of online courses, I see this usurping traditional institutions of education in a big way. Do you see this happening? And is there money to be made?” – What’s up, Fireboy? Quick answer to this question is yes. You know, yes. Uber, Airbnb, Skillshare, that’s probably one of the ones you’re talking about. There’s a […]
of online courses, I see
this usurping traditional institutions of education in a big way. Do you see this happening? And is there money to be made?” – What’s up, Fireboy? Quick
answer to this question is yes. You know, yes. Uber, Airbnb, Skillshare, that’s probably one of the
ones you’re talking about. There’s a bunch out– Chase Jarvis is behind one. Yes. I absolutely believe– Khan Academy, the fact that when I’m trying to learn something, I
go to YouTube and search a how-to and watch a
one minute how-to video. Information as education is a commodity, the Internet has created that platform for us to learn that way. I don’t need a teacher, as
charismatic as they may be, to just tell me the information,
what matters are opinions, interpretations, context,
not the base information. So even here, my base information is fine. How I layer the context
of the current world is far more interesting. So I
think education is massively going to be disrupted
over the next 20 years, and I think you’re
barking up the right tree.
“for professors to engage college students “in the classroom? What about outside of class?” – Rich, I think the biggest thing for you and any professor out there, or if you’re asking for somebody is that professors aren’t relevant to a lot of their students today, more than ever, because the behaviors of how we […]
“for professors to engage college students “in the classroom? What
about outside of class?” – Rich, I think the biggest
thing for you and any professor out there, or if
you’re asking for somebody is that professors aren’t relevant to a lot of their students
today, more than ever, because the behaviors of
how we act aren’t mapping, meaning so many people have emailed me like, literally because of
this show, emailed me that, “Hey I’m in class right
now, and what my professor’s “talking about makes
no sense, compared to. “I’m listening to your podcast right now “while my professor’s talking
because he or she are so.” And literally professors
in major universities that are putting kids in debt right now are telling them that there
is no ROI in social media, like ludicrous horsecrap,
I’m on this crap kick. Anyway, I think the biggest
thing a professor can do is to be relevant with them. If you’re a professor right
now, and especially if you’re a marketing or comms professor right now, and you’re not jamming
on YikYak and Snapchat and the Insta, then you’re
making a huge mistake because you’re out of
touch with your students. You’re saying dumb shit like,
“Hey kids, hey students, “we’re gonna connect
through modern things like.” It can’t even come out of
my mouth, I’m so disgusted with what’s going on in
universities across this country and so it’s relevance,
there is eye rolling and checking the (beep)
out going on in classrooms all across this country and it’s sad because of the romance of how
professors think it should be versus the reality of what it’s like.
– We’ve had a couple opportunities to talk before. I do the sales and marketing for the Lancaster Hummus Company. My question today is what was the biggest decision you made in your life that made you as successful as you are today? I’ve watched a lot of your keynotes. I’ve watched a lot of […]
– We’ve had a couple
opportunities to talk before. I do the sales and marketing for the Lancaster Hummus Company. My question today is what
was the biggest decision you made in your life that made you as successful as you are today? I’ve watched a lot of your
keynotes. I’ve watched a lot of your different rants
and ways and everything and interviews, but I
want to know what is your honest opinion on the biggest thing that you did that made you as
successful as you are today. Thanks Gary, and I look
forward to your answer. – Thanks brother. Man, I’m so pissed that
technology wasn’t around. I would have been able to… Is this was around when I
was around, we would have been able to play me
as a 14 year old asking some entrepreneur that
question on YouTube. So pissed, anyway! You know, I’m glad you
asked this question because I now can really, like, I
was going there in my mind. I know what the answer is,
it’s a weird answer actually. I think the biggest
decision I ever made was in fourth grade when I
got an F on a science test in Mr. Mulnar’s class, and I decided literally after, you know, first I hid the, I had to
get it signed by my mom. I don’t know if they still do
that when you get bad grades, like this was some 80’s stuff. But, yeah they’re doing it? I had to get it signed
and I was not interested in being punished, so I
didn’t bring it to her. Then I put it under my bed and
then it sat there for 2 days but then my, I was still
young, my conscience still had too much power
and like, I got scared and told my mom about it. By the way, three years
later I was flushing every report card directly down the toilet. You can evolve quickly. When you make the mental
decision that I made, no joke I literally
remember sitting in my room and having a weird, weird
kind of like crying, debating, like moment in fourth grade in my small bedroom deciding screw school, I’m a business
man, and I’m going to eat the pain of being punished
every four times a year during the school year,
being viewed upon as a loser or a kid that doesn’t have
a shot by all of society because I see something different. I have enough self awareness of who I am, I’m going to win and
literally, and this is weird as I’m a fourth grader and
you know you’re young… how old are you in the fourth grade? 9, 10, you know, and I’m literally
deciding that I’m willing to eat it for the next 8
years maybe even 12 years of my life where, that was
just a hardcore decision. And it’s not that I didn’t care,
like I went to every class. I just decided to hone in on my skills. That I would learn more
about selling baseball cards that later, at 14, became I would learn more about selling wine, I honed in. And so, it was the first
time, my man, that I made a decision that I was going
to fight society’s optics and deliver on what I thought
I was, and that’s what I did. – [Voiceover] Rollinson asks,
“Is paid promotion for jabs
