, right? So, to me, the keynote, the
kind of the keystone sponsor, to me there’s doing events around it, and so what would that look like? It depends on your genre I guess. And so those are the
two things that really most stand out for me, I also think media companies and the
agencies are combining. I think one of the weird ways to subsidize and make money is, if
your Sports Illustrated’s playing here, and then
you’re producing content around sports for brands,
I mean, I do think that that is what Vice and BuzzFeed
and Refinery29 are doing. And so, that’s my answer.
– [Jordan] Cool. – [Gary] Thanks, bro.
– [Jordan] Thank you. – [Gary] Thanks for being on our show. – [Jordan] Yeah.
– [Gary] Say goodbye. – Thanks for having me. – Cool. (cheering and applause)