to vanquish my enemies? Which I also like. – Actually, I have a great answer this question. – [India] Great. – Because it’s really what I do which is ironic based on what we just talked about with competition back to me being such an insane contradiction. This is going to blow your mind. By […]
to vanquish my enemies?
Which I also like. – Actually, I have a
great answer this question. – [India] Great. – Because it’s really what I do
which is ironic based on what we just talked about with
competition back to me being such an insane contradiction. This is going to blow your mind. By not giving them
the time of day. It is insane how much I don’t
understand about my competitors. I don’t even know their names. That’s how much
disrespect I have for them. I’m being dead serious. I never spent a minute. I knew what the other
wine stores were doing. I know the names of the other
agencies that are in our space. I don’t have a damn clue. There hasn’t been a minute on my
calendar in the last 36 months that was based on getting
recon or intrigue on what any competitor of mine is doing
because the very honest truth is it doesn’t matter what they’re
doing because I’m going to get mine and if they are good enough
they will get their’s second. Second rate. But I’m gonna get mine. So how do you vanish them
by establishing that they’re vanished from the get. What do you want?
– Which athlete do you relate to the most or compare yourself to as you’re in the blank of digital marketing? – I don’t really think that way but I will say that you know watching the Kobe documentary on Showtime definitely I was like boy can I really relate with, I am so scary. […]
– Which athlete do you relate to
the most or compare yourself to as you’re in the blank
of digital marketing? – I don’t really think that
way but I will say that you know watching the Kobe documentary on
Showtime definitely I was like boy can I really
relate with, I am so scary. It’s unbelievable. I wonder what DailyVee episode
is gonna really going to show how competitive I really am. I’m not competitive
with this audience. I love this audience. I’m trying to give
you guys advice. I don’t even want you
to watch me anymore. Think about that. I love this audience. I’m not competitive with people
that have anointed me and gifted me with their time and their
effort and their attention. I have love for them. You should see the
polar opposite of my love. Because it’s dark. It’s unbelievable how much
I hate my competition with like visceral hate. But then in real life I don’t. I want to kill them in business. I want them to
go out of business but then I want to help them
get back on their feet but don’t fucking
compete with me. – [India] That was scary. – No, it wasn’t. I’m telling you right
now, that’s not even. Do you know how weird I am? Do you know that me
and AJ get into fights? – [India] Corn hole
that was pretty insane. – We talked about
this once or twice. Do you know Agnes? Where is she?
– [Andy] She’s right there. – Agnes! – [Staphon] AK, I need yours,
cause your’s doesn’t lag. Yeah. – I need you. (laughter) Just for a second. – Hi.
– Hey Agnes. So I’m doing this
#AskGaryVee Show. – Mhmmm.
– Right? And I needed you because I’m
talking about this dark place I go into when I compete. – Oh.
(laughter) We’ve all seen that. – Right and so, there’s that
one moment I don’t know if you remember but I do where
you had a breakaway and I came from behind and I– – You just shoved me to
the floor like no mercy. – Yes. – I absolutely remember that.
(laughter) – I just thought it would be
more powerful to hear from you. That was probably
inappropriate, right? – No, that’s fair competition.
Happens all the time. – Yeah. Winner.
That’s a winner mentality. Thanks Anges. – This is from yesterday.
– ‘Cause you’re a warrior. Legit jump shoot too.
Awesome, thanks. (laughter) I think we can all agree that Agnes is a nice 6-foot-5
brooding man. – [India] Right. – She was on a breakaway,
there was nothing. Were you there that day Staphon? – [Staphon] It was a while ago?
– Yeah. – [Staphon] Yeah.
