– Gary, what’s going on? It’s Captain Cory from CaptCory.tv and the Captain’s Vlog on YouTube. I’m in the back of the airplane because it’s more quiet but I got a couple questions for you. First off, Gary aside for your incredible interpersonal skills, what would you say is the most important leadership quality that […]
– Gary, what’s going on? It’s Captain Cory
from CaptCory.tv and the Captain’s Vlog on YouTube. I’m in the back of the airplane
because it’s more quiet but I got a couple
questions for you. First off, Gary aside for your
incredible interpersonal skills, what would you say is the most
important leadership quality that you deploy amongst
those that you lead? And the second part
of that question, what are two important
leadership qualities that we as young leaders can develop
that’ll make us more effective as leaders and have a greater
influence and make a bigger difference amongst those? Appreciate all you do.
Love the show. I’m not watching as much any
more ’cause I’m grinding and hustling but love it.
Love what you do, man. If you ever need
a ride too, man, let me know. – That’s good. That’s my big thesis
by the way, Oliver. Unlike a lot of people, I actually want my audience
of people to decline– – Sure. – because I want to inspire
people to actually go do. – Right. – The amount of
reading all our books, watching all our stuff,
that’s fine and I like that. – Yep. My tagline’s always
been I get shit done. Just get it done. – You’ve been a successful
leader in your companies, what’s the biggest thing
that has really worked for you? – I think being humanistic which
is a word that I don’t think many people, especially
in this country, use. But there’s a real value
to putting humans first. And it sounds so trite but
there’s a real value to having empathy and putting humans
first and looking at them from a perspective that you can
say, how do I help you grow? What is both this sympathy parts
and the nourishment parts that are going to help you realize
your potential as a person? And I’ve started
seven companies now and made a lot of mistakes. Human resources is the hardest
thing to do at scaling a company because I always make
the joke they are neither a resource nor human,
human resources. And so–
– That’s why the head of mine is called Chief Heart
Officer, Claude. Claude is the number two person in this company
and everybody knows it. It is the foundation at
Vayner because we sell people. – Yep, exactly and so, I mean
you’re in a service business, in a content business so
that makes sense and so I think taking a lens of humanism has
been the biggest gift for me. It’s one of the reasons
I moved to Iceland. You have a humanistic society that doesn’t punish people
for their weaknesses. – I like that. – You have no poverty,
you have no homelessness. You have reform
instead of prison. Big, important things especially
coming from a place like Mississippi where I was born. You look at that and
that’s a place where people are not
treated like humans. There are systems in place. I remember with American Express
we made a movie called “Spent” about payday lenders in America. Talk about your
audience and the pains. That’s $1 trillion business
in America that is parasitic. – Yep. – It adds no value to
the system whatsoever. In Iceland, a human human right is to be able to
access your money. – Sure. – Here we have the basic
principles of our economy are inaccessible in my hometown to
80% of the people have to go to a payday lender and a check
cashing place and spend a percentage of their income just to take just to be able
to spend their money. That is not humanistic. That is counter to anything that will help a system
grow and evolve. – I couldn’t agree
more with the human– – Not to rant about
payday lenders but fuck– – but it’s a valid point and
I think from my standpoint it’s listening and
it’s self-awareness. I think the biggest mistake
charismatic CEOs make is they try to fake the funk and act
like they know everything. – Mhmmm. – I always feel like I think
I know everything and lot of you leave
comments about ego. Only ’cause I stay in my lane. There’s a very narrow
world where I’m very good. I tend to never go out of it. You notice how
I have social media and business people
on the show. This is not a healthcare expert. We’re not talking about
hair dying activities. This is not, nobody’s gonna be
on the show talking about how to raise cattle because I’m not
gonna put myself in a position where I do not know what
the fuck I am talking about. – Right. – And so being all-in on what
you know and then being very empathetic and listening and deploying humility against
the things you don’t know. People pick up on
that real, real, real fast. Because when you come across
somebody that works for you that does know the thing that
your bullshitting about and you bullshit it,
you just lost a winner. – Yep.
– You’ve just lost a winner. – It’s about building
that trusted relationship at every level of all of this. – I got to get the
hell out of here.
