how you Scout ban on media story quickly to do joint ventures or partnerships what strategies allowed you to scalp you know I think the number one overarching thing with me is that I you know in a place where I’m at topline revenue driver right because I’m able to drive sales and was able […]
how you Scout ban on media story quickly
to do joint ventures or partnerships what strategies allowed you to scalp you know I think the number one
overarching thing with me is that I you know in a place where I’m at topline
revenue driver right because I’m able to drive sales and was able to get clients
you know funny thing happens money solves a lot of business problems
but having money continue to come in over invested so right now most of our
organization you know is not actually a capacity you know we talked a lot about the past
year being immediately probably have 20 percent more capacity many people can be
on more accounts and you get paid for most agencies would drive down to
even-steven even sometimes under passing to drive profit I on the other
hand really because of my ability to sell that’s what it is because of my
ability to sell I’m able to drive growth at such a rapid pace parallel that with
each our capabilities and actually caring about people and scaling a charm
Uhr driven CEO of the two combinations for hyper growth companies when the
cares about its people and won the table to make money it’s really not
complicated and then a third variable of one that’s not being built a cell so I’m
not worried about my margin because when you sell your company your often not
looked up I’m at your revenue look upon how much money you’re making people
paying you and multiple on that because I’m not worried about that envelope or
more dollars into people into culture into being on the offensive to opening
up London if those were things that if I was trying to sell this company I
wouldn’t open up London I wouldn’t have 20% extra capacity I be trying to
organize it and orchestrate it orchestrate it to us sale and so I think
it’s a mentality and then I think it’s the capabilities of me on the CEO level
on sales and a char Dara you mentioned publicly documenting one’s journey but
isn’t advertising experience hurtful when seeking paying by a computer over
time I said the other day in dealey be
“How would you market an HR staffing agency?” – Um, Kamil I would market an HR staffing agency by creating enormous amounts of content. I would probably reach out to the biggest HR software companies in the world to see if they had a blog, and then email them and say that you would love […]
“How would you market
an HR staffing agency?” – Um, Kamil I would market
an HR staffing agency by creating enormous amounts of content. I would probably reach out to the biggest HR software companies in the world to see if they had a
blog, and then email them and say that you would
love to write guest blogs around HR dynamics in organizations. I think that would be
incredible way to do it. I think guest blogging
is a stunning arbitrage that most people don’t take advantage of. If you are starting any
business right now of any, a landscaping business, a
chocolate making business, a candle selling business,
you go map the 15 sites that most of the people that
are likely to buy your product are spending their time reading, and reach out to the editors and ask them to guest blog, whether an audio form, video form, or written form,
depending on your skills sets. They may be a written blog,
you can’t write like me, and they won’t take video or audio, then you’re going to miss
out on the opportunity. But maybe you find two or three, being able to siphon that
attention to awareness around you, as long as you
don’t make your article about you selling stuff. You have to level up
and be a media company. So for you, what’s the name again, Kamil? – [India] Kamil. – Kamil, what you need to do is talk about six behaviors you look for in an employee that’s
been in your organization for three years, and
then you write about it, instead of saying, why using a staffing
agency is a good idea. Can’t be in your best interests, it has to be in the
audience’s best interests. Hence this show. This show is to bring
as much value as it can to build up equity, to bring up value, to bring up leverage. To guilt everybody who watches
and listens to this show to buying many, many books
of the #AskGaryVee show. Or tell people to watch it. That leads to speaking engagements or clients of VaynerMedia. Or, what I really care about,
’cause those last three things are nice-to-haves, turn
everybody in the world into a New York Jets fan when I own them. So, you know, I think that um. By the way, you know what’s
gonna be funny about that? I’m literally gonna clip that in 30 years, and I’m gonna play it in the stadium. Just want you to know. Um, so, I would do that. I would start putting out infographic or visuals in Instagram,
and use the right hashtags for discovery around HR. That may sound very weird. It’s probably very, very, very niche, but there are tons of
HR people on Instagram. I mean, we have a HR department,
they’re all on Instagram. So there’s a lot of hacks,
but it’s all about content. Level yourself up and
act like a media company instead of an agency. Put out content. That’s what we do for VaynerMedia. I, at the forefront, am great
at it, and that’s just truth. I mean, I’m sorry, but it’s true. I’m great at producing content. My team’s great at helping. You know, that has been
a huge gateway drug to new business and building
the brand of VaynerMedia. Then you have to deliver. Because what comes along with it, especially when your a personal brand that is charismatic, as
good looking as I am, is there’s a level of cynicism
that comes along with that. So a lot of our early clients were like, “Eh, is this Gary Vee with a
buncha bullshit behind him?” So then you gotta deliver too. So there’s a lot of things you have to do to be good at business. You have to bring ’em to the table, and then you gotta serve ’em great food. And then, they come
back to your restaurant. Get it? You like that? – Yeah, you can’t just get
’em to the restaurant, India.
