#AskGaryVee Episode 119: How Should You Spend Your Last Two Weeks at a Job?
“to Amish people if that was your primary market? “#BuggyHustle.” – Galen, this is a tremendous question, and I think it opens up an opportunity for me to give a broad answer. The truth is, I’d probably spend six months to a year before I would say a word or market, for me personally, because […]
that many others have tried to do before me & failed. Am I stupid to think that I’ll be the anomaly? – Daniel, that’s a tough question, because the truth is, there are some mountains that are very difficult to climb and thesis’s that people love to think are real, and they’re never able to […]
“of transitioning to a new job. “I was wondering what your advice would be “for my last two weeks?” – Nathan, I’m gonna give you some really good advice that I think a lot of people here need to hear as you transition from job to job. I actually think the last two weeks of […]
“a video game, what type would it be “and on what platform would you sell it?” – Nils, this is a pretty interesting question. There’s two spaces that I think video games are really interesting, and one is obviously mobile. I still think mobile, kind of word, simple, like, the game that works for the […]
and my question for you for the #AskGaryVee Show is, what women in business do you think are just rockin’ it on social media? I love to follow people who are doin’ great stuff and I’d love to know who you think is doing an exceptional job on social media. Women in business, thank you, […]