– Hey Gary, Zack here. Question referring back to episode 156 when preparing employees for leadership how do you foster leadership with rising stars or unsung heroes? Thanks for everything you do. ‘Preciate it. – Zack, I think this is really interesting question. You know what’s really funny to me is it’s a funny where […]
– Hey Gary, Zack here. Question referring back to
episode 156 when preparing employees for leadership how
do you foster leadership with rising stars or unsung heroes? Thanks for everything you do.
‘Preciate it. – Zack, I think this is
really interesting question. You know what’s really funny
to me is it’s a funny where my brain goes on this one which
is actions trump everything. Meaning you prepare them by
giving them opportunities to show that they can. I think one of things that
I’m most proud of is, for the intensity that I come with, for
as much as I want to happen, I would tell you that if you
audited everybody here in this room and everybody the 700
people across five offices across here it is stunning
how little I micromanage. If you want to foster leadership
you have to put people in a position to be leaders. I don’t box you in,
I don’t box Garrett in. I critique when I give him the
room to win or lose if he loses in the game that he’s playing,
I’ll articulate what the shortcomings were,
what the opportunities are. So I think leadership is
only accomplished or, let me rephrase, the prepping of
something is only accomplished when you actually do. This is where I get really
mad about entrepreneur school. Entrepreneur school is
like reading about push-ups. Dunk wants to challenge me in to
some crazy weight thing of who can bench more,
whatever you’re up to and so what’s the
preparation for that? I can’t read about
bench press technique. I got to go do it. You got to put in the work. I’ve been working out
every day since then. Dunk has not. I’m getting more prep. Now, he may have
more natural talent. He just might be stronger. He’s definitely much younger and
should in theory win this but he won’t because I’ll out-prepare
him and so that’s the punchline. Prep and so whether
they’re an unsung hero, whether they’re the
most shining star. I always worry at Vayner that
people think the people that PR themselves or the most loud and
charismatic are the ones who are gonna get the opportunities
and I’ve been really enjoying building Vayner over
the last five years. Especially the last two years
’cause the smartest people here are like, “Hey, wait a minute. “Look at this person winning and “they don’t even really
interact with Gary. “I’ve never even
heard of that person.” That’s the role and
responsibility I have. That I’m not just pandering to
the easiest move and so you give people opportunity. Some are loud about it. “I got this.” Others just quietly go and do it
but here’s the punchline whether you’re like me and you talk a
ton is shit and you back it the fuck up every fuckin’ time,
that’s a win or you say nothing but you back it the
fuck up every time. It’s the second part that
matters so put those people in a position to succeed and then
watch if they’re doing it. Call their bluff,
give ’em a shot. Push them harder than
they think that they can do. Believe in them more than they
believe in themselves and create the framework and the
opportunities to do that. Understand it is in your upside
as a leader for them to fail and you figure out if they can do it versus that task
being done correctly. I prefer that we lose a client,
lose a client, money out of my pocket but I learned something
about the leaders that I’m thinking about
going to battle with versus me micromanaging it, never learning about their
opportunity as leaders and then getting the client
for two more years. That’s called scale. That’s called auditing. That’s called how
you build stuff.
