Now I know what you did at age 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 getting involved in wine and selling sports cards but what would you be doing if it were 2016 and you were 12, 13, 14 and 15 and 16? Appreciate your answer, appreciate everything you do, thanks. – Buster, Buster, Buster honestly what […]
Now I know what you did at
age 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 getting involved in wine and selling
sports cards but what would you be doing if it were 2016 and you were 12, 13,
14 and 15 and 16? Appreciate your answer, appreciate everything
you do, thanks. – Buster, Buster, Buster
honestly what I would tell you is to give you the answer that
you’re looking for which is what what I do what
should you be doing? How should you be
thinking about things? Reverse engineer
your strengths, right? You like the NBA you should hit
up Dunk first of all and have him put you on but besides that
I think that you need to figure out what you’re good at and
what would you want to do. I would basically be
today, I’m trying to think. There’d be so many
things I’d be doing today. I give a lot of that advice, I would’ve made bank
on Snapchat filters. I think that one guy who did
the Pokémon GO consulting. I think that was super smart. Having the
internet to buy and sell. I’m a salesman. Buying and selling, uh, just
buying stuff on you know in Asia and re-marketing in the US. I think I’d be doing pretty much
everything I was doing at scale. So because when
I was growing up sports cards were
what people collected, I would just be focused on
whatever that version is now. Sneakers, I’m telling you right
now, I would be, my stories of Toys “R” Us and garage sales
would be waking up, you know, at one in the morning and
standing in line at a SoHo sneaker
store to get that thing, flipping like I would
be doing a lot of that. I think the truth is, Buster, I’d be focusing on
what I was strong at. What I think I’m really
good at is buying and selling. I did that with
stuff my whole life. Now, I do it with
people’s attention and the end consumer’s attention. That is my strength that
I would double down on that. You, my friend, need to
figure out what you’re best at? Is that making
content on social media? Is that being a charismatic
personality that I think was shining through the question? Is that being a salesperson,
buying selling stuff? Connecting with people? When you’re 16 you have time. Like, Jesus, remember
when you were bored? Remember when you could do that? Andy, do you remember when
you’re like, “I’m bored.” You don’t have that kind of time
when you grow up and so I would take advantage of that time
because that is the asset. – [India] That’s good. – ‘Member being bored?
– Yeah. Was good times. (laughter) – From Brandon.
– Brandon.
– Hi Gary my name is Gbenjo Abimbola from Nigeria, West Africa. It’s 2:16 AM in the morning here and I’m grinding. I hope this gets in. My question is short and simple to you and Simon. When do you know you have the chops as a young person to start talking? When you have […]
– Hi Gary my name is
Gbenjo Abimbola from Nigeria, West Africa. It’s 2:16 AM in the morning here and I’m grinding.
I hope this gets in. My question is short and
simple to you and Simon. When do you know you have the chops as a young
person to start talking? When you have the
results to back it but you’re not an all time great yet. Do you start talking
or do you document? Thank you. – I think you start talking,
the whole thing’s a process. You start talking immediately. It takes a long time to become
an overnight success, right? I think for the both of us and
everybody we know that we admire who’s
achieved anything. They’ve been
at this a long time– – Work!
– talking at it, and by the way, they weren’t great
at the beginning. Go watch–
– Speak for yourself. – Go watch early interviews
of Steve Jobs. Right? Early interviews of
Steve Jobs are fantastic. He’s terrible and he
actually in one of them says, “I need to go throw up,”
because he’s so nervous about talking on camera.
He’s terrible. And the point is he practices and he practices
and he practices. He gets better but
he does it out loud and I think the idea of
hiding until it’s perfect it’s a fool’s game. I think you put
yourself out there, you start, you practice,
you practice out loud, then you get feedback
and you can grow. – You counterpunch,
you adjust. – Yeah, you put it out there. – I would say the one thing
that you may be referring to that I talk about a lot is,
it’s tough to come out the gate at 22 and say this
is the definitive thing, here’s my advice. I think talking to
the world about your– – About what you believe.
– correct, is the game. – Is the game.
