– [Pedro] I am from Portland, Oregon. I am the social media specialist of MotoCorsa Ducati. My question is about live streaming. – Okay. – [Pedro] As far as preparation for live streaming if you are going to do Periscope or Snapchat how much do you need to be prepared for that? – I think […]
– [Pedro] I am from
Portland, Oregon. I am the social media
specialist of MotoCorsa Ducati. My question is
about live streaming. – Okay. – [Pedro] As far as preparation
for live streaming if you are going to do Periscope or
Snapchat how much do you need to be prepared for that? – I think that and thanks of the
question it makes a lot of sense obviously when you’re an
entrepreneur or personal brand, I actually think the
more ghetto the better. The more real there are so many
other platforms, your Instagram photos your Facebook posts,
there’s a lot of places to go to polished. I actually think live
streaming’s big upside is actually just the real and the
raw and the lack of preparation is really attractive and has
been the reason people loved reality TV and the reason
they would love Periscope. Now when you work in a big
company like you and others, you need to be careful. Is there something
in the background? Is there a document on the
desk that people can see? You got all these things you
have to worry about that big companies worry about so you
need some level of preparation but I think that’s awareness
to what could happen versus actually prepping. You know what I mean?
– [Pedro] Right, yeah, perfect. Pretty much all of our
good stuff if on-the-fly. – Always man. – [Pedro] No preparation.
– Pedro, always. I’m going to go next call. I appreciate you
watching, brother. I love you. Thank you for that. The bottom line is that people
are always going to be more attracted to the authentic. There is an absolute place
for the polished movies, TV. I think YouTube’s an incredible,
look were doing DailyVee polished because I
believe in the strategy. In a world where now I believe
YouTube videos are going to be very easily consumed on
televisions all across America I think it’s a good strategy. You got a call coming Andy?
How’s it going? – [Andy] I had it
and then right when– – It’s all right.
Here we go. I think it is super important
to recognize that real and authentic is just as potentially
important as polished. I think way too many creators
and videographers and people that make videos
always overthink that. They don’t understand that the
raw (phone rings) can be just as good as the glossy. It’s like fashion, India. Like a great suit is great
a little bit of swag in the T-shirt is great too. Let’s go to the next one.
That’s right. – [Phone] Call
from unknown caller.
behind why people are on periscope I saw your interview with Marie for earlier recently where you talked about the psychology of why people are on Pinterest and Twitter so I periscope thanks huh welcomes me that like I think the psychology on that is I think you’ll live TV right and are some people […]
behind why people are on periscope I saw
your interview with Marie for earlier recently where you talked about the
psychology of why people are on Pinterest and Twitter so I periscope
thanks huh welcomes me that like I think the
psychology on that is I think you’ll live TV right and are some people that
are gonna QVC or or Saturday Night Live I was got a lot of kick out of like a
short meeting theme is people I heard a ongoing conversation of the actors and
actresses that would not do Curb Your Enthusiasm because it was not structured
enough they were scared of the Improv nature SML and of course you know that
took spoke to me because I think I can crush those things but if you if there
was cue cards right now I can’t read or spell today on the Ask Gary B show
leaders so moist fascinated by people stinks because i think is great for
people that can improv just roll keep it sing and I think people want to project
themselves I think everybody’s fascinated with television and getting
out there so if you’re doing periscope you’re somebody who doesn’t fully take
themselves seriously end or you’re very confident in your improv and your troops
the reason I’m super into doing daily be and things of that nature is I’m not
scared how it’s gonna be edited the only the only reason even involved in setting
is sensitive information like lines and stuff of that nature but like clearly
like the balls but it’s so crazy I think about another 15 pounds and get a couple
more muscles like I’m getting closer just living like naked do that ok terrible reaction like it’s
cool you understand lets you make it as a yes I’ll probably not walk around
naked though it’s crossed my mind living life pretty naked and by the way I’m not
naive like we’ve all got Skelton’s plenty of things that I don’t share you
guys all know I don’t share my family like there’s a lot I like pushing myself
further and further because it is literally the last battle of a mile when
you take ownership of all your flaws and weaknesses you’ve won and I actually
think that’s the Nirvana of the connected world yes privacy is getting
pushed on yes negatives there’s a lot of positives with us all putting our
laundry to each other to get except that it’s not that high school to college the difference guys this is so basic but
the high school college and everybody likes not everybody but a lot of people
like college more is shortened to a place where you can only ship more
you’re sensitive to your zips and you really think there’s a lot of your shit
that happened between 14 and 18 change a lot we’re not ready to calibrate that
things very far and few between people that can own it all the way we’re
insecure our security is much stronger in our twenties that it is in our teens
and that’s what we like it better adam asks I feel like I’ve lost my
household help what do I do if anybody
– Question. Twitter Moments. – Jesus Christ, calm down, guys. – Now that Twitter Moments is a week since launch, exactly one week, what are your initial thoughts, and do you think this is their attempt to take on Snapchat Live Stories? – I think it’s an absolute Snapchat reaction, though I have a feeling […]
– Question. Twitter Moments. – Jesus Christ, calm down, guys. – Now that Twitter Moments
is a week since launch, exactly one week, what
are your initial thoughts, and do you think this is their attempt to take on Snapchat Live Stories? – I think it’s an absolute
Snapchat reaction, though I have a feeling they
were working on it before, which I think is the problem
in itself at Twitter. I think the last five years,
they’ve been slow to innovate. So whether it is a reaction to
what’s working for Snapchat, or it’s always been in place,
they’re both bad answers. I don’t think it’s some
great, unbelievable thing. I don’t know how much
you’ve looked at Moments. As a matter of fact while you’re all in the show.
