“today and didn’t have your family business “how would you handle the job market?” – Natalie thank you so much. Big shout out to everybody who’s out in LA. That was a really phenomenal night for me as well. A lot of peeps came out, I appreciate it. Well, first of all, I wouldn’t attack […]
“today and didn’t have your family business “how would you handle the job market?” – Natalie thank you so much. Big shout out to
everybody who’s out in LA. That was a really phenomenal
night for me as well. A lot of peeps came out, I appreciate it. Well, first of all, I wouldn’t
attack the job market, because even at the age of nine or ten, long before I even realized
my parents had a liquor store as my dad managed that store and was buying into a business I was already slinging, as
you heard in episode 118, you know blue curtains and alarm clocks. And clearly you’ve heard
the stories of lemonade and baseball cards. There is no attacking the
job market from my DNA because I would try to start a business especially right now. I would completely take
advantage of the fact that there is an enormous
amount of dumb money trying to become
investors in start-ups. Meaning, unlike the
generation where I became an angel investor in
2009, 2008, 2010, 2011. Right now every dentist,
every real estate agent, every trust fund baby in
their thirties, forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, and eighties anybody who had a good
career on Wall Street is now an investor looking
for their Mark Zuckerberg. I would take advantage of that. I would network. I assume if I was in college
I would ask professors. I would ask friends and family. I would just ask. I think when you’re at the bottom, asking is quite important. And so I would ask for at bats, try to network. I would use the incredible
tool that is known as Twitter and I would be replying
to people that I aspire to get in touch with. I don’t, you know it’s funny
to me to see the people that give up after asking to meet with me for a few minutes, after three or four nos. And I know that I’m inducing
now a ton of Twitter chatter to meet with me. And I hope you saw the
video I made for myself, the advice I’ve given myself. DRock, give them a two second clip. I need to get my shit together so I apologize I’m letting you down. But the truth is I need
to heed to this advice I’m giving myself. You know, so I won’t see you but I would have saw you six months ago and Cuban, or Jack Welsh,
or Zucks, or Elon Musk, you just never know when they’ll
actually sit down with you. And then there’s a
million people that maybe you don’t know who’ve been successful, who’ve got leverage, who’ve got money. And so I would attack the
reality of the marketplace. And the reality of the
marketplace right this second is tons of cash, looking
for young people with ideas. I think it’s a broken bubble. I think that gets exposed. I think 99% of people
are not going to deliver on that investment. I think I’d be one of the 1% that would deliver on that investment. So I’d be looking for while in college and like I did in college instead of looking to
hook-up and do keg stands I’d be looking for business partners and business opportunities. I think for anybody else
that is not wired like me which I think is a far majority
of this show’s audience I would tell you this piece of advice. If you were 22 years old, if you were the amount of people that settle for the first paying job versus living with 19 friends on the floor and eating 99 cent meals blows my mind in lieu of trying to get your dream job versus what you’ve settled for. Please from 22 to 24 don’t settle. Go for your dream job. Pound for it. And if you can’t get
into VaynerMedia (ping) then go for the second
best, or third best, or fourth best on your list. Please start with the
moon and go backwards. The amount of you that start at a hilltop and just settle there
is an enormous mistake because 22 to 24 is when you should live really, really humble, ghetto, dirt. Like that’s it,
that’s the time. To settle in in the
middle only lends itself to so much upside. So aspire for as high as you possibly can and be patient. it sucks not having a job in September when all your friends do. Or your friends that were
juniors the year before are going back to school
and the pressure is on and maybe your parents don’t
like that you don’t have a job but that’s exactly when you
should be buying random stuff at Goodwill and selling it
on eBay to pay your $80.00 worth of rent because you
have 94 roommates in a studio. That’s it, get dirty. Cause, and I know a paused there, cause getting dirty is the price to having what you want. The dramatic misunderstanding that amazing things come with a price. A lot of people talk about rich kids. I really negatively look at rich kids because I look negatively at my kids because they’re about to be rich kids. That’s just real. Sorry Xander and Misha, eat it. But you know what comes with the price of being a rich kid? People completely do,
you’ve basically lost in the game of winners. You’ve basically from day
one you were born into money. You actually aren’t
good, you were handed it. You suck.