– When I just like– – [Staphon] Yeah. Yeah. – Inappropriately, 1989,
’92 NBA Knicks-Pistons, Agnes the girl. – [Staphon] Yeah. – Yeah, that was inappropriate
but when it’s competition I do not care, by the way it actually
it works for me as a positive for VaynerMedia. I always laugh about minority,
female, things of that nature, this is competition. Whoever I think, I don’t
care what even Patriot fans are allowed at Vayner, right? I’m very dark when it
comes to competition. The Kobe stuff and I hate
Michael Jordan with my heart and soul but even his speech where he’s just like it’s all
about competition. It’s the game. I love the game. I don’t like anybody
who wants to beat me. And I really want to
beat their face in. With a brick. And I mean it. Andy you agree.
In basketball, I’m mad. Right? When we play I’m mad
and that’s basketball, you haven’t seen me
play Scattergories. (laughter) – [Brit] You were angry when
I met you playing trivia. – Right!
– [Brit] The Christmas party. – That was the first
time we met, right? – [Brit] Yeah.
– And that was like, I was weird. Competitive. – [Brit] You were like
super competitive. – Right. I was very upset. – [Brit] Yeah, even if
you weren’t necessarily contributing, you
were very upset. – [Gary] That’s right. If I didn’t have any answer to
these questions I was mad at them for not knowing.
– [Brit] It’s true. That’s like, you know. You should know something too. I do plenty of
things around here. We have this trivia
party because of me. Why don’t you get
the answer right to this bullshit movie? I don’t watch movies. You fuckers waste
time and watch movies. I don’t don’t know movies. I don’t watch them. – [Staphon] Getting fired up.
Looks like Rebecca a little bit. – Hey Gary Vee, I wanna ask you a question about competition. – Yes, I love competition. – A lot of solopeneurs are advised that don’t look at the competition because it can drain you and make you second-guess yourself and everything like that but I, you know, through […]
Looks like Rebecca a little bit. – Hey Gary Vee, I wanna
ask you a question about competition.
– Yes, I love competition. – A lot of solopeneurs
are advised that don’t look at the competition
because it can drain you and make you
second-guess yourself and everything like that
but I, you know, through my business
that is and things like that I’ve realized that,
or I’ve been taught that you can’t operate
in a silo, you know. Your landscape, you
have to keep your eye on the landscape of your industry. So, my question is,
what do you think about competition and
how you approach it? Thanks. – What’s her name again,
one more time? – [India] Sarah. – Sarah, thank you so much. I like the taxi photo
in the background. You know, this is a tricky one. I think this comes
down to the individual. I don’t spend a lot of
time on my competition. I haven’t historically. But I keep, you know, a
fifth of an eye on it. You know, you want
to know context, you can’t be blind
to things completely but I don’t dwell or allow
my competition to drive my mentality or where I’m going. I think it’s a very fine line. I think it’s a very,
very fine line. And I think it’s a very
individual thing so. I don’t know much
about the agency world, as a whole, I don’t know the
names of most of the CEOs. I don’t know how much
revenue they’re doing. I don’t know who
their clients are. I don’t know what
the work they’re doing. A lot of my contemporaries
spend all their time on AdAge and DigiDay and other websites to keep up with what’s going on. PRWeek, AdWeek, in the trades. I think that there’s a lot
of entrepreneurs that do extremely well by
knowing what’s going on with their competitors
and using that as a proxy, as a guiding light. I think a lot of entrepreneurs
are B and C entrepreneurs and they need somebody
else to be the leader and they follow it and
they pick up the crumbs. And they get 20 and
30% of the action and that’s enough for them. And that’s where
they deserve to be. I think others like me are
super driven by not knowing. I don’t even want
to give my competition the satisfaction of knowing. I mean, I literally hate
my competition so much that I literally want
to be disrespectful by not even amassing
a minute of my time on what they’re doing
because I think that’s the ultimate
insult and I like that. Because I don’t
like you, competition. I don’t like you. Now, I like you
as a human being, like in, when I put my
jersey on, I hate you, but as like a human,
there’s plenty of executives from competitive
agencies that I adore and think are
really good people. But, when I put my
jersey on, I hate you and the way that I can
teach you that I hate you is to not even
allocate a minute on you because I disrespect
you that much. That’s me. You may be somebody who
learns from your competitors and that’s how you navigate. So, I do not think that
anybody who taught you one way or the
other, emphatically, don’t forget, #AskGaryVee Show, I’m one dude,
with one personality trait, with, you know, one life that
is trying to communicate my points of view but I never, and I’ve said this on DailyVee recently, I have no interest in you
