First and most, I absolutely love the podcast. Secondly, I absolutely love this book. Instant best seller. My name is Jerome Hardaway I am head geek in charge for Vets Who Code also known as Frago formerly United States Air Force. What we do here is that we teach veterans how to program 100% online […]
First and most, I
absolutely love the podcast. Secondly, I absolutely love
this book. Instant best seller. My name is Jerome Hardaway I am
head geek in charge for Vets Who Code also
known as Frago formerly United States
Air Force. What we do here is that we teach
veterans how to program 100% online at zero
cost of the veteran. By utilizing a pragmatic
approach and focusing on one language and problem solving
with that language our guys and girls of the Armed Forces are
focused more solving problems and thinking like a programmer
as opposed to learning how to do the same procedures
in multiple languages. Thanks to this we been able to
help 75 veterans gain jobs in the software technology
sector totaling $3.2 million worth of salaries. My question to you GaryVee
is how do we get into new communities that are tech rich
and talent rich and be able to build relationships with those
communities even though we are not natively there. Such as New Orleans
or Boulder, Colorado. Thank you. I thank you for
supporting veterans and thank you supporting Vets Who Code. – Political help. Get political help. That’s a very good story. You’re going to need some
governmental assistance. I hate to say that because at
the same time you can raise money, you can raise money
privately but your argument for what you’re doing has a
lot of political clout. And if you go down and if you’re
in Louisiana and you want to go into New Orleans there’s enough
politicians down there that would see this as
an opportunity– – To make themselves look good. – To make themselves
look good and to do something in the community. I think you have a good
political handle there to use. And by the way, once you start
raising money with the politics you get other people
wanting to join the program. It’s a good sounding situation. – This is why this show is so
fun when you have two people that can give advice because
they come from such different angles and I think that’s
incredible good advice. I would also say, my friend,
that getting in front of the tech companies who are going to
hire your developers when you’re not in Silicon Valley, you’re
not in Boulder is actually stunningly easy.
It’s called grit. You can spam people I’m sure you
had people through your career, in your career probably sent
you letters and faxes and now emails. I’ve been in my professional
career it’s been mainly email where they’ll
email me every day. Gary, I need to see
you for 15 minutes. I need to get to you.
I need to get to you. You don’t want to get
into stalker-land and be inappropriate but if you want
to email Slack, if you want to email Facebook, if you want
to email Uber or Airbnb, these companies are becoming bigger
by the moment too and are also looking to have relationships no
different than a politician that they can put on the website or
put in a press release while the getting yelled at for setting up
in Ireland and not paying taxes they can throw this kind of
thing and you’re right your narrative and we’re
about to hear some more. Nobody’s ever, ever the in
history of America going to publicly say I’m not
that into the veterans. – No.
– There is zero. There’s people disagree on
many things but not that one. I would say perseverance of
reaching out to the companies in Boulder, Silicon Valley,
New York and trying different tactics and also using Twitter
search and engaging with them because that’s the one cocktail
party of the Internet where there’s permission for you
to create a relationship. Those are two tactical
things that I would do. – The other thing to do would be
to try and get another another location somebody
working with you in the tech sensitives areas. Not necessarily Silicon Valley
but certainly New York or Boston so that you can take this and
develop something like yourself down there now you got three
groups out there and that’s where going to be able to spread
and job opportunities becoming back both ways. – There’s a lot of ways to
deploy remote teams especially around an issue like this
because so many of families affected by it. So many people, I’m not effected
by it but I’m passionate about it, I’ve been involved in it so
there’s a lot of tactics there. India.
– [India] This one. This is my dad.
– This is your dad?
