and I’m just going to basically one by one try to build this clientele. – So here’s, let me give you some advice. Couple things. When you don’t have lots of funding or money and you’re starting at zero, you’ve got time. Your asset and so many people listening right now that want to do […]
and I’m just going to basically one by one try to
build this clientele. – So here’s, let me
give you some advice. Couple things. When you don’t have lots
of funding or money and you’re starting at zero,
you’ve got time. Your asset and so many people
listening right now that want to do what they want
to do, they have time. Time is their currency
and your hustle. Right? – [Angelica] Right. – So you watch a
little less GaryVee, you watch a little less Netflix, you watch a little
less Dallas Cowboys. You do a little bit less yoga or
whatever the hell your life is about and what you do is you go
and ask for business but if you get a bunch of no’s you convert
very quickly in doing one or two or three pro bono. Pick ones, do the work for free
but pick ones that are big and will give you exposure and you
giving free work will give you leverage of the logo
getting you other work. Got it?
– [Angelica] Right. Right, that’s perfect. That’s exactly our first
client that’s what we’re doing. – Love it. – [Angelica] We’re
not asking for a thing. We’re just asking for
basically, you know,– – Word of mouth. Yep, a logo.
You got it. – [Angelica] and to
get it going. – Well then you
are well on your way. Congrats. Go ahead. – [Angelica] (inaudible) to you. Basically I’m 24/7 GaryVee. (group laughter)
– Well, I appreciate it. Make it 23/7 GaryVee. I love it.
Have a great holiday. – [Angelica] You
too and thank you.
So my question today is do you recommend building a personal brand even if you’re a behind-the-scene player? – Rachel, it’s a great question. I would say absolutely. Let me give an example. If you’re behind-the-scenes player, wouldn’t you want to be behind the scenes of somebody that you believe is the greatest in the […]
So my question today is do you recommend
building a personal brand even if you’re a
behind-the-scene player? – Rachel, it’s a great question. I would say absolutely. Let me give an example. If you’re behind-the-scenes
player, wouldn’t you want to be behind the scenes of somebody
that you believe is the greatest in the world? And if you are building your
personal brand around I’m an unbelievable number two or
number four unbelievable admin or an unbelievable I don’t want
to be out there but I want to support the people I believe in
the most those people are gonna be looking for those people and
so you might build the brand as an incredible human
infrastructure player for somebody who’s the greatest and that would be
then great for you. If you are the number one admin
to the most successful person in the world you are, and the
nicest, I don’t want to make this just about money. There’s always a better
situation potentially and you want to give yourself
that best opportunity. So building personal brand only speaks,
my friends, to opportunity. If you’re good at it and you
articulating your truth and you have the goods to back it
up all being out there. And people get so
caught up in semantics of “Uh, I hate that we’re
all a personal brand,” like don’t get caught
up in the semantics. Having exposure that creates
opportunity is a good idea. Period. – [India] Last one. Zack.
– Zack’s all up in it.
“for an app startup. “The person who manages digital marketing is inexperienced and, “in our opinion, stunting potential growth. “We are looking for an opportunity to show our talent “to execs without overstepping our boundaries. “How can we show that we are “better for the role to the execs?” – I feel this is actually […]
“for an app startup. “The person who manages digital
marketing is inexperienced and, “in our opinion,
stunting potential growth. “We are looking for an
opportunity to show our talent “to execs without
overstepping our boundaries. “How can we show that we are “better for the
role to the execs?” – I feel this is actually your
question and you don’t believe in Andy and this is not real. This is more you projecting your opinions about
what’s going on here. – And that’s why it’s anonymous.
– Yes. (laughter) Yeah, listen, I think much
like what goes on here and this is why it’s funny and
this is for the whole team. I think we’ve got
a good situation so many of you don’t.
