
Had a blast having you on my show earlier this year to talk about your new book #AskGaryVee. I read the book. It is amazing. I got a lot of good stuff from it. I’ve been sharing it with some of my interns, and my friends, and coworkers so thank you so much. Today I […]

Had a blast having
you on my show earlier this year
to talk about your new book #AskGaryVee. I read the book. It is amazing. I got a lot of
good stuff from it. I’ve been sharing it
with some of my interns, and my friends, and coworkers
so thank you so much. Today I have a question for you. I’m releasing a book
next month, it’s called Without Bruises: A Journey
to Hope, Help, and Healing. It’s telling my personal story being in a relationship
with a sociopath and, you know, going from
mental and emotional abuse. Well, I am trying to figure out, do I stick with JJ, who
is the radio personality, to market this book or
do I need to stay away because I feel like I can
reach a bigger audience but I’m not sure
if that audience is really ready for the girl
with the shaved hair, tattoos who’s at
the hip hop station. So maybe you can give
me some advice on that. Thanks, Gary, love you. – I’ll take this one first
then you jump in Simon. JJ, look,
the bottom line is it’s not 1984 anymore, it’s 2016. You’re not going to
hide from who you are. People are going
to figure out you have a shaved head and tattoos.
– Yeah. – You can go under a pseudonym, you can go in disguises. They’re going to
figure out who you are. So, I think everybody
wins when they go all in. Listen, I, you know, first 60 episodes
of Wine Library TV, 2006, ten years ago. I was tempered
a little bit because I was scared that the
people on Wall Street and these rich people
that were buying hundreds of thousands
of dollars a year of wine from me would realize
I loved wrestling and football, and I cursed,
that I was Jerseyed out. The truth is the
second I realized, wait a minute,
if people like this show with 80% of me, what’s
really going to happen the second I went all-in on me it became a
totally different outcome and really I’ve never
looked back, both in the wine industry
and who I am today. There are plenty
of people in the marketing book
world that don’t love me. I think the closer one is to me. – Who? – I don’t know.
– No. – People, you know–
– No. – There’s a LinkedIn
post right now, where I saw somebody
write of why GaryVee is really great at social media and the first comment
with four likes from other people is, “I would want to do
nothing like GaryVee.” And I’m like, well,
there’s five people. (laughs) I mean, you know,
you know, and I get it. And I get it but
I think what you have to take pride in, JJ, and
everybody, is if you could live a life where
the people that know you the best like you
the most, you win. I love that my assistants,
when we were talking about India’s one week,
like the people that know more
about my truth win. Like as we’ve gotten to know each other–
– Yeah. – We’ve liked each other–
– It’s true. – More and not less
and that’s the game. – That’s true, I mean,
what’s the definition of authenticity, right? Everybody’s like
trying to be authentic. – (laughs) Right. – But nobody talks about
what authenticity is. Authenticity is saying
and doing the things you actually believe and
so to create divisions, one of them is
inherently inauthentic. So in one of them you’re
either being dishonest or you’re faking it so– – Or you’re hedging, right? – Where you’re hedging.
– Hedging. – So–
– Hedging is what pisses me off. – So, I mean,
you are who you are and you want to
bring that personality. And at the end of the
day, the more authentic you are in all of your work, the more the people who
love you for who you are will take your work and
help spread it for you. Those are champions
but it’s very hard to even find champions
if you’re always hedging and trying to be what
somebody else wants you to be. – JJ, I think you’ve got
a misread on America. I really do. – People like you
for you and they like you for your message.
– A hundred percent. And especially, if you’re you. For example–
– Neither of us, neither of us fits the role that we expect. And I show up to
these meetings in jeans and things and Gary, you know, he curses and
he shows these things. But people like
us for who we are. And the people who don’t like us for who we are don’t invite us and that’s totally fine. – I also think that
you’ve got to understand the American psyche, right. They’re not going to care
as much about tattoos and shaved heads and
things of that nature. America forgives
everything except if you’re trying to deceive them. Like you can literally do
anything in this country, probably outside of murder,
and get away with it, as long as you
don’t try to pull one over on us, right? Presidents have proved that, the most famous
people have proved that. We will forgive
all day but if you try to make us a sucker
because you’re trying to put one over on us–
– Yeah. – We hate that.
– Yeah. – That’s it.
– Be yourself. – Is that it? – There’s one more.
– One more? – Be yourself.
– Let’s do it.


