and I was just curious if you ever get sick. Maybe you really are Bionic Man. If you do get sick, how do you handle that? How do you hustle when you’re sick? Really sick. – Ryan, first of all, hope you feel better. I mean you look like shit in that video. First of […]
and I was just curious
if you ever get sick. Maybe you really are Bionic Man. If you do get sick,
how do you handle that? How do you hustle when you’re sick? Really sick. – Ryan, first of all,
hope you feel better. I mean you look like shit in that video. First of all, big shout
out to Lizzie Vaynerchuk because in the last 11 years
that I’ve been married, I have not been sick. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that Lizzie tries to
get me to wash my hands and the fact that I don’t
have a weird draft coming in like I had in my old apartment, which I think caught me a couple times. I mean… You’re talking to a old
school Eastern European kid who actually thinks that
getting sick and being sick is actually psychology. I think the brain is
the most powerful tool. Like, I know the answer
to this is not true, but I do feel like… I’d be lying if I didn’t
think there’s some way that I’m stopping myself
from getting sick. In the same way that I used
to be able to get myself sick to get out of school,
and I don’t mean like, “Oh, my tummy hurts.” I mean, in this weird, yeah, I’m going somewhere. I’ve never said this out loud. This is actually even
scary to say out loud. I’m so convinced that the
brain is this powerful, I used to be able to create a temperature, and I know that every logical
person, including myself, I literally just said, “Bullshit,” but I saw it. I mean, and sure, sometimes,
I put it up to the lamp and that’s how I did it, but
there was a couple of times where I would just psych my… Even right now, I just started doing it, and my stomach turned a little bit. I’m not kidding! Guys, the brain is a sick thing, so I guess the answer to
the final question is, you don’t hustle when you get sick. In the same way you don’t
hustle when you get sleep. We’ve got that quote card
that did really well, right? That quote where I’m like,
“It’s not what you do, “it’s not how many hours you’re awake, “it’s what you do within them.” I’m thrilled to get six
or seven hours of sleep. I love when people think
I’m a three or four guy. I’ll take eight every night, because in those other 16, I will dominate your face. I love people who sleep
four hours, but chill, and chilling is just not
doing something important for 40 minutes or having a
conversation on the trading floor for 30 minutes about the big game or what the fuck happened
in the Oscars last night? Who gives a shit? Execute, and so, but wait, who did this shit for me, I’m
purely focused on my thing. Some people like 30 minutes
of talking about the Oscars ’cause it breaks up their day. That’s their rest. You do you, but let me say this. When you’re sick or when
you’re sleeping, rest. Your body’s telling you something, and so, like weirdly, maybe I was sick
once in the last 11 years, I was pumped. Let me just say that
again ’cause I don’t know if everybody understood that. I weirdly wish I was
sick one day this year. I would really enjoy the time off. I’d enjoy relaxing, and the kids come. Misha comes home at three, it’d be fun! It’d be fun, but there’s something subconsciously that’s really trying to
not allow me to do that. In a world where I take
a hundred-plus flights, where that place is like, I don’t know… Remember how a couple episodes, I said that the 20- to
30-year old Gary Vee is soft compared to me? That guy did get sick. Now I don’t, and I do think it has a lot
to do with my focus on it, so I do think you can
out-hustle your sickness to some degree, but
when you succumb to it, because at some level, we all do, I think you need to
just relax and enjoy it.
