“Is there question you wish people “would stop asking you?” – Joshua, it’s that question. Um, well the first one got my panties in a bunch. – [India] Yeah, that’s true. – Um, no not really, man. To be honest with you, I’m too overwhelmed with gratitude and flattered that people want to ask me […]
“Is there question you wish people “would stop asking you?” – Joshua, it’s that question. Um, well the first one
got my panties in a bunch. – [India] Yeah, that’s true. – Um, no not really, man. To be honest with you, I’m too overwhelmed with
gratitude and flattered that people want to ask me questions, that it’s hard for me to
get going around the notion of judging those questions. These are questions that, everybody’s in a different life cycle in their careers and lives to where they think I could bring value, whether they’re a parent
with an entrepreneurial kid, whether they’re an entrepreneur
and just realized it, whether they’ve always
been an entrepreneur and can really associate with my immigrant and selling hustle, I think everybody’s in a different place when they come across my content. Since so many people are
discovering it these days, ’cause there’s a lot of
virality going on on Facebook. As a matter of fact, you know what? This is a good opportunity,
I put in the comments with the Share Monster? I really, really would love
some support on Facebook. I mean look, I’m selfish
like anybody else. I’m enjoying the discovery
of all these new audiences. Everybody who’s sharing for me, and there’s a consistent crew that I wanna give so much love to, everybody that’s sharing, I
really, really appreciate it. And if you’re listening
or watching right now, if you’re listening,
literally pull over your car on the highway in traffic,
take out your phone, go to the episode on Facebook
and hit the share button. And by the way, if you did that, you are the most amazing
person of all time. But if you’re watching on Facebook, or a lot of you I know
are watching on YouTube, coming over to Facebook,
that would mean something. I would love to see, I’m curious where this call to action,
where this right hook lands me in the share lexicon
for my normal average. That being said, no, that’s
it, that’s the answer. I have high empathy for everybody being in a different place
in their mind at the moment where they feel compelled
to ask me a question, and the only emotions in
my body are gratitude.
“have watched the #AskGaryVee show?” – Would 22 year old Gary Vee #AskGaryVee Show? Good question. The answer is no. Which is interesting, but true. 22 year old Gary knew he had it and didn’t want to learn from other things. Which I don’t know if it’s a strength or a weakness, but he believed […]
“have watched the #AskGaryVee show?” – Would 22 year old Gary Vee #AskGaryVee Show? Good question. The answer is no. Which is interesting, but true. 22 year old Gary knew he had it and didn’t want to
learn from other things. Which I don’t know if it’s
a strength or a weakness, but he believed in what he had in his body and I believed in what I was going to be and felt that my fresh naive eyes and my intuition was more valuable than putting things in my head which would then be known as well look at how that person
did it and they did it well. I truly do believe that one of the reasons that so many of you watch this show is because I say things different, I come from different angles, and I really do believe that’s because I don’t consume anybody else’s stuff. I think it helps me keep fresh. I think my stuff comes from operating. I think you know, just,
I’m giving you a wide view because the background changed. I think my stuff comes
from actually operating. I think my stuff comes
from an intuitive place. And I don’t, I don’t
try to consume anything. As a matter of fact I was at this event where there was an opening
key note during the dinner where I had to like meet with a client. Boy I really didn’t like it. It was a really bad experience. One I wanted to like go up, I literally wanted to go up on stage and hit him with a chair
WWF style and take over. Like all right! And you know like, I just don’t feel like that’s my learning style. So 22 year old Gary would spit in the face of
the #AskGaryVee Show. Sorry DRock. And that’s that. Missed you guys a lot. Really pumped to be back in the saddle.