– [Ben] They need Periscope support.
– [Gary] I don’t feel like the Moments stuff has been
that compelling of content. which I think scares me. I don’t think, if you’re
not compelled to watch it, it doesn’t matter where
it is in the UI or the UX, the content has to be right. It feels like a slapped
together, random skew of different videos and
pictures around a theme with weak editorial
curation at this point. I think if they can get that down, it’s like being a great programmer, right? NBC wins when their lineup is
the best in the 80’s and 90’s, and I think what Twitter needs
for that to be successful is somebody who really
knows how to curate content at that level. For me, it hasn’t hit the mark, and I’ve gone in there a lot already. I think the UI in the
app is very important. It’s work that’s maybe
go in there quite a bit. But I haven’t been
compelled by the content. And the thought of brands
integrating in there, in the same way that I don’t
think Snapchat’s right move is these 15 or 10 second video ads, I think that that’s gonna be
the more interesting part, which is back to the last
question that Sasha just asked. A 10 second video that’s
just like, “Eat Extra gum,” is not as interesting
as what we saw there. I think that’s gonna be their
problem because, don’t forget, they have to build a business around this. So far, I’m not super excited about it. What about you? – I think they need to
add Periscope support. I think that would make
it a lot more compelling. – Why? ‘Cause you’re gonna be
going through a Moments story, and then you’ll see something live, and that will captivate you to stay? – Yeah.
– [Gary] I think the problem with Periscope is, most people
suck a doing live video. – Yeah, but I like the
behind-the-scenes, intimate, sort of rawness of Periscope. It works out nicely that that
content lasts for 24 hours. So do the Moments, so I think
the timing works out too. – Cool, I’m sure they’re debating that. Thanks for your question.
– [Ben] Thanks, man.
“that Meerkat and Periscope are dominating streaming “while Twitch is being left in the dust?” – Joe, I can’t do that, my friend. I actually think your 13-year-old’s got your number here, my friend. So Twitch, which plays in the e-sports kind of realm, in my opinion, is dramatically bigger than Meerkat and Periscope, where […]
“that Meerkat and Periscope
are dominating streaming “while Twitch is being left in the dust?” – Joe, I can’t do that, my friend. I actually think your 13-year-old’s got your number here, my friend. So Twitch, which plays in
the e-sports kind of realm, in my opinion, is dramatically bigger than Meerkat and Periscope, where they have figured out
their content very easily, which is, it is now a foregone conclusion that million of people will
sit for trillions of hours and watch other people game. That is done. It’s over. Now we are in the beginning
stages of that 100%, meaning in 20 years, more people will watch the e-sports championship
than the world series. And it may not even be close. So, you know, I think your 13-year-old’s got
your number, mister. Now, will there be
personalities that break out on Periscope, Meerkat, Facebook Live, and have real great things happen? Absolutely. But, Twitch, you know,
it’s a concise value prop, and so it’s kind of like ESPN versus NBC. NBC’s at the mercy of original content and
stars breaking through, because they can go anywhere,
AKA Meerkat and Periscope. Twitch is varied full-down
into, this is the value prop, and it’s a big space, a la ESPN, like, people like sports, it’s
got its niche, it’s there. I actually think he’s got you cooked. It’s actually not even close. I think your 13-year-old
punked you in the face. (laughter)
“will leverage Meerkat the best? “Who is their target user? “What do you think Gary?” – So John, throwing Periscope in there as well, Meerkat and Periscope will be leveraged by a lot of people but I actually think retail man. I think QVC like opportunities on Meerkat. Like, we’re Meerkating right now. How many […]
“will leverage Meerkat the best? “Who is their target user? “What do you think Gary?” – So John, throwing
Periscope in there as well, Meerkat and Periscope will be
leveraged by a lot of people but I actually think retail man. I think QVC like opportunities on Meerkat. Like, we’re Meerkating right now. How many people on? 200? – [DRock] 275. – 275. You know, I can schedule a Meerkat, and I’m planning on doing this by the way, in a couple of months,
maybe a couple weeks, where I’m going to say