“from politicians begging for money. “How would you do better if you ran for president?” Hashtag ready for Gary. – Yeah, I mean look guys. We’ve addressed this multiple times. If you’re new to this show I will never run for president because I wasn’t born in this country and if I can’t have the […]
“from politicians begging for money. “How would you do better
if you ran for president?” Hashtag ready for Gary. – Yeah, I mean look guys. We’ve addressed this multiple times. If you’re new to this show I
will never run for president because I wasn’t born in this country and if I can’t have the top gig I’m not playing the game. How would I do it better? Easy, it’s the whole thesis of all 148 episodes of this show. It’s all about depth, not width. Like, nobody’s winning the random I’m going to blast you with email give me 20 bucks game buy my stuff game. The blanketing and
hoping and praying versus the depth is the complete
misunderstanding of how to sell. I think oftentimes it makes sense to me that politicians are bad at this because most of my politician friends are terrible business
people and salespeople so it makes sense and usually you know, it’s really, it’s actually stunning what kind of level of disrespect I have for most politicians’ salesmanship. They can sell themselves,
but not other products and I think that that at some level is an intriguing aspect and
fine line in this whole thing and so email marketing
is no different than, you know, the direct
mail that they used to do to try to get dollars
and so, I don’t know, I mean there’s so many
ways to do it better. I mean look. I think one of the best
things a politician can do is literally sit in the room,
sit on our God damn ass, and for 15 hours, take a phone, take a phone, and literally do, and literally do, you know, Twitter reply videos. Literally search your name,
because everyone’s talking, and they either love you or they hate you, because if you’re neutral
you’re in deep crap, and just reply to them and say “No Rick, that is not my policy.” or “Thanks Susie for the support.” It’s the depth over the width game. So the same stuff that
works in selling stuff, selling anything, works in this scenario, and so I think Twitter replies I think would be
disproportionately powerful. I think Facebook is the most important platform for a politician due to the fact that older people tend to vote and that I think that
Facebook is the holy grail of 45 to 70 year old reach right now. Even better than television. So I would put a lot of
content in that world and talk more about my
policies and my thoughts and more importantly show
the human side of me. I don’t know if people
have been paying attention but I believe the last four
to five presidential elections have been completely predicated
on a popularity contest and we’re in the
entertainment of politics era. Not to get political, but if
you just look at all of them. I mean like, whether you
hate Obama or you hate Bush, these are likable people to those sectors. In comparison we’re in like complete and what’s going on now. We are in entertainment mode. And so I would be entertaining
if I had that opportunity because that’s what would work and so that’s what I would do. I mean cold emailing is
doing absolutely nothing. It feels completely cold. It, you know, won’t do it. – [Voiceover] Ian asks,
“Gary, what’s your opinion
“the Donald running for president?” – Oh, India, you know I don’t like getting political questions. You snuck that in. I got caught for not previewing them ahead of time. What do I think? I think this is America and everybody who wants to run, should run. I’m very intrigued by the story that’s come […]
“the Donald running for president?” – Oh, India, you know I don’t like getting political questions. You snuck that in. I got caught for not
previewing them ahead of time. What do I think? I think this is America and everybody who wants
to run, should run. I’m very intrigued by the
story that’s come out about him hiring actors to be at his pep rally. I thought that was funny mainly because I was blown away that somebody would actually
do it for 50 dollars for the whole thing all day. – [Steve] You do know what it’s like being an actor in the city? – Clearly, I don’t. Because I think you can go to Goodwill for two hours, buy stuff,
and sell it on Ebay and make more than 50 bucks. Take that, all you actors. There’s a hack for you. I think that, I think he says a lot of outlandish stuff. I think that America is
more divided than ever on the left and right because people are self-selecting what they wanna listen to now because you do have Fox and CNN. You have the internet where you can go to very left and right places and I think it’s an intriguing
thing that’s happening in general in social media right now which is I’m very concerned that people are not getting
rounded scenarios to the world because it’s so easy for you to just go directly into what you believe and you’re having a very
intriguing thing happen in college where people are
seeing who their roommates are on Facebook before they go now, figuring out who they are, and then, kind of, asking out
and pairing up with, like, I’m a hipster and I wanna
room with a hipster. I’ve always been very proud of myself in doing controversial things like, for example, in
the height of post-9/11, going online, scared that I was going to Al Jazeera’s website
to watch the stream because I was, like, am I being, ’cause I already knew I was being watched before everybody knew
they were being watched. And I go I hope they’re not mad at this because I really do, you know, don’t forget I’m a
child of a Soviet family whose mother wrote a book report that Fidel Castro was the
bravest man in the world and believed it in her heart and soul that this little country right next to this bad empire America and then I grew up in
America and so, like, there’s always different perspectives. I think Donald will absolutely resonate with a small segment of
people on the right side. I’d be flabbergasted if
he won the nomination, but I think, my intuition net net is Donald has the capability of surfacing a conversation during this process that could be healthy. And I do believe that anybody
to the extremes of anything have that potential and I’m hoping that weirdly that gets people, reminds people we’re more aligned than we’re different and
right now it’s really intense in US politics in my opinion
on how separated we are and so my hope, as an optimist,
’cause that’s who I am. He brings a singular issue
during his short run, ’cause I don’t see him
