a wrap-up session, but we’re
gonna make a unique thing. Why this book, and more importantly, you have such a mix of people that listen and watch my show, right? You’ve got a ton of people in startup, entrepreneurial culture,
you know, obviously cause of the agency,
there’s a plenty amount of executives in Fortune
500s, bloggers, media types. When you look at this book, and you guys put your
self-awareness against this book, who benefits the most? Of course, that’s like wanting
the book to be successful. We want everybody, and I’d
like, it would mean a lot to me to support these guys, I want you on it, but going down the pecking order, who do you think, or how
do the individual segments that could read this book, what
do you see them benefitting from what angles? – I mean, what we wanted to
do, we wanted to create an MBA in a book, because you
can start off in business, and you can get very good at one thing, and there’s something in your
head that’s saying to you, I wish I had the 360 mindset, you know, that’s sort of what an MBA,
I’ve got one, what it gives you. It sort of gives you the CEO’s mindset, you sort of see all
the different functions working together, and we looked around, and that book didn’t exist. It’s for people who didn’t have an MBA who just wanted one but
didn’t wanna give up two years of their life to go get one. – Or the gadrillion dollars, or the debt. – Right, the flexibility, everything. – Well, I mean, anybody
who’s managing anyone, a small team of five
people or a team of 500, can use the tools that are in here to build a team.
– So, management. – No, no, no, that’s one level. – I know, but that, but
it’s an interesting insight that that’s where you went
first, but I’m intrigued by it. – Well, I– – He always goes there first (laughs)
because he– – I believe in it so
much, so I’m into it too. – But I’m talking about
managing small groups as well. – I get it. – And what we wanted to
do is create an atmosphere in a company that’s got some
of the buzz you’ve got here, across every company. So, building a wow team,
and having employees know how to play on a wow team is
a critical part of this story. – One last thing is that there’s
a whole section of the book on your career, and it’s about, you know, what should I do with my life, how do I get out of a career stall, and how do you become an entrepreneur, what does it really take? There’s all, a lot of the book is about winning strategically,
smiting your competition, building a great team, but look frankly, people spend a lot of brain time thinking about their own careers and how they get to be where – Stuck. – Where they’re really
fulfilled and they’re doing what they wanna do, so the whole, there’s a chunk of the book about that. – Do you believe, on a real
quick question, do you believe, by the way, you guys
look great in this photo. Do you believe, how many photos, how long did this photo shoot take? – Long time for me, not for her.
– Longer than we’d have liked. – To get me on there to look
like that was real work. – I can imagine. (they laugh) Do you believe that a top 25, 50 business school MBA in April 2015, is as
valuable in the marketplace as it was, five, 10, and 25 years ago. – Go back to top 10. – Okay, top 10, yes. – Absolutely. – How about 11 to 25? – It starts to slide pretty quickly. At the top 10, the line is out the door with McKinsey, with
Booz, with everybody else lined up, waiting to get in. So at a top 10 school, you’re making a huge 300,000 dollar investment, but the return is pretty good. – It pays off. – It pays off. – What about, so many of those kids, cause now I’m spending a
lot of time with those kids. So many of those kids want to
become startup entrepreneurs. – Right. – Do you believe that the
ROI is equally as good at that 300,000 dollar investment if they wanna go down that path versus going to Bain and McKinsey, who start paying them
tremendously strong salaries and bonuses that can drive down that debt. – Depends on the quality of their idea. Let’s face it. – What’s your intuition tell you– – We are running all the time into people that wanna be, quote, entrepreneurs. It’s not a profession. It is the output of a great idea. – Yep. – It’s not like being
a lawyer or a doctor. What is your idea, what
is the value proposition, and can you win with it? – Yeah. – So, I always end the
show where I ask a question