You know, let’s do a podcast exclusive today. – [India] You should bring that up. – Is this the guy who ac– did I see this right? Is this the guy who, like, switched? (mumbling) Two and a half hour drive or whatever? Or is that somebody? – [India] Yeah, that was him. – Do […]
You know, let’s do a
podcast exclusive today. – [India] You should bring that up. – Is this the guy who
ac– did I see this right? Is this the guy who, like, switched? (mumbling) Two and a half hour drive or whatever? Or is that somebody? – [India] Yeah, that was him. – Do I do a good job paying
attention to Mike, India? – Great job, excellent work. – Thank you, India. But I don’t know, the answer is, that happens with me all the time. Like, I stop and start
things all the time. I love when people are
like, oh you said you were always gonna, yeah okay, and what? Like, Jesus Christ. When you’re innovating at scale, some things hit the ground
and so it lost momentum. That’s the answer to your question. And good news, I’m gonna
do one after this episode ’cause I feel guilty, okay? Great, you feel good about yourself? Yeah, I feel guilty, we’ll
do an exclusive podcast question today. Big ups to everybody on
their treadmills and driving in their trucks.
is a great question selection pick the South incentive to the team because I felt that I finally had picked up my rhythm and momentum on Instagram if you look back at some point when I was really pushing that narrative as a function of this show I was hoping the thirty forty fifty thousand […]
is a great question selection pick the
South incentive to the team because I felt that I finally had picked
up my rhythm and momentum on Instagram if you look back at some point when I
was really pushing that narrative as a function of this show I was hoping the
thirty forty fifty thousand dollar range not the following matters but they get
on the internet matters a little bit more because I feel the attention
grabbers there and everybody seeing everything but rather have a hundred
thousand there then maybe a million per cent email list or million Twitter
followers some with believing in Instagram I knew I needed to build it up
and really I created a function on this show to create more awareness more
behavior more interaction between me and you and Instagram and you and your
friends on Instagram finding out about me on instagram so it was very tactical
very strategic I stopped asking because I feel as though I’ve gotten to a place
where I got a better kid in some momentum there’s ads now I don’t want to
create unlimited friction with you in the eye and myself so like I want you to
be able to ask questions the way you want to ask them so it was a strategy in
a moment in time for three to four months I executed wanna eat out of it
and I want to make strategy in researching this question is a very
evergreen to everybody and make them understand that strategies have life cycles what works
for you three forty years ago where 34 months ago or 34 days ago can be debated and switched and I i
think way too many people find something that works for them and they milk in
until there’s nothing left in the account was asked what service do you use to
make these amazing images charles is a
“Ask Gary Vee to create Ask Sam Guillen “in the real estate space to hustle for agent recruits?” – Ha, ha, I love it Sam, you can do whatever you want. I want the entire viewership of this show to call this show, ask Tommy D., ask Leo Leo, ask DRock, I don’t care. I […]
“Ask Gary Vee to create Ask Sam Guillen “in the real estate space to
hustle for agent recruits?” – Ha, ha, I love it Sam, you
can do whatever you want. I want the entire viewership of this show to call this show, ask
Tommy D., ask Leo Leo, ask DRock, I don’t care. I wanna provide value,
bring that upfront value, I don’t feel like it’s a ripoff. I’m not the first person to do a Q&A show. Absolutely do it, just make sure that if you want to honor going that route that you try to provide
the value that this show trys to provide to you and so that if you’re gonna produce and provide value to
the real estate space, make sure it’s in the best interests of everybody who’s watching and if there is then some fall-over, some sprinkles that lead
to good things for you then that’s great, but make
sure the energy is pure. That would be the best way to tribute, not just cause you want to
use it as a sales channel. – [Voiceover] John asks, “How can entrepreneurs avoid
being soft in business?”
