– Hey Gary – Father and son. We have a YouTube channel where we teach people how to make signs like this. Got over 300 videos. We post 6 videos a week. The name may sound familiar because I got ten signed books from you on the super eight. About 25 minutes in. You pulled […]
– Hey Gary
– Father and son. We have a YouTube channel where we teach people how to
make signs like this. Got over 300 videos. We post 6 videos a week. The name may sound familiar because I got ten signed books from
you on the super eight. About 25 minutes in. You pulled my name and almost
threw it back in the bin but thank you for not. I appreciate that. Thank you for all you do. Our question to you is, We’re all over facebook,
we post to facebook six times a week, and I’m using facebook darkpost so we’re getting really
good reaction there. But we want to grow our brand,
we want to grow our name, grow our audience, what
platform do you think is best to go to next? Our demographic is
somewhere between 45 to 65 years old and woodworkers, obviously people that are interested in woodworking. So you can tell me, tell
us, the next platform that we should go into. That’s really what we’re looking for. Appreciate your time, Gary. Thanks for all the great
stuff, love you man. We’ll see you later.
– Bye Gary. – Bye. – Bye Gary, that was so awesome. That was awesome. What are their names again? – [India] Dave and Eric. – Look, I think when I was looking, India saw me, I was looking
at your YouTube data. Kind of making some assumptions
on your facebook data. I think that everybody, this is great, this is a great question
because I can answer for so many of you. Everybody is looking for the next thing before they’ve really won the last thing. I think there’s a lot of
work to be done, guys. On your, let me give you
a huge piece of advice. I would make those signs. You should, here’s what
I’d like you to do. I’m going to give some real
tangible advice right now. – There’s their channel. – There’s their channel, so
Dave what I’d like you to do is I’d like you to make
these amazing signs for 50 to 100 influencers on YouTube. I want you to make these amazing signs for 50 to 100 of these other
YouTube influences. Look at what you did here, and you just got exposure on a bigger YouTube channel
by asking this question. You’re hacking. I would actually rather you cut down from six episodes a week to three. And take all that energy and time and e-mail out, search here for whatever, the genre you think your world is, and reach out to all these other hundreds of thousands of YouTube providers that are producing great content that might be in your demo. And don’t go from Michell Phan,
with a billion people, go to people that have
100,000 subscribers, 200,000 subscribers, they
haven’t made it big yet, and reach out and say, “Look I’d love to make a sign for your “around your logo for your YouTube show.” They’d be pumped because
this looks incred– I mean these guys are
clearly good at what they do. And so what you need
to do is more collabo. The real thing that people
are missing is collabo. Like, there’s a lot, if I was on DJ Khaled’s
Snapchat right now, I’d be like, big shout
out to my boy Gary Vee. That’s another channel, I would grow 100,000, 200,000 followers in a heartbeat. Ads are great and you
should definitely do them but collabo, collaborations for all of you at home are
very very very important. And I think you are actually making stuff, so you can bring something, a real hand craft work. A bunch of people are going to forget you guys, I don’t care cowboy. But one out of every 50
people that you e-mail is going to say “That’s
cool, I want that.” Then they’re going to give you a shoutout to their 200,000 person, again, cowboy show, sign show, or just kids, it could be anything. And that is going to
get you much better ROI. I would cut down the
shows from six to three, this is actually tremendous advice for so many people. Cut down on the content creation and start working on distribution. Distribution my friends,
collabo and distro. That didn’t work. But collaborations and distribution. You need more awareness. What you did by getting on the show, by grabbing India’s heart was an absolute victory for you. Because there are
absolutely 50, 500 people who are watching right now that are going to subscribe to your channel. Follow you, buy a sign,
or whatever your KPI is. You need more distribution and awareness not more content, not the next platform. Facebook and Youtube is
exactly right for you guys. You just need to change your behavior to respect collaborations. Which are a gateway drug to distribution. You need more awareness within that ecosystem, that’s
what you need to be doing.