That’s it, you’ve lost. That’s the price that comes along with it. And take it from somebody
who cried everyday because his dad had a
small family business and I was petrified because
I knew I had the talent that everybody would say
things were handed to me. Cried everyday with my mom on the phone I’m not coming into the family business even though I could help it, even though I want to, I don’t. Because then everybody is going to say, that it was handed to me. In the scheme of things I was an idiot I didn’t realize how
small it was to the world. But everything’s got a price. Everything’s got a price. You’re beautiful?! LIfe is much better when you’re beautiful. That’s what we all say.
I agree with that. But, more realistically, you
get completely disrespected. You get disrespected. You can’t be smart, you can’t be good, you’re just too beautiful. I’m serious. I’m really tired of people
thinking everybody’s got it better. Everybody has advantages. You know what the
advantages of being ghetto and on welfare and being
nothing and having nothing being a child of a homeless parent. You know what the advantage is? You’re (bleep) angry. You’ve got a ridiculous
chip on your shoulder. You want to stick it to everybody. All of ’em. Use what you’ve got.
Use what you’ve got.
“you get asked all the time that you can’t stand answering?” – What’s one question I get asked all the time that I don’t, that I can’t stand answering? Which one is that Dad? The Valdez? Great Pinot, right? – And I’m not, you know? – I know you’re not a big Pinot guy. Alright […]
“you get asked all the time
that you can’t stand answering?” – What’s one question I
get asked all the time that I don’t, that I
can’t stand answering? Which one is that Dad? The Valdez? Great Pinot, right? – And I’m not, you know? – I know you’re not a big Pinot guy. Alright DRock, over here. This is not a wine show. – I think I’m going to finish it. – You can finish it. – I don’t know if there’s
any question that bothers me that people– – He’s so chill. (laughter) Nothing, nothing, you know. Really, doesn’t take it personally, uh. – [Andy] What’s a question
you always get asked– – You know, Dad, I’m gonna take
advantage of having you here you know, obviously we’re the
same but we’re very different. – But you’ve got a lot of me. – Yes, I know. – The better– – The competitive thing. – Yeah. – But, were you interested in the fact that I’m so unphased? You, listen, there’s a
lot of people watching. Tell the truth, you get upset. – Eh, about? – A lot of things. (laughter) – Uh, yes of course. I’m human, I have yeah. – But, you agree, in
business I’m kind of weird. I go into this weird state where I’m not– – He’s different and he’s very different. No no no, I have to hand it to him not because he’s sitting here, and I really want to give
him compliments, you know, while he’s here. – Guys, just so you know, I’m fishing here because I don’t get this so I’m
using advantage of the show. – But he’s very different here. He made a statement, and I
can’t even repeat the statement, because, to me it’s against my religion– – (laughs) I don’t even know. – He will do business with– – Anybody. Hitler? – You know it rubs me the wrong way, but it’s true, its been proven fact. And I’m a principled guy. – I’m a principled guy! – You are, but, you put
what’s good for the business before your own– – My own feelings. – Yeah, and I can’t, and
I’m exactly reversed. You know, I’m, I don’t know. And probably that’s
what was holding me back listen, I’m not complaining,
I did pretty okay– – Yes you did, mister. – With no language, no, you know. – 100 bucks, poor. – Yeah, I can write a book and my book would be better than his,
but that’s beside the point. (laughter) He’s making a face. – Because it wouldn’t be better. That’s why I’m making a face. Let’s play one on one. Show the basket. We’re gonna play one
on one to settle this. – Listen, we just had my
younger son get married. – AJ, they know AJ. – Everybody knows him. And you would not believe what
took place at the wedding. Gary gave a speech, I gave a speech. My daughter jumped in, and it became– – We’re a very competitive family. – Yeah, it’s healthy. – Slightly unhealthy, but
I’m pumped we’re unhealthy. – What do you mean unhealthy? – Well, we’re very– – End of the day– – We love each other. – Even in the business, never left upset. – What, within a year? (laughter) We never left upset in a day? – We kiss each other– – Well we love each other, yeah. So, I don’t remember the question. But I think ultimately,