winning the nomination, though he could, that
may actually bring value to the conversation. I’m intrigued by that potential probably more than anything. That was a pretty,
Sucks here. What can they do to bring themselves into this decade? Online and off. So antiquated.” – Jose, there’s nothing they can do. Now, let me explain why. There’s nothing they can do because, I think, I’m not even educated on this. They are run by the state. Which would make sense. Which means […]
Sucks here. What can they do to bring
themselves into this decade? Online and off. So antiquated.” – Jose, there’s nothing they can do. Now, let me explain why. There’s nothing they
can do because, I think, I’m not even educated on this. They are run by the state. Which would make sense. Which means it’s political. It’s all the things that
I do not believe in. And they won’t fix it. The only way that DMV’s can be fixed is if they go private and are run by entrepreneurs who then actually care about the customer and will fire somebody
if they suck at the DMV like everybody I’ve ever had. And care about efficiency
and time and speed and getting people out and do things like bring in
Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts into the DMV to make
more money on the rent. Or the arbitrage of making
a percentage of each sale. You know, innovate and
care and give a crap. All the things that government industries and objects don’t do because it is not in
their best vested interest because the people that can’t innovate and can’t win in a competitive landscape they default into doing
those things instead. How’s that for some (beep) fire? It pisses me off, it’s so crazy. And I don’t wanna be a hardcore like– Honestly, I don’t wanna
be a hardcore capitalist on this issue. And that was as hardcore to that side of an answer I ever give
’cause I do think I blend but like, I don’t know. If you don’t incentivize
humans in some way to do the right thing, you can’t win. And more and more, in a digital world, I would say I’m more
passionate and more hardcore about my points of view
on government agencies and school today than
I even was 10 years ago because there’s alternatives. I’m a pragmatic kind of
dude and I understood that some of the things but now
there’s so much innovation. There’s so many ways we can solve. It’s just, we’re not incentivizing. These are bigger issues than you and I and so privatizing is the way
I think those would be better. I really do and look, privatizing
has its own bad stuff. I’m not one of these like,
everything should go that route because I believe– but in the same way that I believe unions were really valuable
when the titans of the first– By the way, I could see unions coming back as an important thing as
we live through the second industrial revolution but for right now, while we’re alive, take
advantage of these opportunities. – [Voiceover] Anthony
says, “I recently learned
for candidates running for president on how to utilize social media for their campaign?” – Shaybod, I think most intriguing thing to me, and I don’t know if it will ever happen, but I think when it happens I’ll be like, damn, if I was born in America that would have been me, because truth […]
for candidates running for president on how to utilize social
media for their campaign?” – Shaybod, I think most
intriguing thing to me, and I don’t know if it will ever happen, but I think when it happens I’ll be like, damn, if I was born in America
that would have been me, because truth is if I was born in America, I would 100% be a
politician and try to become the President of the United States. But because I wasn’t,
and I can’t be president, I’m selfish in the fact
that I can’t be the top dog. Makes the game completely not interesting. Fuck being a governor. And so anyway, what I would do is go rogue as rogue. I would come out the gate,
throw every skeleton I’ve got out there, all of them. I mean I don’t care what the person does. If that person did drugs,
cheated on their wife or husband, stole money, punched
someone, stabbed someone, like all of it, all of it,
all of it from the gate. Get it out of the way, because it’s ammo against the thing I
want that person to do, which is then go transparent as hell. Right, like throw it all out there, leave nothing for your
competitor to dig up on you, because you’ve now taken control of it by throwing it out there. You may dip, people may
not want to vote for you, but then you start building
momentum from that bottom spot, and you start going in the
direction of pure Meerkat, Periscope, pure content at scale, pure Q and A sessons, all day, every day. Pure and utter transparency in a world where you’ve created the leverage by throwing every skeleton,
I mean all of them. I don’t mean the ones you’re okay with. You’re okay maybe saying
you cheated on your spouse, or you did drugs, or you stole cash, but you feel bad that
you punched your mom, but that’s then that’s ammo. You’ve gotta let it all
out, all of it, all of it. Is the punch to mom funny to you? – Yeah, a little bit. – Okay, cool. You gotta go all out,
and then what you’ve done by doing that is you’ve created
leverage on the other side for you to be able to be as transparent, and then what happens
is really interesting. Then what you have is momentum
in the other direction, because you’ve been
transparent with America, but your competition
and competitor haven’t. Now you’re at the debate, and saying what about you Staphon? You know it’s kind of,
you know what it is? Oh my god you know what it is? It’s literally Eminem’s
last battle in 8 Mile. That’s exactly (laughs) that’s literal. It just hit me looking at you,
cause we talk about hip hop. Like I was, it’s literally,
I was about to say, but I know something about you. That’s really what it is. I actually think, so my advice is the way
Eminem won the last battle in 8 Mile, the movie, is
the way I think a politician can revolutionize politics in America. As a matter of fact, before I
die I think that will happen. Because I think technology
will push us into a corner of not allowing the shadows
of society to exist. It’s crazy the way I live my life now. I would be a totally different person if I wasn’t so self aware of what’s going on with technology. I would be a worse moral
person, I just would, and nobody’s perfect, but it’s crazy to me that I’m a better man, because
I’m scared that somebody’s gonna meerkat it, tweet it,
instagram it, see me out doing this, that, the other
thing, it’s just the way it is. And so, that was funny, pretty cool. That’s what I would do.