videos for companies how specifically would you find buyers today given that it’s not something that the majority of companies are jumping on just yet thank you I would do exactly what you’re doing BBQ hustled away into the a scary show this was just shown a lot of people are gonna now know about […]
videos for companies how specifically
would you find buyers today given that it’s not something that the majority of
companies are jumping on just yet thank you I would do exactly what you’re
doing BBQ hustled away into the a scary show this was just shown a lot of people
are gonna now know about you let’s throw up bobby’s Instagram handled we can figure
that out can we right here I just give you six or seven leads I would highly
recommend that you do it for a very low price for the Boehner my nation because
one of things that people do when they’re selling something that’s the
future is the overpriced their service unique case studies you need it out in
the wild and so instead of whatever you’re charging for them if you cut that
by three-fourths give them a nation a good deal on it there in a post on their
Instagram that’s going to lead to awareness on you and so couple things
one growth hacking exactly what you did hear the other
thing is you I would go to a lot of the accounts that you’re seeing on Instagram
that have a lot of followers I would search hashtags I would use Explorer go
to their account details when applying never seen this but let’s get real
practitioner today I’m going into you know Instagram
I would go into Explorer crashed so I’m in my explorer have a look at the different counts as a
golf picture looks nice Scottish golf podcast right 5,000 followers Scottish
golf podcast I would say cool I can do animations round golf and so I would
look now they put their snapshot account they don’t put your Gmail most people do
put in Gmail and that would have led me to emailing them and say hey I just got
a scarf podcast Instagram account here is my enemy added things I’d like to get
some exposure I normally charge 300 bucks for it because you’re one of the
first people going to you for 30 bucks or may be free and you posted on your
account now because there’s no evil hear the only URL is their podcasts on
hitting yes here now going to their dot com and my hope is here I will find the
email so I can contact them going all the way to the bottom tends to be not
see it now I see their Twitter something click the tweener and now among here so
it probably reply to them on there and say hey I’m just doing that cuz its
funny but that’s what I would do I would grind for people don’t remember what I
don’t talk enough about with my library to me is that nobody watched the god
damn show and so what I just did on social media I used to do on the
Internet to search the word wine and go 40 50 60 pages deep in Google results you know 400 500 600 results keep click
every link find a blog find their email and email them and ask them if they
wanted to biz dev if they want to interview if they wanted my content if I
could bring them value to give me exposure these are sites that nobody was
thirty people forty people sixty people and I hustled and bustled hustled and so that’s when you can do
you can do what you just did with me you can go through a rabbit hole and stream
that I wish I had when I started while every TV and you put in the work to
business the one by one by one from the Scottish golf podcast to the India Art
producing Instagram to whatever you do and so that’s what I highly recommend
it’s the grind on the biz dad hustle that matters change how would you deal with a
co-founder who isn’t as ambitious as you
Hey Gary, great show. Totally obsessed. My favorite thing now, ahead of Game of Thrones. Anyway, here’s a question for you. If you had a business or a blog or a personal brand or a book, how would you get more people to know about you and to buy that? How would you get results? […]
Hey Gary, great show. Totally obsessed. My favorite thing now,
ahead of Game of Thrones. Anyway, here’s a question for you. If you had a business or a blog or a personal brand or a book, how would you get more people to know about you and to buy that? How would you get results? I guess at the end of the
day, Gary, I’m asking you how would you get results? Thanks, love the show. Gary, great question. Looking great, by the way. (giggles) Ya know, one of the things I haven’t talked about on the show a lot, I’ve talked about it a little bit, and I saw people get value from it in that local, small
business biz to dev thing is the gross underestimation
of distribution in a JV, joint venture environment. There are so many of you on this show with businesses that
have locked so heavily into social media, ’cause
that’s how you view me, as the way to get distribution, you have left some of the
greatest opportunities on the table including if you are not hitting up the
top 100 blogs in your space, if you’re selling cupcakes, and you literally aren’t
spending the time to figure out what the top 100 cupcake content
sites are on the internet, and then sending an e-mail and saying, “Hey, I’m India from India’s Cupcake Shop. “I love reading your site, Cupcake Daily,” This is me, typing the e-mail. “I love reading your site, Cupcake Daily. “I’m very passionate. “Here’s my site. “Here’s my Instagram. “I would love to write for you once a week “on new sprinkles concepts or
on decorations that matter. “I will give you my labor for free, “and what you’ll give me is
distribution and awareness.” If you don’t realize that, ya know, it’s like Kendrick Lamar. Did anybody pay attention
