“You seem to be everywhere! “Are you democratic about your talks or do you “have a strategy in place for public speaking?” – Irina, I have a strategy about everything. So I have a strategy for my public speaking. At this point in my career I try not to speak much unless I’m getting paid […]
“You seem to be everywhere! “Are you democratic about
your talks or do you “have a strategy in place
for public speaking?” – Irina, I have a
strategy about everything. So I have a strategy
for my public speaking. At this point in my career
I try not to speak much unless I’m getting paid
my very expensive fee. It’s a promise I made myself and my wife. So there’s that. But when I am not getting paid, it is absolutely a
disproportionate opportunity to do one of two things. Which is build my brand. And if I have to speak where, I spoke recently where
Hilary Clinton was first and Steve Forbes was behind
me and I was in the middle. That’s good brand positioning. Ninety percent of the
crowd, 98% of the crowd, they didn’t know who I
was, but they sure knew that I was one of those three people and that means something
and that makes them Google me up a little bit more. The other thing that I do is that I really want to support
certain communities. New Jersey tech scene,
the Harlem tech scene is something that I’m going
to be doing in the future. You know, interns, young people. So if there’s something that
emotionally feels right to me, that I know that if I do it, people in the future will do it as well cause that organization
can leverage my name. And I’m giving back to something
that means something to me, Jersey, kind of like the come-up, underdog
area, you know, youngsters. Those are things that
I’ll invest my time into. But there’s no, like, sure! No, it’s all like, (clicking noise) No, “Sure!” – [Voiceover] Matthew asks,
“how do I build a community on it? “Jab, jab, jab, and hopefully someone notices? “Cheers bro.” – Uh, cheers bro. I think the great thing about Medium and one of the reasons I invested in it, one of the reasons we write for it is you actually just have to put out good content […]
“how do I build a community on it? “Jab, jab, jab, and
hopefully someone notices? “Cheers bro.” – Uh, cheers bro. I think the great thing
about Medium and one of the reasons I invested in it,
one of the reasons we write for it is you actually just
have to put out good content because they’re doing two
things that are intriguing. One, there’s a viral loop. People sharing, recommending
it at the bottom. I was one of the early people
to growth hack a little bit and ask for the hit the
recommend which created virality. But they also use human editors
who just see a good piece of content and populate it to the email, to the top of the page. This is an incredible
opportunity, my friends. Medium, in a lot of ways,
has Reddit and Digg dynamics that we haven’t seen in a
long team where you could be anybody, you don’t have to
just ooze the juice of your social networks to get people
there, but you could be anybody who writes a good,
solid piece of content and then the machine, not
the community, humans, can decide to populate it and
then give you an opportunity to then siphon. The really Holy Grail for a lot of you, and the reason I’m pushing
so many of you in the Vayner Nation to write on it is you
can write a nice piece of content, get lucky, but
probably not lucky ’cause it was a good piece of content, but a
little serendipity along with that good piece of content
and now you’re populated. You get, you know, a couple
hundred, a couple thousand, people follow you off of the
base of that being featured and away you go, you start building. And so, that’s for
people with no audience. For all of you that are lucky
enough to have some Facebook, some Twitter, some Instagram
followers and users, you should put out content
there and use that as an opportunity to be discovered. And so, you know, I’ve used
Facebook very successfully to drive people towards Medium. Email services to drive
people towards Medium. Which then gets people
reading and recommending which creates more virality, which
gets more people to recognize me and it just becomes this viral loop. So it’s not about jab,
jab, jab, right hooking, where that’s a world of put
out content and then ask for something. This is more about just putting
out good content and letting the chips fall where they may. I think the other thing you
can do is go out to other people that have audiences or
other publications that may, then, want to re-publish your publication, but has a link that says,
“This was originally written “in Medium,” and that links. And so, you’re trying to
create a viral loop because the recommend at the bottom
of Medium creates virality within Medium, there’s a big
audience there and that’s where your opportunity lies. Very tactical off the
gate on a Monday morning.