– I think what we’re seeing on the internet
right now like I’m a– – 22-year-old guru.
– I’m a business coach and I’m gonna teach you
and the only business I have is you’re gonna pay me 20K
and I’m gonna teach you how to charge other people down
the ladder 20K to give you guys that’s the bad stuff. So, your point of
view on the world,– – Yeah.
– and like what you believe and where you come from,
that’s gold. Your process. That’s why I talk a lot about
documenting instead of creating. It’s just truth.
– Yeah. – But I agree with you. There’s no substitute for doing. The amount of people that
wait for the perfect thing,– – Yeah.
– and then never do anything. – You know the most beautiful
thing when you’re young and you think you have
something to contribute is to admit that you
don’t know everything, admit that you’re learning.
– Yes. – If you say I’m a
22-year-old expert and I can help you do X, Y and Z,
you actually, it’s not true. There’s so much more to learn
and everybody knows that. – Everybody who is the
kind of people that you want. – Yes. – People that are attracted
to that are gonna do very little for you besides some
short term dollars. – Agreed. And if you say look,
I’m in this business, I’m fascinated by it.
I’m growing fast, I’m learning fast, I’m still a student
of this stuff but I have this service to offer, that humility is
unbelievably attractive and people want to be a part of that
’cause they know you’re showing up to learn not, you know. – Simon, I don’t know if
you’re paying attention to this but in reverse what’s
happening is people are renting expensive things, showing a bullshit
lifestyle on Instagram. Going to their, asking their dad
to take $25,000 out in cash from a bank putting it on a bed,
taking a picture then putting it back in, just complete
and utter fraud and it pisses me off. – That’s insane. – Yeah and by the way,
it’s just a non-winning game. – And you only attract
people who want that– – The worst. – and that’s not
even who you are. – The worst. The worst. Anyway, Simon.
– Probably lying, isn’t it? – Question of the day,
every guest gets to ask
– What’s going on Gary? Big fan. My name is Ted Bettridge and I’m a 13-year-old graphic designer from the UK. I’ve recently started my design company and I’m presenting it on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and just about to start YouTube. I’m proud of being a 13-year-old designer and I think I can use that […]
– What’s going on Gary?
Big fan. My name is Ted Bettridge and I’m a 13-year-old graphic
designer from the UK. I’ve recently started my design
company and I’m presenting it on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat
and just about to start YouTube. I’m proud of being a 13-year-old
designer and I think I can use that as a growth hack to make
myself better known out there. But some clients when they find
out that I’m 13 take that back as a negative without
actually seeing my work and knowing the full story. So how would you recommend me
going around presenting myself and my business as a
13-year-old designer? Cheers Gary. – Cheers mate. Teddy, listen, I think you’re
all excited up front of like I’m gonna differentiate myself
by being 13 and then you’re like but some clients don’t like it. Of course.
You’re 13. Literally Andy has
speakers older than you. Right? This is unbelievable. And your composure and
your charisma on the video, you’re going to be very successful. I have a funny feeling at
whatever you decide to do. The same way I met Dunk
when we met in the hotel room. I’m like, “You’re
coming to America.” Some young kids just have it. I could tell way more because
I spent more time with them to know that he did have it. I’m not sure about you that’s a
good first impression for me. Getting on the show at all. But here’s the reality, my
friend, Ted, you’re going to learn this at 13, you’re going
to learn this at 16, you’re going to
learn this at 19, you’re going to
learn this at 27, you’re going
to learn it at 40. How old are you?
– [Niklas] 53. – You look great.
You’re going to learn it at 53. As I’m sure you know what
I’m about to say is true, you gotta take the
good with the bad. You gotta take the
good with the bad. For everybody who’s going to
give you notoriety or write an article about you our actually
use you ’cause you’re 13 there’s going to be people that don’t. For everybody that loves that
I keep it real and authentic there’s plenty of people
that don’t want to work with me because I curse or because I push against the
traditional systems. – Not at Social
Media Marketing World. – Did they like it?
