this is a pricing question. Would you go strictly with trying to compete? How do you get that start up number if you’re offering services or a product? Just go try to be cheaper with the competition? If you have a better product? What’s you’re thought on that? – Yes. (silence) Do you understand? – […]
this is a pricing question. Would you go strictly
with trying to compete? How do you get that start
up number if you’re offering services or a product? Just go try to be
cheaper with the competition? If you have a better product? What’s you’re thought on that?
– Yes. (silence) Do you understand? – [Carlos] Yeah.
Completely. I got it. – All of it.
All of it, my friend. Like everybody
always asked me, “Gary, I’m just starting out and “I’ve got nothing
and no business. “Should I this and should
I that? Or should I do this?” And the answer is yes, my man. If you are building a business
that you want to build and you want to support your life and
family and have all the riches that entrepreneurship
requires, well then you need to spend 18 hours a day… It is a good idea to
have a better product? Yes. Is a good idea to have a
service at a lower price than your competitors to give
the person that is actually financially conscious the
ability to go with you? Yes. Is it better for you to
cold call 97 people versus 6? Yes. Is it better for you to produce
great content that reaches people through virality that is
better than your competition so they know about your service? Yes. Is it better to hit up your
grandfather ’cause he’s friends with this guy who’s got a
business in the space that you’re trying to reach? Yes. Is it better to put your phone
number on Instagram Live to get on The #AskGaryVee
Show to get an answers? Yes. – [Carlos] Everything goes, it just like loving
where everything goes. – Let me give you a
really good piece of advice and we’re gonna end it on this. Never say no for the other guy. It’s the best
thing I ever told AJ. Don’t make a decision for the
other side of the table of why they’re going to say no. Just do everything
and then let them say yes to the thing that they like. – [Carlos] That’s the
answer that I was looking for. Thank you so much. – And by the way, my friend,
when you pitch people mix it up. Sometimes come
in with a lower price, sometimes come in with bravado,
sometimes come in with humility. When you actually try
to get to 97 people and you get 17 meetings,
you actually get the chance to try 17 different moves. If you’re like 99% of people and
overthink everything and have one meeting a
month and one at-bat, you don’t get the chances to try
the different shit that might actually unlock
what the real answer was. – [Carlos] So you try to
get out there all the time– – In life. In life. If you have 97 chances
and 11 people say yes, that’s the game. Everybody’s trying to play
a game of I’m gonna get three chances and get three people to
say yes and then three people say no and they cripple
like a bunch of bitches. – [Carlos] Yeah. – Got it?
– [Carlos] Got it. – Good. – [Carlos] Thank you so much.
– You’re welcome. And that’s it.
That’s the game. One thing I don’t understand so
many of you are just starting out your shit and
your fucking fancy. Everybody got real
fancy for having nothing. Like this entitlement
or you’re gonna have some perfect strategy,
it’s the grind. You know if he’s, of course,
he should come in cheaper. It’s a way for you like when you
have no reputation to get the get the gig including free. DRock, how much you
charge me for the first video? – [DRock] Zero.
– Bang! That’s it. You know Andy’s mom is making
fun of him for his salary. You know what I mean?
That’s it. You got to grind, right And?
– [Andy] You have to. – My friends made fun of me
for my salary in my 20s and 30s. You work all the time,
I make more money than you. Now what, dick?
(group laughter)
most critical thing for people who come out of military? You know trying to trans– – Yes. Yes, thats a great question, Anton. Thank you so much for that. I’ll do this. That’s how we got to do it. We got to do it like that. Like the call in radio shows. – [Tyler] Right. […]
most critical thing for people who
come out of military? You know trying to trans–
– Yes. Yes, thats a
great question, Anton. Thank you so much for that. I’ll do this. That’s how we got to do it.
We got to do it like that. Like the call in radio shows.