You said you’d like some new places– – I want to pause right there, Staphon, cut back I’m so into this. Alastair, thank you so much. Other people have been doing it. We need to do a good job and make sure I’m also debating only going to video on the show. This is new […]
You said you’d like
some new places– – I want to pause right there,
Staphon, cut back I’m so into this. Alastair, thank you so much. Other people have been doing
it. We need to do a good job and make sure I’m also debating
only going to video on the show. This is new thing after episode
200 I’m debating that all five questions are
only in video form. Video is exploding
with Snapchat, Instagram one minute video now. If you haven’t done it I
posted one yesterday, today. And I’m very hot on this. Keep that in mind and let’s keep
the really cool settings going. Alastair is rocking
this. This is cool. – So here’s mine. I run a digital agency in Exeter
in the UK and my question for you is this you have a team of
five or 600 people and you’re very prolific yourself in terms
of the knowledge you have etc. How do you ensure that the
rest of the team is speaking the same language as you
and saying the same things to clients that you would say? Very interested in your answer
and great work with the show. Keep it up. Thanks very much. – Alastair, thank you so much. One of the toughest things to do
here, it scares me to know right now somebody is on the phone
with somebody who has a slightly wrong or off tweak on the one
minute transition of Instagram video or the new Snapchat
messaging or the ability to caption Twitter
posts and pictures now. I’m very, I’m concerned and come
up with emailing the whole team, asking them to watch my content,
I’m going to be doing a recap of my own content and learnings and
thoughts over the last 30 days, we did an internal podcast for
a while. We’re trying a lot of different hacks all hands-on
meetings, break out groups, lunch and learns but the
truth is there’s vulnerability because it’s a human situation. Here’s a big one,
I’m not crippled by them doing the wrong thing. I’m not crippled by Ricky Magoo
right now being on a call with a client and saying the wrong
thing because it just plays itself out meaning either we
have to apologize to the client and say Ricky gave the wrong
advice and that’s the human vulnerability and we can get
fired and things of that nature but I recognize the
inefficiencies in human communications and I own them
and I know that 89.7% of the time we’re 100% on point. 7% of the time we’re doing a
really good job and 3.3% of the job we’re not. I can live with that.
That’s a net-net game. The other day when I said speed
is better than perfection when you’re running a big company the
way you get to 650 instead of 9 is you don’t worry about every
person having everything exactly right plus you need to
leave a little room for them to do their thing. The Mark Evans and the
Katie Hankinson’s and the Matt Seigels of the world,
these are talented people, Steve Babcock, my new
chief creative officer, these are talented people. They need to have
the slight iterations. They’re allowed to
disagree a little bit with me. It’s not called Gary Vaynerchuk. This is VaynerMedia and
VaynerMedia’s a collective of us and so those are two ways
I actually get through that and I think a lot of you can learn
in management and leadership from that answer. – [India] I think you get this
question but I like to throw it
thought leader the question you don’t have to think about you know you can pick up semantics semantics matter a whole bunch here what does authority given me and I think the currencies of anybody who wants to make change happen right now our attention and trust and they’re in a virtuous cycle you don’t […]
thought leader the question you don’t have to think
about you know you can pick up semantics semantics matter a whole bunch here what
does authority given me and I think the currencies of anybody who wants to make
change happen right now our attention and trust and they’re in a virtuous
cycle you don’t get attention unless your trusted you don’t get customized
you get attention there are other kinds of attention you can you know like
yourself on fire in the street children trust doing that so this attention trust
cycle goes around the question then is how do you get there I don’t think you
get there by saying how do I hustle content media player to figure out how
to get in front of people never heard of me and somehow seduce them I think you
do it by being generous I think that people tend to trust folks who step up
before they have to they trust people who keep their promises especially when
it’s not convenient they trust people who tell them the truth and if you do
those things they’re prob gonna tell someone else you’ll get more attention
and more chances to be generous and the cyclone goes it goes good and guess what
it probably never ends at a moment where you say ok now it’s my turn to take take
take we left the take take take part out mostly you don’t feel like you own hinds
00 hines anything you don’t feel like you owe TWA anything you just are in
this environment where you know your attention is precious you know your trust has been abused if
someone shows up and treat your attention with kindness and earned your
trust every day well then one of the byproducts will be they will want to
hear what you have to say next super easy to figure
out why this guy and I get along if you’ve been watching this show is that
just wrapped up a hundred eighty four episodes in one statement I think it i
know i think im trying to play along here I think what would a super
interesting about that answer and this question is that’s right and I think
it’s good I think one of the reasons that iPad personal success is because I
think about things in such a long period of time that that answer spoke to me
because it’s my natural state when you think about things that a 10 or 20 or 40
year kind of cycle in your behavior matches that and so you’re not worried
about their one week one day one month even one year results and then I also
think the market gets to decide there’s one thing that i very much believe I
just put a little asterisks please because you’re you’re about to sell
yourself short here he’s scared that glacial strategy which says I’m a