My question is my question is after you have come off this super successful book number four launch at what point do you now set your sights on book number five? – That’s a great question. – [Calvin] The next big thing? – And why are you asking that? I think that’s the more interesting […]

My question is my question is
after you have come off this super successful book number
four launch at what point do you now set your sights
on book number five? – That’s a great question. – [Calvin] The next big thing?
– And why are you asking that? I think that’s the more
interesting part of this question for me. – [Calvin] I’m just
interested in the minds of successful people. How long they bask in their own
success or when they go to the next thing.
– Cool. Well, that’s a
great question Calvin. I would tell you and these guys
can say this especially when they all kind of maybe India
really was in the Vayner world more than the rest of the gang. Calvin, I’ll tell you it was
crazy what happened inside of my body when you said
“basked in the success.” I have zero capability of
basking in the success. I wish the camera was 360
right now because all of my team except for Andy who is worried
about screwing up the show the three of the rest them were all
shaking their head because they know way more than anyone
that’s watching right now that there wasn’t even a remote
moment, not a celebration, we didn’t have a dinner.
We didn’t get together– – [Calvin] You
suck at celebration. – I suck at celebration, man. I don’t have my eyes
set up five right now. I’ve got my eyes set on making
VaynerMedia huge, building more businesses, making smart
investments, helping my investments build
their businesses. Getting credibility as a great
businessman while I’m out of GaryVee mode for a little bit. Putting out good content,
continuously upping my game in my distribution of my content,
so there’s no book 5 but what I’ll tell you, and Calvin thanks
for calling, what I’ll tell you is that I am always,
always onto the next thing. As a matter of fact, I would
actually argue this is a slight vulnerability of mine. I actually think it would’ve
probably been smart to have a dinner with all of us especially
Andy and Alex, you know all of us really. To just be like hey
that was a nice launch. No, we don’t have that. As a matter of fact, let’s make
it really intense today is AJ’s last day at VaynerMedia. I was at a business meeting at a
breakfast spot this morning with a client, I looked over and AJ
was there was Yudkin and Nate and Tyler and everybody was
celebrating AJ’s, Tyler get in here real quick.
This is perfect timing. Why wasn’t I invited to AJ’s
celebration breakfast this morning?
– ‘Cause you were busy. – Okay great, get out of here. What’s really interesting
about that there wasn’t even consideration, Tyler,
AJ’s former assistant my current team mate
with India assistant. There wasn’t even consideration. Think about this: this is my
cofounder little brother’s last day at Vayner
they have a symbol. This wasn’t a one week trip. This was a simple 90 minute
sendoff breakfast and we didn’t even consider for me
to be a part of it. Yeah. It’s funny, we don’t celebrate
it’s a celebration by the way. It’s not like a sad thing. Now I’ll be with AJ tonight
which is great, second day of the draft but even when we
sold a piece of the business we forced ourselves a year later we
went to Atlantis in the Bahamas. We thought we were really
going to celebrate but we just became degenerates and
gambled for 39 straight hours only barely even talked about it. I’m just not good at celebrating
Calvin and by the way I’m not so sold that’s a good idea. As a matter of fact, I guarantee
that you’ll see a blog post from me whether it’s on Medium or
whatever it is of the day six years from now of
finding celebration. That’s what it’s
going to be called. Finding celebration and it will
talk about me not being happy that I was so extreme
to the non-celebrating aspects of business. I think you should celebrate
the good things in life. I think it is a miss on the
way that I navigate the world. It still doesn’t come natural to
me it still doesn’t, even though I know this, I’m trying to sell
myself right now but I still can’t get there and I’m
always following this over this. This says celebrate. This, that’s heart and gut, this
is still not saying celebrate. And so I can’t celebrate. And honestly if this never says
celebrate and I take last breath and I think about it for a
second I won’t regret it because I always listen to this. But this understands that
it’s not necessarily the best move. And I think it would’ve been
really nice if we had a nice dinner and talked war stories,
“Oh remember that time the “person canceled the
order at the end. “Ah ha-ha-ah!” – Where is it?
You need to reset?