from 6 PM to 9 PM Eastern. I’m going to do a QVC-like wine show. Where I’m just going to
sit here and taste wine and somebody, DRock, on the other end is going to be like,
“This person asked this, “this person asked this.” Like we’re literally
going to do a live QVC. I think retail, selling stuff on live is very real to me. I’m a big believer in it. Imagine I’m Meerkating, then I’m Tweeting or Facebooking links to the things I’m talking about. People are interacting, sharing the links. It’s just super fascinating to me. So, my big bet is that retail will be able to take big advantages of
it because it’s the people that can really take advantage
of what this is replicating. The reason I do well with business is I realize nothing really changes, things just evolve. Meaning, Meerkat and Periscope
are just live television. What does well? QVC. What else does well? Entertainment. So that means that someone can start an entertainment show. What else does well? Sports. So, I could see a local
minor league baseball team or you know, like there’s just, sports does well right? So like, you could start a Frisbee league that you get people into by watching it and then sponsors will pay you. Backyard basketball leagues. You know the fighting that… The hardcore fighting
that you see on YouTube that gets me into the rabbit… I mean, I waste no time on anything and even I once and a while
get suckered into like street fighting on YouTube because the knockout is just so intense. You know, I would watch that on Meerkat. I would watch that on Meerkat right now. Like if two dudes want to raise their hand and fight, two chicks, you know, whatever. Fight! I’ll watch that shit. I mean, I’ll pay 2.99 to watch it live. So I think that anything
that’s live on television, Periscope and Meerkat have
the chance to play in, that’s where I see the upside.
– [Voiceover] Hans asks, “What do you think “about the recent Twitter acquisition of Periscope?” – Hans, this is a tremendous question. As we are filming this right now, so for everybody who’s listening, I’m gonna have DRock show Staphon right now, who’s actually filming us and Meerkatting. Staphon, flip over the screen, show the […]
– [Voiceover] Hans
asks, “What do you think “about the recent Twitter
acquisition of Periscope?” – Hans, this is a tremendous question. As we are filming this right now, so for everybody who’s listening, I’m gonna have DRock
show Staphon right now, who’s actually filming us and Meerkatting. Staphon, flip over the screen, show the camera, flip over your screen. Zoom in DRock, no, no,
flip, don’t look at you. Show the, there we go, thank you. Yeah, so you know, right now we are, we’re Meerkatting, I don’t
know if you know that, but that’s an actual animal,
you can go back to me. I think if I was Meerkat,
I’d be very concerned. You know, obviously we’re all
enjoying the Kat quite a bit, live streaming, phone to phone, peer to peer is clearly here, but if I was Meerkat, I would be concerned about this acquisition because clearly if it’s got the same functionality, which is what it’s rumored to have, I haven’t seen it yet, but
I will probably test it out this weekend if I get a chance, at South by Southwest. Oh, which reminds me, if you’re
goin’ to South by Southwest, please check out my talk, Saturday at three PM, Austin time. I think that I’d be concerned, and I think that I’m definitely gonna check it out because I should, and because it’s gonna be integrated probably natively into the Twitter app. So, it will be interesting
to see this play out if it’s gonna be a fast move by Twitter to integrate. We’ve seen this before, you know, I remember people saying, “Oh
Facebook’s doing check ins, “Foursquare’s dead.” And it didn’t happen because it wasn’t native to the product, but I do think this functionality clearly,
cause Meerkat’s built on top of Twitter, from the sign in, from the push outs, from the engagement, when people are commenting right now, it’s showing up on Twitter. This is deeply integrated into Twitter, and thus will be interesting
to watch what happens here. I absolutely plan on using it. I see a scenario where
this is really detrimental to Meerkat, I see a scenario where Twitter tries to see if both can survive. I don’t know, it’ll be
interesting to watch, but the acquisition has
definitely caught my attention. I’m paying very close attention, and I plan on testing out the product as soon as possible so I can make my judgements on differences. – [Voiceover] Samantha asks,
“How do your right hooks