– Hey Gary Ginner, Chad J. L. D. here and I have a question for you. About Snapchat. Because of you, I have
been snapping my face off. And loving every second of it. DRock at John Lee Dumas. And I would love for you to share with us, how do we grow our Snapchat followers? You’ve answered this question before, I haven’t loved any of your answers. If you could go deep, break it down, we’re VaynerNation. How do we grow our Snapchat followers? – J.L.D. wants to grow his base. J.L.D., excited, I think
I’m actually going on your podcast today,
which you’ll probably air as the book comes out. That’s later in my day. J.L.D., listen, I’m
sorry that I’m not giving you a good answer. The answer is you have to
use every other channel. It’s using every other
channel at its hacking. You’re doing it right now,
you threw up your Snap code, because you’re hoping a bunch of people in the VaynerNation stop
it, take a picture of it, and add you as a friend. You’re doing exactly the right thing. Which is, you’ve got to use
other people’s platforms and other, you know, collaborating. Literally, emailing
everybody that you know or messaging them on Instagram, if they’ve big Instagrams,
assuming that means they have some sort of community on Snapchat. And saying, “Hey, how do
I take over your channel? How do I, give me a shoutout.” It’s literally endorsements
on other people’s Snapchat. Or, listen, man, make your podcast over the next six, seven, weeks, pounding Snapchat. Interview people about Snapchat, interview Snapchat executives. Make your world about Snapchat. I’ve won because I’ve branded, you’re looking for a tactic. You’re looking for a sales tactic. Right? A transaction. Oh, go do this, buy
this search term, right? Like, you’re looking for that. You’re looking for, maybe
you should buy the long tail, term on Google as a
Google AdWord that says, “Who should I follow on Snapchat?” And then maybe you’re the first result. That you paid for. It’s me, follow me, right? That will work, probably
cost a buck or two. Per follower, that might work. But I’m doing it in
marketing and branding. By being about it, ’bout it, right? By being about it, and
by talking about it, and by being out there,
people are picking up on that behavior, they’re
writing about me being in there. And yes, I sit at a
high level in marketing but there’s a lot of people… D.J. Khalid wasn’t, he was a DJ. He went all about it, now
people give him exposure. Right now, because
there’s no functionality within Snapchat to growth
hack or pay for ad spend or any other functionality
to build your user base, you have to win on
marketing, not on sales. J.L.D., there’s too many people in 2016 that have become “internet marketers” and it’s all about arbitrage. Facebook ads, Pinterest
ads, Google AdWords, affiliate marketing, email marketing, landing page optimization. It’s all about tactics, it’s not about marketing and religion. The reason I’ve done so well on Snapchat is, I’m a marketer, right? I built Wine Library
on marketing, not just transactional couponing
and Google AdWords. I’ve built myself in marketing. Coming. I’ve built myself in
marketing, by building my brand and that’s trickled down. It’s not just transactional. I sell a lot more books
than a lot of people because it’s not the tactics,
it’s the overall brand. It’s really the thesis of
jab-jab-jab-right hook. Those jabs are branding,
I’m bringing value. And so, there’s tactics,
like you just did, J.L.D., but there’s also branding. And you have a platform, you
have a successful podcast. Make your content about that. And then there’s a lot of
tactics like I mentioned earlier in this rant, as I wove some
tactics in there for you. But you’ve gotta level
up your thinking, bro, I’m not kidding. You know, you’re gonna razz,
I’m gonna razz right back. You gotta think marketing versus, you know, you’re more
than welcome to go out and do guest blog posts
on a ton of business sites about why you think Snapchat’s important. And now you show up in a
lot of distributed places. With a call to action
to, oh, P.S., by the way, follow me on Snapchat. So there’s a lot, you may not like the answers because you
may not want to do them. Or you might not like this answer because marketing’s a lot harder than a growth hack or an execution. It doesn’t take away from the
fact that it is the answer. The reason so many people are asking me how to built a base is
because it’s not easy. ‘Cuz it’s branding and marketing. Not sales and transactional. I’m excited right now,
because that was actually a very important answer
to a lot of questions that have going on for a long time. Too many people here are playing checkers when the game is really chess. Branding and marketing is different than transactional, affiliate, it’s math versus branding. It’s quant versus qual. Snapchat is in branding and qual world. And that’s just too hard for most of you.