following, you know, my footsteps. I have you, I have
interest in you trying to figure out yourself the way I
figured out myself. Right? I know that about me so
I don’t force myself to look at the competition
’cause I know, deep down, it’s not who I am or
what I want to be doing. And so I know that about myself. You need to know yourself. And it may be a balance. Some people are 50/50. It all works if you’re
most self-aware about you. Question of the day,
question of the day:
thoughts it’s not no new Twitter said to net loss bad I think it’s good I think we’re working on a very big Twitter peace when it can be done interesting up in here in 180 you don’t think I think look I mean I’ve been on this kick for a while you’ll see on […]
thoughts it’s not no new Twitter said to
net loss bad I think it’s good I think we’re working on a very big Twitter
peace when it can be done interesting up in here in 180 you don’t
think I think look I mean I’ve been on this kick for a while you’ll see on
tomorrow afternoon most likely Monday cuz I know these guys roll put together a very big piece like we do
with snap shop thank you for everybody who shared a link that up if you haven’t
read the manifesto for snapshot it was incredible great work by the team we’ve
got one coming up for Twitter wanna do these big signature petition kind of
front cover stories more blogging for you guys also big shot at everybody so many
people emailing me thankful for the new VIP video only content we finally we’ve
finally figured out how to make my email service much more valuable to people and
I’m killing I feel like you like seven years of
thanks to deliver on these videos that’s why it’s going so well so if you’re not
signed up for the newsletter that’s another title is 180 right up VIP emails sign up for everything face look if you’re watching a YouTube
subscribe you to twitter twitter struggling people don’t understand it
it’s losing attention Instagram and snapchat emerged as major attention
grabbers within mobile devices and I think of all this phone I think of all
of my this is what I think about I think this is the television and that TV is
the radio and its 1965 that’s what I think I think this is the television
1965 and TV is the radio there’s a lot of people that still think the radio in
1965 was the place to advertise and spend your time and energy I don’t
believe that to be true anymore I think this is the number one device and I
think that YouTube Facebook Instagram and snap shop or ABC NBC and CBS that’s
what is happening Twitter LinkedIn Twitter as MTV ten years ago it was
there and think about me Gary B being being one of the hit show’s at remote
control very old very old what you know Jersey Shore think of me Gary be on
Twitter as on Jersey Shore Twitter’s MTV this is the television what has happened
to Twitter is that snapshot on Instagram have now become ESPN have now become the
hot network and so that’s why i think is happening to everybody right this second
on Twitter the reasons that growing is caused that network is not growing on
the television and I’m excited though because much like how networks got
turned around the way that NBC the way that CBS went from fourth place to first
place was they brought a new executives who did better job programming and so
Jack Dorsey’s now in place will be making a lot of changes and if those
changes worked with our can rise but we’ve not seen it in tech myspace wasn’t
able to rejuvenate itself right we saw a little bit with Facebook there was a
little per second on Facebook and then they made a lot of good tweaks and like
just completely became the establishment I am so intrigued by seeing what’s going
to happen but I think Twitter is dealing with what they’re dealing with my
ultimate thoughts are it’s getting what it deserved a tent idea to product for a
long period of time and paying the price little ocean drop pass how can I use a
diploma and years of experience if they
“I was wondering if you get more satisfaction “competing against yourself or versus others?” – I don’t compete against myself at all. It’s why I struggled with fitness, which I know I had a hard time. Because I made a new fitness movie. I don’t know if you guys heard. Staphon, you can put it […]
“I was wondering if you
get more satisfaction “competing against
yourself or versus others?” – I don’t compete against myself at all. It’s why I struggled with fitness, which I know I had a hard time. Because I made a new fitness movie. I don’t know if you guys heard. Staphon, you can put it right here and run in parallel while I’m giving this answer. I’ll give you a little room for editing. I’m really bad at competing with myself. So I’m not trying to make this show better in episode from 123 to
now, from 92 to now. I always love myself, I’m
always thinking that it’s good and that I’m good. I know it evolves, but I’m
not competing with myself. I’m really bad at that. Again, back to fitness, I
didn’t want to run a minute faster or have 20 more pounds. That wasn’t what it is. I wrote a fitness article