– Yeah. – Yes, they did, you’re right. The punchline is very
simple which is this, Teddy, you need to be you. Don’t hide that you’re 13 ’cause you think you’ll
earn more money. You’re 13 and if you got real
talent, that’s going to serve you extremely well. I think the reality is
how would I play it? By just being you and doing your
thing and not dwelling on the negatives and not getting too
big headed about the positives. Don’t get too upset when
somebody cancels an order when they found out you’re 13 and
don’t think you’re hot shit just ’cause somebody wrote some cool
Business Insider headline that says 13-year-old stuns with
his graphical design skills. – [Niklas] Wonderful.
– Thank you.
– [Voiceover] David asks, “How do you overcome objections “based on perceived lack of experience, looking young or “doubting your ability?” – We both had this too. Go ahead, you go first on this one. – I think that there is nothing, you can’t argue with something genuine and I think if you care and […]
– [Voiceover] David asks,
“How do you overcome objections “based on perceived lack of
experience, looking young or “doubting your ability?” – We both had this too. Go ahead, you go
first on this one. – I think that there is nothing,
you can’t argue with something genuine and I think if you
care and you’re serious about whatever it is you are doing and
you’re really passionate about it no one can
argue against that. And when you’re young you could
be three years old and you can look, you can actually look at
the three-year-old boy but when you speak from the heart there
is no age to that and I think people will respect that
until nobody can argue some thing that is real. – Let me go in an
interesting direction. Dying to hear what
you think on this. I think it just doesn’t
matter and let me explain. I actually think that a lot
of people didn’t take my wine advice when I was
24 and looked seven. I think a lot of people even
10 years ago didn’t take my business advice ’cause I didn’t
look the part or this and that. I actually think is the question
India, audience, Luis, everybody that’s actually a post game. What I mean by that is it’s
just I’m a broken record. It’s results. When you come with passion and
both of us come with passion da da da da da. If we lose we were full of shit. If we win we were passionate. So what I’m fascinated by with
entrepreneurship and the game is it actually doesn’t
matter in the beginning. Somebody’s gonna
give you a shot. If you knock on 1,000 doors
there’s people that say yes. I say yes all the time to
things that make no sense. DRock. You know, I do it– (laughter) it’s true. I do it all the time. Winners do that. It’s really funny winners are
the one that put winners on. – Yeah. – But winners also deal
with a lot of losing players. But winners and optimists
are always going to give you that shot. Right? One episode I definitely saw
in the background working with Lizzie, I mean I know TVs a lot
more staged but I’m sure it’s replication or maybe real
I don’t know how you guys rolled you go to that Nets game.
– Yeah. – That dude, that’s a big dude. Winners get, Stephen Ross. One of the biggest developers in the world is my
business partner. Winners give people at-bats. And so I would answer this
question in saying look, 90 out of 100 people are gonna say no
the game is proving those 90 wrong later. I got an email the other day
from a former client that makes me want to fly. I hate to think that I am
built on I told you so but I’m build on I told you so. I love that feeling.
I love that feeling. It’s a great feeling. And I just think that that’s
how people should be driven. Recognize that your, there’s
nothing you and I are going to say that’s going to change
somebody who wants to say no to that person because they look
young and don’t have experience. It’s not about who says no it’s
about who says yes and then you have to deliver.
– Yes. – And then when you deliver
everybody looks back and says, “Of course, you had passion.” There’s a million people running
around that had passion but then they ended up becoming losers or scam artist because
they didn’t deliver. – And I’ll tell you something, I think being
young is one of best assets someone can have now
because when you have that passion and when you have that
conviction about whatever it is that you believe in that you’re
pitching or selling or whatever it is that you’re doing the fact
that you look young and there’s a beauty to it. I think now like you’re
saying it’s changing. – Well, it’s a good
era for young too. With Zuckerberg and the
social networks and Snapchat and Evan Spiegel. Young has never been more
professionally accepted. Anybody complains about being
young now doesn’t realize that my, I’m 40, my generation young
men for the first 10 years of your business
career you you ate shit. – You have a video
about old people feeling– – The reverse.
– The reverse. – Thank you very much. Alright, lets go. (laughter) Oh video.