code has made in that should do in order to guarantee success as a tech entrepreneur after college thanks very simply that it’s a good point before I get into it is a good good moment to tell everybody to keep pumping out questions I am very much watching and sending India stuff I really […]
code has made in that should do in order
to guarantee success as a tech entrepreneur after college thanks very simply that it’s a good point before I get into it
is a good good moment to tell everybody to keep pumping out questions I am very
much watching and sending India stuff I really want more more videos Instagram or Twitter hashtag get a scary
be there something about this kid that really stuck with me I’m gonna go into
production I fundamentally believe this kid is gonna be massively successful
email me this video in 12 years saying hey cool and so you know what I really
want to tell you is to hang around to hang around people that you that you
want to be like without another person sometime more fans than whatever time hang around as many people that you want
to be like as possible I’m a funny feeling you have all the pieces now
about the connections connections are grossly underestimated I would in turn
every summer between now and whenever you’re ready to your own thing people
that you want to be like for people who want to be like organizations that you
want to be like network networking was clearly the thing that i watch the video
and I was like network did just get out there meetup.com you people go on Twitter
Search just say hey to people join as many networks get yourself out there
into the real world to give gaps say hi to India’s went to college you know that
kind of thing just get out there and say hello to people meet as many people and
be around like minded people be around like minded people be around winners
hustlers ambitious entrepreneurs spent summers in San Francisco but there’s
texting popping up everywhere but it’s about these 526 internships that you can
sneak in between now and the beginning that I think we’ll have disproportionate
value for you and don’t take an internship at Facebook Apple where you
will never touch the Genesis the seed coat a smaller places that are people
like you want to be like so that you can taste it so you can be close to it been asked to talk a lot of itself when
his you think this can prevent people from pushing past their comfort zone I’m
not sure what means do I think
“Instead of doing a forum, have you considered doing a private Facebook group for the Ask Gary Vee Show? – Oh, that’s a great idea. It’s something that I haven’t done. I noticed one of the fans jumped in and created one. It’s something that’s run through my mind. And actually, i think this question […]
“Instead of doing a forum, have you considered doing
a private Facebook group for the Ask Gary Vee Show? – Oh, that’s a great idea. It’s something that I haven’t done. I noticed one of the fans
jumped in and created one. It’s something that’s run through my mind. And actually, i think this question is gonna spur me to do it. So, at the end of the
Golden Era, in episode 131, we will announce a private Facebook group just so I can test it. That’s some work for you guys.
“s using a forum to build a community a dying practice?” – Alysha, Alysha, you know what’s funny? I’m a very big believer in this. That’s a pendulum swinging, right, so forums, then it’s all social and it’s open. I actually think forums are the future, not the past. I’m going out on a limb […]
“s using a forum to build a
community a dying practice?” – Alysha, Alysha, you know what’s funny? I’m a very big believer in this. That’s a pendulum swinging, right, so forums, then it’s all
social and it’s open. I actually think forums are the future, not the past. I’m going out on a limb
here and I’m gonna say that people are gonna
start closing down things. It’s kinda like social, right, Facebook, Twitter open,
along came Snapchat, right, closed, private. And I think after this
generation goes through that, the next generation, the eight-year-olds, the seven-year-olds, they’re
gonna want open again, because they haven’t
felt this generation play that we all felt with
Facebook and Twitter. This is what we do. We do it with celebrities,
build them up, crash them down, and then they come back. I mean, we want Britney back, bitch, you know, like that’s
what we wanna do, right. A-Rod, I mean, are you watching
what’s going on with A-Rod? We will build you up, we will destroy you, we will build you right back up. We love it, we absolutely, outside of murder,
we’ll do it for anybody. it’s unbelievable, and so, I think forums, because people are gonna wanna close. Look what’s going on
with the social networks. Pinterest, Facebook,
Twitter, they’re cutting out their ecosystem. Less API unless they’re
really valuing from it, right? Like, you know, YouTube doesn’t want MCN selling for half a billion dollars and them not making any money. People are gonna shut it down, and so, I think, look, we’ve talked about the Veechat, the Gary Vee
app, we tried it, like, owning the data and creating a CRM and keeping it in your world is valuable. I mean, as a matter of
fact, actually, we wanted to attack some stuff here. We’re almost ending with the show, I wanted to do this whole
Facebook thing, right? So we’ve got some
imagery behind this, we’re gonna show them,