to what Kendrick Lamar did? If you don’t know who Kendrick Lamar is, he’s a rapper, an artist, and he went on to a lot of other albums as he was starting to get a little fame. He leveraged that to get on, and he came in trying to kill it on, like he basically went on everybody’s track and he tried to be so much better than the persons whose song it was that everybody was listening be like, “Oh shit, that guy’s dope. “Like, I’m gonna check him out.” That’s what India, the cupcake lady, wants to do on Cupcake Daily. Oh, crap, that was such a good thought. Let me follow that. And so, in the earliest
earliest earliest days of me building my brand,
I went on wine blogs and wrote blog posts to contribute, and because I had the chops, ya know, Kendrick spits incredible lyrics, India writes about incredible toppings, and I talked about
incredible things about wine that people hadn’t thought about, that gave me the ammo for my
work to have a positive ROI. The truth is a lot of you
don’t wanna put in the work because the output of your content in video form, in audio
form, in written form, isn’t good enough. You just aren’t good enough. What you’re selling, they’re not buying, and the quickest way to find out is to actually go on a road show, put in the 40 hours a day
to get yourself into places where you, why can’t you
e-mail all 500 people on YouTube that have
some level of audience and ask them to be
interviewed on their show? Or to be part of it? Why can’t you? Why can’t you ask? Why can’t you ask? Why can’t you ask? That, my friend Gary,
is what you need to do. If you’ve got something to sell, you need to go and knock on doors, right? Ya know, you gotta know how to build ’em and walk through them. You gotta knock on doors,
and you’ve gotta ask like, “Can I guest contribute to your world? “Can I write a blog post? “Can I just show up and like?” How do I bring value to what you need because all these people that have homes that have audiences, they need more content to feed them. Content costs money, so people
coming in and contributing, it’s the ultimate kind of leverage deal. You come and you write for
me for free ’cause I need it, ’cause I need to keep feeding
the kids I have in the room, and you need kids for
what you’re gonna do, and that is something that 99.999999999 of you are absolutely not doing enough of. Putting in the work to get in front of
audiences to be discovered. Putting out a picture on
Instagram and holding your breath and hoping somebody’s gonna see it ’cause you used a (censored)
hashtag isn’t enough. Go out and take it, and
that, my friend Gary, is what you should do if you
want something to happen. Two minutes.
“If you owned a CrossFit gym, “how would you attack the marketplace?” – Jessica, I would attack it in a lot of ways. I think CrossFit is amazingly ripe for content. People hustling. People wearing skimpy clothes. People in shape. People competing. Just a ton of Instagram, a ton of Pinterest, a ton of Facebook, […]
“If you owned a CrossFit gym, “how would you attack the marketplace?” – Jessica, I would attack
it in a lot of ways. I think CrossFit is amazingly ripe for content. People hustling. People wearing skimpy clothes. People in shape. People competing. Just a ton of Instagram,
a ton of Pinterest, a ton of Facebook, a ton of YouTube. Just content, content, content, but, I would have a very
strategic approach, locally. If you actually run a gym, I would care immensely
around the 15 mile radius and so I would also test direct mail, I would test JV’ing with the other, one of my favorite moves
for a local business is, I can’t believe so many local
businesses don’t do this, why not go to every other
local business and say, Hey, India, I’m going to use India
a lot in this episode, Hey India, you have a
beautiful flower shop, here. But you don’t have a lot of customers and neither do I in my CrossFit gym. We need to help each other, right? Like, we need more. You need more people for this. What can we do, right? Maybe I could put your flowers in my gym and I’ll put a sign there. And can you do something for me? And that talk, that biz-dev with local, you know, hey, Staphon, right, like, I’m just
getting into it, now, I’m really now into it, let’s get this light out of the way. Hey, Staphon, I really
like your sneaker store. By the way, I’m going
to buy these sneakers. Some Nikes. You know, but, by the way, you
know, there’s not that many people that come here
Monday through Friday so wouldn’t you, maybe you could put a sneaker display in my
gym and maybe I could have something here. You cool for that? – I’m cool with that.
– He’s cool with that. So, my friends, localized biz-dev. Every small business needs more people. It’s the hustle, it’s the grind. You’re competing against the
thing called the internet and it’s going to win. But it’s going to take 20, 30, 40 years but every day it chips
away at your pocket. Every day, the internet comes and it takes another bill, every day the internet
comes and it just grabs, it just grabs, it just takes your money, and so you need to fight
with your other teammates that have the same problem you have. So, sure all the stuff that I’ve talked about in 102 episodes, watch them all, there’s plenty
of stuff in there to do. But good, old-fashioned knocking on doors and biz-deving with India the flower shop and the Stefan the sneaker
shop is very, very important and I’m blown away, every time
I go into a local business, that they have all this
square footage that they’re not using efficiently ’cause
they don’t have the money for inventory for unlimited sneakers so they’ve just got room, they’ve got room and in that room maybe I could
put a bench with a weight and everyone’s like,
“What the hell is that?” but there’s a sign there
that says Gary’s CrossFit, you know, grab this
coupon, one month free. Biz-dev, locally, I’m
obsessed with it but it takes the guts to go knock on the door and a lot of people just don’t have those guts.