Andy, there’s no question that really bothers me. I think most people know the
answer to most of the questions that they ask me, I just don’t think they
want to put in the work. And one thing that, I will say this. I think one of the best
days of my life, my life,
House of Jerky. I wanna let you know I tried that thing with telling everybody thank you with a video on Twitter, and it has worked better than good. The problem I’m having right now is I’ve got so many new tweets coming in, and some new people following me. It’s becoming a little overwhelming. […]
House of Jerky. I wanna let you know I tried that thing with telling everybody
thank you with a video on Twitter, and it has
worked better than good. The problem I’m having
right now is I’ve got so many new tweets coming in, and some new people following me. It’s becoming a little overwhelming. How do you handle that? Thanks, take care and have a great day. – This is an interesting
question House of Jerky. This is a very interesting question. The truth is, I can never fake the funk on this show. I think one of the
things that works for me is my reactions are always my reactions. Since I’ve already seen this video, I’m not as pissed as I was three weeks ago or whenever the hell I saw it where I literally, House of Jerky, and I love you. Literally wanted to punch you directly in your mouth, because
this really pissed me off, because Jesus Christ. Hey, help me fix my business
and make my business better. Cool, here do this. Awesome. My business is better, but
now there’s too much of this. It is so insane. And again, you’re such a lovely dude that I don’t want, I’m
doing this never just. By the way, I’m never
answering these questions just for the person at hand. It is the collective answer. I hope and I mean this my man. I hope you’re being
tongue in cheek with me, and you just wanted to get on the show. I really hope, because if you’re not being tongue in cheek with me you’re an insane loser. Anybody and anybody, anybody who has a problem with too
many things going well are prewired for failure, and that hurts, and I really, the truth is, the reason I probably took the show. I can taste that that’s not your case, but I do think that there’s many people listening and watching that are the case, and the thought that
you could ever complain about success is so insane to me and listen, maybe I
have a visceral reaction to this because business
associates have done this with me in my career, and I can’t there’s so much to complain about that is valid, if you’re willing to. I mean, this show as you can
tell, I’m not even interested in doing that at all. I’ve said on this show, the biggest thing I admire in the world
is my mom’s inability to complain. It’s something I’m massively proud of. I really try not to do it, and the thought to complain about, hey you gave me a tremendous piece of a business strategy. Stick with me here for fucking free stick with me here. It worked. Good things are happening to me. Good things are happening to me, and now there’s too much
good things happening to me. Help me reconcile this good
thing that’s happening to me. That is bonker shit USA. That is insane, and I right here, line in the sand, on this show to you Vayner
Nation am telling you that is a line I’m not
allowing you to cross. I am not allowing you, you, any of you ever in your life, ever. I’m choking it the fuck out. You are unallowed, if you wanna be homies, friends, even borderline acquaintances, you are not allowed to
complain about success. Let me help you with your problem. Shut your fucking business down, because if you’re gonna
complain about good things happening, you’ve lost. That’s insane. Complain when you’re
down to your last penny, not when you have too many customers. You know what you need to do? Stop bullshitting. Sleep less, fuckin don’t watch TV. I don’t know. Don’t make a video with Gary Vee, answer somebody’s fucking question. Got it?
– Yes, Merv, you’re also month what, one, – [Merv] One and a half. – two, one and a half? – Some newbies on the show! – Yes, absolutely. So one of things that I love the most about being here is the hustle way of life. I think it’s amazing. – Okay. – What […]
– Yes, Merv, you’re also month what, one, – [Merv] One and a half.