are we gonna do a video? So, one of the things that
I’ve been thinking a lot about is the show’s exploding,
we’re doing well on YouTube, we’re exploding on Facebook, but the way the Facebook algorithm works, you’re not seeing this all the
time, so here, for example, let me take a step out
of the show for a second, here’s a, are we doing a video? Like, a quick little video? Something. Watch this. – [Voiceover] Head over
to Facebook.com/gary Hover over the ‘liked’ button, and hit ‘get notifications.’ This way, you’ll never miss
an episode of the show. – Alright, now that
gave you the opportunity to now always get the show in your feed, but I’m at the mercy of Facebook. I don’t wanna be at the mercy of Facebook, I don’t wanna be at the mercy of Google, I don’t wanna be at the mercy of anybody, which is why building
your own e-mail list, building your own forum,
on top of the web, which is what they’re building, they’re building products
on top of the web, is a very intriguing and important thing, and so I wanna build up, you know, making sure the algorithm shows my stuff. I wanna build up my
subscriptions on YouTube, I wanna build up my Gary VIP e-mail list, and having a side forum, I
did it with Wine Library TV. There was a forum for Wine Library TV, and it was important, it was an important place
where I could kind of, and so, I don’t think it’s going away, I think it’s, it’s fine, but, much like the Facebook question, getting somebody to leave where they actually wanna consume it, because time is the value prop, you have to give a value prop. You have to make that forum valuable. If you’re the celebrity,
or the Z-list celebrity, or the personality, you
need to spend time in there. When I stopped spending
time in the Wine Library TV forum, the community had been built, and then kept themselves together, but it lost momentum. It definitely lost growth
and over time, it waned. And that’s what’s just gonna happen, so, that’s what’s happening there. So, cool, we checked the
box on getting people,
– Mike? – [Webly] Yep, Mike. – Okay. – [Webly] I think it’s waste of my time to comment on your videos and answer the question of the day. Tell me why I’m wrong. – Well, Mike. Let me help you tell you why you’re wrong. – [Voiceover] Here we go. (laughs) – No, I […]
– Mike? – [Webly] Yep, Mike. – Okay. – [Webly] I think it’s waste of my time to comment on your videos and answer the question of the day. Tell me why I’m wrong. – Well, Mike. Let me help you tell you why you’re wrong. – [Voiceover] Here we go. (laughs) – No, I think it’s a
really interesting question and I think that– Mike, I think it’s a great question and I think that there’s
a couple of things to figure out here. One, I’m gonna assume, maybe not, that one of the good reasons
to think what you think and I think a lot of other people think, there is because I’m
not reading that right? Like why say something if
it’s not being consumed. I think a lot of people
recognize I do read them because I’m engaging quite a bit. Not on YouTube which is because of the app and because I have a
awkward sign-in structure on Google between Gary@vaynermedia and the account we use for
a lot of the Google content. I have to figure that out. I would comment more
because now it’s all mobile, I only comment mobilely. So, I’ve gotta figure that out
but quite a bit on Twitter. Outrageous levels on Facebook
in the last month or so. More on YouTube, I will figure it out. I will use this as call to action. But now I’m gonna give
you a really good answer to your question. The reason you’re actually
gonna start commenting. It’s because I have nothing
to do with the equation of what’s actually happening here. Let me explain. That’s not fair. I do have something to do with it. I’m (claps) the match of what’s happening with the #AskGaryVee Show. But the truth is, to really
get what I want out of it, I want to build a comminity. A community can not be built predicated on a dictatorship or an individual. It needs to be predicated on the fact that people are communicating
with each other. What you haven’t realized yet, Mike, is that if you look deeply into
what’s going on on Instagram and YouTube and Facebook there is a group of 30 to 40 people that are quietly and
subtly, and I would say of those 40 people, 25 are
doing the wrong version of it. Which they’re in there
communicating with the other people for their own interest in
mind to siphon them into– If Webly was to do that, she’s
in there ’cause she wants some of the other small business
people to take her services and that’s all she wants
in a right hook, right hook right hook, right hook way. 25 of you, I’m paying attention,
are playing that game. 15 of you are not,
you’re playing more of a jab, jab, jab, right hook game and let’s just remind everybody, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook to that person that
emailed and said they were disappointed in me, that is a game that plays like this. Jab, jab, jab, right hook. The right hook is not you get the sale. The right hook is you’ve been given the permission
to have a chance to sell. So, when you jab, jab, jab and right hook you go for your right hook
but you’re not disappointed. I have not even asked
any single person here what the update is on how
many books have come in. It’s just not the part, it’s
the permission that it created, not necessarily what the