“the workplace, and how do you avoid having more drama?” – PK, drama in the workplace. How much were you, as an executive in corporate America into HR like stuff, or did you kind of let the pros handle that? – I loved that area. I was into it. – I believe that by the […]
“the workplace, and how do
you avoid having more drama?” – PK, drama in the workplace.
How much were you, as an executive in corporate America
into HR like stuff, or did you kind of let the pros handle that? – I loved that area. I was into it. – I believe that by the
way, I know this guy. – I was Mr. Anal Retentive. – Me too. – So, I kind of got my
fingers dirty, I knew when to step in– – In the anal retentiveness? – But at the end of the day, jargon aside, and I’m a believer of with whom you go is more important than where you go, I got heavily vested in the HR side, because it didn’t make any
difference what kind of idea you might have, start up or big company, big brands, small brands whatever, but
whatever you’re working on combined with no matter how
much capitol you may have, working capitol from start
up business or whatever, at the end of the day, if you
didn’t have the right people or the right team in place– – You’re dead. – Game over, and so– – I believe that so much. I don’t think there’s any Lakers, there’s Kobe and Shaq
era and then there’s not, and then you know, like
Stephan who’s a Lakers fan, he then becomes a Golden
State Warriors fan because he’s just
bandwagon, but most people you know I’ve talked plenty
about HR, I want to get this thing moving, I want some
speed India, let’s go to the next one. – [Voiceover] James asks,
“Banks are old, stiff, and have
“of HR and employees getting along. “How do I implement that when everyone talks about everyone?” – Well, I don’t know if employees getting along or HR is predicated on everybody talking about each other? – [India] No, it’s like how do I implement that in a place where everybody’s talking about each other. – […]
“of HR and employees getting along. “How do I implement that when
everyone talks about everyone?” – Well, I don’t know if
employees getting along or HR is predicated on everybody
talking about each other? – [India] No, it’s like
how do I implement that in a place where everybody’s
talking about each other. – Oh, talking about
each other, like gossip? – [India] Yeah. If you wanna read it, but that’s how I interpreted it. – Where everyone talks
about everyone. Oh, jeez. I mean, that means it’s
broken from the top. People are gonna gossip. I’m
sure in the 600 employee– 550 employees of Vaynermedia, I’m sure people talk about each other. But it’s a net-net score.
Don’t be crippled by– Make sure you’re judging
the gossiping appropriately. Maybe it’s not as bad as you
think in the collective– Ryan, be careful. This
is an active shoot, Ryan. Yeah, clearly you didn’t realize. I’m just kidding! Do you wanna come on and apologize to the
show? Get over here, Ry. Let’s get you seven Twitter followers. – @guildgonewild, I’m
sorry for ruining the show. – Say, “Dear Vayner Nation.” – Dear Vayner Nation,
I sincerely apologize for ruining the show. And I’m
pretty sure Gary hates me now. – I don’t, I love you. – Oh. Well, thank you. – Tell them what football team you like. – The New York Jets. – That’s my boy. Get outta here! Alright. Hey, Brunchback. – Hey, what’s up? – Alright, get outta here. We need to come to 15 more often, there’s some good action going on here. Creating a culture where
people are gossiping negatively about each
other is devastating. There’s a lot more to fix.
The leadership needs to be looked at. Maybe you’re the leader. You need to really look at yourself. I think the only way to fix
a real burning building, if it’s really rampant and
negative, is to call an all hands-on meeting and go straight kumbaya, it’s all communication, it’s
put it out on the table. It’s address it head on and move forward. So, one, make sure you’re
judging it properly. Because in the scheme of
things, humans are humans. You can’t– It’s not like– I mean, Vayner’s great
culture, but at a micro level, there’s a million little
bad things going on. It’s just that you have to
look at is as a collective. You can’t turn people into
robots and not make them have all the emotions humans have, but way more importantly,
to me, if it is rampant, the only way to fix a
complete storm of this, is to bring everybody together, the leader needs to put– Starting with them,
I’ve clearly screwed up. Let’s talk about this. Probably
make some firing decisions. Because there’s probably
some cancer cells in there. It’s a real aggressive,
you need to address it. Truth is, so many of you
do not want to address it, or don’t know how, or
don’t have the stomach to, that’s the bigger issue. I
went for the dramatic moment there, you know what? Kick
in a little soft music here, for that part. This is
the important thing. Are you willing to address it? Do you have the appetite to deal with that kind of confrontation at the global scale? That’s the friction point. The
leaders don’t wanna step up and actually be leaders.