– Hi Gary my name is Gbenjo Abimbola from Nigeria, West Africa. It’s 2:16 AM in the morning here and I’m grinding. I hope this gets in. My question is short and simple to you and Simon. When do you know you have the chops as a young person to start talking? When you have […]
“channel, what do you suggest people do in order to accumulate “more subscribers and views? Anything absolutely necessary “or does it all just come down to patience?” – I wanted to answer this because I thought this would bring a lot of people value. There’s so many of you, that hear patience. And then you […]
– [Voiceover] Craig asked, “What do you think people like “Chance the Rapper releasing a lot of his music for free as a “marketing strategy?” – What do you think Chance the Rapper, people like Chance the Rapper, what do you think about Chance’s music? – I love Chance the Rapper. – I’m obsessed. (mumbled […]
– [Voiceover] Nayeli asks, “What’s the best way to “fundraise for a church that is also a community center with “limited resources?” – All right so let’s break out of our thing and go more holistic. – Yeah. – One more time? What’s the best way for a church– – [India] For a church that […]
– Hey Gary. I’m Matteo from Italy. Amazing country. Super girls, super food but dire strait of gambling addiction. I opened a non-profit that operates in the space and I would like to hear from you on this point. As a marketer, how to involve our members to spread the no gambling cause so to […]
It’s Keri here with SurvivorRadio.org. We’re an online radio station aimed for the cancer community. Our goals are to provide both insight and monetary support for incidentals and cancer patients all around the world. We’re a fairly new nonprofit with limited resources. So how do we grow both our listenership and our funding in 2016? […]
organization in New York that is a nonprofit called Art Connects New York and we work with local curators and artists to do permanent art installations in social service agencies all around New York City. It’s an amazing organization we have partnered with hundreds of artists and dozens of organizations but it’s also super niche […]
– (inaudible) – [Gary] How are you? – Very well thanks. – [Gary] Good. – [Man] How about yourself? – [Gary] Tremendous. What’s your question? – [Man] My question is I work in podcasting and its a media that has been settling on the cusp of being mainstream but never completely there. How would you […]
answers that you would, yeah. (laughs) I’ve been watching your stuff for a year. I’ll give you a question a lot of people had was if they’re trying to start a YouTube channel, in your opinion, how do you break through all of the stuff that is on there right now. – We’ve talked about […]
“thing as a viral formula to make things spread?” – So my point of view on this is that, you know it’s funny, this is a good time, Staphon, I know you’ll be editing link up the “6 minutes for 60 years” video. In the opening line of that video I say that video is […]