#AskGaryVee Episode 219: The Last Episode of #AskGaryVee, Political Marketing, & Dealing With Grief
– [Pierce] Gary, it’s summer what you’re POV on belt since I know you’re not wearing one? – I’m down on belts. I haven’t worn a belt in a long time. I don’t believe in belts. I don’t like them. You? – [Pierce] I love them. They’re a fashion statement, they keep your pants up. […]
– [Pierce] Gary, it’s summer
what you’re POV on belt since I know you’re not wearing one? – I’m down on belts. I haven’t worn a
belt in a long time. I don’t believe in belts. I don’t like them. You?
– [Pierce] I love them. They’re a fashion statement,
they keep your pants up. Garrett and I go
deep with the fashion. (inaudible) – I do have white
pants today, you like it? – [Pierce] Yeah.
– Thank you, thank you. Alright, Pierce go do
something productive. Thanks for the belt question. – [India] (inaudible)
“18 hours a day? “In episode 215, you said that putting in the time does not “mean you will be successful. “I’m confused, should I give up?” – Ethan? Ethan, it works both ways. Here’s my point about hard work, it’s a great opportunity to great way to be in this spot as we move […]
“18 hours a day? “In episode 215, you said that
putting in the time does not “mean you will be successful. “I’m confused,
should I give up?” – Ethan? Ethan, it works both ways. Here’s my point about hard work,
it’s a great opportunity to great way to be in this spot
as we move to the next office. Hard work really matters but
let’s talk about it both ways. Yes, in episode 215 or
wherever I said it that if you put in 18 hours a day and
you don’t have talent you will not get results. If you put in nine hours a day
and you’re loaded with talent in whatever you’re doing
you’ll get results. It’s this cross-section of
work ethic and talent. They both matter. People get so mad when
I talk about talent. We had a hold Krewella episode
where it was like that whole debate and in the comments a
bunch of you losers, yep, losers were like, “No, you can make it
happen if you work hard enough.” That is just not true. Stand up everybody in the
comment section if you worked very hard for three, four, five,
six, seven years at something and you didn’t get the greatest
results of all time and have a white picket fence
and hit the Hall of Fame. It happens every day. But talent is not something that
you, watching this right now, can go home and say I’m going to
muster up more talent in art, in business, in sports. You can’t do that. But work ethic you can. And so I push work ethic because
I believe it’s a variable and I believe it’s far
more controllable. I do believe that you can cut
out leisure, change your mindset and put in the work. I do not believe the
automatically can become an unbelievably millionaire status
world-class in what you do. Do I think you can become
a better editor if you do it bunch?
Sure do. Do you think I better at
tennis if you play it a lot? Yes, I do. Do I think that means that
you could be on the tour? No, I do not. – [India] Next question.
– [Voiceover] Parker asks, “We know you’re not a bling bling “guy but be honest how many Nike kicks you got?” – Actually answered him on Twitter the answer was 20 until I hung up with my boy DJ Clue last night who hooked me up with like 20 pairs of Air Force. It’s unbelievable, […]
– [Voiceover] Parker asks, “We
know you’re not a bling bling “guy but be honest how
many Nike kicks you got?” – Actually answered him on
Twitter the answer was 20 until I hung up with my boy DJ Clue
last night who hooked me up with like 20 pairs of Air Force. It’s unbelievable,
he’s the greatest guy. I’m wearing this pair,
it’s new, so now I have 40. (laughter) Like literally doubled my collection. That’s how he rolls. He’s a gangster man. He has 40 pairs of the same
stuff I guess, he’s the best. Obviously, a good friend. I actually asked them to be on
the show last night when we were hanging out. So DJ Clue, iconic hip hop DJ
will be coming through soon. – [India] From Blake?
– Blake.
– [Voiceover] Blake asks, “What are your thoughts on breaking out in the world of politics and branding the right way?” – The politics thing has been very interesting. It’s been very much on my mind as it probably is for most people in UK and the US with all the things going on in […]
– [Voiceover] Blake asks, “What
are your thoughts on breaking out in the world of politics
and branding the right way?” – The politics thing has
been very interesting. It’s been very much on my
mind as it probably is for most people in UK and the US with
all the things going on in those countries and probably
a lot of places but what I’m familiar with. The truth is if I was born in
America I really, really, really would run for
president in eight years. (laughter) I’m not even joking. But I wasn’t and so I’m not and
I don’t want to be the governor. Do I think politics is
a place of opportunity? Do I think that politics has
clearly in the last 10 years because of social media, because
of the way the world works, because of where the environment
in the US politics landscape sits today do I think there will
be a lot of people who can use media to give
themselves a real shot in mayor, governor,
senator, President campaigns? Of course, it’s been proven. I think it’s going to be a very
intriguing 50 years in politics. Because I do believe the
landscape change, everything I believe in marketing and
business deploys to society. The issues we’re dealing with,
racism, we’re going to have to look at everything. We’re about to live through an
unbelievable time in human race. Because all of this, we have
five cameras going right now. I had like 10 people
stop me today, DRock. There’s so much going on. There’s a lot going on. And I’m just showing a blueprint
like I’ve always done so many of you are starting to
feel the effects of this. I see it I’m getting a lot more
emails and social media content from you guys of results
that are happening for you. eBay people that are
making tons of money. People that are vlogging. Musical.ly, busting out there. Influencer marketing. There’s something in the air. – [India] From Sam.