listening and going through people’s twitter feed. Finding stuff they’re interested in, responding to that. – [Gary] Yes. – You’ve now evolved to a book called #AskGaryVee,– – [Gary] Yes. – and it’s very much your show is now focused on you and your world– – [Gary] Not true. It’s all listening. – What’s shift? […]

listening and going
through people’s twitter feed. Finding stuff they’re interested
in, responding to that. – [Gary] Yes. – You’ve now evolved to a
book called #AskGaryVee,– – [Gary] Yes. – and it’s very much your show
is now focused on you and your world–
– [Gary] Not true. It’s all listening. – What’s shift? – [Gary] Nothing shifted.
– Nothing shifted? Think about what you just said. Let’s break it down #AskGaryVee
is completely predicated on me listening to you first. No, it’s true. – That’s not the sense I get. I’ve been
following you for a while. We’ve communicated
with each other. – [Gary] Yes. – We follow each
other on Twitter. – [Gary] Yes, yep. – I felt a shift and the shift was
very much it’s all about you.– – [Gary] Yep, yes. – to a little bit
it’s all about me. – [Gary] Yeah. Well then, I’m doing a poor job. I totally understand
because how could I argue that if that’s what you feel. So maybe my bad job was the
tactic of it being #AskGaryVee instead of ask everybody, right,
may be it’s something like that. I don’t know man I’ve never felt
like I’ve been able to provide more value than
I’m doing right now. May be the positioning. May
be what’s going on with the positioning is throwing it off
but I’ve never been at the scale of engagement so Thank You
Economy I really feel like this is absolutely evolution of it
because instead of me putting out content that I want to put
out its completely predicated on everybody else. Right? I’m answering and
engaging more than I ever have. I’m producing more
about myself than ever and maybe
that’s the shift. Right? I’ve never had DRock following
me around so I have empathy for where you’re going with it. – And by the way, the reason I
ask is a lot of people ask me


“the success of the book launch compared to your last book? “Thanks for all you do.” I don’t know, I mean, there was so many more of you guys than there was with just me and Nate for Jab, Jab, Jab. I don’t know if anything surprised me. I would say that my team starting […]

“the success of the book launch
compared to your last book? “Thanks for all you do.” I don’t know, I mean, there was so many more of you guys than there was with just me and Nate for Jab, Jab, Jab. I don’t know if anything surprised me. I would say that my
team starting with you Andy you guys really, really brought it. You really did. I’m really
proud of the team. And it built momentum. I think
Staphon, Andrew I could see even halfway through like
the whole team came together. Like you guys really worked it. Especially since the first of
January it really was rolling. I think the other thing that surprised me is that I fucked up,
I didn’t have that one organized day 30 days. There was no reason to have the fuck up of not having that one
organized day and that’s on me not on you guys. I like how
you looked at Andy. There’s one day that we should have had that wouldn’t have
allowed all the vulnerabilities that I can think of now. Like there’s literally like 40 more people that I could have write a Medium reivew. There’s probably 100 more influencers. I said this yesterday, we said this Staphon at
the end of DailyVee yesterday as hard as you leave it on the field there’s always the 15 other
things you can think of. There’s things that we
did better on Jab, Jab that we didn’t do on this.
That I’m just like, man. I guess what surprised me, it’s not what surprised me,
two observations are I’m so proud of the team,
I thought they really brought it and I’m used to being
the strongest energy and for the team to match
my energy or get close to it excites me, and then two,
even with all that even when I think I’m the best,
even with all that support, seven, eight of you underneath me I literally right this
minute can think of 25 more things that we left on the table. Crazy. That’s what’s important. I think a lot of people beat themselves up for it. I recognize it because
I want to give a good answer on the show mainly because
I want to give you a proxy which is like look,
you give it your at-bat and that’s what it is. When you see an athlete retire.
A lot of big guys are retiring, Peyton, Kobe, all this. If you
can get into that place where you felt like look, you left a
lot on the table. You don’t think Kobe and Peyton are thinking right now
about that one championship that they had. Kobe’s thinking about that
Game 7 against the Celtics. You don’t think Peyton’s
thinking about that Saints game. They’re thinking about it
every second of the day because that’s what winners do. Winners think about that
but it doesn’t destroy them. It doesn’t become cancer. It’s just something they love to ponder while being equally massively content that they left it on the field. And that’s how I feel about this book. We did a really great job.
I’m really proud of it. There’s 25 things I wish we did. That was deep. I like that one.