What’s your business model behind the #AskGaryVee show? – The business model behind the #AskGaryVee show is pretty simple. It is completely a broad awareness game. I want more exposure. Exposure is leverage, especially when you’ve got chops. The more people that know that I’m not just charisma, hyperbole, bullshit hype, and that I have […]
What’s your business model behind the #AskGaryVee show? – The business model
behind the #AskGaryVee show is pretty simple. It is completely a broad awareness game. I want more exposure. Exposure is leverage, especially when you’ve got chops. The more people that know that I’m not just charisma, hyperbole, bullshit hype, and that I have depth is something that is important for my brand. Statement of the day,
in the comments leave if you originally thought
that I was just another bullshit marketer, and have I won you over with you doing the homework about me actually building real
business multiple times, and have listened to things
that I’ve talked about here that you won’t expect
from a bullshit marketer. Anything that puts me in a position to show my depth in a world where I know that my personality
creates a scenario where people may not think
that I have that depth is an important process for me. Once I have the infrastructure
to be able to do it, I did it and so the business
model is quite simple. It’s about more leverage around me which leads to in the short term things like getting paid
for public speaking, selling more books, getting asked to do TV and other things, and
getting on 40 under 40 list which creates more
exposure and it’s a rapid wheel. It leads to better employees coming into VaynerMedia. It leads to more people
buying on Wine Deals, the greatest place on
Instagram to buy wine. It leads to a lot of other things. It leads to depth with current employees, ’cause they get to see
so much more about me. As a matter of fact, here’s
a statement of the day. VaynerMedia lurkers, because
I know there’s a lot of you. Some of you have been
writing some awesome feedback notes that are completely
taken from the #AskGaryVee Show. VaynerMedia employee
lurkers, get in the comments on this episode and say hey. It’s given me the ability
to scale my thoughts and strategies to my own employees. There is, my mom gets to see me everyday. She watched yesterday’s episode twice, because A.J. was in it. Two for one, for mom, mom I love you. There’s enormous, enormous amounts of ROI business
models in the concept of putting out great content. Putting out great content, if I may say so myself,
is always the right idea. DeMayo they’re gonna like that one.
“Instead of doing a forum, have you considered doing a private Facebook group for the Ask Gary Vee Show? – Oh, that’s a great idea. It’s something that I haven’t done. I noticed one of the fans jumped in and created one. It’s something that’s run through my mind. And actually, i think this question […]
“Instead of doing a forum, have you considered doing
a private Facebook group for the Ask Gary Vee Show? – Oh, that’s a great idea. It’s something that I haven’t done. I noticed one of the fans
jumped in and created one. It’s something that’s run through my mind. And actually, i think this question is gonna spur me to do it. So, at the end of the
Golden Era, in episode 131, we will announce a private Facebook group just so I can test it. That’s some work for you guys.
– Mike? – [Webly] Yep, Mike. – Okay. – [Webly] I think it’s waste of my time to comment on your videos and answer the question of the day. Tell me why I’m wrong. – Well, Mike. Let me help you tell you why you’re wrong. – [Voiceover] Here we go. (laughs) – No, I […]
– Mike? – [Webly] Yep, Mike. – Okay. – [Webly] I think it’s waste of my time to comment on your videos and answer the question of the day. Tell me why I’m wrong. – Well, Mike. Let me help you tell you why you’re wrong. – [Voiceover] Here we go. (laughs) – No, I think it’s a
really interesting question and I think that– Mike, I think it’s a great question and I think that there’s
a couple of things to figure out here. One, I’m gonna assume, maybe not, that one of the good reasons
to think what you think and I think a lot of other people think, there is because I’m
not reading that right? Like why say something if
it’s not being consumed. I think a lot of people
recognize I do read them because I’m engaging quite a bit. Not on YouTube which is because of the app and because I have a
awkward sign-in structure on Google between Gary@vaynermedia and the account we use for
a lot of the Google content. I have to figure that out. I would comment more
because now it’s all mobile, I only comment mobilely. So, I’ve gotta figure that out
but quite a bit on Twitter. Outrageous levels on Facebook
in the last month or so. More on YouTube, I will figure it out. I will use this as call to action. But now I’m gonna give
you a really good answer to your question. The reason you’re actually
gonna start commenting. It’s because I have nothing
to do with the equation of what’s actually happening here. Let me explain. That’s not fair. I do have something to do with it. I’m (claps) the match of what’s happening with the #AskGaryVee Show. But the truth is, to really