My advice here is what I do think we create more of. You know what’s funny? I create a company where you can
start hacking and doing things you know that you can do that
but it’s your own trying to be nice to whomever that may hurt
that’s supposed to be doing it that holds it back. So this is a really fascinating
thing at VaynerMedia. I’ve created a world where
I never want people to not show, if you can show it, you know, then you can
do it then just do it. Show that person. Now the tough
part of that advice is, let me give you
a great scenario. In this exact scenario where
there’s a lot of people on my team that are talented and
everybody’s got different roles and a lot of your mishmoshed
into different responsibilities. Some that aren’t even their best
skill set versus other things that other people are doing,
they start liking each other. My team in general, I mean, they
don’t all have to be the best of best friends but you guys
genuinely like each other and so what’s really holding it back is
not hurting that other person’s feelings of, “Why are you
going into my territory?” It’s very complicated. I mean look, here’s part of
this, this is much like life it’s just a
black-and-white answer. Either you step and run through
the china shop and show your skills and take the risk of
saying here and by the way there’s a good way
and a bad way to do it. My real answer would be go to the person that is doing that role and saying, “I really
believe in myself in this craft. “I know this is your role I know
I’m in accounting and you’re the “creative director but
can you help me show you “or give me the air cover to
show Gary that I can do this “because here’s how
it’s gonna play out. “Either that’s what’s gonna
happen or I’m gonna quit and “leave here and go do it
somewhere else and I want to us “to be teammates
not adversaries.” Now, eight is a big number, 8 out of 10 times that person is gonna try to hold
down the other person. Out of insecurity, fear, all
these things but you might get lucky and it might be one
of those 2 out of 10 times. That’s my favorite way to do it
because I think that’s the only middle step to the black and
white thing which is to answer the question show somebody.
– Yeah. – Like edit an episode of
DailyVee and be like, “Told you, Other Tyler,
I’m better than you.” Just do it. Or don’t and be miserable
and let a little kernel of negativity eventually become
cancer and it’s gonna end up with you underperforming,
getting fired or you quitting. That’s the
punchline of all of this. All the things I talk about to
not suppress are predicated on the outcome’s gonna
be the outcome anyway. So why not just speed
it up but with humility. So like I get away with a lot
of stuff because I get to the punchline but I coat it with as
much honey and humility so that it becomes swallow-able. Consumable would have
been a better way to go. – Cool.
asked if you were to build a company in 2016 today from scratch what would you pick. Erase all your followers all the companies that you have built up to this date. You said you would choose something like Nike. So my question is at the beginning stages of your company what would you do […]
asked if you were to build a
company in 2016 today from scratch what would you pick. Erase all your followers all the
companies that you have built up to this date. You said you would
choose something like Nike. So my question is at the
beginning stages of your company what would you do for
your three next moves. What were your top three
first moves be to help grow your company and keep in
mind you only have $3000. What would those three steps be? – Guys can’t get more specific? – Ads, an expo at a
convention center, inventory, what would it be? Let me know, can’t wait to hear
your answer and thank you for including my question
and today’s show. – What is the name?
– [India] Joey. – Joey, great question. The truth Joey and everybody who
is watching and so many of you are emailing me and please
by the way this is a good opportunity, Staphon, can you
put a little video pop-up you’ll do a little
editing for this one. Actually put a
picture I don’t make you. #AskGaryVee the search engine. If you have business questions, my new search engine
is unbelievable. All my questions all of my
answers transcribed all there in the search engine. So many questions about this and
the truth is Joey you clearly ask for yourself there so many
things you could be doing for your apparel business I guess
is why you referenced Nike. First of all, I said if you’re
in apparel the number one thing I would do it would try to get
Instagram influencers to wear your product at zero cost all
the way up to $1, $3, $50, $100. I think influencers
are grossly underpriced. I think the game is about
exposure and conversion and I think that too many people
don’t really understand how to run a business.
Make a lot of bad mistakes. As a matter of fact, I’m super
pumped that “Shark Tank” is now doing this “After
The Tank” TV show. I don’t know if any of
you have watched it. But Lizzie loves it. They’re showing people going
out of business because they grow too fast.
They don’t understand. There’s a real
cadence of growing. It’s like anything in life. You can’t get too
ahead of yourself. You can’t go too slow. You know it’s funny, a lot of
people when they start digging into my content realize
that I’m a real contradiction. That I believe in very
opposite points of view. And I think my answer
to your question is it’s a mix of 100 different things. I couldn’t give you, I’m not
going to give you what you want from this question which is
these three tactical things. I only give very black-and-white
tactical advice when I actually have hours to sit down and look
at your business and actually understand what
I’m talking about. I don’t want to look like an
idiot or have egg on my face so then I thought about
religious points of view. For you, you need to
get that shirt and you need to get
as much exposure. The same way you hacked your
way on to this show asking a question now you got exposure. I saw you put your little
Snapchat logo down there in the corner. Some people snapped it,
following you now. You’re looking for exposure. I think it’s a grind. For apparel
businesses are very hard. You need distribution,
you need awareness to me what I would
do is a lot of listening. I would tell you very honest
answer, Joey, if I were you as young as you look and
you look great, nice and young, super fit dude. Oh India likes it.