“outline/organization process of the #AskGaryVee book? “How did you decide the best order of info?” – Steph Land, Steph Land. What Steph does extremely well is she watches the last two years of my videos I got on the phone with her and said “Look, these are the things that are mattering to me.” If […]

“outline/organization process
of the #AskGaryVee book? “How did you decide
the best order of info?” – Steph Land, Steph Land.
What Steph does extremely well is she watches the last
two years of my videos I got on the phone with her and said “Look, these are the things
that are mattering to me.” If you remember, you might
have been on this but Stunwin, by the way,
big shout out to Stunwin I texted him last night
before I even texted you guys big shout out to Stunwin
who was a big part of this book obviously, India killed him
and he is no longer around. We miss him, let him rest in peace. We love him very much.
He’s actually on floor 12. Actually Staphon, when you get a chance, I’m not even kidding,
go down and capture him real quick just so we can edit
him in for a quick second. Literally just roll up on him
when he’s not paying attention get it and leave. (sad piano music) He was a big factor. I think we all, if you remember
there was a two hour call I remember I was
somewhere on a client thing when we talked about
what should the chapters be. For some reason, patience didn’t make it. I’m devastated. But you know, we talked about parenting and self-awareness, we got
a lot more into that EQ thing. We got on a two hour call,
me and the team, we all talked about what the themes were about 150 episodes into the show. We got into them and they became chapters and then I had to call
Steph and literally it was like “Okay, Clouds and Dirt”
and then I just talked. I just talked and then it was recorded, she layered on grammar and away we went. – [Voiceover] Daniel asks,
“What is the most humbling


“aspect about the production of this book?” – What was the most difficult aspect of the production of this book? As a matter of fact, this was probably the easiest book I’ve ever written from a production stand point because so much of the content had a framework. One of the things I’m most proud […]

“aspect about the production
of this book?” – What was the most difficult aspect of the production
of this book? As a matter of fact, this was
probably the easiest book I’ve ever written from
a production stand point because so much of
the content had a framework. One of the things I’m most proud of is the responses on social
media and email this morning of people that are stunned how different it is than the actual show. Way too much,
maybe a bad job by me, way too many people assuming
that it was a transcription from the show. We took every question and answer that we did from the show and then added 100 of
them but the ones that came from the show, I reread,
I added sentences, context, updated and so it wasn’t super hard. Steph Land, who I acknowledge in the book, my ghostwriter for the fourth business book in a row is incredible. She knows me. We’re a book married couple. We know how to jam with each other. I did a lot of it during
my summer month in August in the Hamptons. So I was
in a very good place. It was kind of like, get a cup
of coffee in the morning, play with the kids a little bit
and then they’d go to camp and just get in that place,
put on the headphones call Steph and be like, “Alright, Steph, what’s the question? No! What you have to do is” I would start off zen but
it went intense very quickly. It was great. You guys were a big help. We organized. This one
was quite smooth. I mean honestly this
could be the blueprint if this #AskGaryVee,
what a lot of people don’t know is that the #AskGaryVee
show ends today and we’re going to be
transitioning to DailyVee and so with the book launch,
I’m kidding. I’m kidding. I’m kidding, I’m kidding. What’s a lot of fun is if
this show keeps going you know even though I
want to write Perfectly Parented even though I want to write
I Wish Everyone Was an Immigrant even though there’s other
books that I’d like to write I could see an
#AskGaryVee Book Volume 2. I mean this is a
format that could work. Andy, the response is real.
– [Andy] Yes. – There we go. India. Oh, I should answer it.
The toughest part, I guess the toughest part was
the pressure I felt to make it not a transcription of the
book. And that’s actually why I think the book
came out really strong. I forced myself to go, you
know, I love to talk in tweets and in headlines and powerful punches. I keep my second, third and fourth tier stuff normally
for my businesses. #AskGaryVee, the show, made me
get into my second and third tier stuff and I tried to force myself to get in to some fourth
tier stuff in the book. – [Voiceover] Keith asks,
“Can you talk a little bit about the