– Hey Gary, my name is Pavel Kravchuk. I’m here with members of Slavic Chorale. – [Both] Hi, Gary. – We just sang at VaynerMedia San Francisco, and we have a question for you. Answer our question. We are a choir and orchestra that has existed for about five years, and we’re looking to grow. […]
– Hey Gary, my name is Pavel Kravchuk. I’m here with members of Slavic Chorale. – [Both] Hi, Gary. – We just sang at
VaynerMedia San Francisco, and we have a question for you. Answer our question. We are a choir and orchestra that has existed for about five years, and we’re looking to grow. We have an audience of about 3
to 5,000 at our big concerts. In order for us to continue to grow, we need to get more corporate sponsorships from bigger companies, but they already support orchestras like the San Francisco Symphony. So how do we get them
to support us as well? – First of all, thank you so
much for coming to Vayner SF, and wowing them with your skills. You know, look, I made a
very classic, old-school Gary Vaynerchuk video from way back when. I’ll link it up right here, DRock. You know, this one is the cold call video. This seems to be a very
simple answer, my friends. I think that you guys may
be tremendous at singing, but selling might be a
very different thing. And so you need to find
who can sell and sing, or who can just sell, while you guys sing, because the truth is, you
just hit the ground, right? You like, there’s a billion places to go, and you just literally go ask all of them. I’m always blown away by people saying, “Oh, we’re in big trouble.” Like, people are supporting other things, or there’s nowhere to go. There’s always somewhere to go. Get creative. Like, you know, are they in San Francisco? Yeah, I mean, Jesus Christ,
you’ve got nothing but funded, read TechCrunch and Re/code everyday, look at every code company that just raised 50 million dollars, and go knock on their door
and say, “Give me 3,000.” I mean, like, you know, I
mean it’s like, it’s crazy. You know, this question to a salesman is like me asking you, “How do I sing?” Right? Like, you would answer, “You just sing.” Now, what the funny part is, is I just might suck at singing. Right? And you might suck at sales, and so I think you need to figure out who can do that for you, because the answer to your
question is extremely basic. Literally go to the phone book. What I mean by that is, literally hit up every single
business in San Francisco. All of them. Rick’s Car Wash to Google. From everybody from Rick’s to Google. That’s right, DRock, you
weren’t expecting that, were you? And so, Google, Rick’s Car Wash, and every company in between
gets hit up by you guys. Somebody’s gonna give you cash, and I’m gonna guess it’s gonna
be more than just somebody. – [Voiceover] Apollopoetry asks,
“When all is said and done,
– Charles, stop focusing on dumb shit and just keep moving and don’t be scared of breaking anything, and don’t think about perfection, and there is no perfect way to cross your Ts and dot your Is, and don’t be crippled, and don’t be romantic, and just move, and have no seconds to breathe, and […]
– Charles, stop focusing on dumb shit and just keep moving and
don’t be scared of breaking anything, and don’t
think about perfection, and there is no perfect way to cross your Ts and dot your Is, and don’t be crippled,
and don’t be romantic, and just move, and have
no seconds to breathe, and just schedule on schedule on schedule. Five minute meetings, 10 minute meetings, three minute meetings,
eight minute meetings, and just move. – [Voiceover] Rui asks, “Last
year you nailed it when you
and I’ve got one question for you What is your advice for musicians looking to establish themselves on Instagram? I know you’ve talked about it on Twitter before but I love hear your thoughts on this specific platform Thanks, my man, keep up the great work. I like this young hustler, there’s something about him. […]
and I’ve got one question for you What is your advice for musicians looking to establish themselves on Instagram? I know you’ve talked
about it on Twitter before but I love hear your thoughts
on this specific platform Thanks, my man, keep up the great work. I like this young hustler,
there’s something about him. I’ve seen this video before
I’ve seen him interact a little bit there’s something about this kid. I’m just saying it now on the record so I can be writer with
another prediction, Staphon 17 years from today this kid is gonna have some juice. You know, I don’t know
up in the music world but like I just can feel it. Anyway take that and run with
it kid. It’s good momentum. You know, I think it’s
15 second videos, right? Like you just did, I’m
pumped that you made a video and the answer is predicated
on the communication format. I think for Musicians to
over index on Instagram it’s gonna have to be around the music I think the 15 second video format works I think using the right hash tags is the way to be discovered I think reaching out the other Instagram influences in the space matters. So, hitting people up finding, you know, a ton
of Instagram people are putting their e-mails in there. Now a lot of those people are getting compensated financially and, you know, I’ve no
idea of your finances, but I’m going to be prejudice or assume that on the younger
side it’s not unlimited. But again, back to like this maybe this is the theme of the show. There’s probably a ton
