#AskGaryVee Episode 10: Ridiculously Hard and Obnoxiously Smart
– [Voiceover] Marin asks, do you ever complain and what’s your attitude toward complaining in business and in life in general? – Marin, I appreciate this question and I’m curious how much you know me or if you’re asking that because the truth is if you look at my historical tweets, hundred thousand plus, maybe […]
but I don’t feel like I’m hitting much of anything. Any advice? – I have advice. I don’t know if you heard, I’ve gotta show, #AskGaryVee. Subscribe. So, here’s my advice. If you follow boxing or MMA, one would understand that some people are great technical boxers. They know how to jab and when they […]
who keeps accidentally calling my house to stop?” – Chad, one thing I pride myself is in is actually really paying attention. I’m really good at paying attention to mannerisms. I feel for the room, I also listen to words. You said cute old lady, which means you actually like it. And so what I […]
networks once a week with great content or daily with poor content? – Matthew, why does it have to be one or the other? Why not both? I am so tired that people think that this is kind of like the thing that pisses me off the most. “Oh Gary, I see you hustle so […]
is confidence, skill, and luck?” – Simon, the truth is, you know, and some people don’t like to hear this. Sometimes they say I’m lucky and people get really pissed. A bunch of you will put in the comments right now. But the truth is, I am a lucky guy. Like, I was born in […]
effective even though it’s pay to play model and throttling?” – Nick, I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to what I’ve been screaming about for the last hundred days, but it’s called Facebook dark posts. Google it, watch it on YouTube. Bunch of people show you how to use it. Not only do […]