or nervous about for the #AskGaryVee book launch? – Nothing. Kyle, it is in the bag at this point we did our work. There’s nothing like preparation. It feels amazing. It’s just the best. Listen I lived through 12 years of lack of preparation. You know scary it is to come to school when your […]

or nervous about for the
#AskGaryVee book launch? – Nothing. Kyle, it is in the bag at this
point we did our work. There’s nothing
like preparation. It feels amazing. It’s just the best. Listen I lived
through 12 years of lack of preparation. You know scary it
is to come to school when your book report is due. And everybody in
your class puts it in. And you didn’t even do it. You didn’t even do it. Like I didn’t even do it. Like do you know how weird it is when you get that
scantron in you’re like what are we
going to do today? B, C, A, D, D, D. I bet you they
went D crazy today. D, D, C. Like I lived 12 years
of lack of preparation because of school. And now I’ve lived. 18, 22 years of full preparation. Eighteen years of full
preparation at all times. And so I’m not nervous. We’ve done what we
were supposed to do and the presales show it. And 18 months of the content that I’ve been putting out is showing it. And we’re at three to four X the book sales of Jab, Jab, Jab
Right Hook at this point so we are cruising. – [India] Terrific. – As a matter of fact I’m turning down all the offers now like
come here to me it’s over. You want me to come. You fucked up, it’s over. Now it’s 80K cash in my pocket. That’s it you don’t
even get the books. I just show up like gotta take
advantage of the arbitrage.


which conditions is advisable I think it’s advisable under several conditions condition number one where you want when he started a blog really it was eighty-nine as an email newsletter yep so do the math a long time ago then I met Joey dough and switch to TypePad you know what some blogging before that […]