– two, one and a half? – Some newbies on the show! – Yes, absolutely. So one of things that I love
the most about being here is the hustle way of life. I think it’s amazing. – Okay. – What are your suggestions
when working with external partners, who you gotta work
with to get the job done, who don’t share your hustle? – You mean like the rest
of the entire world? – Yes, them. Exactly. – From an agency dynamic,
we’re stuck, right? You wanna look good in the sandbox which for people that don’t
understand, you work with a brand and you’ve got
four, five, six, three different agency partners
and it’s important that what a brand hates that we
work with is when the agencies are playing politics
with each other because their assumption is that we as
Vayner, are trying to get the money of this person,
and that makes sense. That’s a cynical point of view, that’s the right point of view by the way, 90% of the time. And so, I, and you may not
fully know this but some of the people that have been
here a little bit longer, I’m actually very aggressive,
like don’t go down that route, we’ll get ours by just
showing what we’re about. But it makes it frustrating for all of you that are in the trenches because I’m probably taking,
I’m probably pushing it even too far of like
“be nice to everybody”, even though they suck. Or you think they suck. – I don’t think they suck, I just said they don’t hustle.
– I get it, I think everyone sucks. And so, I think that it’s a balancing act. It’s a really fine, tight rope. I think letting your work speak for itself is a very smart strategy. I think the truth is undefeated. Meaning, I do think eventually
the truth bubbles up right? Now, you may have a
flawed judge of the truth. Like there’s a human
being that runs that brand that may not see it, maybe tricked, may have too much romance
for the prior world. Or logos over team players. And so, I think you have to
assess who the judge and jury is number one because that’s
just the real game. I think you need to build
a relationship, for real, outside of what’s happening
in the room with those people. Because let’s not forget they’re
just humans that work for a company, and I have
found that a lot of times they realize they stink too. Because maybe their company stinks and at least that gets you
aligned where you’re not mad at the person, you’re mad at a logo. Which I think often times
takes a lot of venom out of the situation,
makes it all more palpable. I think what it comes down to is good old-fashioned
communication, on all levels. Your own team. As somebody who’s a little more senior. One of the things that we
struggle with here at Vayner is the youngsters don’t
fully get it all the way they haven’t been through it. So they’re looking just at the narrow like this project isn’t done
at Thursday at 4, they stink! There’s a lot more going on than that. So I think communication
with your team, to the side, the different players, the client. Just communication,
communication, communication. – I like it, thank you!
– Cool, you got it. – [Group] (applause)
“people missing deadlines they set?” – Ben, this is an interesting kinda question. Poorly, because usually I… Let me break this down, actually. The way I struggle, the way I react to people who set their own deadlines and miss them are predicated into the A and B bucket that I put them in, meaning, […]
“people missing deadlines they set?” – Ben, this is an
interesting kinda question. Poorly, because usually I… Let me break this down, actually. The way I struggle, the way I react to people who set their own deadlines and miss them are predicated into the A and B bucket that I put them in, meaning, either I put you into a bucket where you’re a hardcore executor, you’re extremely reliable, you’re on your shit, you’re T’s and I’s and everything, and that’s what I value in you because that’s what you’re great at, if you miss a deadline, I am pissed, ’cause that’s what you do. Now if you’re in the magic category, gray, stumbling all over yourself, calling out sick randomly. Weird, but you got magic
and you make stuff happen, well I kind of think
you’re gonna miss your, I actually don’t even believe
you in the first place when you set a deadline. And so then I’m okay with
another two or three days. So I think it predicates completely on where I have you bucketed. And then are you actually
executing on that bucket. So that’s how I react to that question.