and I’m doing a 59-week, 59 National Park road-trip to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service. I’m quitting my job, and I was wondering how I can use social media to get sponsorships. Thank you. – Darius, you’re using social media to get sponsorship right now, right? Your actions are leading you […]
and I’m doing a 59-week,
59 National Park road-trip to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service. I’m quitting my job, and I was wondering how I can use social
media to get sponsorships. Thank you. – Darius, you’re using social media to get sponsorship right now, right? Your actions are leading
you to what you want. You hacked your way into the show, and now you’re on the show, and now you’ve got a bunch of exposure, all the people watching and listening. I thought that was really clever. I’m sure five to seven of the viewers also agree that it’s clever. One of those five to seven may
have a business proposition. But I think the number-one
way for you to sponsorship is to search terms on Twitter
around national parks, and see which businesses
are already engaging by putting out content, or
engaging with content around it. And then replying to
them, in a conversation, not throw the right-hook
right away, buy saying, “Hey, here’s a picture
I put on Instagram.” I think content, Instagram, Meerkat. You know, I think these things matter. So, I think it’s a heavy-level of content, putting it out there and creating
some level of serendipity. I think it’s hacking, and
hustling, and biz-devving, which you clearly know how
to do ’cause you’re now on this show and getting that exposure. I think you reach out to every other blog that covers national parks. The top-50 big ones, and just
pound them into submission there and find with right-hooks. In an email form, or
hitting them up on social. And then in the cocktail
party that is Twitter, engaging with companies that have money to spend on sponsorship
that already talking about counter-punching. Already, that’s Floyd’s
shoulder thing he does. Counter-punching and engaging with content in Twitter as it’s going on now. So, that’s what I would do.
“join a local Chamber of Commerce “in order to build a brand in the community they live in? “I’ve never had much ROI on networking groups.” – You know, Darth Bill, the answer is probably, but maybe it’s not the group’s problem, maybe it’s your problem. Maybe you’re not good at networking, right? And so, […]
“join a local Chamber of Commerce “in order to build a brand in
the community they live in? “I’ve never had much ROI
on networking groups.” – You know, Darth Bill,
the answer is probably, but maybe it’s not the group’s problem, maybe it’s your problem. Maybe you’re not good
at networking, right? And so, you know, I think you need to look
yourself in the mirror, Darth. And I’m gonna continue with the pause, cuz I don’t wanna leave it
that negative, cuz I like Bill. Even though I’m in a little
bit of a focused mood, there’s no reason to be zingy. You know, I think you need
to really know yourself. One of the biggest reasons I do go to a lot of networking things, and I don’t go to Chamber of Commerce, though I did, we were part of one. Brandon loved it. I (mumbles) freaking loved the concept of the Chamber of Commerce. I mean, you know, I think that you really need to know yourself, and if you don’t find yourself as someone who is strong at networking, or has that gear to go up
to people and say hello, and you don’t have that bullcrap gear, where you’re just going up to everybody and handing your business card, you know, then maybe it’s not for you. I mean, we really need
to bet on strengths. You know that’s a big thesis of mine. And so I would look at yourself first. If you’re not good in that environment, then maybe you shouldn’t
be putting yourself in that position. – [Voiceover] Heromoviepodcast asks,
and I’ve got one question for you What is your advice for musicians looking to establish themselves on Instagram? I know you’ve talked about it on Twitter before but I love hear your thoughts on this specific platform Thanks, my man, keep up the great work. I like this young hustler, there’s something about him. […]
and I’ve got one question for you What is your advice for musicians looking to establish themselves on Instagram? I know you’ve talked
about it on Twitter before but I love hear your thoughts
on this specific platform Thanks, my man, keep up the great work. I like this young hustler,
there’s something about him. I’ve seen this video before
I’ve seen him interact a little bit there’s something about this kid. I’m just saying it now on the record so I can be writer with
another prediction, Staphon 17 years from today this kid is gonna have some juice. You know, I don’t know
up in the music world but like I just can feel it. Anyway take that and run with
it kid. It’s good momentum. You know, I think it’s
15 second videos, right? Like you just did, I’m
pumped that you made a video and the answer is predicated
on the communication format. I think for Musicians to
over index on Instagram it’s gonna have to be around the music I think the 15 second video format works I think using the right hash tags is the way to be discovered I think reaching out the other Instagram influences in the space matters. So, hitting people up finding, you know, a ton