which conditions is advisable I think
it’s advisable under several conditions condition number one where you want when
he started a blog really it was eighty-nine as an email newsletter yep
so do the math a long time ago then I met Joey dough
and switch to TypePad you know what some blogging before that but I can’t find a
where it is and then after I met you ito I’ve been doing it as relentless as I
could there was a period was five bucks a day and then I realized it wasn’t
helping me where the reader so now it’s been one today for a really long time so
the if you want to develop to get to the deputy the best at something you gonna
have to say no to a lot of things you know it’s super important super
important and so on Twitter came along I thought I could be pretty good at this
cause I’m early but I would have to use my blogging time to be pretty good at
this so better well I spend 10 hours a day thinking
about the next blog post a bunch but you don’t see most of them when he just like
kill him know stick around you might like when you’re spending 10 hours a day
in four weeks we spent hours in a ship and recall that’s why I think every
image double block even if you don’t put your name everyday write something that you
willing to put in the world so that a week from now on a month no new year
from now you can look back at it I said this I predicted his little as a
youngster you like writing and I like talking
about ideas I like helping change happen there was a time in the middle of the 18
books when the thought of sitting down and going to the practice of writing a
book really engaged me but I’d rather look someone in the eye and talk to them
then what about public speaking we’ve got to do a couple of months I hate
flying there love being a major on and then you’re off their rules can’t bring on you know chimpanzee
marching band you can you let you slide rules go beyond that can throw things
into the audience and stuff but that’s too many variables so back to India’s
question yes let me go see president in his book The War of our talks about the
resistance in Lebanon yeah I do ya like how many books do you read well I get
two or three a day in the mail and I read them until I get the joke and then
I stopped at 2000 she says but sometimes you don’t need to be there may be asked
for it gives you don’t mention that sounds a little pre ordered that book
will probably take me more than 15 minutes to get the joke it’s just rich
and layered in a lifetime ago insight you don’t say yeah but there are
other books like if the other did a good job in five pages you get the point you
trust that the rest of it is proven and now you can go on to the next thing I’m
not going to last for you fictionwise there was a book of whiskey
Tango Foxtrot hysterical brilliant funny science fiction and it’s about you
you’re in it you don’t like the devil character yeah he’s a handsome yes yeah but the best thing to say but that’s all
i care parts of that I’m in any way and then there there’s a really great book
about novel about Marcel Duchamp’s work called the bride was stripped bare by
her bachelor’s even yeah that’s really juicy book is fired up to go and then
but non-fiction wise I’m just constantly amazed at how generous authors artists
authors no you can’t make a living writing books but they do it anyway question I’m real money out of town on
Sunday as it shot shot at the way to the punch line is this piece than 20 years opposite course did you say you can be a
meaningful specifically said when your have ever walked out of the show yes cause I could go second I have
something important to adhere go ahead I just you know what I’m just glad he was
my friend generality and the problem with most social media is your not the
customer you were the product it was optimized to make you anxious and to use
it to get with optimized to extract from you nervous energy not productive output
so most people fall into it are checking one less time checking this posting that
liking this why to keep them from doing important work which I was watching
television but here’s where we disagree a little bit I mean like like they’ll
stick here for a second India who thought that all of a sudden MySpace and
Friendster Facebook and Twitter came along and took us away from all this
mass important or so let’s start with Clay Shirky Clay Shirky pointed out up that Wikipedia got built a decrease
in television viewing billion hours invested in building Wikipedia came from
GV it could have come from reading know he can show that it is great book came
from TV you put it shipping everybody’s who talked about this with me but you
can’t deny this scholars work without examining it is a wait yeah i know i
think thats fair and I think you’re right about that I do believe an
enormous amount of internet behavior at the at the television so what my point
is television’s dying because we’re giving people more choices channels are breaking down its rhetoric
masses going away what do we want people to do with the time they’re not spending
watching Happy Days just watching TV which is stunning to me but my argument
is that people who are watching you and I talk by Bryce and John at then end the
cycle already knows I’m about to say they have the ability to make a dent in
the univers hundred-percent we gave them a platform they can use to 200% and they
think that they’re advancing their cause by using various social media networks
the way that they are optimized to be used in my argument is there not that
I’m super glad that the musicians of the sixties that went way out on an edge
worried seduced by just sitting there listening to people’s records all day
they decided to make pitches before they decided to make so train coming or
whatever it is they went outside thing to say this is my work and the problem I
have with the people who are just saying me too plus plus they think they’re
doing their job they’re not doing their job they’re hiding from their job their
job is to create a body of work that are into trust you know that that’s
interesting but let’s let’s let’s go a little bit deeper sort of like this don’t you believe when
you’re saying plus + and this other thing don’t you believe that that is
exactly mapping the people that didn’t just like not everybody is going to make
great bodies of work a true ok go ahead you think they’re born that way know the people everyone who makes great
work was born naked unable to read and proven in their diapers right somewhere
along the way you make a decision you make an investment you go forward and if
we look we see that it used to be that John Hammond would pick you and you
would become a famous recording artists yes I saw the pictures are gone and so