about how I needed to be accountable to somebody else. That was my hack. I’m very good, though with
competing against other people. I hate everybody else
that’s putting up business content podcast and video. I want to destroy them. I hope all their podcast
equipment melts tomorrow. And I wanna be the only person that talks about business in the world left. That’s how I get all the audience. I win, you lose, podcast McGee, yay. So I think I compete against other people, that’s what drives me. That’s how I roll. But I’m completely all
in, and me and my team, the Jets have two or three former Patriots on their team,
David Ridley, Thompkins right now. I love them with all my heart. That logo goes off their
helmet, it goes somewhere else, I despise them with all my heart. I’m very on team me, team
my things that I like. And I don’t compete within that self. I compete against
everybody else around it. And it’s funny. It’s how I handle VaynerMedia. They’re on my team, they’re my employees, I love them, even though I still love the employees that once worked here. Claire, a mutual friend of ours. We love Claire so much. I love Claire Stein, love
her with all my heart, just not as much as I used to. Because she wears the
New York Times logo now, now the VaynerMedia one. I can’t help it. I wanna destroy Claire now. (laughs) Claire, I love you. But I wanna destroy you. You know like, that’s just the way it is. That’s the game mechanics. That’s how I think, and it’s very real, and it’s interesting. When you get to really fall
in love with an employee, that has been with you, we had a couple of that with us for two, three, four years that are recently leaving,
and it’s very painful for me, I get sad. Super lower lip. Like lower lip. But I wanna destroy their
faces the next moment. Because they’re putting
on a different jersey. I just can’t help it. It’s just the truth. Yeah, but you know what’s funny, but I also, and you guys know this. I still interact with them. I help them with their
careers, so even though I get pissed at players,
after they lose the game they go shake the other team’s hands, I used to really get mad at that, the truth is that I’m hypocrite, because I do that, because I’m doing that behind the scenes,
and so I felt compelled to share that because I don’t wanna be a hypocrite. It pisses me off.
I wish I didn’t. Like I wish I could hold
the line, but I don’t because I like them. I love you, Claire. But I hate you. India.
“from telling blatant lies about my business, “without stooping to their level?” – Craig, by recognizing those blatant lies have no impact on your future. Now, stick with me here. It’s hard, because you’ll say, “no way, Gary, it’s already had an impact. This person stopped working with me because of that lie.” Net net […]
“from telling blatant
lies about my business, “without stooping to their level?” – Craig, by recognizing those blatant lies have no impact on your future. Now, stick with me here. It’s hard, because you’ll say, “no way, Gary, it’s already had an impact. This person stopped working
with me because of that lie.” Net net with me, my friend. Net net with me. If they’re lies, and they may not be, let’s first make sure
they’re lies, my man. But if they’re lies, you will win. Lies have been, people have
tried that tactic on me, you will never, ever win that game if you’re on the lying end. Like, the truth is undefeated. You just have to be patient. So, the fact of the matter is, that’s too much on your mind. By you even asking me this
question, it’s bubbled up, and it’s really no different, and I’m sorry to use this, ’cause it’s an extreme version of it, and it’s obviously top
of everybody’s mind. It’s really, in some weird way,
no different than terrorism. Like, terrorism works
because people get scared, and that’s propaganda. Right? And of course things happen, but what they’re trying to
do is get people not to fly, not to go to Europe,
like, all these things. They scare you, they make these videos and say “we’re gonna go
after all these places” to scare people in those places. That’s how it works. That’s what that is as
well, which is like, they’re trying to propaganda your clients into believing that. But when there’s a net result a year later, two years later, when people are like, “oh,
Gary’s just good at Twitter. VaynerMedia’s not,” I mean, you know people said
VaynerMedia was gonna fail because I’m just a social media pundit, I’m just bullshit and
pizzazz, I’m all this? Well, they lost. Because now here we are. And so as long as you’re
confident in your execution, please do not spend time
going on the defense against your competitors
who are lying about you. Just go do your thing and let the results show for themselves. This is a very important thing. People get way too hung up on their negative comments on YouTube, the competition making lies about them. The results always speak for themselves. Marky Mark was not gonna
transition into a real celebrity, until Mark Wahlberg did it. Justin Bieber was always
just gonna be a teeny bopper until he put out fire. Right? Like, the truth always wins. Period. – [India] Nice.