of Instagram hoochies a muscle dudes, who’ve
huge, huge followings. That you can hit up and say look, I’ll make you 15 second theme song or something for your world if you can give a little
love to me in return. If I were you and man, am I pissed that the internet wasn’t around when I was 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19. I mean it was around but, normal people not straight up nerds The internet itself, is
basically 20-years-old. And I know there is some
nerd in the background like, “Oh, actually 1959.” I know (bleep) but I mean
when normal people went on. I really, really think that I think that I would spent
just 17, 18 hours a day hitting up people via
e-mail on Instagram accounts going to explore, finding some people that are popular hitting their accounts seeing that they have
over 100,000 followers and just pounding them
with e-mails saying hey I make music, I’ll make some music for you I’m looking for exposure,
but just we very up front don’t try to trick them
like if we’ll make a song and something interesting can happen. How many beverages does a man need? – You asked me to get coffee. – Oh okay, Mike got me coffee too. Double fisted, what? And so, you know that’s
the route I would go You need as much exposure as possible You’re in an Instagram community
get into the trenches. A lot of those people
who look for money they won’t say yes, but I’m telling you you’ll get four yes’s
for every 800 e-mails and for lot of people listening that’s a lot of time for four yes’s but, the truth is what’s
the alternative, losing? – [Voiceover] Jaime asks,
“I have an Instagram niche account
“Gary, we spend all of our time pouring our creativity into projects for our clients, so that when it’s time to shift gears and focus on our brand, we’re exhausted. How do you keep it burning for both?” – Coach, the simple answer here is very simply that you need to you need to work […]
“Gary, we spend all of our time
pouring our creativity into projects for our clients, so
that when it’s time to shift gears and focus on our
brand, we’re exhausted. How do you keep it burning for both?” – Coach, the simple
answer here is very simply that you need to you need to work harder and faster. There’s really nothing else. Im exhausted every day,
but I’m making enormous amounts of things happen in my 18 hours. Not only am I working 18 hours, but I’m working fast as
hell in those 18 hours and I’m prioritising what’s
important and what’s not. So, I guess the answer
to your question is, we’re all different. If you need to be A-type
and rigour and organised I would just schedule
non-negotiable time for your personal brand if that’s important to you from 6-7pm because you
have that whole day to check the box that you
want to and you’ve just got that time, it’s just allocated. Maybe that time is 10-midnight. But, really there’s no magic answer here. The answer is more time and
faster within that time. I think the faster part
confuses a lot of people. I always talk about stop
watching Lost, sleep less. But there’s another variable. Be much faster in the hours
that you’re actually in. These guys can tell you, there
is not a second that’s down. I work with people who are
like, ‘I work ten hours a day’ and then when I audit them,
there was like 15 minutes here where they watched a Youtube video. We fight for minutes here,
we fight for seconds here, I wish there was other cameras
showing you how hard the bobble heads are of the crew here every minute. And so my gut is, because
I, when I thought I was the biggest workaholic that ever
lived from 22-30 in running Wine Library but I had
enough time to bullshit about baseball with Branden for
9 minutes or talk to my dad about something for 15 that
made no sense and didn’t matter or went to to
just check Jets scores. I had time, I had time. I’m dramatically faster
at 39 than I was at 29. And, I’m working more hours. That’s how it’s happening. I know the answer, I lived it. I am making fun of 29
year old Gary Vee for all the spewing that I do, that dude wasn’t as fast
and didn’t go for as long every day, and that’s
just how I’ve done it. – [Voiceover] Ben asks,
“Gary, in episode 63 you say you watch and can tell if people are hustling. How do you tell? Engagement, frequency, or gut?” – Austin, that’s a great question. I love that recall to that long, long, long time ago episode number 63. Yeah, this is how I do it and it’s funny I’m in […]
“Gary, in episode 63 you say you
watch and can tell if people are hustling. How do you tell? Engagement, frequency, or gut?” – Austin, that’s a great question. I love that recall to
that long, long, long time ago episode number 63. Yeah, this is how I do it and it’s funny I’m in love with this answer by the way, I’m giving you
a pre-alert that I think the answers on this show
are going to be really good. I feel up for today’s answer. I’m going to go even deeper. I remember why I started
this show, which was can I go deeper on all
my quotes for my fans. I’m going to challenge
myself in this episode to go deeper both in the tactical
aspects and the theoretical aspects. And what I mean by that, clouds and dirt by the way, what I mean by that is
how do I figure that out is very simple. It starts with the fact
that I put in work. So, when I go look at your Twitter account and your Instagram account, I will actually click your posts. I will actually look at all your posts. I go to everybody’s, if you go to a Twitter account,
