– [Steve] Chase asks “On an average day, “how many impressions do your tweets get?” – Chase. – [Steve] Oh I was gonna say– – Chase, stick there Steve. Chase, this man has done the work, give him the credit. Give him the air time. Steve. What is, what is the answer? – So, his […]
– [Voiceover] Darren asks, “If you could only market on one social platform, which would it be and why?” – Darren, I picked this question because I’m pissed off and I’m pissed off at people asking this question over and over again. I’m pounding my fist on the floor, or the table. Over and over, […]
“to determine if what you’re creating is valuable?” – Michael, for me this is a really interesting question. It depends, are you talking about, is the content that you’re putting up valuable, because I talk a lot about that, and you know, that is, you know, what I use on that criteria is actually engagment […]
you learned as a result of taking an interest in someone else’s passion, hobby, or job? – Erick, this is a really interesting question. I’m tryin’ to figure this out. You know, one that’s emerging, a little bit, believe it or not, but I’m not gonna accept it, is golf. A.J. has fallen in love […]