#AskGaryVee Episode 203: Fitness Entrepreneurs & The Business of Fitness


– Hey Gary, I have a question for you. The online fitness space especially seems super noisy and everybody is saying the same thing for new bloggers or for new online trainers what’s the number one piece of advice you would give them to set themselves apart in the marketplace? You can’t just have a […]

– Hey Gary, I have
a question for you. The online fitness space
especially seems super noisy and everybody is saying the same
thing for new bloggers or for new online trainers what’s the
number one piece of advice you would give them to set
themselves apart in the marketplace? You can’t just have
a super fit body. You can’t have the top
certification anymore and even being consistent with content
doesn’t seem like enough so is there an x-factor and
I would like to know what you think that is? – I would say you have to think
who your exact audience is and’s talk specifically to them and
not worry about the number and everybody else. Who is
your exact audience? Who is a type of client you’re
trying to attract and create things like you’re talking
to one person, for them? Because that’s what’s going
to attract more people to you personally. It’s not thinking
who is the masses? Who is everybody going to want? It’s just talking to your ideal
client like it’s one person. – Mike you sell, what
is it a $400 a month? – Online coaching?
– Yes. – 350.
– 350 a month. Your business took a real
interesting turn in January when you went hard on Snapchat. – Yes.
– What has happened there? To answer that question, ’cause
I think that’s my answer to Jill which is you got to
find white space. Yes, it is harder to bust out
in fitness on Instagram in April and May 2016 than it was in
January 2013 ’cause it’s called supply and demand. It’s just supply and demand. You moved fast in an
environment on Snapchat. – Being there first. – Being there
first is real guys. – Yeah I agree. I also disagree I don’t think
people are pumping out content. I think that is the
biggest weakness. I think people are lazy.
Including myself. I haven’t posted on Instagram
in two weeks and it’s pathetic. – I don’t think that to be true. – What do you mean?
That it’s pathetic? – No, that you have not
posted something on Instagram in two weeks. – I posted yesterday
but once in two weeks. Yeah, I know you’re pissed. – I’m not pissed, I’m just
highly disappointed in you. (laughter) – That’s worse. – I’m going to eat
so much shit today. (laughter) I’m gonna gain 7 pounds
on the scale today. – I agree– – I want him to feel the
disappointment that I feel right now.
Next question. I’m disappointed. I’m let down with you Mike. – [Brittany] This
question is from Jen.


– Hey Gary. My name is Jen Glysson and I’m a private trainer out of Los Angeles and my question to you is about branding. I currently have a personal training business that’s thriving. I have a 12 week digital work out guide that’s selling online and my third line of income is going to […]