– Sam. – [Voiceover] Sam asks, “How do
you find your motivation again
“after dealing with grief and loss?” – Sam, I don’t feel comfortable in answering questions that I’m not in a position to answer and the truth is I have not dealt and this is why I’m probably so happy. To be at 40 years old and have the unfortunate situation of not having three of […]
“after dealing with
grief and loss?” – Sam, I don’t feel comfortable
in answering questions that I’m not in a position to answer and
the truth is I have not dealt and this is why I’m
probably so happy. To be at 40 years old and have
the unfortunate situation of not having three of my four
grandparents when I was born well, two, one died
before I can remember him. I’ve been very lucky and I would
tell you that I’m going to make you one promise. Your grandfather is
not heartbroken. It’s only been eight weeks. Life is very long, your
grandfather knew that best. I don’t think he would judge
you in an eight week window. I think you should
properly grieve. And I do think
it’s a gut punch. I think it is appropriate. Heck, I sometimes don’t hustle
for 6 to 12 to 24 hours after a Jets loss and that’s silliness.
Right? So for you to be appropriately
mourning I think is great and I think you should not put
pressure on yourself and I think you should let your
emotions run their course. Eventually you have to
get back in the saddle, that’s just the way it is. But I don’t think you should
put pressure on yourself at two months, for sure, let
alone maybe even six months. But, I’m sure you’ll get
back on the grind in no time. And I really appreciate
the kind words and I’m sorry for your loss. – [India] Last one.
– Last one.
“at the old office?” – [India] It’s this one. – That was a question? You made that up you. – [India] No. – That was just sitting there. Oh it just happened. Oh, that’s a great question. What was the question? My best moment, right? – [India] The best day at this office. – You […]
“at the old office?” – [India] It’s this one. – That was a question?
You made that up you. – [India] No. – That was just sitting there. Oh it just happened. Oh, that’s a great question. What was the question? My best moment, right? – [India] The best
day at this office. – You know what? This is actually
the true answer. And I think it’s, wow, good job,
I’m so pumped we did a little Periscope before he went
on to get the question. I’m so pumped with this
answer ’cause it’s the truth. I think it’s very, it’s
romantic it’s a good story. No question the best day in this office for me ever
was the first day. Because we were
crammed, who was there? You were there India
in the old office? Nope, see. OG.
– [India] Wow. – Yep, maybe you’re slightly
getting back into the fam. We were crammed as you remember. We moved here and it was so big.
Remember? Everybody was like, “Oh my God. It’s so nice.
And there’s so much room.” – [India] The view. – The views and all this so to
sit here, when did we move here? Like two and half years ago? – [India] (inaudible) – [Gary] Oh really,
three years ago? That first day I was proud that
what AJ and I and the rest of the team were building, created
an environment that was good and exciting and brought
value to my teammates. The people that
help all this happen. As you guys will find out on
Monday ’cause I’m sure we’ll edit a really cool #AskGaryVee
Show and a DailyVee that really shows off our new office. We are leveling that up. And as some of you that watched
on live stream when Meg Dede’s doing her call sitting outside
people have been doing meetings in broom closets and
I love that by the way. I love the ghetto
nature of that. I’m actually very worried about
the new move and everybody’s going to get real fancy, Think like Andy’s going to
wear a tie or something. (laughter) But the best day,
the best day was the first day because the look in everybody’s
eyes of, you know it’s funny they were looking at me as like
thank you for making this happen and I just remember thinking
thank you for making this happen in return. I think that’s what’s going to
happen on Monday in a couple of days. I thing everybody’s going to
be thank you and oh my God. I heard the cafeteria’s insane. – [India] Yeah.
– You’ve seen it? – [India] Well, they had a
little video that’s really cool. – They sent a video today? – [India] A little
video tour, yeah. – Was it amazing?
– [Group] Yeah. – Fired up.
I still haven’t seen it. That’s the funniest
part of everything. Tyler and Andy were going to
screw my office, we’ve dealt with that earlier. Anyway, I would say that. Vayner Nation, I’ll see you
on Monday in a new setting. Which wasn’t, isn’t going to
be fully built out but we have, is my office going to
be where we’ll film? And you’re gonna do
a whole bookshelf? – [DRock] Yeah. – You’re going to do
something really clever? – [DRock] Yeah. – You guys got a real plan?
– [DRock] Yep, mhmmm. And it’s going to be online. – Really?
– [DRock] Yeah. – Why’d you tell me that? It would have
been a big surprise. He ruins everything. (laughter) All right. (laughter) Question of the day: What is
your favorite move of location