– [Voiceover] Ginson asks, “Do you work “on your birthday?” (spitting) – Couple things, my man. Number one, I hate my birthday. My 40th birthday is coming November 14th of this year. That was a little bit of a specific drop, mainly ’cause I want the entire VaynerNation to buy me a lotta gifts, Jets […]
– [Voiceover] Ginson asks, “Do you work “on your birthday?” (spitting) – Couple things, my man. Number one, I hate my birthday. My 40th birthday is coming November 14th of this year. That was a little bit of a specific drop, mainly ’cause I want
the entire VaynerNation to buy me a lotta gifts, Jets jerseys of random rare players are at the top of the things that I like, medium. I’ve worked on every birthday of my entire life, all of them. Literally, even some in my teenage years, ’cause they happened to fall weekends when my dad was draggin’
my ass to the store. But since I became a
full-time professional at 22, I’ve worked every birthday. I’ve given a talk. I gave a speech, the RE/MAX convention for Thank You Economy came out during my birthday. Like, gave a speech on my birthday. Yeah, absolutely, that was a silly question. 100% all in. You wanna do what you
love on your birthday. I’m lucky enough to
be doing what I love. – [Voiceover] Ben asks, “How do you handle
“that is growing fast, is it more important “to perfect the system and process “or focus on adding more people to the team?” – Jared it’s a good question. I’m a big fan of both. I don’t understand why not both, I do both. As building VaynerMedia, I was perfecting the system while hiring people […]
“that is growing fast, is it more important “to perfect the system and process “or focus on adding more
people to the team?” – Jared it’s a good question. I’m a big fan of both. I don’t understand why
not both, I do both. As building VaynerMedia, I
was perfecting the system while hiring people and training them up and building out the team. This is not an either,
or my man and this is where I think people struggle. To really be victorious, I
think you need to be able to do both at the same time. That’s what separates the
women from the girls right? The ability to be able to do
both things at the same time and by the way that’s
where hustle comes in. Because you know what, to
do both you’ve gotta kind of integrate the team nine to five
while kind of spending five ’till like two in the morning
to perfect the system. This is where hustle matters. This is where extra hours
in the day actually matter because you can’t get to both
actually, like physically, you can’t get to both and
so in a nine hour work day. So if you’ve gotta business
that’s growing fast, first question is are you
actually deploying 18 hours a day because remember too
many of you have missed or are gonna miss your moment in time. When it’s happening, when it’s happening if you don’t triple pedal down,
that’s pedal on the metal, like foot on the pedal, if
you don’t go all the hell in, all of it, if you don’t
do that at that moment you will regret. You have missed your moment in time and that is why I’m burning the
candle from both sides right now because everything is
hitting a proper crescendo as I’m going into my 40th
birthday in November. VaynerMedia, Vayner/RSE my fund, cruising, just cruising and the
#AskGaryVee Show cruising you know just, family life and
health, I mean, cruising and so I’ve gotta push harder
because you know what at 42 I mean it might
just be that break and that moment in time where
things aren’t cruising as much and so you’ve gotta extract,
you’ve gotta extract all the value when you’re
hitting that point. You’ve gotta live it,
you just have to live it. As a matter of fact, for all
of you that in your senior year of high school that are watching
your show, squeeze the crap out of that ’cause it’s the best. And college, you’ve gotta
squeeze everything all the time and especially this
question really hits a nerve because I want people to
understand the answer is both.
“How can you claim family first, “but work 19 hours a day? “How can you be a good dad dash hubby, “and rarely be home?” – Yeah, so this is a great question, and I like the zing of the hashtag at the end, what’s the name? – [India] His name is Ryan. – Ryan, […]
“How can you claim family first, “but work 19 hours a day? “How can you be a good dad dash hubby, “and rarely be home?” – Yeah, so this is a great question, and I like the zing of
the hashtag at the end, what’s the name? – [India] His name is Ryan. – Ryan, let me explain
something to you, partner, and everybody else who asks
me about this question. This is a very legit question, and so I’m not angry or
looking to zing back, because you’re right. This has a lot to do with decisions that my wife and I have made about the way I storytell my life versus the way I
storytell my private life. You know, I look at things
in net gain form, right? For example, let’s just ask my phone, this is actually very convenient. Didn’t even think about this, because I didn’t really
know the questions today. Let’s just, let’s just zoom it in, DRock. Let’s just zoom in where
I was this morning, because I worked out at 6, right? You tell me when. And you may not be able to pull it off. You think you’re gonna
be able to pull it off? – [Voiceover] Can you hold it closer? – I can.
– [Voiceover] A little bit more.
– Yep. – [Voiceover] Yep, and, there we are.