“If it wasn’t for the 14th amendment, “would you run for President?” – Chris has a tremendous question to end the show. The answer is I would run for President. It’s really funny. And the reason I’m laughing about this question is Chris, you’ve set me up to expose a dark part of me, which […]
“If it wasn’t for the 14th amendment, “would you run for President?” – Chris has a tremendous question to end the show. The answer is I would run for President. It’s really funny. And the reason I’m laughing about this question is Chris, you’ve set me up to expose a dark part of me, which is the selfish part of me, ’cause we all have it. The singular reason that I’m probably not already having a serious eye on politics is because I can’t be President, and I am not willing to as a human being, play a game that I can’t be the ultimate winner of. And many of you are gonna leave comments on the YouTube channel
or hit me up on Twitter, you podcasters and say,
“That is not noble, “you could be a governor and make “a huge impact or a congressman “or mayor or you know.” And I understand that. But, that’s not what I want. I’m selfish about that. And so, yes, if they changed, if Schwarzenegger followed through on what I wish he could have done, but he couldn’t, if somebody comes along or they change it, not in the current environment, clearly, I would put myself into that game, because, I probably pride myself on the singular thing that I think when things are a worst, I’m best. I eat pressure for breakfast. I love it, I need it, it’s why I love HR. it’s
the ultimate pressure, people hate that kind of pressure. So, if you look at the hairlines and the color of the hair of Presidents, of when they start to
when they’re finished, they looked like they aged 60 years. I’m already aging with my hair, I want it all gone. I just can’t play that game. And so the answer very
simply is, yes I would. And that leads me into the question
– [Voiceover] Michael wants to know, “As an entrepreneur “how do you feel about government officials “picking winners, like Wynn getting approval “for casino in Boston.” – Michael, first and foremost, I agree with you 100%. This kind of government interface behind-the-scenes stuff happens all day long, especially non-American. It happens in America all day […]
– [Voiceover] Michael wants
to know, “As an entrepreneur “how do you feel about
government officials “picking winners, like
Wynn getting approval “for casino in Boston.” – Michael, first and foremost,
I agree with you 100%. This kind of government
interface behind-the-scenes stuff happens all day long,
especially non-American. It happens in America all day long, but you start getting into
other parts of the world, there’s a lot of shenanigans going on. But I’ll be honest with
you, as an entrepreneur, and I’ve always felt
this way, don’t forget, I come from a regulated industry business. The Wine Library had plenty of headaches. I just completely ignore it. I’m disinterested and
not focused on it at all. I spend all of my time,
and I mean all of it, I spend all of my time on the
things that I can control. It’s why I fear the health and wellbeing of the people I love and care
for because I’m not in control but when it comes to business, even though there’s a lot of back-end deals,
people not rooting for me, deals that were made for me not to win, I feel that I have the
talent and the skills to still break through.
use social media more effectively in marketing campaigns, i.e. to increase voter turnout?” – Jason, the truth to that answer is, believe it or not, is to become more nimble and authentic. There is no campaign when there isn’t the right process up top. What I mean by that is, a lot of government institutions […]
use social media more effectively
in marketing campaigns, i.e. to increase voter turnout?” – Jason, the truth to that
answer is, believe it or not, is to become more nimble and authentic. There is no campaign when there isn’t the right process up top. What I mean by that is, a lot
of government institutions are coming from the wrong place. For example, I know that, you know, just
from a little politics, and I don’t talk politics very often, but, like, that the Democratic Party wants more voter turnout and the Republican Party
historically has not. These are little tidbits I’ve
picked up in the last 12 years and I could be wrong about that, they’re just people in the game that I’ve heard things like that. So where are you coming
from is really the question. I mean, to use social
to attract more voters, the truth is, whether you’re
a Republican or a Democrat, you’re trying to not recruit more voters, you’re trying to recruit more voters that are gonna vote for you. Right? And so right there by its own definition, you’ve got an interesting
kind of perplex situation that the seed is tainted by the outcome. And so to the best of one’s ability, I think it’s important to try
to get the religion at the top to really execute. I mean, look, social media is probably the
most consumer-insight-driven marketing tool we’ve ever seen. The data that you can
apply on top of social to drive the results, whether to get somebody
to vote for an election, to buy a cat, to whatever it may be, there’s never been anything greater, and so using, I’ve said it
before, Facebook dark posts, with a combination of
Google long-tail search SEM, can get you very, very, very far. Guys, thank you so much
for watching Episode 8,