(laughter) What India said yeah.
What? – What do you want me to say?
No, you look horrible? – [Gary] No, no. – [India] Yes he’s fit.
– Yes, that’s exactly right. That’s right.
He is a fit man. Right, Garrett?
– Yeah. – [Gary] Yeah super fit.
– [India] Garrett agrees too. – Yeah, exactly.
Wasn’t a boy-girl thing. Just is he fit? I think that one of the things
that scares the living piss out of me is that a young dude like
you and so many young dudes and dudettes like you everybody’s
just jumping in and running a business. You know what I would tell
you to do, actually know what? I’m going there.
Screw it. You know what I’m
going to tell you to do? Shut your business down and go work for an apparel
company for three years. Go email every CEO of an apparel
company that’s doing over $5 million dollars a year in
revenue that you respect. All of them. Sit down grab a nice shake right, kale, nice kale shake and map every single CEO
in the world that has a $5 million a year or higher
revenue apparel business. Then to go to LinkedIn and
Twitter and email and tweet all of them. And ask all of them for you
to be there chief of staff, right-hand man and to work
side-by-side with that person for the next 18 months. That’s what I would do. Stake versus sizzle. There’s no tactic that
I’m going to tell you on The #AskGaryVee Show that’s gonna
set you up for success and to be very frank with you and I don’t
want to hurt your feelings Joey and I have a lot of respect for
you and is hurting everyone’s collective feelings my intuition
is somebody building a really big business in the apparel
space is not going to rely on one their tactics being
asking a business guru for advice tactically. So, I would take that 3000 bucks
and save it so that you can live with 17 roommates while you work
for Carol Thompson and her $9 million a year apparel
business and watch it up close and personal. India do it one more time
and I don’t do this for humble bragging. I think it’s important because a
lot of you know India and she’s been our eco-system, one more
time, four years in Vayner? – Almost four years. – India, three weeks in my
inbox, say it one more time different than you thought.
– Totally. – India learned more, it’s only
three weeks but just different. Just different. And you can’t buy that. India sat here and all god
damn shows with you guys. India’s written a ton of stuff. Has probably consumed way
more of my voice than she would ever want to. Yet in a 10 day period
being in my inbox, being close to the sun, she gained more context. I wouldn’t say learned
but holy crap, what? Yes. And that’s why so many of you
are jumping to run a business and I’m a natural
good businessman. A lot of you don’t
have as much natural entrepreneurial
DNA as I do. I think you need to learn from
the hip and I think the biggest mistake is you’d rather go get
and this is a different piece of advice for a lot of the
college kids that I’ve reached through
that one video. You’d rather go get that
job at $63,000 at the Gap and be number 17,000 even though your ambition
is to run your own fashion brand versus making no money teaming
up with 19 roommates living that ghetto lifestyle but being the
right-hand person but remember if want to start your own
fashion brand isn’t it much better to be very close to a
person that’s got a $3 to $5 million a year business
because that’s going to be your first step. Even if you’re at
the right hand of the CEO of Nike or Adidas or Under Armour or Coach that’s not the company
that you’re going to build. You’re going to learn
Corporate America skills. I’m just completely pissed
with the lack of, (sigh) it’s a lack of patience. It’s much cooler to say your
founder of the company, “Hey bro, what you do?” “Oh, I have my own brand. “I’m an entrepreneur.
I’m crushing it.” And Joey I’m not picking on you. This is a general statement. “I got my own business.”
That’s sexy. “I’m an entrepreneur.”
That’s a rockstar. That’s cool right now. Not as cool as “Hey
bro, what are you up to?” “Oh, I’m the Junior assistant
for Rikki Thompson for her underwear brand.” What? You went to
college for that? But I’m telling you right now
the person with the humility and the patience to the second
scenario is going to win every time.
99 out of 100 times. It’s just what’s
going to happen. I’m glad I got to say that.
I’m glad I came out. It is true.
It is super true. And when shit hits the fan and
it will and people can’t raise money and it’s not that easy. 3000 bucks is not a lot of
money to start a business. Too much dreaming right now.