They said they’d never get on Facebook and we saw how that turned out. Hahaha. From Michael. – Haha, Michael, soon.
They said they’d never
get on Facebook and we saw how that turned out. Hahaha.
From Michael. – Haha, Michael, soon.
about cars motorcycles because i love me or my life in general I mean blocks because i love you too what should i do because you say that you are so hard until 30 and you say that people will respect your for your actions I dream being a successful entrepreneur and I want to […]
about cars motorcycles because i love me
or my life in general I mean blocks because i love you too
what should i do because you say that you are so hard until 30 and you say
that people will respect your for your actions I dream being a successful entrepreneur
and I want to respect to but partial results or I saw work in silence I mean knowing camera and no social media what should i do very
pleased I want to go Arlene I Love You Man and anybody in
this planning is like you sorry for my english and aspiring keep pushing I’m
grant Reynolds gravity right even the editing with a little sometimes I was
even PC Steven real quick i’ll jump in Tucker please add anything you can do
this I i want to give you a definition i said
that i built a business until I was 30 32 and then I talked about business
stuff instead of being a twenty-year-old giving business advice your content
producer you’re talking about your opinions
that’s different if you were giving advice is a ten-year-old 20 or 30 year
old about building a business of building a motorcycle business or things
of that nature that’s very different than you
pontificating giving your two cents adding to culture social commentating so
I what I want to give you a definition is my whole way to your 30 to talk to
the world if you’re going to give advice I do think it should be predicated on
something advice you know giving your two cents we’re all entitled to our opinions
social commentating we’re all entitled to that making videos and commentating I think the journey of your life and
your thoughts and those things are super fine you clearly i mean i would push
very hard what I just saw give me a nice little
tingle keep pounding produce content use all the platforms use your youth and need of ability on
this world that we now live in musically snapchat produce for all mediums get it
out there yeah I mean it seems to me like he’s got
a lot of charisma right now I great totally agree on some producer so then ask yourself what we talked the
very first question what audience you want to talk to and what do they care
about and there’s a lot of young guys at that in Colombia who care about cars and
motorcycles and that stuff if you become the guy who speaks to all of them that
put you in a great position to start a lot of different days before i can tell
that’s exactly right where i can tell you nothing there’s a lot of people are actually
just curious what youth corps life and culture and Columbia’s like I was
watching that like looking the background like I learned something
about the kids like I actually think just your life is actually interesting
to so many people and nobody can you know if you’re not in Colombia you can
produce content around Colombians of use your advantages
that so many people think or disadvantage that’s exactly the man so what is going to get you get a
parting shot hear anything you want to
“every day. How do you feel when challenged “from the young professionally?” – Tremendous. I love to be challenged more than anything. I think one of the misnomers of a cult of personality like myself is that we all love yes men and women around us. I can tell you that look you get the […]
“every day. How do you
feel when challenged “from the young
professionally?” – Tremendous. I love to be challenged
more than anything. I think one of the misnomers
of a cult of personality like myself is that we all love
yes men and women around us. I can tell you that look you
get the benefit of being right. One of things I hate about my
success and I knock on wood because I don’t want to jinx my
success is the longer I have it and the more that I have the
less I’m being challenged by the young or the less
experienced or the less winning. It’s very dangerous when
you’ve accumulated success that you’re not being challenged. I love challenging people
and I love to be challenged. What I love most about being
challenged is like 8 out of 10 times that I’m challenged in
something that I really now I feel like the person is
challenging me for the sake of challenging me ’cause they’re
playing that role ’cause they think it’s going to catch my
attention but then I’m actually in the game of the argument and
when they look like an idiot and they’re wrong by all standards
it actually makes them lose. Why I’m painting you that little
picture is when I challenge, I challenge with substance. It’s funny that I just
talked about presidents. Politics, healthcare,
macroeconomic issues, geopolitical issues, terrorism, health and wellness, boy, do I not challenge anybody. Boy, do I do a lot of listening and when I am at my worst
occasional pontificating about my opinion on it but boy
you will not see venom. If we all have brunch and we
start talking about something I don’t know about it’s
stunning how quiet I get. It’s just you only see
me in things that I know. You only see me challenging
things that I know. Of course, I’m going to
challenge Seth Godin if I don’t agree with him.