results are just yet. The real reason you should
be commenting on this show is because you’d start putting
out content on your two cents in context to what was just
put out in the show format. Other people that are in the trenches are actually reading
those comments, plenty. More of you should be. And then you start
engaging with each other. And out of that serendipity,
much like on Wine Library TV, where there are over 20
different wine tasting groups right now that have been
hanging out with each other for the last seven to ten
years drinking wine together, once out of every, once a
month on every third Wednesday for the last five years
and have built their disproportionate best
friends out of being part of a community of a web
show started by some kid in New Jersey talking about wine. The community that’s being
built underneath here. The way that these three get
to interact with each other for the rest of their lives
on this connection point and the way that you guys
all have the ability, if you’d like to, to create
connections of likeminded people with very different angles and to have an interesting situation unlike politics or
religion or other things where you have a guy who’s a pardox which then creates fan
bases in opposite directions so it’s not a complete sheep
game but yet people that can actually have empathy for
other people’s points of view and collaborate, you
now have the beginnings of a community that has value to you that has nothing to do with the person that’s putting out the content. That, my friend, is why
you should be commenting.
“today, without anyone knowing who you were, ” “how would you find talent?” – Kyle, first of all I’m gonna answer the real answer, and then the question I think you’re actually asking. The real answer is, I would never, and this is going to give a lot of people a lot of insight, I’m […]
“today, without anyone
knowing who you were, ” “how would you find talent?” – Kyle, first of all I’m
gonna answer the real answer, and then the question I
think you’re actually asking. The real answer is, I would never, and this is going to give a
lot of people a lot of insight, I’m always trying to provide
value, Sid, as you go through your career, you wanna
provide value, so I’m going to answer twice. The answer is I would not
start VaynerMedia, I actually will never in my career
start a business, or be in a business that I don’t have
disproportional leverage from the beginning to
affect the outcome of the business, so the thought
of starting a social media agency, where I am not a
known entity, and I don’t have leverage with brands
already, VaynerMedia started much like the
networking video that Sid, was taught by DRock,
actually link that up DRock, let’s give Sid, this
is like a Sid episode. It’s a Sid explosion guys. Let’s have a little ding,
ding, ding right here, if you haven’t seen it
check out the video. I talked about networking,
and somewhere in that thing I said, let it come
to you, have the leverage. When I started Vayner, I had the leverage. I was already a known entity,
in this space, at that point probably for about 3 or 4
years, 2 or 3 years, brands were coming to me. I scratched the itch,
I reverse engineered. I had a business because it came to me. A talent came to me, because
I was known as a thought leader already in the space. To start a business without
leverage, either having the pure talent, I’m great at
cooking, you know, baking, and thus I have a chance. Maybe I don’t need to
be known for my baking skills, but I have the skill,
or I have the disproportional known factor. Now to answer your question,
you need to go out and network, ironically. If you are somebody who’s
inspired by me, listen, I see a ton of you 23 year
olds starting your social media agency because it feels easy, right. Like, I’m a kid, I know what Vine is. You know, remember these
businesses, need business results, so just because you
use SnapChat to hook up, or whatever you’re doing, right,
just cause you know how to swipe to the right, doesn’t mean you know
how to sell cups of coffee. So, I think what’s really important is do you have the skills first, second, you gotta
go out and network. If you’re starting an agency,
if you’re asking that question selfishly for yourself,
to what should you do, I think you need to go to
meetup.com, go to every social media meet up in your
general area, go to 5-15 conferences, big ones,
around social media, you know Social Media Examiner does
a big one in San Diego, like scrounge up the dollars
and go, network, network, network, learn, learn, learn,
follow people, multiple people, because they’re all
bringing different values. Learn, learn, learn, engage
on Twitter, it’s the open cocktail party of the internet. Engage with people that
are engaging on comments within my Facebook posts. Become parts of communities, leverage, remember jab, jab, jab,
right hook, don’t go in there and be like, “Hey, do
you wanna work for me?” Like, become part of a
community, then leverage the aspects of being part of that community. – [India] Nice. – But it starts, India, with
becoming part of the community. Like I don’t wanna glaze over that. I appreciate your nice,
but I want to make sure we really get it here,
like you’ve got to become part of the community, and
then you can leverage it. Don’t tactically be, don’t fake the, don’t go into the reddit
and your first post is spam, right Steve?