“than other sellers in my market without losing revenue?” – Nice, nice question. – Go ahead, go ahead. – It’s about the why. When you think about pricing it’s about the why and the why is often about quality and what you just talked about you nailed it on how can I justify a higher […]
“than other sellers in my
market without losing revenue?” – Nice, nice question. – Go ahead, go ahead. – It’s about the why. When you think about pricing
it’s about the why and the why is often about quality and what
you just talked about you nailed it on how can I
justify a higher price. We just released a new
product on Fiverr for most of our sellers and most of our
categories now called packages and what happens it allows
you to use a well new marketing technique which is
good, better, best pricing. – That’s right. – You can start at five, you can
have a package at 15, you can have a package of 30 so what you
do is that it allows you to own that entry price point that
allows you to build credibility to get volume and to customers
that could not afford the $50 but maybe at $50 what is going
to happen is that you’re going to provide more time,
faster delivery better techniques and more options around the
logo you are providing. And this is how
you should price it. – I’m gonna go yes
and I’m going to go and. You can always go back. – Take risk.
– You can always go back. Let the market decide. If your 400 bucks to make a logo
and I promise you whatever you got last time ask for more
the next time figure out what your cash flow is. It depends on how fancy you are. – And how much you want time you
want to spend working on Fiverr. – Of course. How fancy are you? Do you want a nice watch? Well then you need more money
to buy that watch but if you’re willing to live in your basement
you could always go back. You could get, it depends
how many no’s can you take. I did it for 400 now I want 600. You come in no.
You come in no. If you’re fancy, you’re
going to go back to 400 ’cause you need the 400s. If you’re not fancy and you can
wait and be patient then all of a sudden you can do a whole
bunch of waiting, 10 no’s get your first 600, you
established the market. another thing how
DRock got his gig. The other thing you could do is
get understand the difference between something you want to do
for 600 bucks but then somebody asks you to do a logo and you do
it for free because the exposure is going to allow you to get
all the $600 ones that you want. Let’s move on. – [Voiceover] Letecab asks,
“I have a really hard time
– [Voiceover] Mike asks, “As a copywriter/fiction writer, a lot “of work goes uncredited or remains private to buyers. “What’s the best way for me to showcase my business without “practical examples of my work?” For Fiverr, it’s a very fair question. Fiverr when you come as a buyer you buy on Fiverr like you […]
– [Voiceover] Mike asks, “As a
copywriter/fiction writer, a lot “of work goes uncredited or
remains private to buyers. “What’s the best way for me to
showcase my business without “practical examples of my work?” For Fiverr, it’s a
very fair question. Fiverr when you come as a buyer
you buy on Fiverr like you buy your book on Amazon. And Gary’s book, please.
Ideally. You buy what you see. Buying what you don’t see is a
little more difficult so how do you do that? It’s about your seller profile,
it’s about your skills, it’s about the emotion and your
talents on how to describe your gig on Fiverr. It’s about to show your
personality, it’s about the put your face as your profile
picture and not use a design. You want to create trust
and confidence to do that. That would be my
clear recommendations. – I would say this again I’m
going to pound this because it is just true. They wouldn’t be here, you know
that, this is a great tool at what it does you don’t need to
make every tool do everything for you. If you want to get your name
out there as this great writer there’s something called Medium.
Medium is amazing. You can get completely
discovered, all day long, write for free.
You want exposure? It comes at a cost, it’s
called not getting paid for it. I wish you got paid $100,000
to write an article for the New York Times and get
money and exposure. I wish. I also wish I was 6-foot-5
and could throw 100 miles an hour so I can be a
baseball player. Wishing doesn’t mean anything,
here’s the practical answer. You don’t use that
screwdriver to hit in a nail. You have a whole tool belt. You don’t need to make Fiverr
do this and you don’t need Snapchat. Everyone’s like, “Oh Snapchat how are
you going to target?” You don’t. You just realize that every
13 to 25-year-old is on it. And it’s awareness. So what I would say it’s funny
eluded back to a recall when I said I see this social
media-Fiverr I guess what I see is I think of your designer or
songwriter or things of that nature using the Fiverr URL on
your Instagram to drive people there to create transactions
around your free creative in an Instagram environment
could be quite interesting. It’s a very subtle way to throw
a right hook without it doing especially because
of the oomph now. There’s a lot of Fiverr’s. I’m sure there’s a lot of
marketplaces out there but this now has the oomph in the same
way that a Facebook something of that nature an Amazon has. There’s a lot of
bookstores on the Internet. Once something hit scales
and it’s the brand you take advantage of that and so I would
say write great stories for free on platforms where
people can see it. Here’s a good one and go
and search every fiction or nonfiction Facebook Page that
has a lot of followers and ask them if you can write an
original story for them to post in their community. I’m sure there’s something
called “Fantasyland Fantasy” where you write a great little
fantasy article, a story– – And what kind
of page was that? – It’s a Facebook page. – Meaning?