glacier and make it all the way down the Hudson to the ocean and it’s obvious
we’re going to take a long time yes I would say that the strategy you’re
talking about which you have done consistently is that at any given moment
the short term thinker thinks you’re an idiot because you are not treating and
that the key is that you were doing things that are so generous and so trust
earning that people look at you and say why aren’t you doing that other taking
thing and it’s that feeling that the people around you think you’ve lost your
mind that’s what makes it scares me a little bit weird and you know this
because of my purse because my personality actually on stage and style
makes people think I am in short-term game you know I I recognize that my vibe
at times comes across as the worst version of the things that you’re
referring to and so it takes people a little bit of
time to completely figure me out a lot of fact I would tell you one of the
interesting things about how I live my life the reason I so deeply you know
you’ll infection toward Jews I was surprised myself how quickly you like I
can’t judge people based on how quickly they get me or not and and it’s and it’s and I always
wonder if it’s I am never sure if I do it on purpose if the stick is almost
clearly on purpose or was it always natural I think it’s not going they’re
based on what happened in school long before I thought about these things but
that’s right at the end of the day the thing that really really matters to me
is whether step said that whether I say it whether the president of the bottom
line is the market gets to decide you know when you make book when you write a
blog post when I feel like you know at the end of the market is the judge and
so when you think about who’s the peacemaker who the authority in today’s
world we clearly of mediums today and look what’s going on here right now you
know you talked about this that’s fine but that would basically I mean it’s
incredible don’t live and production TV here think about this twenty years ago
you and through the whole everyone on their own media company its create one
thing we need to amplify here though there isn’t one market there are many
market yes so you can sell to a market that wants you to be a pickup artist yes
there whatever but just please understand that’s your market don’t call
me cause I’m not your market and my argument is that most people especially
the people you want to be trusted by don’t like to be hustled percent and I
wish that a whole bunch of people call themselves the attackers were right on
the wall most people I care about don’t want to
be hustled because being hustled makes you feel bad agreed but I got india price he’s got a
candidate right where do you see the
p.m. in a way that will thrive beyond your charisma the CEO how do you build great successors that’s a great question I think it comes in daily be fifteen you’ll see me in the dirt I think one of the things that’s very confusing about me as I do live Parallel lots I do […]
p.m. in a way that will thrive beyond
your charisma the CEO how do you build great successors that’s a great question I think it comes
in daily be fifteen you’ll see me in the dirt I think one of the things that’s
very confusing about me as I do live Parallel lots I do live a life where I’m
8 outgoing personality a lightning rod of personality charismatic character the
basis of this question we have the show we have daily be able my content I
engage on TV I mean you know I’m actually keeping myself off of TV but
here we go with the new book coming out Dr Oz right Fox and Friends in the
morning CNN with Don Lemon like I’m gonna be out there right magazines things of that nature so you
know with all that being said one thing that people struggled with quantifying
is that I am working eighteen hours a day which allows me in essence live two
lives and I’m living two lives on putting the hours in as I was as if I
was a personal brand and abundant in a a tastemaker an author and speaker and a
personality but equally at scale running this organization I you know it’s very
keeping his company to to run that and be structured and we set up for success
without me I mean I don’t think I just met de TMP client you know like like
like there’s so much business going on that has nothing to do with me that is
set up I D well compensated very senior twenty
years into their career executives that roll around here there’s six hundred
people deeply as much fun as getting too little bit of editing here no joke I
need need need 21 seconds of people of the three floors in New York Knicks I happened to ya last operational
meetings for being so understanding never get upset when people don’t
believe that to be true or agencies doing it like they don’t know and they
don’t know and it has been the only beginning about 60 people to know that
I’m actually doing the work Daniel as well people use anchor as an
alternative pocketing platform I do
industry is the high turnover normal high turnover my industry agency life is because most companies are owned by holding companies who are required so there’s four major holding companies and advertising they’d consolidated bought up all the agencies in the DS big billion dollar conglomerate said I don’t know everything about excitement I really […]
industry is the high turnover normal
high turnover my industry agency life is because most companies are owned by
holding companies who are required so there’s four major holding companies and
advertising they’d consolidated bought up all the agencies in the DS big
billion dollar conglomerate said I don’t know everything about excitement I
really studied it but they’re big holding companies which tell companies
like being a media Greek companies like 72 and sunny great deal shop and TV shop
like 05 just got celebrate company these great couple 360 I carried out by Vice
thrown by holding companies who tell their CEOs got you know usually the guy
or gal that looks like me that’s all the company for a lot of money to get up
front but it turned out and then you’re locked in because have your money is
going to come after four years ago to keep the job golden handcuffs cool if
you don’t know what I mean and so they tell them you have to run