– Good. So look. Look at this. Ha, ha, ha. I went to the kindergarten
play today, right? I went to the kindergarten play, as a matter of fact I was
there half an hour early to be first in line at the
kindergarten play this morning. And, you know, look, oh look, look at this stuff that I never share, and this one you’re gonna
have to blur out DRock, because this is the
point of the answer, but, here we go, let’s just see
the last couple of videos that we’re taken. Oh look, look at these videos. Look at these videos of,
you know, kids, singing. You know, kids singing. Yeah, kids. My friends, here’s what
this one comes down to, and I have enormous
amounts of empathy and self awareness to why
this question is asked all the time when I
talk about 19 hour days, and when I’m,
DRock and I and Staphon put out a
day in the life video, and it shows all this, and nobody wants to envy it, I’m playing in extremes. First and foremost, when there are important events like this, you know, the kind of things
that my dad never came to, because he set the foundation to it, I’m there, I’m at the play, I’m at the recital, and I’m at this, I’m there. On weekends, I am all in. All in my friends, all
in on weekends, right? I’m not playing four hours
of golf like a lot of you. I’m not doing a lot of other things that a lot of people are doing, I’m all in on the kids, right? Then, I’m taking, oh I don’t know, seven weeks of vacation, which is probably in the ballpark of four, five weeks more than you, right? More than you, which is high quality time, all in, every second, and so, yes, maybe I’m playing Monday through Friday, you know, 40 weeks a year, at an
intensity that’s different, but, I have found
my cadence, my rhythm, my balance with my
spouse and my children, predicated on playing it that way, and I’m finding a lot of
quality time with them in these extremes, and so, you know, I think, I never judge or ask or tell anybody how to raise their family or do their thing. The other thing I’ve decided is, unlike a lot of my contemporaries, and a lot of social media experts, who, I don’t think exploit their kids on social networks, but I
would say are intriguing about being so obsessed with
getting likes and hearts that they know that when
they use their cute kids, they get more, it’s kind of, I’ve been in many conversations, sitting right here at conferences, I’m right here, but I’m listening always, you know, because that’s how I roll, and I’m doing my thing, and I’ve heard many people talk about strategies around how, oh
put your kids and stuff, you’ll get more likes. I’m like, really? So, you know, I’ve chosen, my wife has chosen, we have chosen, to, you know, as you guys know, there
are very few pictures or any kind of public pictures
of my wife or my kids, it’s just what’s comfortable to us, so I’m very self aware about the rationale to
why people may question my ability to be a good dad or do my thing, the other part of this answer is, Misha and Xander are 3 and 6, this is the system, and they were 2 and 5 five seconds ago, and, (mouth noises) You know, as things evolve, as they’re in softball and soccer, and football, and this and that, you know, I’ll adjust, and my schedules will change, and you know, a big thing in 2016 I’ve been
giving a lot of thought to is coming home every day at 5pm for 30, 40 minutes to eat or bathe, and so I’ll adjust, and I’ll try, and I’ll hustle and I’ll work, and I’ll continue to always
struggle with work-life balance, given my happiness and my ambition, my selfishness around work, however, there are a lot
more things going on here than just the things you’re
making assumptions on, rightfully so, given the
content that I’m putting out, but that’s why even that video we talked about and ended with, and big ups to Alex on
our team to push this, which really made that video whole, which was that’s me, do you, and so, I feel super cozy about the time allocation, I would also argue, my friend, about quality, because
plenty of people work 9 to 5, come home, drink a beer, watch TV, play video games, and
spend, oh I don’t know, six seconds yelling at
their kids to do homework, and so, there’s quantity, which, you know, I like to think I’m maybe playing a good game on extremities, and then there’s also quality, like you know, actually
having a relationship, like actually having a conversation, actually spending quality time, actually looking them in the eye, actually, actually, actually, so, that’s my answer to
that question, friends. – [Voiceover] Euan asked,
Hey Gary, great show. Totally obsessed. My favorite thing now, ahead of Game of Thrones. Anyway, here’s a question for you. If you had a business or a blog or a personal brand or a book, how would you get more people to know about you and to buy that? How would you get results? […]
Hey Gary, great show. Totally obsessed. My favorite thing now,
ahead of Game of Thrones. Anyway, here’s a question for you. If you had a business or a blog or a personal brand or a book, how would you get more people to know about you and to buy that? How would you get results? I guess at the end of the