Because I know. I love when somebody challenges
me at this company and outside this company when I can taste
that they know that they’re talking about because
then you have some real frictions make diamonds. I want to get better. I want somebody to challenge
me but when you’re going to challenge me that TV or direct
mail is better and all you have is some bullshit from 1984
and you’re not a practitioner anymore and you have
nothing to back it up you’re gonna get eaten up. I love being challenged. I want the young to
challenge me all day. You saw me in the episode
with the 15-year-old girls for musically, I was listening. I’m not telling
them they’re wrong. They’re in high
school, they’re there. They’re like, “All my kids
in my class are on Twitter.” Cool. Respect, wow. So that’s that. And by the way that is a
focus group of one high school. It doesn’t mean Twitter is now
everybody GaryVee thinks Twitter is huge in high school. No, I think it is an interesting
thing to pay attention to because after that comment
hundred of more emails and comments of people like yeah
it’s true in my high school too. And by the way, tens, by the way
just to ground you, of like I don’t know what that
girl’s talking about. At my high school nobody’s doing
but tens to hundreds, you know? – [India] Last one.
– Last one.
“I am 15 years old. “My question is whenever someone puts you down, “how do you push yourself back up?” – Vignesh, you know, it’s tougher when you’re 15 as you’re building your self esteem and your foundation of your life. Listen, if you’re 45 or 62, there are so many people right now that […]
“I am 15 years old. “My question is whenever
someone puts you down, “how do you push
yourself back up?” – Vignesh, you know, it’s
tougher when you’re 15 as you’re building your self esteem and
your foundation of your life. Listen, if you’re 45 or 62,
there are so many people right now that are not doing what they
love because they’re worried about what other people
think or what other people say. Especially your inner family. We’ve talked
about this at length. I’m very passionate about this. I’m so grateful I don’t give a
crap about what anybody thinks of me while equally caring. It’s incredibly important to me
what India or DRock or Staphon think of me.
It’s incredibly important. It’s stunning though how
anti-establishment or how much I would push back
when they would try to impose their will on me. And that’s a very
important differentiation. Actually, that’s one of the
first time I’ve ever articulated this way and I like this. There’s a very big difference
between what one thinks of you and what one tries to do
by imposing their way on you. I’m very open, empathetic
and quite self-aware of what everybody thinks of me and pander
to it, react to it and adjust to it but for somebody to try to
impose their way on me without knowing me is just
super not interesting. And so, I was able to navigate
through junior high and high school and really not
struggle with peer pressure. I just, very honestly, thought
I was better than everybody. I didn’t act that way. If you go find all the kids that
went to high school with me I don’t think any of them would
say that I walked around like I was cooler than them. That would have been very hard
as a 4 foot 11 freshman that was being made fun of
for not being 5 foot. It’s how I thought inside
and I think there’s a lot of intestinal fortitude to use a
gorilla monsoon term, that’s when wrestlers would beat
up and they would fight like the Hulkster and Macho Man
and Ultimate Warrior that was the whole kind of genre of the 80s, get beat the
crap out of and then all of a sudden and so,
that’s kinda how I am. I can take a lot and then
all of a sudden fight back. There’s nothing other I can
say than you’re 15 now, when you’re 51 or when you’re
91 you’re going to be stunned how little you care. How little it mattered and this
includes your parents and your siblings and even your children. This is an intense thing,
this is a very intense thing. But if I could wish anything
besides health on people there’s a lot.