– [Tyler] Right. – Anton, great question. Yeah, this way but
I might want to keep it. I’ll make those decisions. Anton, I think when a
transition from military to the private sector you gotta
readjust to the new framework. So many people struggle with
transition from whether it’s the education system,
the military system, the government system into the private sector
where the market controls. Where we have bureaucracies
and these big machines, they’re not always
playing by market dynamics. So the biggest transition is
understanding the market is in control not your general,
not your general’s general, not your boss’s boss,
not the bureaucrats, not the politicians, no, no. The market and so to me when you go into the private sector
understanding that, now obviously within an
organizational or corporation which is more similar
to those dynamics you’ll play those politics but if you
go into entrepreneurship, that’s a whole different game. The market gets to decide
and understanding that the way you’ve had it before is not the
way you’re gonna have it forward is extremely important. You gotta be prepared
for that market dynamic. Way too many people getting
punched in the face by the market, go ahead, and not being
able to adjust and so I think that to me is what stands out
as the biggest vulnerability of people transitioning
from the military. Very structured system,
one that they go through this, the scales of the organization
and then going into the private sector especially
entrepreneurship it is a wild, wild west opportunity. Who we talking about here?
(phone ringing)
– [Voiceover] Chris asks, “How do you girls stay so “grounded in a fake world?” – In a fake world? – Why does the world got to be fake? – The people I surround myself with aren’t fake. – Yeah, same. – And who says you guys are grounded? (laughter) – Exactly. – We might […]
– [Voiceover] Chris asks,
“How do you girls stay so “grounded in a fake world?” – In a fake world? – Why does the
world got to be fake? – The people I surround
myself with aren’t fake. – Yeah, same. – And who says you
guys are grounded? (laughter) – Exactly.
– We might be batshit crazy, you just don’t know. If I were to answer that
question I was also say family. We are family for each other
obviously we’re sisters and we’re very close with our family and
nothing happens that doesn’t slide by our our dad or our mom
and they keep us in check and we keep each other in check. – And also not feeling entitled. I think that’s something we
really surrounded by especially in the dance music realm
there so many DJs who have this entitled aura and you could
see it online and in person. – There’s so much subtext
what you’re saying right now. – There’s like this hierarchy of
what kind of value bring and why that’s more valuable than other
careers or other realms in art. I think that’s what, even the
first question when you’re saying what made you pop off.
– Yeah. – I’ve actually never
felt like we popped off. I never really felt
that we made it. I think the day I really feel
Krewella made it is when I’m going to lose that hunger and
I think we have to constantly remind ourselves to understand
our value and our worth and to acknowledge our achievements
as artist but not to let that hinder us from having that
hunger to work every day, to go to the studio every day, to say
yes to opportunities because the second you start
saying, “Oh no, I’m good.” – “We made it.”
– Exactly. – Or “I’m too good.”
– Yeah. – What do you think?
– For them? – Or about the game? Where do you think, while
I’ve got you for another second, where is the current state
of EDM in your guy’s opinion? Obviously it was a that space,
I don’t know, eight years ago, nine years ago most people
didn’t know about. I still think there’s a lot of people who
are watching who are 40, 50-year-old marketing dudes that
have no idea what this space is and they’re going to Google it.
But obviously when you start talking to a 35 and under demo in
America and obviously in Europe and other places it’s been huge,
everybody at this point already knows that it’s so
interesting to watch. It is really to me the thing
that is most followed hip hop as a new genre that
didn’t really exist before. I’m curious for you guys who
are much closer to it, where is it in it’s lifecycle? Just starting, hitting
an interesting time? It’s become dramatically more
mainstream than it was five, six years ago. What is your
point of view on it? – I think it has plateaued. I think it’s hit the climax–
– Okay. – I don’t think it’s
going anywhere, anytime soon. It just branched off in so
many different directions. There’s so many
different sub-genres. There’s new artist coming
through every day. Guys likes Skrillex and
Diplo are doing a great job of cosigning younger talent,
bringing them up through the system and there’s the
difference between it now and what it was 15 years ago was how
much corporate backing it gets. You see with the brands
you work with all the time and how badly they want to be
involved with these entities and the biggest throwers of
festivals in the world, these biggest entertainment companies
in the world have put so much money into making sure that
it’s going to stay where it is. Keep going with it.
– Ladies? – It’s hard for me to comment
on this because I do feel like we’ve never quite
belonged in the EDM world– – Okay. – and so it’s hard for me to
look at us as even still a part of it even though I know it’s
kinda one foot in the door, one out for us.
– Okay. – We’ve always tried to maintain
our own lane while still, again, keeping one foot
in the EDM world. – I understand. – I think that that’s probably a
good thing for us because like Jake said, I agree, I think it
has plateaued and we have this amazing opportunity to take
ourselves on a completely different lane and
pave our own way. – Do our own thing.
