#AskGaryVee Episode 176: Delegating Work, Micromanagement, and Monitoring Employees' Social Media


relationships to your social media and you should do the same for customers and employees to follow many of your employees and like comment on their personal content traditional management which they know what they eat I follow is laughing when employees like were closer we get to spend more time but obviously places imagine […]

relationships to your social media and
you should do the same for customers and employees to follow many of your
employees and like comment on their personal content traditional management
which they know what they eat I follow is laughing when employees like were
closer we get to spend more time but obviously places imagine that it may be
entering the CD for four months and then I’ll show up on her Instagram and say
yeah and looked like her and her boyfriend you like this the creepiest
shit about type look I’m not following any company you because I’m not scared
of being sued because I we believe in my life that intent trumps everything like
you can sue on anything you like anything at anytime about anything I’m
so so the answer is held i sees the end what he say how does this say what is it
he says that that I watch a lot of the content of the ones putting on a
reference Lego India’s putting up like ok but does it look nice picture looks
something like you like lately nonetheless like I’m seeing what
everybody’s doing and there’s a lot to see it as funny stuff but don’t get a
public domain right like you know on Instagram they have to accept me if they
want to follow me like I don’t feel like I’m intruding because it’s the rules of
the game I’m watching I’m watching this I want to know them better to bring them
more my intent is to follow so I can make it better for them not show up on
your fired you drink beer too late at night intent is what trumps everything and
then I engagement coming from a good place and they get pumped like a lot of
employees are happy when I engage cause I think it’s cool and like my bosses you
know like you know to me like so I just think intention so yes I follow yes I
engage i dont give you a lot because I do have respect for like everybody views
these things definitely some tribes smart I don’t think anybody
uncomfortable but my intent is pure is sure you know what I want to be good I’m
doing it for good and so I’m not scared executives income companies are bad
often they don’t care about the employees of their intent is bad hey we need to cut fifty people from
payroll this year we let swallow people’s social and blame them for blood
that’s what happens when things going on that’s going on but not everywhere but
that’s that’s in can’t do anything you want like you know companies are highly
regulated Pharma financial they’re scared of the government’s suing them
stood up mad at the cut employees they’re just doing governance so that
they don’t become exposed as the company so I understand why I have letter of
intent if you are a financial service and your monitoring your people and your
not letting them use social media because the government makes you feel
that you’ll be fined for doing something that’s not intended to bad just protect
that got it but don’t look at a tactics freely back to the intent wright also do
anything ok but your police might not be not
awesome it might be more vulnerable things maybe our CEOs also scared of
those kind of maybe but up massively bored one day my
career I take a step back and change and 10th always changing Ask Gary are you more of a delegator or
micro manager can’t wait for the UK book


– [Voiceover] Stephen asks: “Gary, are you more of a delegator or micromanager? “Can’t wait for the UK book tour!” – Both. I delegate everything that I think is not the single most important things in the world. And then, I micromanage the things that I think are the most important things in the world. […]

– [Voiceover] Stephen asks: “Gary, are you more of a
delegator or micromanager? “Can’t wait for the UK book tour!” – Both. I delegate everything that I think is not the single most important
things in the world. And then, I micromanage the things that I think are the most
important things in the world. Luckily for me, hence
why I’ve been able to build big companies. I don’t think most things matter. So, I don’t think I’m any
different than anybody else. I actually think that
everybody is a delegator and a micromanager. I just think my radar of
what’s important is different. Yes, we need to do something with that. That’s the shit guys. That’s it right there. I’m just like you. We’re all the same. We all delegate. We all micromanage. The difference is I don’t think most things matter. And, what do I mean by that, as I’m trying to think about somebody watching this for the first time, instead of alluding to people
that have watched forever. Most things don’t matter. That’s what it means. If I was like, I don’t know. I don’t think lighting matters
as much as DRock. I just don’t think things matter. I don’t think like one
client that’s going to put us out of business. I don’t think one employee’s
gonna kill our atmosphere. I don’t think a lot of things matter. I don’t think like a misspelling
in a deck is something that really matters to a
lot of people in my company. It just doesn’t matter to me. I just don’t think so. Guys. Guys, I don’t think we’re going
to lose the account, because we put the I before the E. And, if we do, (censored) them. Idiots. I don’t think not wearing
shoes in an establishment is the biggest thing in the world. Clearly, if you’ve watched DailyVee 1, some people do. And, guess what. I do not judge. Do not judge. Everybody’s allowed to do their thing. It’s just like parenting. I will never spew my parenting. I talk about it. But, it’s very holistic. Like, this is what I do, not what I’m telling you to do. This is me. But (censored) like. So ultimately, I think that I’m both. Like everybody in the world, I just think that I deem
what’s most important at a very very high level. You know what? A lot of you
are commenting about my five minute meetings. Most of you, because you’re
part of my community, think it’s great. A lot of comments on YouTube and Facebook. Like “Ooh, I like DailyVee because “Gary spends five.”, that’s nice. One comment. By the way, whoever said this is going to see this and be like “Holy
crap, he reads everything.” “I’ve worked at small companies where “the boss didn’t even know my name.” You know what I mean? Like this is cool. But, do you know how many people think it’s stupid? I have a lot of people
in my life that think that I’m very busy, and I
have a lot of things to do. And, why in the world? Gary it’s not scalable. It’s not sustainable. Yeah, you’re making that face, because you’re so in our cocoon. Just like, you know. Don’t do that. It’s not bad. Nobody expects you to do it. Not at this scale. And, you have a great culture. And, you have great intent. Just do that. I’m like “nope”. This thing matters to me. So micromanaging a hello into my company three to six months in, that a lot of people outsource to an HR person or to leadership. So, I do unscalable things all the time; micromanaging if I deem
them the most important. Pitching new business. I like to micromanage that. Because, it’s important to win business. Money helps me keep doing everything. Cool.

What is the thing you micromanage the most because you think it's so important?
// Asked by Gary Vaynerchuck COMMENT ON YOUTUBE