your company in a 27 percent gross margin or 23% course you know if I had
to do that tomorrow because I want to be cash out at least 500 people and then
what happens is the inevitable thing that looks like this you know you have a
superstar youngster that’s growing up within the organization and you guys are
so many have gone from you know making very little to making more and more and
more right you never really don’t promote them for a year or two because
he can’t afford to be the only rule is you gotta make 23.7% gross profit the
only rule and so there isn’t a huge turnover is because the best people
don’t get compensated fast enough nobodies who r up nobody who is running
the company has long-term ambitions because they’re they’ve already sold out
and their only try to stay there for three or four more years and maximize
their bonuses and their money so they’re making the decision and said anything
like everything stems from top 20 we see on the show and why said yesterday from
the whole company everything is my fault and that’s true in these scenarios and
so is it company I’m able to do what I’m doing
cause I want to build an evergreen company for ever and so I’m able to
treat I’m able to deploy meritocracy and if that comes at my expense it comes in
my short-term expense but fifteen years from now out of happiness and financial
win so that’s why that’s happening and the work done so because they don’t want
to pay because they run a margin they do a lot of things they don’t compensate
people probably they leave they burn good people to the ground you know you know what goes on here i
mean you’re in the trenches it’s something that a hardcore account that
stop you know we should get them out of there a year later cause I’m just dying
but those companies don’t usually do that because they just need to maximize
and it’s actually incentivize to let you quit like for less and you know so that
so the question was normal because most of the most of the companies are victim
again that creates a scenario for high turnover and so in general I’m trying to
push you guys hundred-to-one episodes deep have you been along the rider 28
percent or visit our first episode the concept of the show is to always
level of the thinking around business and entrepreneurship this is an insult
to why it happens right everything stems for top always and forever I promise you
your manager who suck scrap the fault of that situation is the CEO always been
the CEO says it’s useful but question of do you like your CEO you keep asking
questions keep answering what we doing
– [Voiceover] Stephen asks: “Gary, are you more of a delegator or micromanager? “Can’t wait for the UK book tour!” – Both. I delegate everything that I think is not the single most important things in the world. And then, I micromanage the things that I think are the most important things in the world. […]
– [Voiceover] Stephen asks: “Gary, are you more of a
delegator or micromanager? “Can’t wait for the UK book tour!” – Both. I delegate everything that I think is not the single most important
things in the world. And then, I micromanage the things that I think are the most
important things in the world. Luckily for me, hence
why I’ve been able to build big companies. I don’t think most things matter. So, I don’t think I’m any
different than anybody else. I actually think that
everybody is a delegator and a micromanager. I just think my radar of
what’s important is different. Yes, we need to do something with that. That’s the shit guys. That’s it right there. I’m just like you. We’re all the same. We all delegate. We all micromanage. The difference is I don’t think most things matter. And, what do I mean by that, as I’m trying to think about somebody watching this for the first time, instead of alluding to people
that have watched forever. Most things don’t matter. That’s what it means. If I was like, I don’t know. I don’t think lighting matters
as much as DRock. I just don’t think things matter. I don’t think like one
client that’s going to put us out of business. I don’t think one employee’s
gonna kill our atmosphere. I don’t think a lot of things matter. I don’t think like a misspelling
in a deck is something that really matters to a
lot of people in my company. It just doesn’t matter to me. I just don’t think so. Guys. Guys, I don’t think we’re going
to lose the account, because we put the I before the E. And, if we do, (censored) them. Idiots. I don’t think not wearing
shoes in an establishment is the biggest thing in the world. Clearly, if you’ve watched DailyVee 1, some people do. And, guess what. I do not judge. Do not judge. Everybody’s allowed to do their thing. It’s just like parenting. I will never spew my parenting. I talk about it. But, it’s very holistic. Like, this is what I do, not what I’m telling you to do. This is me. But (censored) like. So ultimately, I think that I’m both. Like everybody in the world, I just think that I deem
what’s most important at a very very high level. You know what? A lot of you
are commenting about my five minute meetings. Most of you, because you’re
part of my community, think it’s great. A lot of comments on YouTube and Facebook. Like “Ooh, I like DailyVee because “Gary spends five.”, that’s nice. One comment. By the way, whoever said this is going to see this and be like “Holy
crap, he reads everything.” “I’ve worked at small companies where “the boss didn’t even know my name.” You know what I mean? Like this is cool. But, do you know how many people think it’s stupid? I have a lot of people
in my life that think that I’m very busy, and I
have a lot of things to do. And, why in the world? Gary it’s not scalable. It’s not sustainable. Yeah, you’re making that face, because you’re so in our cocoon. Just like, you know. Don’t do that. It’s not bad. Nobody expects you to do it. Not at this scale. And, you have a great culture. And, you have great intent. Just do that. I’m like “nope”. This thing matters to me. So micromanaging a hello into my company three to six months in, that a lot of people outsource to an HR person or to leadership. So, I do unscalable things all the time; micromanaging if I deem
them the most important. Pitching new business. I like to micromanage that. Because, it’s important to win business. Money helps me keep doing everything. Cool.