you can hit their profile and then you can say
‘view all with replies’. So, if you go to my account,, you’ll see all my non-reply
tweets and be like, oh Gary’s pushing a lot of these up but if you click on ‘with
replies’ all of a sudden, you get a much deeper picture
in to what I’m actually doing on Twitter, which is
I’m engaging at scale with my community. So, when I get pissed at all of you, one of the things I’m
looking at is I’m like, oh look at all these 15 people
that I just spent the last 35 minutes looking at when I
click their Twitter account ’cause they just engaged with me, I’m double-checking so I
just click very quickly usually I have my phone. Ok, cool, you say hello. Let’s do one right now. Real-time, baby. Let’s do one right now, very simple. This is going to be interesting. Somebody’s about to get really called out. So, you open a Twitter App, right? And, I go to my notifications I’ll look and I’ll be
like, social media twit social media TWTR, this dude, I asked, how long have
you been following me, a lot of you answered,
thank you by the way. So, I’ll click in and I’ll
look at him and I’ll say, ok, 1080 and then I’ll look
at what he’s actually doing and I’ll see he does a lot of retweeting, ok that’s interesting to me. He’s doing a ton of retweeting
’cause that’s his account. So, that gives me a
sense of what he’s doing I’m going to skip ahead
’cause he’s playing that game. Now, Christin will say,
great point by Gary Vee. Thanks Christin. And, I’ll go into here, I’ll
see she has 7,000 followers that’ll give me some information and then I start looking at
what she’s doing and she’s engaging, she’s engaging, she’s engaging, here she’s retweeting,
she’s hitting that person up I love this, saying to
someone they love the new profile picture. This is starting to give
me a sense and actually Christin let’s give her some daps, can you zoom in the top right corner? Are you able to do
something there to give her some daps so she gets some peep love? So, she’s doing a good,
solid amount of engaging, she’s doing some nice, solid retweeting, she’s actually really engaging. If you look now, over
here, DRock, this is very faint. All the way in the right
where it says one hour, one hour, two hours, can you
see that on the right here? It’s very small. But, what I’m seeing is that she’s this is all happening in
the last two hours, a lot. Heavy engagement. She’s crushing the engagement there. So, then the next thing I’ll do, this is work. Like, if anyone understands
how do I know? ‘Cause I’m putting in the work. Next thing I do is I hit her
URL on her Twitter account which is and then this pops up
and I’m looking at this. Is this her blog, is this where she works? I don’t know yet, but
here we’re about to look. Now, I’m looking and trying
to figure out what is this and if I don’t figure
it out quickly, I’m like I don’t know
what this is, I’m out. Looks like her blog. So, these are the things I’m doing. I’m analysing. I’m looking at the other things you do. If I was looking at my Instagram,
I’d look at the pictures what does that person put out. What I’m seeing my friends
and the reason I called out so many people is; one, I’m
seeing the far majority of people only in the right hook business. Thanks to Christin here, I’m
in a good mood ’cause she’s jabbing the shit out of it. So, that’s great. But then there’s other things. Is she throwing right hooks? Is she trying to drive people? ‘Cause the right hook is
part of the jab, jab, jab, right hook, which is the overall thesis. Put out great content,
create value up front convert it into business
and so, when I see people and I see a lot of you asking
the same questions about your coffee business, your
catering business, all this, I’m trying to see if
you’re doing that mix. Are you only right hooking,
are you only jabbing, are you driving people successfully, is your website responsive
’cause it’s a mobile world? I do this. As you can see, that alone I’m not even done with Christin auditing. That alone is 5, 7, 9 minutes. That’s insanity in a
world where I’m so busy but that is the reason
so many of you follow me. I truly believe that. I believe in this karma, zen aspect to it that I’m capable of giving
great answers on this show ’cause I know you way
better than you think in a world where every
one of my contemporaries that’s at my level whatever
that is, thinks that the last three minutes of this
show, the things that I do with my time in a world where in my inbox, let’s break this down. Let’s understand what I’m talking about. In a world where I’ve got
all these emails right now, some of my clients are going
to get upset here I think, here’s a very important
email from John the lead developer at Wine Library
about a new program that we’re about to launch, from
Friday not answered yet. Because I’m looking at
Christin’s Twitter account. Nobody, no business person
thinks that’s the right move. None. And, so I think if you want to pop, if you want to be an anomaly, you’ve got to act like one. – [Voiceover] Andre asks, “Gary, I’m interested
in your thoughts about
– [Voiceover] BlueArcher ask, “If you could create “or teach your own college or high school course, “what would the name of the class be “and how would you teach it?” – (laughs) This is a great question. First of all, this is really fun, like I thought all the Instagram photos are just gonna […]