– Yeah, it’s cool. – I just think a lot of what
were talking about when you’re talking about depression with a
lot of young entrepreneurs– – Yes. – maybe feeling let down that
they can’t really achieve the success that they been hyped up
to achieve, what do you think our society being a more and more
fame obsessed society has to do with that especially
with social media? – Yeah, I think the whole 15
minutes of fame has become everybody is
famous to 15 people. You got an entire generation of
young teens right now that take 45 minutes and take a selfie
’cause they want to get the lighting right and post on
Instagram if it doesn’t get enough likes they
take it down right away. Peer pressure, I’ve never
been more obsessed with this. I have a seven and a
four-year-old, instilling self-esteem in to them is
everything because they’re going to need it really, really big.
– Yeah. – Because the market’s gonna push back on every
one of their flaws. Yeah, I think we’re living
through a really, really interesting time.
I really do. I think there a lot of
things happening at once. This is not a very simple issue
where it’s like social media. I think parents, I’m 40, parents
of my generation that grew up during great times, you know
we’re not our parents or our grandparents, great-grandparents
generation where they fought wars and the Depression
and things of that nature. We’ve had so much prosperity
that I think if you look at every empire that when things
are good for too long people become soft. And I think that’s
what’s happening. I think we’re soft. And I think, you know, coming from an immigrant
DNA, like you guys, it’s easier for me to see it. I just think we’re soft and
I think that and I think that I don’t want to add to it. As a very positive optimistic
rah-rah, crush it, anybody can do it guy I want to also at
least have the other part of the equation which is of course hard
work, of course talent and of course look there’s so much
going on in the world right now. I think we’re all sensitive to
a lot of different things that are happening. You never know when
prosperity can end. It ends in a blink. I’m thankful for
the way that it is. I do not think kids being stuck
in their cell phones all day is a bad thing. I don’t think
that’s a ruining them. I think technology is eating the
world and I think it’s going to be more of that. I think that when you guys first
started doing shows compared to now if you think about phone
usage at your shows when you guys are standing there, I’m
curious what you think about what’s going on down there
because that’s just their norm. – Mhmmm. – I love when people think, did
you guys see that picture of the 90-year-old woman that was in
the crowd when the Pope came and everybody took a photo she
didn’t and everybody made a big deal about that? You did. Did you see this?
– Yeah. – You did you see it?
You see it? So it’s a photo like six months
ago when the Pope came to the US I think that everybody made
a big deal about which is everybody taking a photo of it
she just standing, she’s like 90 and she just standing there and
everybody’s like she’s a hero and literally I take
a reverse view on it. I feel bad for her because she’s
old and she probably already forgot about that moment where
as everybody else recorded it. I know it’s a funny– – That’s age discrimination. – Of course it’s
age discrimination. I’m trying to make a zing
joke, I’m sure she remembers it. I have no idea who she is but
I think that change is tough. In the same way that, staying to
music, both hip hop and EDM, one foot in, one foot out both those
genres had nothing but haters in the beginning saying,
“That’s not real music.” – Mhmmm. – And I just don’t like when
people impose their thoughts. Just ’cause kids are
communicating this way doesn’t mean that
millennials are introverted. I love when all my old friends
and when I said old I mean 35-year-olds say these kids
can’t hold a real conversation because their having them here. Meanwhile these same kids spoke
to the same six people their entire childhood because
they didn’t have the outlet to different people,
different things. These kids are
much more worldly. They know a lot more and so
I don’t think anything is bad. I’m pretty much and
optimist that way. But I am worried about
depression because I do think way more scary to me than living
a public life and fame obsession is parents telling their kids
things that aren’t realistic. I do think that we have to train
our generation to deal with adversity and I don’t think
getting an eighth trophy, I do not if you come in fucking last
place that your team should be cheering and
celebrating and given trophies. They should be looked at like, “You guys
suck shit. You lost.” – Don’t you think that this–
– I do believe that’s healthy. – But the advice to the
entrepreneur to push through– – These guys are
going out of business. Do you understand
what’s going to happen? 99% of these– – So they move on
to the next one. – It’s not an
opportunity to get better? – Of course it is.
– Keep going. People out there, keep going. – Of course, keep going but if
you are not self-aware, if you kept rapping, my man,
you would not be as happy as you are today.
– Agreed. – So now go that tell them to keep going
when they’re delusional. – You’ll figure it out. – That was the moment.