relationships to your social media and you should do the same for customers and employees to follow many of your employees and like comment on their personal content traditional management which they know what they eat I follow is laughing when employees like were closer we get to spend more time but obviously places imagine […]
relationships to your social media and
you should do the same for customers and employees to follow many of your
employees and like comment on their personal content traditional management
which they know what they eat I follow is laughing when employees like were
closer we get to spend more time but obviously places imagine that it may be
entering the CD for four months and then I’ll show up on her Instagram and say
yeah and looked like her and her boyfriend you like this the creepiest
shit about type look I’m not following any company you because I’m not scared
of being sued because I we believe in my life that intent trumps everything like
you can sue on anything you like anything at anytime about anything I’m
so so the answer is held i sees the end what he say how does this say what is it
he says that that I watch a lot of the content of the ones putting on a
reference Lego India’s putting up like ok but does it look nice picture looks
something like you like lately nonetheless like I’m seeing what
everybody’s doing and there’s a lot to see it as funny stuff but don’t get a
public domain right like you know on Instagram they have to accept me if they
want to follow me like I don’t feel like I’m intruding because it’s the rules of
the game I’m watching I’m watching this I want to know them better to bring them
more my intent is to follow so I can make it better for them not show up on
your fired you drink beer too late at night intent is what trumps everything and
then I engagement coming from a good place and they get pumped like a lot of
employees are happy when I engage cause I think it’s cool and like my bosses you
know like you know to me like so I just think intention so yes I follow yes I
engage i dont give you a lot because I do have respect for like everybody views
these things definitely some tribes smart I don’t think anybody
uncomfortable but my intent is pure is sure you know what I want to be good I’m
doing it for good and so I’m not scared executives income companies are bad
often they don’t care about the employees of their intent is bad hey we need to cut fifty people from
payroll this year we let swallow people’s social and blame them for blood
that’s what happens when things going on that’s going on but not everywhere but
that’s that’s in can’t do anything you want like you know companies are highly
regulated Pharma financial they’re scared of the government’s suing them
stood up mad at the cut employees they’re just doing governance so that
they don’t become exposed as the company so I understand why I have letter of
intent if you are a financial service and your monitoring your people and your
not letting them use social media because the government makes you feel
that you’ll be fined for doing something that’s not intended to bad just protect
that got it but don’t look at a tactics freely back to the intent wright also do
anything ok but your police might not be not
awesome it might be more vulnerable things maybe our CEOs also scared of
those kind of maybe but up massively bored one day my
career I take a step back and change and 10th always changing Ask Gary are you more of a delegator or
micro manager can’t wait for the UK book
the evil said now you know because of course bro how are you sure they keep that mentality so when they get to this point in life they keep the power mentality to ensure success thanks so much for the question also lot more clearly a branding genus you said power broke so many times […]
the evil said now you know because of course bro how are you sure
they keep that mentality so when they get to this point in life they keep the
power mentality to ensure success thanks so much for the question also lot more
clearly a branding genus you said power broke so many times and i think im gonna
say power broke 50 more times in like if you keep saying it just becomes real you
know why I actually think it’s impossible to do I think it’s very hard
to teach broke I don’t know how to instill I mean I’m forget about all my
investments I’m scared of having the teach my kids that because they’re going
to be in the power of rich that’s right missions and call you out your soft so
you know i mean look i mean it’s very hard to instill those virtues and i dont
know that I’ve been successful as an entrepreneur who’s become an investor in
stealing that into my investment investments at all I think what I’ve