– That’s — – Because you get fleem to
death, and I think a lot of people try to do that,
and they think they’re clever because they’re patient for a
month and acting like they’re part of the, People can sense shit. If your intent was to
become part of the community just to extract value
out of the community, people can sense it. – [Voiceover] Tyler asks, “In
a Snapchat/Instagram world, is
Nice to meet you Vayner Nation. (laughs) – What is your question Molly? – My question is I read an article in the New York Times recently. – Is that a newspaper? – It is a newspaper, but my Mom sent it to me on Facebook. – Amazing. – So, it was called ‘No Time […]
Nice to meet you Vayner Nation. (laughs) – What is your question Molly? – My question is I read an article in the New York Times recently. – Is that a newspaper? – It is a newspaper, but my
Mom sent it to me on Facebook. – Amazing. – So, it was called ‘No
Time To Be Nice At Work’ and it was all about how
the workplace is becoming a hostile environment now
because people aren’t civil to one another because of a
bunch of external factors. They’re focused on a bunch
of other different things. – Like what? – So people aren’t nice to each other because the pressure of day-to-day tasks, they’re thinking about something else when they’re in a
conversation with somebody. – OK. – How do you find– – What was the point of the article, like what was it trying to say? – It was trying to say that there’s always time to kind of like take a deep breath and say
hi, how are you, to somebody, which I think you do a really good job of. – Okay. – So how do you find the time to focus? We’re having a conversation right now, this is a great example,
but how do you find the time to focus, be nice to
people, stay in the moment, that kind of thing? – How do I personally? – Yes, you personally. – You know I don’t think I
really have any other gear. I truly believe like DNA and the way you were brought up is real. I truly look around this room and there’s different levels
of being a nice person in this room, it’s just real. It’s just a real thing, right? For me, it’s super easy. So here’s what I would say,
I think that one thing I like to say a lot is money and
micro-fame or real fame doesn’t change a person,
it just exposes a person. So the amount of people
that write me emails or see me in the street like,
“wow you’re…”, they’ll like send a tweet after they take
a selfie with me in the street and they’re like, “Wow, Gary
Vee’s a really nice guy!” Like, you actually get credit
for being a nice person the more exposure you get. Which I think is silly. Which I think is kind of
just a weird kind of dynamic. So, I think that falls in the
same realm as your question which is, you know, I
don’t think external things in the world, like 24/7 world, I don’t think anything’s really changed. I don’t think Gertrude is nicer or meaner because it’s 2013 and
not 1955 anymore, right? I really don’t think that, I
just think Gertrude’s a (beep) and like decided not to be nice just like she wouldn’t have
been nice 30 years ago. And so, for me, I don’t
even know any other Gary. As a matter of fact, I’m
probably a little bit weird the other way, which
is I’m so uncomfortable with negativity and angst,
things of that nature, that I attack it in reverse. A lot of my day is taken up trying to make sure that’s
contained and not happening. So, it’s just my default. I think there’s a lot of value in it. I’m stunned how many people undervalue a head-nod or a “hey”. For me, because as you guys
know I’m running around so much, so much of my stuff is like
a wink or a smile or a, it’s just I don’t have the
time, but it’s so nice. I think people really
value effort, and intent. And I think you can get away with doing so much of that stuff, with
such little stuff, right? And so, for me it’s easy
because my parents had sex at the right moment to give me my DNA. – [Kim] (applause) – Thank you, Kim. And,
– (laughter) and my Mom really parented me in a way to really value other people and all that kind of stuff. And so, I just haven’t
known any different. I love that I get like extra
credit for it now-a-days because a couple people
follow me on social media. But, for me there’s, ya know, and more importantly, and I
think you know this, and I think a lot of you know this and
some of you don’t know this, but it’s what’s more interesting
to me is I believe in it so much the level of which
I’m forcing it down below me, not just leading by example
but being pretty upfront with senior leadership of
how much it matters to me is I think helps our company. – For sure. – Cool.