That’s the bottom line. You understand? You guys keep
going, keep evolving– – Yes. – but blindly going that I’m
going to be Eminem isn’t gonna work. – But if you don’t do that,
you’ll never figure it out. If I hadn’t put all the time and
energy into that I wouldn’t have understood how to
market recording artist. – That’s a very different thing
then keep evolving and being self-aware and understanding
your strengths and weaknesses to create the next opportunity
versus what people normally hear when you hear keep going which
is if I just keep putting in more hours eventually
I’m gonna put out a song. (inaudible) You didn’t keep
putting out songs– – I did until something else
but if I hadn’t kept going, if I would’ve stopped those thousands
and thousands of times people told me I couldn’t do it. – But please understand in this
conversation when you look back at it you adjusted to a different
opportunity on those learnings. That’s not what people hear– – That’s keep going though. – by your definition but I’m
telling you right now that’s what would people hear. When people hear keep going they
think they’re going to break through on the thing, do you
know that everybody wants to be a famous singer, a famous
athlete and a famous actor and if that person keeps acting
instead of becoming a director which is maybe the skill set
they have they’re gonna lose. – I think what you’re saying
keep going but stay focused but be open to reinventing
yourself all along the way. – Be self-aware. It’s my favorite part of this. It’s what I jumped on earlier. If you actually know yourself
you can win so much more. Just this blind faith that
everybody’s entitled to this level of success is ludicrous. Because most people don’t want
to work hard enough, most people don’t have enough talent and the
math has proven that that’s not the case. The bottom of the 1%, the 1%
earners in America, the top 1% earners, the bottom of
that make $400,000 a year. If you go talk every 15 to
22-year-old, they don’t even conceive anything being
short of a millionaire, of making $1 million a year. But the data shows only 1% in our US society
make $400,000 or more and that makes
them one of the top 1%. We have not had the proper
conversation for every one of you guys, there are 50,000
groups that didn’t make it and it wasn’t because they
gave up one year too early. They just weren’t
talented enough. That’s what I believe.
selling vegetables at my first farmers market coming up Patrick this is amazing watch their eyes that’s what I learned in baseball cards and you guys now know or if you don’t know if you got my website right now a lot of attention and build businesses when you do a trade attention eyes and […]
selling vegetables at my first farmers
market coming up Patrick this is amazing watch their eyes
that’s what I learned in baseball cards and you guys now know or if you don’t
know if you got my website right now a lot of attention and build businesses
when you do a trade attention eyes and ears are very important but I learned
and this is by the way this is stereo I would really be a baseball card cuz it’s
really important I would literally like I would get there at 6:07 a.m. the show
will open at 9:17 a.m. and I would have my table and I would sit there for hours Gary Payton and I would sit there for
hours and I would do this and then this and then this would look and I come
around and I’ll never forget this I don’t come around I try to understand it
from that perspective I would pay attention to what the other dealers were
doing and so I’d like ok he’s a lot of boxes here so we can I go whites PCR I
give a lot of a kid 13 14 and I’m thinking about how would you walk
through the small and if you just saw that guy’s table what does Michael have
to do so that you’re not you know there’s a tea tables here what you see
there that would then make this the end out in the context of that and that and
then what can I do if you look at this table this is the big punch line right
the orange thing so let’s call that the congressman junior rookie card like in
the middle of its headed by all the other cards they put a top left quarter
and funny even as a kid and snowy understand website I understand that’s
how people read so I would put lights flashing just hard to score hottest
items in the top left corner because I
understood that’s how I would look at their stuff here you know to me that’s a
really interesting insight to how I roll it’s how I think about the first five
seconds of this video when you watch it it’s how I think about my tweets it’s
how I think about my opening line want to give a keynote speech that all you’ve
seen in the cliche how many people know who I am who don’t know why everybody
reasons are shipped that hurts hahaha humility because I’m about to deploy a
lot of you go so you know for all my I’m quite calculated and that’s how I
thought about it and so what i would tell you patrick has it Patrick pay attention to the eyes
understand the context think about the parking lot flow of the vegetable market
think about what most people walk through and how did you happen to have a
vegetable that nobody else has a better price on something that nobody else has
understood what they just saw the bathrooms porta-potties where’s the
honey lady there’s a sausage guy like I’m the only person sells pickles in
this entire row think think think and then when you sit down and watch your
first table just watch that’s why did I was a weird dude probably cuz I would
just watch it watch it now just watch and see their eyes just wasn’t working counter punching their attention in
school right like that the whole thing has me right you like that because that
was like I tend to be very clouds but I
people who don’t keep their word?” – Wealth, I’ll be very honest with you I think one of the great secrets of my business success and life in general is zero expectation of others. I know that a lot of people get mad at me when I say that in my life, in my business […]
people who don’t
keep their word?” – Wealth, I’ll be very honest
with you I think one of the great secrets of my business
success and life in general is zero expectation of others. I know that a lot of people get
mad at me when I say that in my life, in my business life,
when I say it in public but it’s my truth. I’m just not that devastated.