done well it is I’ve recognized what they may be good at all you’re not the
power of hostile and broken all that but you know what you are you came from a
rich family you are seriously educated and I think you really understand
operations and your number two looks like they’re pretty hungry and broke
away like I really haven’t I don’t think it’s fair to to think that we can
instill the power broke in the same way that I don’t think anybody can instill
into me the hashtag power prep school right like like it’s just not part of
that DNA and so i think i think i think that’s a challenge as a matter of fact I
don’t read though I’d tried an audio book on my vacation at a bad time speed
it was pretty cool so I’m really interested in how you approach this with
the book and like how much like how do you how you instill hostile
or things of that nature has been interesting as outside investing it’s
been very hard for me internally I do you think you can do it
I’ve been very in the same way probably mom and dad EJ probably instill that in
to us right cause they work hard good in the same way do you think he’s also been
so hard he doesn’t let you doing so in the same way they think my parents
showed me work ethic and it was instilled in me I definitely see why I
think India works harder today get captured at run into you truly think
that you work harder forget about smarter do you think you work harder
because you’ve been so close to the bomb the son of hustle right after the son of
what what what do you think do you think you work harder because of it yeah I don’t use it rubs off from 100%
power broke all day I do so I think as an investor and I’ve empathy I know what
you do it’s on TV again it like it’s hard to do that from afar close in the
same way I think I’ll be able to pull it off my kids I think I think as an
organization for a lot of you that have 3479 12 employees I do think you can
still it and it’s a very funny way you do it by doing it only actions actions
actions the only way that you can do it is by you the leader of a company acting
a short way people can spend enough time with your investments and I think one of
the ways that are you crazy I actually have figured out a weird way to do it
but called daily be I had multiple people that are investments of my email
me about the first three episodes just 13 episodes billion like you might be
working harder to me and I haven’t made it yet and I’ve got like so actions released two subpar product or service
if so why did you learn from it tons of
office even though I have a meeting I feel guilty about leaving my team in the office I’m scared of my team thinks that the bosses are explained how to find it always taking a long break at lunch and have ice PCR results like if you’re playing around and having a coffee with this […]
office even though I have a meeting I
feel guilty about leaving my team in the office I’m scared of my team thinks that
the bosses are explained how to find it always taking a long break at lunch and
have ice PCR results like if you’re playing around and having a coffee with
this person and networking that person was sitting courtside Knicks game and
you aren’t working but you bring somebody to make a ten million dollar
deal it’s called mother fuckin result in a funny thing squashes all the boss
doesn’t do anything results so you know how to deal with it
it’s you know it’s it’s first you know it’s funny it’s first wrapping you know
I grew up in a world that my dad taught me and I executing the first ten years
of my career that was predicated on being at the store meant you were
bringing value and like and so I get it actually get that question hardcore I
barely ever left one library in the first ten years of my career I was in
the same goddamn place like every day Monday through Saturday every single day
for like 10 years from 9 I was super flex cable you know it was so I get it and you know
what it was a mistake I shouldn’t take more trips to wine country I should have
not got more done doors and done b2b and 1,200 cases that
a pop took corporations in New Jersey I shoulda got out and about and so you
know if you’re kind of boss that goes to off-site and then thinking and parties
at night and your business goes down well then people feel like you didn’t
deliver and so you get away with anything if you drive results I don’t
think anybody have any more questions me being around are not being around
because of the results and so that’s it i mean you know the score is the score
you know you know it doesn’t matter how you get there cheating doing the wrong things the
moral compass matters but if you’re able to do things on the up and up then the
scores the square ATF is it a beautiful interruption here consumers day a good
thing or should it be seeing us because