– [Voiceover] BlueArcher
ask, “If you could create “or teach your own college
or high school course, “what would the name of the class be “and how would you teach it?” – (laughs) This is a great question. First of all, this is really fun, like I thought all the Instagram photos are just gonna be somebody
holding up a sign, like the rules, I didn’t realize so many people, like that little jab
on the rules, I didn’t, by the way, VaynerNation, you
are not following the rules, like the whole, like, sign
thing is not happening, but let’s do it one more time. Here’s how you get your answer, but obviously ’cause some of you are getting through with
your non-following the rules, the answer is you guys are
all gonna continue to do this, but the whole, like,
imposing me into the photo is phenomenal, didn’t see that coming. Good job with you guys. My course would be called (laughs) Oh my god, this is such a funny thing. I mean, my course would
literally be called “Why You Shouldn’t Have Signed Up “for this Course in the First Place, “taught by Gary Vaynerchuk.” and it would talk about the disconnect between where school is and where the real world is right now, how, I would try to
teach, more than anything, for people not to take my words
and try to regurgitate them. And look, it’s almost what I’m trying, I mean, I’m teaching my course
right now with #AskGaryVee. My big thing here, guys, is, and I raz the VaynerNation
once in a while, so in this short episode,
it feels appropriate. Way too many of you are just
regurgitating what I’m saying instead of actually doing it. Boy, do I love all of you that
hearted up my Hustle picture on Instagram the other day. Let’s put that up. And then when I looked at,
like, seven or eight people, they just see how they were hustling ’cause I keep doing it, I keep, VaynerNation, understand one thing. I take enormous pride in
double checking your actions while you regurgitate my hyperbole. Let me tell you why. It’s not ’cause I’m the best dude ever. It’s because if my fans that spew my stuff aren’t actually acting
on my recommendation, which is putting in the
work, doing the right things, listening to their audience,
working, hustling, trying, doing the right practices, not automating, well then, when people,
like, if you post a photo, regram it, and like, hustle, but you’re playing Call of Duty all day, then all your friends on Instagram, the 97 people are like,
“Well, that’s just a guy “that spews hyperbole because
if you love him so much “but you aren’t doing it, “well then, that just disconnects.” So, one of the main reasons
I’m paying attention to what everybody is doing is because if the people
that are consuming my content and retweeting and pushing out my stuff are not acting on that behavior, that has a chance of hurting me. You know how fun it’s been over
the last four or five months ’cause of the show because
of the zinging that you, many of the people that have
commented on every episode have emailed me and said, “You know what? “I haven’t actually been doing it,” like, I’m talking the talk,
but I’m not walking the walk. That’s been really fun
for me to watch, and so, I forgot the question. Oh, it’s the course, right? (laughs) I mean, look, the course would be, like, listen to everything
I’m gonna tell you about the disconnect between
school and the real world from a marketing business standpoint. I know you could be a lawyer or a doctor, you need to learn that
stuff, I respect that, but from like entrepreneur business stuff and the whole course
would be eight to 12 weeks of me pounding you not to
regurgitate my information, but to act on it. Over here, I’m over here now DRock. You need to act on it. You need to actually execute. You can’t say hustle and then not hustle. You can’t say, and this is the, the hustle part, a lot of you are doing. Here’s the part that really pisses me off. All of you that retweeted
my whole listen to people instead of just talk, you
need to engage, right? And the other thing is a lot of you are engaging with each
other, which is great. I love that, like, 20 of you
become really good friends and retweet each other
and heart everything, but go out there and use
search on Twitter, right? Try different things. Go write articles on Medium. I can’t believe how many of you who are not writing articles on Medium, the one platform that rewards virality to people that have no audience, the far majority of
you, you should be what? We’re hustling Medium every day and I have awareness because it’s giving me
more free awareness. Guys, Medium is a platform that allows you if you write a good story for one of their editors
to put on the home page and all of a sudden, you got a platform and a couple of you have done
it, and we’ve pounded here, and you see me doing it. That’s the part that pisses me off. You see me doing it heavy. Plenty of you have asked the, “Hey, AskGaryVee, why
do you post up on Medium “and not your own blog?” Because it brings me, just so everybody understands, I will never do anything
if it doesn’t bring me either short-term or long-term value, so if I’m doing it, don’t you think you should be paying attention
a little more, the why. And so, my course would be very, (chuckle) bring you back. My course will be very predicated on: Here’s all the advice, but
please don’t be a student. Be a practitioner.