“We have high school kids working “to get recruited and play college golf. “Any suggestions on social responsibility “on social media?” – Mike, thanks for the question. You know, very honestly, and I don’t want to diss you, because you’re watching my show and I appreciate you and I know you’re coming from such a […]
“We have high school kids working “to get recruited and play college golf. “Any suggestions on social responsibility “on social media?” – Mike, thanks for the question. You know, very honestly, and I don’t want to diss you, because you’re watching my show and I appreciate you and I know you’re coming from such a good place, so it hurts me to make this statement. But, that’s an old man question. And what I mean by that is, there is a real lack of understanding ’cause I’ve been really
paying attention to this, and I’m sure ancedotally, you can give me a story of a kid who put up a picture on Facebook of him like throwing up at a party and he lost his scholarship, and I respect that. But, as of every second, by the time I’m done with this episode, less people will care about those things than they did when I started it. Remember the conversation
4 years ago, everyone, where like, “Don’t put up pictures “of beer pong on your Facebook, “because you won’t get into college.”? That is ludicrous conversation. There is a small 1% of people that live in this idealistic world where they put people to a standard that is not realistic and
they’re so out of touch. And if you want to go play golf at one of those schools, then you have to play in that realm. But, I would tell you that I would far be more concerned, and I believe this is the sentiment and kind of the movement of educators, businesses and even athletic departments of a kid that his entire social media is so orchestrated and so refined that I’d be worried if, can he make that 11 foot putt in a big spot if he’s
that kind of personality? And so, I would tell you to worry less about that, and worry less about coming on the show and getting the tactics of like, “Make sure you double
check before you this,” or, “Never put a picture of this.” That’s tactics. Instill religion, my friend. If you’ve got these high school kids and they’re listening to you, teach them and build the foundations of being a good human being. That will get them through a lot more stuff and plenty of good human beings have done a stupid thing for four seconds, and one could say that ruined their lives, I disagree.
“social media marketer. “Is it worth doing a course on it “when I’m applying for jobs?” – Maurizio, you know it’s an interesting question. I’m self-taught. I didn’t take any courses in social media. I think it’s done okay for me. But in general, I’m not a good student either. I never took a real […]
“social media marketer. “Is it worth doing a course on it “when I’m applying for jobs?” – Maurizio, you know it’s
an interesting question. I’m self-taught. I didn’t take any courses in social media. I think it’s done okay for me. But in general, I’m not
a good student either. I never took a real substantial course in business or marketing either and that’s worked out all right for me. I think this is an answer
that really matters based on being self aware. I think if you find yourself as somebody who, in general, being a
self-taught social media expert, in general, I’m cynical to that. I think 99% of you are clowns and are just reading headlines and are not practitioners
and don’t go deep. I’m even scared of you taking a course because most of the courses I’ve seen when I’ve come and spoke at that class, when I vetted the teacher through the, them interviewing me process, I’ve realized they were clowns. So in a whole Ringling Brothers
and Barnum & Bailey Circus kind of environment, it all scares me. I would tell you the thing
that most matters to me is to become the most surgical deepest knowledgeable practitioner you can be. But I can’t really answer this for you. There’s too many variables. One, are the courses good? Two, are you the type
that actually can learn in that environment? I can’t. On the flip side, by being a practitioner, that’s the best way I learn. So that’s a whole lot of ego and bravado and I apologize for all
my listeners on iTunes that aren’t used to this but
I’m just spitting the truth. Social media right now is in
a very awkward early stage. If you go back and look at
the early internet marketers of 1995, six, seven, eight, nine, they were spewing a lot of crap as well. So it’s a difficult time. I would say this, in five years I’d feel a hell of a lot more comfortable
you taking that course. – [Steve] Chase asks “On an average day,
when you say, even though you say, marketers ruin everything. – I’m a marketer. – If not, then what should I pursue in regards to my career? ‘Cause I really want to work in marketing but approach it differently than it’s been done in the past several years. – Giann, first and foremost, I like […]
when you say, even though you say, marketers ruin everything.
– I’m a marketer. – If not, then what should I pursue in regards to my career? ‘Cause I really want to work in marketing but approach it differently
than it’s been done in the past several years. – Giann, first and foremost, I like how you were reading
some sort of card over here. I’d eliminate that from your game but I’m not razzing. Marketers do ruin everything and I’m a proud and happy marketer. So, don’t take that literally. I think you should pursue marketing and I love that you’re trying to, look the fact that you even know who I am and are asking a question
on the #AskGaryVee show, believe it not, makes me think
you’re gonna be successful. And, what I would recommend, is the degree’s nice and all, but I would highly recommend
if you’re still in university, to intern at the places that
you most think are innovating. I mean, when I think
about the last two classes of VaynerMedia interns and the fact how many of them get hired
into this organization and how great VaynerMedia is as an organization by comparison to the other people that are marketing as agencies out there and
I really believe that. I think they were very smart, strategic, and made the right move. I would give you the same recommendation. Get into the walls that
you most believe in and you should market in a different way and 99% of the places right now won’t allow you to do that so find the other five,
six, seven, 10 places that look like this place which will create the
culture to allow that.