now the building number of people who are picking themselves going up what im
saying my only point in this case is this if you find it at the end of the
day you could say I did a really good job and my social media universe is
clean and taking care of and that’s all you have to point to today I don’t think
that’s a good day and what i’m saying is that we pimps Magee who has that 2.2 in
1974 had that same thing to point him better she had the chance to do better
so what you’re saying is that everybody can go to Yankee Stadium today hit the
bat on people and take a swing which is different than giving up just yet just
let it can’t ever heard that from a political numbers are different the
intellectual endeavors for sure so when you’re saying is everybody has the same
capacity to learn you know what i’m saying is what we define as athletic
endeavors he is one axis but I could say for example if your caregiver for senior
citizens are struggling with alzheimers yes you were capable of looking at
person in the odds with empathy and infection in a way that changes that
tell me how you develop empathy tell me well you change the topic with you
because you just said I can teach me how to be a caregiver that’s gonna any
conduct we meet on los Mande and the and the you can teach the teacher I can
teach Andy yes to do I can’t ever teach him to hit a home run ok I can teach introduced something with
his voice as hard as you can teach them at home running at the same but you can
teach him to be the best version of a baseball player that he can be in the
same way that you can well that’s a whole different conversation that’s
coming up trying to have no not true not true because what’s what’s most
interesting to me is there is no economic situation that Sally pence
McGee could be focusing more time on something else besides liking buttons on
that ok do you agree with me that silly pants McGee would probably likely in
1984 to be sitting and watching well that’s what I’m say right now I’m saying
nothing changed the places that people are deploying their energy my family
liking something Instagram Facebook is a way to hide from
the productive thing she could be exposing yourself to productive thing is
scary you think you think she’s she’s gotten
to a place where that makes her feel better and that we’ve tricked people and
people drink themselves to be a part of something versus when they sat on the
couch know when they sat on the couch the entire culture was in on it and it’s
similar what i’m saying is we didn’t build the internet so that YouTube
videos we built the internet isn’t on capitol videos escapism for somebody just like a
reading a good book escapism for you seriously I’m asking I know people
around the world have something they really need to escape from the people
who are watching this much less fine I would argue and agree with you that
people have much bigger headaches then but the reality is that somebody’s
watching this has their micro version of what they think they’re skipping from I
sit here everyday and yell and say look if you’re white male in america Jesus
Christ you want about winning the lottery you want so I’m with you on that what what I’m fascinated entertaining
there’s nothing wrong people think cats just just acknowledge
you’re entertaining yourself you’re not doing your job that’s the only thing I’m
trying to put the question to India was what I’m doing my from India was when
I’m doing my job why are they using the other forms of
social media the answer is a quote you find what you want job but Neil Gaiman
has said is the way he deals with writers block has written a book in need
to do is he makes himself super bored he eliminates all input and so into you so
bored the only way to entertain himself is to right are you saying that one of
the big KPI’s for you just think the blog was not getting all that stimulus
in allowing you to create more forcing me to say either I did nothing today or
make something worthwhile that there are days when I will answer nothing but
email and I feel horrible at the end of the day cuz I don’t believe that the
product meets let me tell you what the most interesting part of this last 45
minutes was for me self-awareness for himself and I think
that to me is the most interesting part of what just happened like to me that
speaks to really understand yourself and positioning yourself in the best
position to succeed based on the successful contributors / artist I know
are similar so for me I need chaos like I just walked here I just walked into my
office lol laugh it was so quiet I started yelling at everybody I can’t get
into my place without all the employees are aware this is key it is but if we
look at most of the people who are showing up in my box and you’re about to
say what I do know what I do they’re copying pattern yes social media without
being aware of the tribes well I’m the question without being aware that
those patterns are sabotaging their mother pushing for you when a winner
when is it right when it arrived in that first try nothing see what happened if
you were forced to eat level up not by getting in but to level up by standing
out by saying something important 25 just sitting at home thinking it’s one of the funniest things about how I
go about things is I don’t want to read anybody else’s things I don’t consume
anything else because it puts me in that it’s really not even like I’m crazy that
way but I don’t want to consume anything cuz I just like observing people in
whatever format the real world digital world to be able to just do my thing cuz
that’s what makes me comfortable in analyzing it so it’s a little bit of
like it’s interesting so the way to the way we built the author MBA which is
cool I guess is it’s 28 days and there’s an enormous amount to do yes with your
name on it in public and commenting substantially with your name on it on
other people’s work like a repeat cycle repeats 1314 assignments before we do
some people struggled with that system everyone does that’s what it’s for you
if you if I sent you to Ranger School you’re going to struggle if I send you
to tightrope circus school you’re going to struggle that learning is hard that’s
why the dropout rate on online courses at 98% yes and the reason is because as
soon as it gets hard and it has to have you learned something you quit when
people are mad at watching my content because I talk about hard work and they
don’t want to hear that they want to see what the secret Asst you know what’s funny about that India
thank you brother because that’s what it is referring to I need to be accountable
to somebody I think about what triggered that game I needed to be accountable
somebody else besides myself India last one John asked what does
something we both disagree on i mean i