– It does. – Thanks Mol. – [Group] (applause)
– [Voiceover] Mike wants to know, “Are you building an eco-system or an ego-system?” – Michael, this is a great, great question, and I think the answer is both. I think the true answer is both. I think that I’ve created an infrastructure of free content and interaction and organization that has created an ecosystem. […]
– [Voiceover] Mike wants to know, “Are you building an
eco-system or an ego-system?” – Michael, this is a
great, great question, and I think the answer is both. I think the true answer is both. I think that I’ve
created an infrastructure of free content and interaction and organization that has created an ecosystem. It’s super hard to argue. I mean, wait ’til “Crushed It” comes out, the book that follows the 400 people, which is 400 of the 4,000 people that read “Crush It”
and their lives changed. Go read the comments in the Facebook posts and in the Instagram
posts around this show of people literally, in the last 30 days, ’cause I’m reading them all, just talking about how, like, weird, watching 100 episodes of
this has changed their life. They make more money, like, real life stuff. So that’s an ecosystem. On the flip side, it’s very centraled around a human being, right? Me. And that’s an ego-system, so I think the answer is both, and I think that, you know, I think like anything in life, there’s a very fine line. I often use Oprah to
bunch of spammy gurus. She just walked the fine line of inspiration and motivation just right to create all-time great billionaireship and all-time great impact, whereas, gosh, if she just turned an inch in the other direction, and if you look at her early career, she
probably was in that lane, and I think when she was able to squeak it a little bit more to the left, it took her to the stratosphere. Look, I think I’m
walking a very fine line, and I think I’m walking it properly, and I think I believe that because I just clearly know myself best and know my motivations, and I think that if you were to intimately look under the hood of
my actions and career, you would see all the dollars
I’m leaving on the table, which I think usually tend to be the motivator that forces people to get on the wrong side of the road of this eco-ego system
that you talk about. And so I think the answer is both. I very much thrive off the attention, the pressure, the admiration, the trolling and hating. It’s all part of it, and I think I’m capable and
I have broad enough shoulders and puffy enough chests to be able to deal with it, and so the answer is both, and I think done right, done properly, by all standards of the seven-person jury, I think it’s the way to
pull off a great legacy, and that’s what I’m trying to do.
“Like why is my dad following me on Instagram? “Like noo that’s unacceptable.” – Stephanie, I have bad news. Every social network that you go to to try to get away from Pops, when they hit scale, Pops is gonna show up. Hey Stephanie? It’s your dad! This knick knack thing is real cool! That’s […]
“Like why is my dad
following me on Instagram? “Like noo that’s unacceptable.” – Stephanie, I have bad news. Every social network that you go to to try to get away from Pops, when they hit scale,
Pops is gonna show up. Hey Stephanie? It’s your dad! This knick knack thing is real cool! That’s what’s gonna always happen for the rest of your life. And by the way, let me get a little bit deeper on that. Steve, you were about to say something. – I was just gonna say something
for the end of the show. Hold it til the end of the show. – Do it, do it, ruin the end of the show. – We’re on Spotify! – Whaddya mean? – You excited? I’m excited, we’re on Spotify. The #AskGaryVee Show. – It’s on Spotify? – I sent you four emails yesterday. (laughing offscreen) – Guess it was a busy day. That is cool. – [Steve] Yeah. – We’re on, see? It was a black and white announcement. This is a black and white announcement. We’re on Spotify. This was not a color announcement. This was a black and white announcement. We’re on Spotify. – [Steve] Her dad’s on Spotify, too. – And Stephanie, going back to you, and the entire VaynerNation, soon you’ll be a part of it, Stephanie. Yes you will. You know, I know it was weird, that creep Alex hit you up that somebody answered your question
on Twitter randomly. I love this whole thing. Making Alex the creepy
guy is so fun for me. (laughing offscreen) Look, that’s what just happens, right? It happened with Facebook, it’s happening right now with Instagram. The youth establishes these new kind of community centers for our society and then everybody follows. That’s a very interesting dynamic because I think that’s the reverse of the way human nature has been for a very long time. And so I think that the
youth culture of our society is now establishing the
main community centers. Not the hot new club. That’s different. This is the out and out community centers of our society. It’s going to have very
massive long-term effects on us as humans. I think that’s why we’re living through a youthification that I talk a lot about. And so that’s why it’s
happening, Stephanie.