day, Gary, I’m asking you how would you get results? Thanks, love the show. Gary, great question. Looking great, by the way. (giggles) Ya know, one of the things I haven’t talked about on the show a lot, I’ve talked about it a little bit, and I saw people get value from it in that local, small
business biz to dev thing is the gross underestimation
of distribution in a JV, joint venture environment. There are so many of you on this show with businesses that
have locked so heavily into social media, ’cause
that’s how you view me, as the way to get distribution, you have left some of the
greatest opportunities on the table including if you are not hitting up the
top 100 blogs in your space, if you’re selling cupcakes, and you literally aren’t
spending the time to figure out what the top 100 cupcake content
sites are on the internet, and then sending an e-mail and saying, “Hey, I’m India from India’s Cupcake Shop. “I love reading your site, Cupcake Daily,” This is me, typing the e-mail. “I love reading your site, Cupcake Daily. “I’m very passionate. “Here’s my site. “Here’s my Instagram. “I would love to write for you once a week “on new sprinkles concepts or
on decorations that matter. “I will give you my labor for free, “and what you’ll give me is
distribution and awareness.” If you don’t realize that, ya know, it’s like Kendrick Lamar. Did anybody pay attention
to what Kendrick Lamar did? If you don’t know who Kendrick Lamar is, he’s a rapper, an artist, and he went on to a lot of other albums as he was starting to get a little fame. He leveraged that to get on, and he came in trying to kill it on, like he basically went on everybody’s track and he tried to be so much better than the persons whose song it was that everybody was listening be like, “Oh shit, that guy’s dope. “Like, I’m gonna check him out.” That’s what India, the cupcake lady, wants to do on Cupcake Daily. Oh, crap, that was such a good thought. Let me follow that. And so, in the earliest
earliest earliest days of me building my brand,
I went on wine blogs and wrote blog posts to contribute, and because I had the chops, ya know, Kendrick spits incredible lyrics, India writes about incredible toppings, and I talked about
incredible things about wine that people hadn’t thought about, that gave me the ammo for my
work to have a positive ROI. The truth is a lot of you
don’t wanna put in the work because the output of your content in video form, in audio
form, in written form, isn’t good enough. You just aren’t good enough. What you’re selling, they’re not buying, and the quickest way to find out is to actually go on a road show, put in the 40 hours a day
to get yourself into places where you, why can’t you
e-mail all 500 people on YouTube that have
some level of audience and ask them to be
interviewed on their show? Or to be part of it? Why can’t you? Why can’t you ask? Why can’t you ask? Why can’t you ask? That, my friend Gary,
is what you need to do. If you’ve got something to sell, you need to go and knock on doors, right? Ya know, you gotta know how to build ’em and walk through them. You gotta knock on doors,
and you’ve gotta ask like, “Can I guest contribute to your world? “Can I write a blog post? “Can I just show up and like?” How do I bring value to what you need because all these people that have homes that have audiences, they need more content to feed them. Content costs money, so people
coming in and contributing, it’s the ultimate kind of leverage deal. You come and you write for
me for free ’cause I need it, ’cause I need to keep feeding
the kids I have in the room, and you need kids for
what you’re gonna do, and that is something that 99.999999999 of you are absolutely not doing enough of. Putting in the work to get in front of
audiences to be discovered. Putting out a picture on
Instagram and holding your breath and hoping somebody’s gonna see it ’cause you used a (censored)
hashtag isn’t enough. Go out and take it, and
that, my friend Gary, is what you should do if you
want something to happen. Two minutes.
– When dealing with clients, would you rather find new clients, or #hustle to get more from current clients? (laughter) – OK, very good, Warren, I like that So, I call this hunting and farming, do you wanna hunt and get new ones, or do you wanna farm and grow the ones you have. I […]
– When dealing with
clients, would you rather find new clients, or #hustle to get more from current clients? (laughter) – OK, very good, Warren, I like that So, I call this hunting and farming, do you wanna hunt and get new ones, or do you wanna farm and
grow the ones you have. I think way too many people don’t realize the answer is both. Why not both, Warren? Why not both? And when you’re super
duper, duper duper talented, you can do both. That’s how you go from 30 to 500 people in a flash. There’s no rather, Warren, I just want both. Like, ya know, you want both. You wanna hu– You want both, you want both. – [India] That’s fine–