of Instagram people are putting their e-mails in there. Now a lot of those people are getting compensated financially and, you know, I’ve no
idea of your finances, but I’m going to be prejudice or assume that on the younger
side it’s not unlimited. But again, back to like this maybe this is the theme of the show. There’s probably a ton
of Instagram hoochies a muscle dudes, who’ve
huge, huge followings. That you can hit up and say look, I’ll make you 15 second theme song or something for your world if you can give a little
love to me in return. If I were you and man, am I pissed that the internet wasn’t around when I was 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19. I mean it was around but, normal people not straight up nerds The internet itself, is
basically 20-years-old. And I know there is some
nerd in the background like, “Oh, actually 1959.” I know (bleep) but I mean
when normal people went on. I really, really think that I think that I would spent
just 17, 18 hours a day hitting up people via
e-mail on Instagram accounts going to explore, finding some people that are popular hitting their accounts seeing that they have
over 100,000 followers and just pounding them
with e-mails saying hey I make music, I’ll make some music for you I’m looking for exposure,
but just we very up front don’t try to trick them
like if we’ll make a song and something interesting can happen. How many beverages does a man need? – You asked me to get coffee. – Oh okay, Mike got me coffee too. Double fisted, what? And so, you know that’s
the route I would go You need as much exposure as possible You’re in an Instagram community
get into the trenches. A lot of those people
who look for money they won’t say yes, but I’m telling you you’ll get four yes’s
for every 800 e-mails and for lot of people listening that’s a lot of time for four yes’s but, the truth is what’s
the alternative, losing? – [Voiceover] Jaime asks,
“I have an Instagram niche account
– [Voiceover] Comstock Brewing asks, “Gary, if you were going to crush it by starting a brewery, what would you do?” – Comstock, great question. You know, obviously I’ve thought a lot about this, because I always do think about producing products and selling them. I come from a retail background, and a lot of […]
– [Voiceover]
Comstock Brewing asks, “Gary, if you were going to
crush it by starting a brewery, what would you do?” – Comstock, great question. You know, obviously I’ve
thought a lot about this, because I always do think
about producing products and selling them. I come from a retail background,
and a lot of our clients are CPGs, consumer packaged good products that sell to consumers, and I always say, what if I had one, and obviously beer, coming from the world I grew up in. As a matter-of-fact, when I first
got into my dad’s business, that was the real first boom of microbrews back in like, 1995, 6, 7, 8. It was a huge boom back then, and I’ve thought a lot about that. Look, I mean, I think the
thing that’s going on is, a couple different things. First of all, I’d win locally. I think microbrews really
need to focus locally, so I would probably go
to every local business within a five-mile radius by hand, and shake hands and kiss
babies to create relationships, so that they use–
you know, like, there’s an insurance company
that has 147 employees down the street in Cincinnati, and you go there, and you become friends, and they use your beer
for their events, right? So I think localization really matters. Next thing I would really focus on would be probably Instagram. I would go all-in on creating
a very serious profile in Instragram, and then using
Facebook dark post ads to drive links from the
Facebook ad to your Instagram to get people following
there because I think the 21- to 30-year-old demo
is living and breathing in that platform, and I
think it matters for you to win in that platform. Number three, I would really focus on getting two to three
states to carry my beer, and then build very strong
relationship with the sales team of that small distributor, because you’re a small microbrew, you’re probably going to be
with a small distributor. You don’t want to get lost in a big one. What I mean by that is the
people that represent Budweiser and Sam Adams, and things of that nature, your little 500 cases a
year gets lost somewhere in the back of the warehouse, nobody cares, so you want
to go somewhere small, where you’re a bigger
fish in that smaller pond. I think you pick two or
three strategic markets and then I would run
Facebook dark post ads and Twitter local ads in that market to build up some hype,
so now all of a sudden, they’re like, oh, your stuff sells, so those are some of
the tactics I would do. – [Voiceover] Dawn asks,
– [Voiceover] Paul asks, “We get like five views on our video, “three of them being from us. “How do very new and small channels “gain a following when people don’t interact?” – Paul, nice ratio on your viewership because from Wine Library TV I had a similar thing and it was my grandma and […]
– [Voiceover] Paul asks, “We get like five views on our video, “three of them being from us. “How do very new and small channels “gain a following when