Moving on. – I think there is some kind of
silly page that has 4 million fantasy readers that people love
that Harry Potter and stuff like that, you write a great
story for it they post because they said yes or maybe they’ll charge you for
the exposure, I don’t know. Heck, you may have to get
charged to build your brand and things of that nature. Nonetheless it’s about exposure
and you got to find the avenues that have it and not every
tool has to everything for you. – [Adam] Great. Last question.
I’m not in tech. I’m actually a songwriter. I’m releasing an album and I’m trying to avoid spending money in ways like hiring publicists so on and so forth. – Yes. – [Daniel] I’m trying to really ramp up my social side. What I’ve been doing is I’ve invested in several giveaway items to try […]
I’m not in tech.
I’m actually a songwriter. I’m releasing an album and I’m
trying to avoid spending money in ways like hiring
publicists so on and so forth. – Yes. – [Daniel] I’m trying to really
ramp up my social side. What I’ve been doing is I’ve invested in
several giveaway items to try and accumulate a street team
which has worked and I was just going to find out if you had
any additional ideas because you will hear about me sooner or
later because this record will get heard.
– Good for you man. – [Daniel] I just wanted
to ask your opinion. – Well, thanks and I’ll give
you some opinions and I’ll even throw out there something
that we’ll give you. If you want and you might’ve
noticed in the last DailyVee we featured Ron Gilmore Jr.’s music
if you want to reach out to DRock and talk about some of
your music if you want to have some of your music featured in
an upcoming DailyVee, I’m not sure what kind of music it is or
what DRock and Andy’s ears are for that kind of stuff. – [Daniel] Arabic rap. – Great. I think you’re
really cool. – [Daniel] I’m kidding.
– Got it. (laughter) The craziest is part I was
actually fucking pumped. I was like yes Arabic rap I know
exactly with the kind intensity. Anyway, one I’d love to offer
you that because fan of the show, I’d love to be some
exposure so speak to them and let’s see if that’s a fit. Here’s my big plug: Influencers,
influencers, influencers. I think you took a very
smart tactic of street teams. I think books and albums when
they do that do quite well. I think the biggest arbitrage
for attention at the lowest possible cost right
now are influencers. If you can get people to
do skits or other things on Instagram with your music
I think you would crush. And so I think if you spent two
hours a day just reaching out to people based on
hashtags on Instagram. So you go to Instagram you
search hashtags and then you engage with people that
are putting out stuff around thematics of either the names of
the songs or the genre of music or things of that nature I think
you could really have a major impact by getting some
influencers on board to give you some awareness and
exposure to your music. – [Daniel] What about TweetDeck? Do you think I should continue
doing that ’cause I am engaging with people through hashtags? – Yes but I think Instagram
is a better push platform than Twitter which is why
I’m pushing you that way. I would also document the
journey of releasing an album. I would write at least 2 to
4 articles of the journey of releasing an album on
because their editors there pick some articles and they populate
them to the top and I think there could be some
real opportunity for you there as well. I would also reach out
to places like HuffPo, Forbes,
Business Insider cold. Send them an email and say would
you like me to write a piece original for you on one
musician’s point of view on releasing an
album in 2016, 2017? All of them are always looking
for content and I believe that’s a very inexpensive quick way for
you to get exposure to a crowd that might be reading for
business or other things but everyone loves music and you’re
getting awareness, got it? – [Daniel] Got it totally. How can I get in touch
with DRock regarding– – It’s – [Daniel] Okay and would it be
okay if I send you a signed copy of my album and maybe a poster. – That would be amazing. Work with DRock he’ll
figure everything out and I wish you well Daniel. Thanks for
listening and watching. Thanks brother. Awesome, good show I
think we got better. We made a quantum leap
from 200 to 202 but
videos for companies how specifically would you find buyers today given that it’s not something that the majority of companies are jumping on just yet thank you I would do exactly what you’re doing BBQ hustled away into the a scary show this was just shown a lot of people are gonna now know about […]
videos for companies how specifically
would you find buyers today given that it’s not something that the majority of
companies are jumping on just yet thank you I would do exactly what you’re
doing BBQ hustled away into the a scary show this was just shown a lot of people
are gonna now know about you let’s throw up bobby’s Instagram handled we can figure
that out can we right here I just give you six or seven leads I would highly
recommend that you do it for a very low price for the Boehner my nation because