my business and looking to include partners for content. What’s the best way to recruit them? Money/promise of exposure?” – Kate, I’m super pumped. Guys, I went to high school with Kate. By the way, let me give a big shout out to Kate. Kate came to my high school junior year in the middle […]
my business and looking to
include partners for content. What’s the best way to recruit them? Money/promise of exposure?” – Kate, I’m super pumped. Guys, I went to high school with Kate. By the way, let me give
a big shout out to Kate. Kate came to my high school junior year in the middle of the year. And Kate was a top five attractive girl, I’m being very politically correct here, in our school. She made huge noise. Kate, huge shout out
for the noise you made at North Hunterdon High School, 1993. And recruited as a
soccer star, by the way. Just giving you some daps, Kate. I’ve been noticing a lot of your stuff, some of your work is incredible, it’s been really fun to watch. Anyway, I think both work. It depends on what people are more motivated by. If you have a big enough
platform to create exposure, people will work for free. DRock hit me up and offered to make a film for free for me because he knew that was gonna get him his exposure. He vetted,
or intuitively felt, that I I was a good guy,
sure enough before I gave him a full-time job offer to work here, which think about that outcome,
but that’s for another day. He did get into contact with
Chris Brogan, Ted Rubin, – [DRock] There were
like three other people. – So he made the right
move. You could say, “Wow he did that for free.” The reason I’m always
willing to take free work, and free hustle, is
because I feel comfortable with the fact that I’m
gonna try to pay them back tenfold on the ROI, by
giving them a shout out, I know other people that
are marketing leaders pay attention to me because
I’ve been on the cusp of doing new stuff, so he
had all those opportunities. Now, I swooped in and saw
the raw, amazing talent that this man had and had
to bring him on board. And this show exists because
DRock joined the family and it gave me the infrastructure, so big shout out to you, DRock. So, I think free works. If
you think other photographers will see value in your platform, or whatever you’re trying to accomplish, money always works as well. I think people are motivated
by different things. I’ll tell you something people
always try to do with me. I never do it, but people
do it all the time, is leveraging your rolodex.
I mean the amount of people that are willing to do things for me, for me to get them to… people, I don’t know, I’m
not going to name drop. But it’s insane, I never wanna do that. Because I think that’s
not doing the right thing for my relationship, but I
understand why people do it. People do it to me left and right. They’re like, “Hey Gary Vee.
Meet my boy, Johnny McGee.” And when I meet Johnny McGee it’s like, “Yeah, I gave Ricky McGee
eight billion dollars to get to you”, it happens all the time. People value different things,
I think money and exposure are two things that actually– Are we doing Patriot stuff? Guys, you have to
understand. I’m a weird guy. Guys, I’m a weird guy. I’m weird. I will fire over crazy, weird shit. Minnie, I’m not scared about
this. I’m not scared, Minnie. I fire over Patriot shit, I promise. Hey guys, how do you like this? (laughter) – [Gary] Like that? So, yeah. That’s it. Let’s
go on the next question. I know you just got taught
how to submit questions
#HustleHacks when it comes to diet, sleep, and your daily routine? How do you maintain energy and brain power while hustling nonstop?” Sean, I think a lot of that comes to– First of all, great picture. This whole picture dynamic is going to really flip the switch. Obviously you guys know I’m super hot on […]
#HustleHacks when it comes to diet, sleep, and your daily routine? How do you maintain energy and brain power while hustling nonstop?” Sean, I think a lot of that comes to– First of all, great picture.