you change it well i think im gonna be able to do that for you to all I am debating between perfectly parented and crushed it as my next book and so what I would do is i wud updated I would call it a cold crushed it already know crush that interview a hundred […]

you change it well i think im gonna be able to do that
for you to all I am debating between perfectly parented and crushed it as my
next book and so what I would do is i wud updated I would call it a cold
crushed it already know crush that interview a hundred of you
are probably let him do it might even give you the first time with help from
India however because I don’t know it’s just a lot of time so I’m gonna have
somebody help me interview a hundred people that Red
Cross change your lives in a commentary on top of it was a figure out a way to
do a private stream with those hundred people and talk to them and what have
you and then I’ll write back up that book will be ok that’s why I talked
about an 09 YouTube Twitter Facebook here’s 2017 right musically snapchat
Instagram anchor peach you know after school what have you but there’s so many
ways to continue and really I think ask everybody has a lot of i think i mean
one of the first reviews I saw people are stepping out that a scary be used in
a weird way disguised crushed it there’s a lot of information for people who are
watching the show and in the world to elevate their business or personal brand
from a $30,000 thing to a $300,000 thing that they actually pay attention to the
religion and the tactics of this book but i wanna go even deeper every
hardcore personal brand if you want to be america’s gardener if you want to
make money singing if you are this that and the other thing this is what you
have to do tactically and religiously that will be crushed it so what would I
do it updated I wrote the book in 2009 10 28 it would be almost nine years
that’s a lot of time a lot of things have changed people still fresh pressure is still the
best selling book and shorts motivational and so that’s why it’s
timeless but a lot of advice can be updated this point so I’m excited about
writing crushed it some nice I’m gonna really could this be
the new golden era another golden era could be right he’s a really very like
mature masculine


the Philippines look man you know you’ve had so many great book launches before you got another one coming up on sure it’s going to be a massive success I’m curious to know from one to another what actually happens post launch do you carry on with your marketing team pushing the book out there […]

the Philippines look man you know you’ve
had so many great book launches before you got another one coming up on sure
it’s going to be a massive success I’m curious to know from one to another what
actually happens post launch do you carry on with your marketing team
pushing the book out there or do you just let the internet the readers social
and Amazon reviews takeover to continue the marketing thanks for the insight
brother question christiane really enjoyed our
time was spent in san Diego’s really good guy I’m excited to this podcast
Chris for me I usually wait to the new york times comes out and see where it
lands would crush it became while far went on thank you economy I really must check it
out I stopped it was really just became CEO of intermediate jab jab I continue
through for a little bit and with with a scary be I’m doing heavy promotion now
I’ll do it in March I’ll do it in April is a little bit in May events different
things like I’m funny feeling Oscar review the book is going to be huge and
I’ll tell you why multiple people now who have the galley copy who are reading
it who are either so not ship they would
tell me that something was good and/or have no interest in giving a crap about
me or number three don’t even know who I am are giving such intense good feedback
and it makes it cause it’s it’s the collection of my best work the show we
did it by the way just to stay clear it up it is 1000% not a transcribe from the
show like I really answered all the questions in
new form there was a baseline but I didn’t let I don’t let any word for word
be the answer I added to it I changed my mind I change my mind between the book
and the audiobook the one of the things that I feel bad about his people gonna
fundamental give a crap about both are different and I actually don’t even know
if I get different answers I’m dying to see the first person actually sits and
sees what descriptions of somebody who really hardcore on opening day please
read the book in parallel to the audio book and see call me out of the two or
three were discrepancy will use a scary be about 200 to clear up all
clarifications between the book and audio books so so Christine’s requestion
to take over because I actually think I’ll probably be you know foot off the
pedal in in May three months you know marches intense April is suddenly
intense do some stuff in May the only thing I can see happening though as I do
think there might be some fire a lot of your body you know what the Super eight
coming up on the 23rd time next week said a week from today from a week from
today I’ll be here for eight hours with the big contests in all that I’ve been
feeling a lot of your gonna buy e-books which means your gonna give seven books
away or six or sell them on ebay do your thing but i think thats gonna create new
people to read the book I think it’s fire there start watching the show I see
what I feel more word of mouth potential this book than anything else and if it’s
on fire fire all ride that way because I think if the ride waves and so be very
exhausted if that’s true kinda lot of work to do besides the book some
reactionary chris is the punchline like everything else I do I was a little
insight problem that’s always the answer I’m always tasting and day trading and
adjusting and prepared for anything at all times always period like an actual tool 402 till as they
carry rewriting crashed today what would

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