It’s a data point. People don’t keep their
word all the time, India. As a matter of fact,
it’s probably a thing I struggle with the most in being
the CEO of this company. A lot of people have worked in
other places where the person hasn’t kept their word and
they’re cynical to my word. And listen, by the way,
I haven’t kept my word my whole life. Even now because something
may fall through the inbox. Like, you see
what’s going on now. Right? I know that I promised to give a
shoutout or a birthday wish and I miss it. There’s human error in not
keeping your word and then there’s just not keeping
your word which happens often. It’s a reality,
humans are flawed. And I would tell you that the
biggest differentiation between myself and many others if I’m
self-evaluating that has been a big deal for me is
I just don’t cry. There’s no crying in business. How do I deal with it? I move on.
I collect data. I’m like, “Oh, Staphon doesn’t
keep his word very often “so his word is not as valuable
to me so I’m going “to take it with a grain of salt “that he’s going to
actually link this up.” Whatever it may be, I think
it’s something that you know, I don’t like entitlement. And I do think believe it or
not, I do think that people get upset with others from a
level of entitlement more than anything else. Like sorry, Rick. Sorry, Wealth Wellness,
Wealth Life sorry that entrepreneur life
let you down and didn’t post that thing. It is what it is what it is. I just let stuff
roll off my back. It is what it is. I’m just prepared
for the negative and so I’m completely unfazed by it. I’m like,
“Oh, that was intriguing.” Not like, “Oh, screwed me.
I’ve been sabotaged. “I failed because India didn’t
come through with her word.” “Ogilvy screwed me.” It’s business.
Put on your pants. Your big boy, big girl
pants and get to work. I contextualize it. I use it as a data set for my
next business behavior with that individual or organization
and I just move on. And, I don’t dwell
and I go forward. People slow themselves down. – [India] Ready?
It’s good. Really good. – Thanks, it’s true.
It’s true. It’s the game, I’m sorry. People are going
to let you down. People are not
going to come through. Almost nothing turns
out the way I want it to. It’s the ability to adjust to
that that separates winners and losers in the business world. – [India] From Justin.
– Justin. Timberlake?
“I’d like to know what you feel makes a great teacher?” – I think what makes a great teacher is one that doesn’t impose what they want the student to learn but the person that actually audits the student and understands where to point them. A counter puncher, per se, more so than somebody who’s […]
“I’d like to know what you
feel makes a great teacher?” – I think what makes a great
teacher is one that doesn’t impose what they want the
student to learn but the person that actually audits
the student and understands where to point them. A counter puncher, per se, more
so than somebody who’s got a strict blueprint and
whether or not you fit into that blueprint is irrelevant. I, teacher Rick, am going to
make you go down this path and this is what you have to learn
and I think it’s a huge mistake. It’s my biggest problem
with curriculum in traditional schooling. It does not account
for the creative. The over smart the
slightly different. And what it’s trying to do is
to create an 80% of these type of output workers. And the 20% either pro or con
get kind of left along the way. And so I think a
great teacher listens. And a great teacher reacts and
a great teacher deploys empathy and understands there’s other
things can sniff out there’s problems at home if you’re in
the younger years or as an older I feel like I’m a teacher and
I feel like one of the biggest things that I try to say all
the time is I’m just telling you what works for me, please don’t,
I don’t tell you have to work 18 hours a day. I don’t tell you you
have to do anything. I tell you that
this is what works. These are some theories and
use the context around that. I think a teachers need a
lot more listening skills and adjustment to the reality versus
how they were taught or what they’re trying to
accomplish by year’s end. By year’s end, these
23 students are going to know how to do multiplication.
