
So I co-founded a company called Shimmer and we’re just building a whole bunch of assets around social media and filter space. – Okay – So as you know, you work with the space, it’s really raw. – Yep! – So, what do you think the biggest opportunities are there currently untapped? – In social […]

So I co-founded a company called Shimmer and we’re just building
a whole bunch of assets around social media and filter space. – Okay – So as you know, you work with the space, it’s really raw. – Yep! – So, what do you think the
biggest opportunities are there currently untapped? – In social media influencers? – Yeah, like, obviously
there’s brand agencies, there’s events. All that stuff, where do
you think like the next you know, like the next big
thing can be in the space? – I’m gonna go over arch again. I know we already had
an influencer question, so I like how this is working … We’re you, like holy
crap he asked way too .. We’re you pissed? Yeah. – That’s not cool. That’s why I gotta go first. To me this is the biggest thing that people don’t understand about the influencer space. Not only do influencers create content, they create distribution. So for the first time ever, in one entity, you get both things that people want. You know, if you think about television production companies or
movies, Steven Spielberg. But then you need distribution, right. So what I would say is, the biggest opportunities for these guys, for you, for me, for everybody’s that ‘s
playing in the space, is to recognize that unique principle in today’s internet world where they actually can drive two things. And then apply them. The other place that I think
there’s a huge opportunity, to answer you question, to give everybody more
information, go a little deeper as I’ve been trying to go, is product. I think that the infomercial space, the leveraging of like, you know of like celebrity into product. I at one point could have easily sold tens of thousands of glassware sets because of my wine influence. I think retail and
product, call it QVC 3.0 is another place that
people need to think about. – Okay.
– Thanks brother. – Appreciate it, Gary.
– Good luck to you, stay well. Next, let’s go.

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