“just started his own media wine resale company “competing with you in your neighborhood. “How do you respond?” – I would actually be, like I would be fired up happy. Because that is my game, not Elon’s. And so I, and this is the straight up truth. It is insane how I when I hear […]
“just started his own
media wine resale company “competing with you in your neighborhood. “How do you respond?” – I would actually be, like I would be fired up happy. Because that is my game, not Elon’s. And so I, and this is the straight up truth. It is insane how I when
I hear that question, how obvious this is to me that I would absolutely destroy him and
he would fail miserably if he was trying to beat me in that game. In the same way that I would fail if I decided to, you
know, invent rocket ships into space and tesla cars
and things of that nature. When I play my game, whatever that is, building an agency,
building a wine retailer, whatever I do next. If I’m operating, right? Forget about investing where it’s a little bit of a crapshoot. Forget about JVs where I have partners. Me, me, Gary. If I’m operating, there’s
not a single person in the world that I’m
scared of at all ever because the only thing that can happen is both of us getting ours. There is nobody that is going to beat me. The markets are too big. I’m going to get mines. And so, I’m not scare of Elon, or Shmelon, or Zucks, or Cubes, or Ashton, or anybody about anything that comes to do with
the game that I’m playing because I’m going to win. I’m going to win. Could they possibly do
more business than me? Sure, I mean I’m not excited about that, but sure I guess it could happen. I don’t think there’s another
agency over the last 4 years that has grown at the size that we have, and in the liquor business
the same thing happened. But of course, somebody could come along with that kind of talent. But that’s not going to
stop me from getting mine, and so the answer to your
question is I would be pumped because I think there
would be a lot of people talking about why didn’t Elon use his mind and go and do start small businesses. And two, I would enjoy the
victory that I would get that would get me more screen cred for punching Elon in the mouth. – [Voiceover] James asks “Why
not go halves on the Jets
“Will Vimeo ever be able to successfully compete “with YouTube without running ads? “Or will they keep thriving as a smaller competitor?” – Malik. Vimeo is a wonderful place. It’s a tremendously interesting niche place for video. But it doesn’t compete with YouTube. And I don’t see it really competing with YouTube. Meaning they’re just […]
“Will Vimeo ever be able
to successfully compete “with YouTube without running ads? “Or will they keep thriving
as a smaller competitor?” – Malik. Vimeo is a wonderful place. It’s a tremendously interesting
niche place for video. But it doesn’t compete with YouTube. And I don’t see it really
competing with YouTube. Meaning they’re just two
very different things. That’s like saying “Can Hamilton, the Broadway play, “compete with Star Wars?” It depends on what you’re competing on. Can it complete from a quality standpoint and experience standpoint? Absolutely, it’s probably
winning, a la Vimeo. Can it compete on a scale, an impact standpoint and dollar amounts and money-making? Absolutely not. Vimeo’s not built to compete
with YouTube smartly. When David plays Goliath’s game it goes out of business. When David plays David’s game, it wins. And I think Vimeo’s done a very nice job carving out its proper niche
within a video landscape and recognizing it
doesn’t have the dollars, infrastructure, scale, momentum and oomph to compete on YouTube’s
game against YouTube.