It’s so tactical. It doesn’t feel like a teacher
at all and I question and I push and I prod and I poke and I battle a lot of my
teaching friends of are you just checking
the box for your eight months a year job to get it through to
hit tenure to be in a union that never creates any vulnerability
or are you actually trying to teach these kids? And I hope everyone
understands I’m not pumped I’m not cynical against
teachers. I don’t think teachers, I don’t. I think a lot of times,
sometimes people when they hear micro answers from me think
I’m tough on teachers or this and that nature,
I’m mad at the game. I wish teachers got
paid $400,000 year. I send my kids to private
school I spent a lot of money. I don’t like the system that a
lot of people K-12 have to play within and I think a lot of
those talented teachers could be doing unbelievable things
and I’m so excited show the computer. Not that computer, by the
time it actually happens, I’m so excited actually
it’s probably contact lenses I’m so excited for this. Because so many of the great
teachers in the world won’t have to play within the confines of
the politics of the traditional school system and will teach, be
way more profitable and make a much bigger and this is a big
one make much bigger impact on their students lives. – [Voiceover] Ben asks, “Would
you consider adopting children?”
– (inaudible) – [Gary] How are you? – Very well thanks. – [Gary] Good. – [Man] How about yourself? – [Gary] Tremendous. What’s your question? – [Man] My question is I work in podcasting and its a media that has been settling on the cusp of being mainstream but never completely there. How would you […]
– (inaudible) – [Gary] How are you? – Very well thanks.
– [Gary] Good. – [Man] How about yourself?
– [Gary] Tremendous. What’s your question? – [Man] My question is I work in
podcasting and its a media that has been settling on the
cusp of being mainstream but never completely there. How would you go about turning
not even a podcast but any idea from just below
awareness of mainstream content into being
a mainstream media. – [Gary] How would I turn
podcasting itself into mainstream culture? – [Man] Not that specifically
if you’d like. – Or do you mean your podcast? – [Man] No, no. – Podcasting, yeah. I don’t think
that’s a very good idea. I don’t think you go and make a
consumption platform mainstream. I think what you do is you
reverse engineer when things go mainstream and ride them. To me, I have no
romance of platform. I don’t have a romance to
television or radio or mobile devices or social networks or
podcasting or written form. What I have romance for is your
collective attention and then riding those platforms. I mean look I was excited about
podcasting with Odeo years ago and it’s been funny to watch. What’s interesting about
podcasting is I think it’s about to get even far more mainstream
as we start going into the smart-ification of cars and
Bluetooth and those functions where people are going to be
really consuming these podcasts at scale while they’re traveling
and so for me the thought of taking a consumption
platform mainstream is A) way too big of a deal
to actually pull off. B) It’s pretty historic, my man. The written word, audio
and video are the platforms. Where they get
delivered evolves. – [Man] Okay. – That didn’t satisfy you. (crowd applause) Hold on you can
leave the mic. I don’t leave money
unsatisfied customers at least when they’re live. When you guys are watching,
I can’t figure it out but while we’re still, here go ahead. – [Man] We need more listeners. There’s hundreds of
thousands of podcasts. – You need more listeners? No shit you need more listeners. Retailers need more shoppers. Painters need more people
going to (censored) museums. That’s not for you. – [Man] 1 in 2 people still
don’t know what podcasts is. How do you chase them? – I wouldn’t. This is the point. You can’t force human beings to
do what you (censored) want. What you have to respond to
what they actually (censored) do. Got it? (audience cheers) I wanted in 2006,
10 years ago, for more people to watch YouTube because
I had the only (censored) show that was doing anything
but I couldn’t force that. I want badly that more than 14%
of money to be on e-commerce in America 20 years after I
launched an e-commerce wine business but I can’t have that. Got it? -[Man] Yeah, yeah. – What you need to do is
realize podcasting is (censored) enormous and I have a feeling that you’re not
podcast’s father. I feel you have podcasts within
the ecosystem of podcasting and you should recognize that there’s plenty of (censored)
attention for you to be successful so why don’t you win
over the people that are actually there than worrying
about everyone to get on it. – [Man] (inaudible)
(audience laughter) – I love it. Let’s move.