one of things that people do when they’re selling something that’s the
future is the overpriced their service unique case studies you need it out in
the wild and so instead of whatever you’re charging for them if you cut that
by three-fourths give them a nation a good deal on it there in a post on their
Instagram that’s going to lead to awareness on you and so couple things
one growth hacking exactly what you did hear the other
thing is you I would go to a lot of the accounts that you’re seeing on Instagram
that have a lot of followers I would search hashtags I would use Explorer go
to their account details when applying never seen this but let’s get real
practitioner today I’m going into you know Instagram
I would go into Explorer crashed so I’m in my explorer have a look at the different counts as a
golf picture looks nice Scottish golf podcast right 5,000 followers Scottish
golf podcast I would say cool I can do animations round golf and so I would
look now they put their snapshot account they don’t put your Gmail most people do
put in Gmail and that would have led me to emailing them and say hey I just got
a scarf podcast Instagram account here is my enemy added things I’d like to get
some exposure I normally charge 300 bucks for it because you’re one of the
first people going to you for 30 bucks or may be free and you posted on your
account now because there’s no evil hear the only URL is their podcasts on
hitting yes here now going to their dot com and my hope is here I will find the
email so I can contact them going all the way to the bottom tends to be not
see it now I see their Twitter something click the tweener and now among here so
it probably reply to them on there and say hey I’m just doing that cuz its
funny but that’s what I would do I would grind for people don’t remember what I
don’t talk enough about with my library to me is that nobody watched the god
damn show and so what I just did on social media I used to do on the
Internet to search the word wine and go 40 50 60 pages deep in Google results you know 400 500 600 results keep click
every link find a blog find their email and email them and ask them if they
wanted to biz dev if they want to interview if they wanted my content if I
could bring them value to give me exposure these are sites that nobody was
thirty people forty people sixty people and I hustled and bustled hustled and so that’s when you can do
you can do what you just did with me you can go through a rabbit hole and stream
that I wish I had when I started while every TV and you put in the work to
business the one by one by one from the Scottish golf podcast to the India Art
producing Instagram to whatever you do and so that’s what I highly recommend
it’s the grind on the biz dad hustle that matters change how would you deal with a
co-founder who isn’t as ambitious as you
brand when first starting up mean have you watched a hundred and seventy million things you can do i mean PR is still a basic tried and true meaning like show up on blogs and be interviewed and job on a black and Shobhana periscope and things you can do without a PR company in […]
brand when first starting up mean have you watched a hundred and
seventy million things you can do i mean PR is still a basic tried and true
meaning like show up on blogs and be interviewed and job on a black and
Shobhana periscope and things you can do without a PR company in pain them to
$5,000 a year just hack go on you know this is really like this almost higher
simpson attorney Christine I’m sorry but this is like I mean this is literally
like Harry recap everything you’ve been talking about for nine years I mean I’d
almost rather you just google my name and get those answers this way but I’ll
pander to the context of a little pissed off at you India for this question makes
no sense million thinks create content you social
networks all this stuff now doesn’t cost money see the reasons why actual should
be as its layered on top of the internet and it doesn’t cost you money talent in time but it was a question
money like I wanna I wanna guest blog opening and then you talk about your
stop losing influence or send them free product have no idea what your product
or services but there’s so many ways to get exposure I get that I’m good at it
but the blueprint has been absolutely lead out for so many people its content
creation and its its content and distribution at its most basic form
content and distribution the dish machine has changed so much over the
last decade the YouTube and Facebook and Twitter’s and snapshots they all work if
you know how to use them it’s a tool right like if I don’t know how to use a
wrench if you don’t have to YouTube it will be valuable to you but what you
need to do is you need to figure out how to make them valuable or higher or
partner with somebody that will make it value for you but the ability to get
exposure now has never been easier the problem is that means everybody’s going
into that game and it filters the supply and demand attention and so now
everybody’s got an at bat and now the cream has to rise to the top wasn’t super new India that’s different
than perspectives Andrew and you what