“services I provide for clients in the same market “while respecting their competitive advantage?” – That’s interesting. And we kind of play with that a little bit with VaynerMedia. Not that we have any direct competitors, but sometimes they’re some nuances. Providing value to different companies or individuals that are competing in the same environment […]
“services I provide for
clients in the same market “while respecting their
competitive advantage?” – That’s interesting. And we kind of play with that
a little bit with VaynerMedia. Not that we have any direct competitors, but sometimes they’re some nuances. Providing value to different
companies or individuals that are competing in the
same environment is tricky. First of all, you know, I
would never be in environment of like, Pepsi and Coke,
or where there’s complete direct competitors, you’ve
got to be very, very careful. Number two, I think
that you need to really, really give thought about
how many different thesis’ and strategies do you actually have? How many different things can people do? This is where you cannot
just put one, kind of, blue print and deploy
it against each client, you’ve got to come up with
unique value propositions creatively and strategically,
that allow them to kind of offset the competitive set. I think the answer is very carefully. I think this is a massive
challenge and I think that one of the things that I would
recommend to you is actually broaden the industries your
in just for that reason. Because I think that humans
are emotional and they may not, even if you think
that you’re proving them separate value, they may not. And the consumer’s perception is king. But I think, to me, it’s not that hard. Because I do think you can
get very different strategies, very different creative executions
amongst those strategies to make an action that those
companies or individuals want to happen. I think the bigger problem
is, those individuals feeling as though that is happening
and that’s the vulnerability of your actual business. Perception, my friends, is
absolutely reality because that’s what people are
making judgements on. I mean, who else is making
the reality as a reality decision? There’s no reality lord that comes down. I am the reality lord! Like, there’s no reality lord. Perception is reality
because human’s perception is their reality. They’re making decisions
on that and that is the vulnerability in that question. I can’t wait to see the graphics of.
“market themselves and distinguish themselves “from the competition?” – Ooh, that’s nice. I look like Jake Benrubi, a little bit, in that. You see it? I’m changing my angle here on ya, a little bit, DRock. I think illustrators should really focus on Snapchat. I think Snapchat’s a really interesting place where they can pop. […]
“market themselves and
distinguish themselves “from the competition?” – Ooh, that’s nice. I look like Jake Benrubi,
a little bit, in that. You see it? I’m changing my angle here
on ya, a little bit, DRock. I think illustrators should
really focus on Snapchat. I think Snapchat’s a
really interesting place where they can pop. I think that Facebook,
targeting publishers. So, creating illustrations,
and then running $50 worth of ads against
employees of publishers, I think is a very smart place to go, because I think people will notice. Shh. (girls laugh) And then I think what
really, really would work is responding to people on
Twitter around subject matters and then creating illustrations around those subject matters,
I think has enormous upside. If you can show your speed to
illustrate around conversation in that environment, I think
there’s a real opportunity. So those are three tactics. I mean, look, an illustrator’s
gonna break out from the heap by being a great illustrator. How often you could put
yourself in a position to have people see your
work is going to become the way that you’re successful. I also think, illustrate hacking. Meaning, making illustrations of Gary Vee, I don’t like using the third person, making illustrations of me
is gonna make me see it. I would go after other microinfluencers, not A-list celebrities, sort
of immune to that stuff, other microinfluencers, illustrate them, reply to them, I think that’s
an enormous opportunity. Put it on Instagram and then tag them, ’cause they’ll see it,
those kinda things are cool. – [Voiceover] Anthony asks, “Hey Gary Vee,