This whole picture dynamic is going to really flip the switch. Obviously you guys know
I’m super hot on Instagram. To me, I care about the Attention Graph, actually I want to write
an article on Medium about this, the Attention Graph. That’s the whole game. That’s actually probably my nugget. I win on that. Which is,
where’s the attention? You know, YouTube, a year
after YouTube comes out, it’s got attention that people
don’t realize is valuable. Start the #AskGaryVee
show, podcasting, snapchat– Or start Wine Library
TV, sorry for the mix up. One in the same, it’s all family. They’re my kids, I love them both. It’s weird that I have two shows. I’m really weirded out that I’m gonna be a person that has two shows. Anyway, to answer your question, it really comes down to loving it. The reason I’m able to continue to hustle and do what I do is because I love it. I love doing the show, I love
flying all over the country. I like taking my kind
of selfies on Instagram where I’m sour-face and everybody’s like, “Don’t be like– This is what you want,
right? Why are you upset?” I’m not upset, I’m just– Kind of fun little pout
face that I like doing when I travel, 13-year-old girls can’t be the only people that pout. I think for me it comes down to I love it so much that– Here’s a good answer, I
woke up at 5:15 this morning after landing at midnight
on a flight yesterday, to play six a.m. tip-off basketball today because I loved it. But
if Muscle Mike came in to work me out at that time, I
would’ve been more begrudged. Because I love basketball,
I love competition. I’ve come to love the working out, I love the way it makes me look. I’ve been looking at some
old videos like, whew! But that’s what it comes down to. If you truly love it, it
doesn’t feel like work. All these extra hours I’m putting into the Wine Library stuff right now, doesn’t feel like work because I love the wine retail hustle
game, so it’s interesting. It just comes down to love. – [Voiceover] Kate Parker
asks, “Gary, I am growing
I just wanted to say thanks so much for doing your show. It’s been the number one inspiration for me starting my own daily video show at – I like the hustle. – My question is – hustle something that can be taught, because you’re probably the only person I know that out-hustles me, […]
I just wanted to say thanks
so much for doing your show. It’s been the number
one inspiration for me starting my own daily video show at – I like the hustle.
– My question is – hustle something that can be taught, because you’re probably
the only person I know that out-hustles me, and I want to help other people get that,
but do you think hustle is something you either have or you don’t? – Man, these are tough, this
is a tough question day, jeez. You know, I do think
work ethic is a trait. I think hustle is
something you’re born with, but I do think the hustle
meter is fundamentally effected by who you’re doing it for. So it’s really easy to
hustle for yourself. So if you’re a solopreneur, super easy, you will be 100% the highest hustle that you are capable of within your DNA. When you work for somebody else, you know, I think the hustle meter is completely predicated
on how inspired you are and how protected you
feel for that leader, for her or for him and the
organization they work for. I truly believe that the
people that work for me hustle way harder because I
instill trust and protection and I set a high standard for it, and then thus I am able
to get them to a place where they do hustle harder
by the context and the culture from within, but they do it
selfishly for themselves first and then equally, because
they don’t want to let me down or they want to grow up in a meritocracy where they know they can grow, but that’s a selfish play. I think there is a level of hustle that ultimately is predicated on your DNA, and then, and then I think that at some level it’s the context of the game you’re playing, right? I’m blown away by how many
people on my own team here hustle harder working
for me than a lot of my entrepreneurial friends
working for themselves, and that, to me, is fascinating. I think that comes from motivation, and so the level of motivation
you have from within yourself and the level of motivation you get from outside sources,
whether it’s an individual, an organization, some other variable, you want to stick it to your dad who said you were never going to be anything, or the other way, you want to fulfill what your mom told you
you were capable of, the neighborhood you came from, there’s just so many
interesting variables. I’ve been thinking about writing a book called “I Wish Everyone Was an Immigrant.” It’s insane, it’s insane
how motivated I am from coming from zippo,
and I didn’t even come from as much zippo as my parents did when they were first here, but I tasted those early days, and
it’s a level of taste that I know AJ doesn’t have. Not that he can’t be more motivated, but that happens to be
one of my motivators that is not one of his motivators. Maybe one of his motivators is to stick it to the world and tell them that he’s better than his brother. It could be a million different things. They’re all fascinating. I think that you are, I think that you are born with some level of it, but I absolutely think this
is a nature, nurture game where circumstances, look,
you may get motivated by something horrible
that happens in your life and I don’t want to go dark, but you know, we’ve gone dark in the past. You know, like, everybody
in your family dies on a family vacation
that you didn’t go to. You are now motivated in a different way or you’re crumbled by that. So it’s your inner strength
and makeup and infrastructure. I’ve been fascinated
by watching my friends watch my other friends become billionaires over the last five years, and some of them have been motivated, and
some of them pushed back. It’s like being the child
of a very successful person. You either try to trump your moms or pops, or you go so far away from
it you want to go, like, fish in the Amazon for
the rest of your life, and I’m fascinated by that, and so I think that’s DNA, and then
there’s the circumstances that wrap around it.