– Hey Gary and Gary’s crew. Good evening from
Lincoln, Nebraska. I’m Blake Bowland actually
enjoying a Malbec currently. Pretty good one from Argentina. But was thinking about a question for the
#AskGaryVee show. Specifically one pertaining
to the #AskGaryVee book. Gary, in the book you talk about
how you believe our brains and what they’re capable of are
vastly underestimated and that science has yet to prove really
what they’re truly capable of. You also mention as an example
that a few years ago you told your brain you didn’t
want to get sick any more. Then you attributed the fact
that you haven’t gotten sick to when you told your brain that you didn’t want to
get sick any more. Now I recently stumbled
upon the Law of Attraction. I’d heard of it before but I really dug in depth
in a audiobook. If you’re familiar with it,
and for those of you who aren’t familiar with it the Law of
Attraction basically states whatever you focus on
will manifest itself. So if you focus on the things
you want to accomplish and you believe you can accomplish them,
they will manifest themselves over time whereas if you focus
on the things you don’t want those things will also
manifest themselves. So the point is to focus
on the things you do want. So Gary, I’m wondering about
the relationship between your beliefs and the Law of
Attraction and if you could explain how we in Vayner Nation
can leverage those concepts to better live our lives both personally and
in our businesses. So, Gary, really looking forward
to your response here and thank you so much for
taking my question. God speed. – Blake, it’s a really
interesting question. Yes, I believe in some of that
stuff and I don’t know how much of the Law of Attraction is
different than “The Secret”. Sounds very similar. These books sell like crazy
because, boy, does it sound super fun right now if you’re
sitting on Facebook Live or watching episode 232,
is that what we’re on? – [Eliot] Yeah. – And you’re like,
“Wait a minute, “if I just say I want a yacht “or if I just say I want
to be a pop singer “or I just want to say
I’m gonna be an influencer.” I don’t know what either of
those two books say but let me give you what I’ve done. Go ahead, please, you know. – [Eliot] The Law of Attraction,
“The Secret” is basically based off of the Law of Attraction.
– Okay. – So the Law of Attraction
is the, it’s like the religion. And “The Secret” is a
book which is basically– – Plays on it? – It’s very huckster-y
from the Law of Attraction. – Got it. So listen, I believe in it, all of your actions
have to then map to it. It’s clouds and dirt. That’s my version of it. I don’t know if anybody
talks about the dirt. I do.
I do. I know all, you know,
cynical newbies are like, “What’s he gonna sell me on?” Nothing. I’m gonna sell you
on the following: hard work. And don’t buy my hard work
course ’cause there isn’t one. There’s no hard work sessions. There’s no hard work e-book. There’s just hard work. My answer to this is I believe
in it but then you have to make your actions map it. I want to buy the New York Jets. I think about it, I want it,
I start building VaynerMedia, there’s an opportunity to sell
my company, sell a piece of my company to
thousands of entities. All of them pass. I then sell it for
less to one entity. An owner of an NFL team. That’s called putting your
money where your mouth is. I didn’t do that by accident. I knew what kind of life I had. I could’ve dated and married a
bunch of different people but when I found what I needed
for what I really knew I wanted, I went in that direction. Right? I talk about HR driven culture
and this and that and some people be like, “Oh, you got
a bad review on Glassdoor “or four or seven.” Yes, that’s fine but come here. Watch what I do everyday. You guys know my
calendar, you see what I do. You know what’s on
the back end of this. So my belief in the
Law of Attraction is Blake, believe in it. Believe in it but then you have
to execute against your belief. If you want to be an e-sports
celebrity, shouldn’t you spend every one of your minutes
selling shit on eBay, buying a ticket and then going
to the e-sport con not like, “Oh, I can’t go to
the e-sports con.” – [Eliot] Okay. – Work. Work. By the way, on that note, we
got to pick up the Musical.ly. You’re a killer
on it, I want it. I’m so into it. That work, work,
work one is so fun. – I was thinking,
I was thinking about it. – I was saying it
right now with that. That tone. Work. It’s work. There’s gonna be nothing else. Yes, work smart. I can hear the cynicism already. I can read the comment
from Sally right now, “But you got to work smart.” No shit, Sally. I’m leaving Rick
alone for a minute. You know, no shit. Yes, it’s better to have a
better strategy and to work smarter but
here’s the punchline, nothing happens without it. And I mean a lot of it
and the more you want, the more work you got to put in. The bigger your ambition, the
more you got to punch that clock and you got to give up shit,
fun and leisure and laziness and rest and all of it. So my belief is it’s real. I live it. But my actions map to it. It’s like intent. I talk a lot about intent. Some of the people
internally razz me about it. They’re like, “Yeah, cool but
intent without your backing “up the actions is whack.” And I’m like, “I respect that.” But it starts with intent so
I believe it probably starts with visualizing what you want
or the Law of Attraction or saying it or putting it in
the universe, fine. Fine. I believe in that. I live it. The problem is
I disproportionately out execute everybody else I know that talks about it and then does
nothing about it. You know how many of you tweeted
me that you’re gonna buy the Cavs or the
Dolphins or the Rams. People tweet me all day long
that they’re buying another sports team and then I go
look at what they’re doing, I’m weird. Just let’s establish
something, I’m very weird. I’m so broken in the way that
I’m so utterly competitive, that I’m like, I live for it. You know, I live
for competition. And so when somebody tweets
me that they’re going to buy the Rams first, I waste seven of my
minutes auditing their lives. (group laughter) Let me tell all of
you something right now. I haven’t seen the person
that’s buying the Rams before I buy the Jets. People like to talk, show me. ‘Cause that’s the best part. Because when you live on
execution, all those days you have where people say you’re
staging garage sales or you’re not gonna do this or
you’re not gonna do that, you know what the best part is? 2023. 2023 because then you
get to say, now what? And 2047, that’s more fun. I’ll let you guys all debate and pontificate and I’m
gonna do it too. We’re all talking, I just want to re-watch these
videos and comments. Let’s go read everybody’s
comments that I could never build VaynerMedia. Let’s go read everybody’s comments that
Wine Library TV was a farce. Let’s go read all
those comments that I’m a flash in the pan. Let’s read them all. Let’s fucking read ’em. (group laughter)