I say this saying a lot. There’s a lot of traits I like. Self-awareness but man there’s
unbelievable happiness that comes along with self-belief and
recognizing how this plays out. And let me tell you how this
plays out, Prince as he was taking his last breath, as a big
shout out to Prince, I’m a huge fan,
I don’t think Prince cared what Billboard Magazine said
or what anybody said. It’s just the way it is. It’s the way it is so if through
this plea on this show, on 201, on a Monday in late spring,
if four of you to understand, if I could get four
of you to understand it’s just not going to matter
when people I mean… I love when people… I don’t even know
what else to tell you. I’m going to say it very clear. Staphon get very focused here
because I want to really deliver this with all the
drama that it deserves. I like when people put me down. I get off on when
people put me down. Nothing is more interesting
to me than to prove all of you wrong. I love the people that think I’m
a huckster or I got some hidden agenda or I’m not that good or I
won’t be that great or I think too big of myself or my dad had
a liquor store and that’s the only reason I’m
successful or I got lucky or da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Show me. Please, please, please continue
to judge me and underestimate me because it’s the only driver I
have and that’s how I’m wired. And I don’t expect all of you to
be wired that way but if I can through my energy move any of
you and trust me I’m reading your comments ’cause your
comments are my oxygen and I see so many of you. So many comments over the
last three or four months of people saying I’ve got a little
more cockiness or confidence than I used to. As a matter of fact,
I see it in you guys. I truly see my inner circle
have more confidence, it just rubs off.
India, you’re getting cocky. – [India] I probably am.
– [Gary] Have you felt it? – Yeah.
– [Gary] Yeah. – I think it’s confidence.
– [Gary] I know, I know, I know. But it’s true, right?
There’s a rub off. It’s kind of like a
leader on a sports team. It rubs off. One of the great accomplishments
in my life will be the fact that I was able to rub off my
confidence not only on my inner circle but on the
community that decided to. It’s unbelievable how good I
feel that I get to reward the amazing reward that you give me
which is in all the things you could be watching right
now you’re watching this. In all the things you could be
reading, spending time on, time, you’ve decided to watch me. Me! Do you know how incredibly
empowering that is and it’s at scale?
It’s not three people. Do you know how
empowering that is? And for me not only knowing I
can give you tactical advice or in a funny way that I answer
question number three a girl in Indonesia might say if GaryVee
is bad at math and has been successful I can too. Or in this ending rant you can
care a little bit less what your coworker or your older brother
or that naysayer says or what I know so many of you deal with
which is the trolling and the hate and the disagreeing even
when it’s done well and I love when people disagree with me in
the comments section I take it for what it is. Even when that happens… You know how pissed I
was at DailyVee 030? How many people like were
emphatically were drilling me for a bad episode? Fine but after all that and
that’s fine and I agree and we didn’t do a good job setting
that up and I don’t think I set up DRock for success. It’s a genre that he’s not
as passionate about. I could have done a better job. I understand that but it blows
me away of how much venom people can put like
after you provided… You’re only as good
as your last at-bat. 200 great episodes of a business
show, 30 great episodes of a docu show, 5,000 fucking
interview of business stuff, unbelievable engagement,
answering your questions, answering your snaps. Boom, one baseball fantasy thing
pure and utter disagreement, disparagement, hate,
negativity, that’s hard. I’m the most confident and it
felt bad and I didn’t like it. So what do I expect from others? I get it but it is what it is
and at the end of the day it’s not gonna matter and you have
to love yourself first and feel good and complete with
yourself first so as a 15 year old I would do what I did as
a 15 year old which is start building those skills and not
listen to your parents and not listen to your teachers and
not listen to your friends. Respect it but don’t let
anybody, anybody impose their way on you. It’s you. You’re with yourself and
you’ve got to make yourself happy first.