get what I want out of it, I want to build a comminity. A community can not be built predicated on a dictatorship or an individual. It needs to be predicated on the fact that people are communicating
with each other. What you haven’t realized yet, Mike, is that if you look deeply into
what’s going on on Instagram and YouTube and Facebook there is a group of 30 to 40 people that are quietly and
subtly, and I would say of those 40 people, 25 are
doing the wrong version of it. Which they’re in there
communicating with the other people for their own interest in
mind to siphon them into– If Webly was to do that, she’s
in there ’cause she wants some of the other small business
people to take her services and that’s all she wants
in a right hook, right hook right hook, right hook way. 25 of you, I’m paying attention,
are playing that game. 15 of you are not,
you’re playing more of a jab, jab, jab, right hook game and let’s just remind everybody, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook to that person that
emailed and said they were disappointed in me, that is a game that plays like this. Jab, jab, jab, right hook. The right hook is not you get the sale. The right hook is you’ve been given the permission
to have a chance to sell. So, when you jab, jab, jab and right hook you go for your right hook
but you’re not disappointed. I have not even asked
any single person here what the update is on how
many books have come in. It’s just not the part, it’s
the permission that it created, not necessarily what the
results are just yet. The real reason you should
be commenting on this show is because you’d start putting
out content on your two cents in context to what was just
put out in the show format. Other people that are in the trenches are actually reading
those comments, plenty. More of you should be. And then you start
engaging with each other. And out of that serendipity,
much like on Wine Library TV, where there are over 20
different wine tasting groups right now that have been
hanging out with each other for the last seven to ten
years drinking wine together, once out of every, once a
month on every third Wednesday for the last five years
and have built their disproportionate best
friends out of being part of a community of a web
show started by some kid in New Jersey talking about wine. The community that’s being
built underneath here. The way that these three get
to interact with each other for the rest of their lives
on this connection point and the way that you guys
all have the ability, if you’d like to, to create
connections of likeminded people with very different angles and to have an interesting situation unlike politics or
religion or other things where you have a guy who’s a pardox which then creates fan
bases in opposite directions so it’s not a complete sheep
game but yet people that can actually have empathy for
other people’s points of view and collaborate, you
now have the beginnings of a community that has value to you that has nothing to do with the person that’s putting out the content. That, my friend, is why
you should be commenting.
“is that next book coming anytime soon?” – Oh that’s a good, oh I’m supposed – Oh the book announcement! – See, Sid, see this is what’s so incredible about life. – This is good, this is good. – You love this, right? You need to right a Medium post about this actually, and stop […]
“is that next book coming anytime soon?” – Oh that’s a good, oh I’m supposed – Oh the book announcement! – See, Sid, see this is what’s so
incredible about life. – This is good, this is good. – You love this, right? You need to right a Medium
post about this actually, and stop spilling coffee on yourself. – That’s the plan.
– Let’s talk about this. This is the first time in 124
episodes that I’m like no, let’s keep going. I think we’ve done some maybe there’s one other thing, something, but no, this is really
the first time I’m like flat out no, let’s just keep going. Definitely the first
time we’re going improv, and we are supposed to announce something very special, and now we’re going to. The new book is coming soon. Who asked that question? – [India] It was Kenneth. – Kenneth, thank you for saving the show. We have a new book coming, a lot of you know this, Kenneth didn’t. It’s coming out in March. It’s called #AskGaryVee, the book, and I’m trying to position it, I’m trying to create the
subtitle in a point of the modern MBA or the
holistic view of being a business, like business
2016 and be the way to, like I gotta come up
with the subtitle, but I wanna give it. I’m worried that it
being called #AskGaryVee makes it very narrow, and
you’re at the bookstore and you’ve never heard of me. You’re like I don’t know. I gotta give it a strong
subtitle of a 360, as a matter of fact, question of the day. What should the subtitle be
of the #AskGaryVee book? I like that, somebodys about to really get pumped. Here’s another way for you
to be a part of the book. It’s going to be 497 answers, and this was