– Hey Gary. My name is Jen Glysson and
I’m a private trainer out of Los Angeles and my question
to you is about branding. I currently have a
personal training business that’s thriving. I have a 12 week digital work
out guide that’s selling online and my third line of income is
going to be a studio where I’m running my signature
classes all day every day. As far as branding goes how do I
build my brand to be stronger, bigger and get more people
through the door without paying a PR company
thousands of dollars a month? – You know it’s funny ’cause cut
up my because I wanted to razz him but it’s going to be the
second theme Mike’s not wrong, he’s also a very right he just
doesn’t have the ability to talk about it because he has only
posted one thing on Instagram in two weeks so he’s a hypocrite. The answer is content. The answer is
content, content, content. How do you do? A) you got this studio thing
I think is a very good idea. I like the virtual and
real aspect just like a book. We were talking before
this started this is harder. – Yes.
– The physical than the digital. A retail store
like I grew up in. An agency, that’s even harder.
Kudos on you. It’s funny, when I was watching
the video I feel very confident that you’re going
to execute on that. What about the
content around that? I think the gym or studio
that creates “The Office” so think about DailyVee. What I think you should do is
invest money to a full-time Staphon and an editor and put
out a 20 minute show about your studio on YouTube every day. Literally people
will want to go there. People travel the world to beg
to come here to take a selfie in this room when I’m not here. Just think about that. Think about if you have a studio
where there’s a sitcom around the janitor, the front desk gals
and guy, you, you know you’ll have to blur out faces because a
lot of people may not want that but some well so you got the
regular Rick who is trying… It’s “Cheers.”
It’s literally a show. I think that would be the
number one way to brand. You don’t sell from that.
That’s brand. I don’t sell from DailyVee. I macro sell.
I don’t micro sell. – What I think is, what a lot
of people don’t realize about content too is you can shoot
content for one thing like YouTube, like you
said, like I do. I do that too. And you can take content from
that YouTube video and re-edit smaller clips for
Instagram or for Facebook. – 100%.
– Transcribe it, make a blog. – My whole world
is built on that. The show inevitably
an article from Britt. I’ll give you a good example. DailyVee 34 or 33,
with Cha Tha God? – [Staphon] 33. – 33, I put on Facebook in it’s
long form, great 50,000 views, 70,000 views.
100,000 reach. A minute, 20 second clip from an
interview Cha Tha God posted it on Facebook 15 million
organic reach 4 million views. – Yeah. – And then Quote
Cards and the quotes. – Infographics for
Pinterest from it. – 100%, 100%.
And on and on and on. The Instagram, excuse me,
I don’t have a laptop around me a lot now it’s the number one
move that I’m mad that I’m not doing Snapchatting my laptop
playing the YouTube video that I want everybody to see. – Yeah.
– It’s the micro-ing the macro. – You’re not hustling enough.
– You’re right. Let’s move it. – You need to start doing that. – I fully believe
that all times. I really believe
that by the way. I always believe there’s another
even though my latest Snapchat story has me concluding last
night at midnight and starting this morning at 5 AM.
Not enough. – You’re just going to
have to DNA clone yourself. – Respect. – [Brittany] I think
this one is more for Gary.


make a fitness more of a priority for you, how did you choose the fitness professional that’s coaching you? – How’d I choose Mike? – [Brittany] Yes. – Look at this monster walking in. – What’s up, brother? – You are beating up everybody too much or something? – [Natalie] Hey. – How are you […]

make a fitness more
of a priority for you, how did you choose the fitness professional
that’s coaching you? – How’d I choose Mike?
– [Brittany] Yes. – Look at this
monster walking in. – What’s up, brother? – You are beating up
everybody too much or something? – [Natalie] Hey.
– How are you doing, love? – How are you?
– Hi. – What’s up brother?
– Mike. – Alright, let’s go. – You’re looking a little
bit smaller what’s going on? – Tiny guy. – I do like you
thinning out a little bit. – I like it too man. Summertime, you know
what I mean? – Yeah I get it. Mike why don’t tell everybody
real quick who you are, actually I’ll answer the question
so we can go right into the next question.
It’s very easy. A lot of things in life
are just relationship based. Two, three years ago or 3 1/2
years ago I tried to get my health going for real I put out
to social media thinking that’s what I was going to be
accountable to, the peer pressure.
Wanna get here, my man? Good to see again.
– How’s it going? You well?
– Yeah. I thought I was going to succumb
to the peer pressure of social media to hold me accountable so
I said I need to work out John Roman who we mentioned earlier
got his community to shout me out heavily I should be a guy. Great I picked him that was my
relationship, Mike was his intern that was the relationship so
I picked my person based on relationships. Mike and I actually worked out
together unsuccessfully before we got into this for five or
six months where I worked out four times, eight times in four
months and canceled 19 times on his way to
my gym because I hadn’t made
the mental shift. So to answer the
question on relationship. Mike why don’t you tell the
Vayner Nation that didn’t see

When was the last time you posted on Instagram? & The next time you post to social media- ask yourself- does it add value? Is it something that's going to make people feel encouraged, motivated, or care? Is it something they'll want to share? & Why do you do what you do?
// Asked by Mike Vacanti, Natalie Jill, Mike Rashid COMMENT ON YOUTUBE