you know I think number one piece of ice after nineteen year old is always patients I think for a lot of us here most of us not everybody has some youngsters in the crowd we’ve all been there and I think the impatient so many of us have it nineteen tends to be the […]
you know I think number one piece of ice
after nineteen year old is always patients I think for a lot of us here
most of us not everybody has some youngsters in the crowd we’ve all been
there and I think the impatient so many of us have it nineteen tends to be the
detrimental aspect of our personality I think there’s way too much want to get
now now now which then leads to very short-term behavior and I we see a lot
of my friends like look there’s a very big difference between being rich and
being wealthy if we’re talking about money within the context of the business
and really normally it’s predicated on people that are thinking in a twenty or
thirty year window there’s people that are thinking in a twenty or thirty
minute window and so I’ve been very concerned in a lot of you seen this one
because you’re not here if you don’t know some of my spiel i’ve been pushing
very hard against these 22 and 23 year old business and life coaches who are on
Instagram selling a bullshit lifestyle and try to get people into their
mastermind and $800 ebooks and and the reason so many view nineteen year olds
the market are falling for it is kiss you want it now you know I can only
speak from the advice I can only give advice that I took myself I built a
business from three to sixty million dollars and more specifically from three
to twenty five million dollars in a three-year window as a kid and building
a business from three to twenty five and it’s yours too then also pay myself at
that time still $40,000 a year is meeting my own dog food I was patient I
was putting every one of those dollars back into the business because I knew that it wasn’t
over at 26 or 28 or 32 so many of you as you build something or extracting
dollars out so you buy things like dumped in watches and and like a car and
just dumb shit instead of putting that money back into the business building
something long term so my number one piece of ice in nineteen is one patients
it is I’m still patient and I told them and I’m cold maybe not to some of you
but I’m gonna do you mean when your nineteen people died of 40 so I think
that I think patients I think you need to understand that you’re not entitled
to shit you know I think a lot of people at a younger age have this fascination
and that Millennials 14 year olds were 19 when I 60 or older in nineteen
there’s an entitlement early on as the market has been punched in the mouth yet
right and so people think especially right now just did you start a business
doesn’t mean you’re entitled right it’s insanity everybody thinks you just get
the save an entrepreneur in the good shit happens I mean the datas against
you ninety percent of your going to fail so
hard and go work for the man that’s right the markets as you ninety eight
hundred times so why all of a sudden because there was a social network the
movie and because the shark tank and lines that only ship everybody think
anybody can do it so patients betting on your strengths figure out who you are
right listen learn and don’t let me promise to things there’s no nine-week
process to make money right there’s no seven-figure expert that’s going to show
you the way it’s hard work running around there and then we’ll get
to the front to back to back left hands
young people are two brands both in a jar and consumers I got into it with a little bit on social media is awesome and I understand where he’s coming from look at think young people or or massively important I think it’s been very obvious if you look at the 45 social I would […]
young people are two brands both in a
jar and consumers I got into it with a little bit on social media is awesome
and I understand where he’s coming from look at think young people or or
massively important I think it’s been very obvious if you look at the 45
social I would say Facebook and snap trap or shoot her Twitter different
winner was more time was never actually was young was very techy tumblr tumblr
Facebook Tumblr and snapshot 3 of what I would say are the five winners the other
two being Instagram and Twitter Instagram Twitter Twitter morteki nerdy
community that media in Surrey more photo different cut like a lot of
different people came together but if you look at the five social networks
that have popped in the in the last half decade the big billion dollar kind of
players three of them were built by the young generations think I actually this
is India in my mind I’m glad you’re here I wanna write a piece around the
Facebook and snapshot generations because I think they’re the only two
that’s what different languages were created right that’s what different
languages recreated I think there’s no I think Instagram was an iteration I don’t
think that was a Twitter generation there’s a Facebook generation and others
just not generous guys there’s not a single kid on campus in america that
isn’t ninety percent 70% 80% snapshot with some complimentary Instagram and
Anderson nothing else so that’s what’s going on I’m excited about young
people’s impacts on brands first up kind of ranting about what we were talking
about the center probably the context more talk about the snapshot kind of
thing as far as Prince it depends on the brand new market and sell 217 230 year
olds I think twelve to twenty year olds are very important for that brand I
think people aged down to what school and so i think thats where they become
important I think you’re selling your building and selling a brand I don’t
think a shampoo targeting moms should or is impacted by the young generation so I
think if your product is positioned to sell 80 30 that 13 to 22 is a bigger and more
important thing that I think people realize that if I was trying to sell to
1830 I wouldn’t start by marketing to 1832 marketing probably sixteen to
twenty to thirty might be here young so I think the beach about I think I think
brands and definitely social networks and bands have a lot of similar DNA that
way you little rusty they’re rethinking I like your establishing that you don’t
give a shit about Steve leaving without