people don’t interact?” – Paul, nice ratio on your viewership because from Wine Library TV I had a similar thing and it was my grandma and mom, so, I know that world. The reason I was able to build up my channel back in the day and now as well, though I have a bigger base now and you can argue with that, is the quality of the output, right? I mean, at the end of the day, how are you gonna find traction? There’s two ways. One, you can put out great content, that’s what I do. Two, and I don’t know
if that’s what you do, maybe you stink, so we need to talk about that. Two, you need to biz dev. Show this man. Right, so, I’ve done all my biz dev my entire career, but, I’m getting stretched so thin. So, Alex DS is gonna come in and start doing biz dev. So, when I see something from a tweet from one of you, and you want to distribute this content on your page, that used to go to my inbox and it would disappear, or the new WineLibrary.com and there’s wine content there, and I want to get that distributed ’cause you have a food blog, and you’d hit me up on Twitter, that would get passed on. But now, he can capture that and biz dev. So, it’s about biz dev. You now, don’t have
anybody talking about you ’cause you have five views, and all those things. But you need to biz dev in reverse. I’ve been lucky enough to have a 20 year well-executed successful career, so it comes to me, I
deserve it. It’s capitalism. You have not done that yet, but you will, hopefully. I want you to. I want to
look back at this video and be excited that you did. When I didn’t have that, I had to biz dev. When Wine Library was
Shopper’s Discount Liquors and nobody gave a crap, I walked around the neighborhood and knocked on restaurant doors and said, “Can you put these flyers on your counter, “for a 20% off coupon
by the case of wine?” I hustled. You, my friend, need to hustle. Number one, the variable
is your creative. No matter how much you hustle and sell and put out flyers, Steve, and put out flyers. Podcast listeners, that was Steve playing something in the background, I apologize, he just
doesn’t have any manners. I was on a big point too, Steve. No matter how hard I hustle, and put out flyers and made it happen. When people came to Wine Library, if we didn’t have a good selection, if we didn’t get good prices, if we didn’t have good
customer service, we lost. So, the two variables are, can you biz dev, can you make it happen or are you willing to hustle? Do you realize that we can’t be romantic, that, we’re just gonna
put out an awesome show and it’s all gonna work out. Bullshit. What needs to happen is you have to put out an awesome show and hustle your face off 15 hours a day to get people to care. That’s very different
than spamming people. That’s very different
than going on Twitter and be like, “Watch our show, “watch our show, watch our show.” Even in a world where you don’t have a huge audience, you have a way to bring value to somebody. If you can figure out how to do that, and then leverage that value for them to give you what you want which is exposure, you will win. It blows my mind how many people email me every single day saying, “Gary, can you tweet about my show?” In a world where I’m such a hustler and such a biz dev guy, and such a wanter to give
to people on the rise, and none of them ask
what they can do for me, or do something for me. Like, where’s that video,
where’s your video show saying “Hey, we want to do like “five custom GaryVee videos.” In our world, we’ll give ’em to you, you can use them as assets and then maybe you can give us some love. No, because people think about themselves and how do I get views. And what the whole world is predicated on when you’re doing biz dev is, can I give that person
51% of the value of the situation. Because if I do, then they’ll say yes and then I can get 49% of the value, and that’s what I do, day in and day out, and day in and day out. And that’s why I continue to win in a world where people
want 100% of the value. You wanted this question answered ’cause you wanted an answer and you were hoping that you could get on this show
and get the exposure, right, for your channel. You know what?
I’m gonna be a good guy, DRock link it up, there it is. Can’t you do stuff
within the YouTube world? There you go, you got some views. Now, bring some value.
when you feel you have unique content but not tapping into the right audience or not gaining visibility.” – Nikola, this is where you start looking yourself in the mirror and deciding if you have business development chops. This notion that you have the greatest content and it’s not finding it’s audience is romantic at […]
when you feel you have unique content but not tapping into the right audience or not gaining visibility.” – Nikola, this is where you start
looking yourself in the mirror and deciding if you have
business development chops. This notion that you
have the greatest content and it’s not finding
it’s audience is romantic at worst and audacious at best. To me what you need to
look at is are you capable of also building audience for your content or are you just the content provider and do you need a partner
who can help you go out and do that or have
you just lost all sense of reality and you’re
stuff is just average. – [Voiceover] Galen asks, “At
what point do you just get rid