the original subtitle. 497 answers on how to be great at remember it was super long. Zak made an incredible cover. I’m not gonna link it up yet, because I’m not sure it’s that, but and then it’s like and 80 never before answered questions which you and I and my ghost writer Steph Lan are gonna be attacking very shortly. I have a feeling some of
you want to be one of those never before asked questions and answers. We’re doing a competition. Oh, I get to make up the email address. Yes, so if you email right up here, bookquestions@vaynermedia.com, that’s right,
bookquestions@vaynermedia.com. This is what you will be emailing me. The question, and that may be a question that’s already used in the book, so India, world famous India may
be reaching out to you to get another question from you, because that ones not gonna make it, but more importantly, this
is the gameification. This is the kickstarter aspect of it. This is the salesman. This is the right hook part of it. You have to email blind auction. Blind, you have to email your name and how many books you’re willing to buy, because believe it or not, it’s actually already on Amazon. Do not buy it, by the way. I know a bunch of you are like Gary, I already went and bought it. I don’t want that yet,
because I wanna get the cover out there, get it really
right, and then do a huge push probably in November,
December, juice it up, let people discover it. Don’t get crazy. You can get a little
crazy if you want to, but don’t get there yet. How many books will you buy? Literally, let’s say DRock enters, Hey Gary Vee, you’re the best. By the way, you look so fit lately. You look great. I love the show. I haven’t missed any of them. You’re just super handsome and massively, massively, massively smart. You’re my favorite. Okay, here it is, I will buy 137 books. Here’s my question. The top 80 or 90, we have to decide. We’ll decide very shortly, and we’ll keep a database. Whatever we decide of 87 never before, the top 87 book amounts
will get into the book. You’ll be there, from
you, it’ll be really rad. You’ll be super happy. I’ll be happy because I
have a bunch of books. You’ll be happy ’cause
you’ll give up a bunch of books for next Easter,
something like that, or for your group, or your
clients, or your friends. That’s what it is, my friends. Join, send, we will
give you some time here, but we will be calibrating
those numbers immediately. See how that worked out. You keep asking questions. (instrumental hip hop music)
called Brick Fest Live. We run live Lego events that attract tens of thousands of people. – Fucking love that – [Chad] (mumbling) – Yeah, that’s cool. So, our mission is inspire, educate, and entertain you have the next generation of lego builders because, you know, ’cause that’s the – Cause it’s a big fuckin’ […]
called Brick Fest Live. We run live Lego events that attract tens of thousands of people. – Fucking love that
– [Chad] (mumbling) – Yeah, that’s cool. So, our mission is inspire,
educate, and entertain you have the next
generation of lego builders because, you know, ’cause that’s the – Cause it’s a big fuckin’ industry. – Yeah, and it wires your
brain to problem solve. – No question.
– which is what we’re all doing. – Yeah.
– [Chad] Right. My question is actually more about what you do with this show and the people that you have
around you to support it how much of their time is spent on you as opposed to other things. – All their time is spent on me. – Okay. – The entire team that’s mixed in is all a part of brand
Gary team, all of it. So, some of them have
worked at VaynerMedia within VaynerMedia before
and we plucked Steve you know, India, you know Alex plucked out of the machine on to the team and others have been, you
know, cold hired just for it Zak, Andrew, DRock, Staphon for it. – That’s awesome. ‘Cause we started actually
on a YouTube channel – Yep. – Where, you know, all
the production was us. – Yes. And that’s how Wine Library TV
was, but with this I have so much more
scale and as you can tell what I’m doing is I’m
producing so much more content off the show for Medium
and all the distributions so, and I’m learning through these guys as they are actually now doing it. DRock’s right over here,
Andrew is Meerkating, India is taking photo’s. What I am learning is what does a production company look
like for a human being? – Right, what does it look like? – Which I think Fuckin’ rad, you know, and I think that there’s
you gotta understand there’s, you know, as well as I am doing there are a whole lot
more successful people, wealthier like they are
that top 3% of celebrity that are way grossly over
paying their PR people, their managers, their
boy from around the way that they are taking care
of like all that stuff that I think creates really
interesting business model of the future because I do believe, and you know this every single
person is media company, I believe that cold. And so, not only am I producing, not only my giving back to a
community that’s been in place and growing but I’m getting
to learn the infrastructure of how I would scale this if
I wanted to do it for LeBron. – Awesome. Thanks bro!
– [Gary] Cool.