– [Man] Thank you. – You got it, brother.
the Philippines look man you know you’ve had so many great book launches before you got another one coming up on sure it’s going to be a massive success I’m curious to know from one to another what actually happens post launch do you carry on with your marketing team pushing the book out there […]
the Philippines look man you know you’ve
had so many great book launches before you got another one coming up on sure
it’s going to be a massive success I’m curious to know from one to another what
actually happens post launch do you carry on with your marketing team
pushing the book out there or do you just let the internet the readers social
and Amazon reviews takeover to continue the marketing thanks for the insight
brother question christiane really enjoyed our
time was spent in san Diego’s really good guy I’m excited to this podcast
Chris for me I usually wait to the new york times comes out and see where it
lands would crush it became while far went on thank you economy I really must check it
out I stopped it was really just became CEO of intermediate jab jab I continue
through for a little bit and with with a scary be I’m doing heavy promotion now
I’ll do it in March I’ll do it in April is a little bit in May events different
things like I’m funny feeling Oscar review the book is going to be huge and
I’ll tell you why multiple people now who have the galley copy who are reading
it who are either so not ship they would
tell me that something was good and/or have no interest in giving a crap about
me or number three don’t even know who I am are giving such intense good feedback
and it makes it cause it’s it’s the collection of my best work the show we
did it by the way just to stay clear it up it is 1000% not a transcribe from the
show like I really answered all the questions in
new form there was a baseline but I didn’t let I don’t let any word for word
be the answer I added to it I changed my mind I change my mind between the book
and the audiobook the one of the things that I feel bad about his people gonna
fundamental give a crap about both are different and I actually don’t even know
if I get different answers I’m dying to see the first person actually sits and
sees what descriptions of somebody who really hardcore on opening day please
read the book in parallel to the audio book and see call me out of the two or
three were discrepancy will use a scary be about 200 to clear up all
clarifications between the book and audio books so so Christine’s requestion
to take over because I actually think I’ll probably be you know foot off the
pedal in in May three months you know marches intense April is suddenly
intense do some stuff in May the only thing I can see happening though as I do
think there might be some fire a lot of your body you know what the Super eight
coming up on the 23rd time next week said a week from today from a week from
today I’ll be here for eight hours with the big contests in all that I’ve been
feeling a lot of your gonna buy e-books which means your gonna give seven books
away or six or sell them on ebay do your thing but i think thats gonna create new
people to read the book I think it’s fire there start watching the show I see
what I feel more word of mouth potential this book than anything else and if it’s
on fire fire all ride that way because I think if the ride waves and so be very
exhausted if that’s true kinda lot of work to do besides the book some
reactionary chris is the punchline like everything else I do I was a little
insight problem that’s always the answer I’m always tasting and day trading and
adjusting and prepared for anything at all times always period like an actual tool 402 till as they
carry rewriting crashed today what would
hey Gary be my son loves digital media and stuff they want to be producers any advice for why John its ok left unspoken I think that the number one piece of advice I can give you is make them feel like they can actually do it if that’s what they want to do you […]
hey Gary be my son loves digital media
and stuff they want to be producers any advice for why John its ok left unspoken
I think that the number one piece of advice I can give you is make them feel
like they can actually do it if that’s what they want to do you their parent
creating that permission for you to say yes you can is real now no wait please trophies yes
you can but when they put out something and everybody on youtube says it sucks
you look at them and say the market said you suck let’s try again with this
balance of I completely believe you can but let the results be the results don’t
think the result I actually see more unbelievable how bad people are
appearing I’m not kidding I’m really this is a real hot button issue for me
like this could be the transition of my career I really think perfectly parent
did what I write it transitions my career I really do because I’m
passionate about this like I’m getting closer and I’ve six-year-old daughter in
a meeting other parents are not calling out any parents I know if you’re
watching but i picking up on some things and I’ll
tell you I hate how many people were bursts it I watch a lot of parents that
are like literally like soccer like gonna be ok you know johnny is really
good no self-esteem building and then they play they lose nothing to me like a
great job of what I want which is like India you can be the greatest operator
of a museum in the history of all time and then you have to first exhibit if it
doesn’t go oh look it didn’t go well and let’s let’s backtrack and figure out why
and then I would defer my little indie I knew how she likes to read her book of
like the guy who the girl who started three businesses and failed but then in
the fourth one figured out the learnings from the three killed it like the kFC
Guy encouragement matters but reality matters just as much and you have to
create friction amongst those tuned to create the perfect storm for the young
and moldable minds and all the Baltimore mines was standing right I need comments
back to Boston on Friday let me be back