
– Hi Gary my name is Gbenjo Abimbola from Nigeria, West Africa. It’s 2:16 AM in the morning here and I’m grinding. I hope this gets in. My question is short and simple to you and Simon. When do you know you have the chops as a young person to start talking? When you have […]

– Hi Gary my name is
Gbenjo Abimbola from Nigeria, West Africa. It’s 2:16 AM in the morning here and I’m grinding.
I hope this gets in. My question is short and
simple to you and Simon. When do you know you have the chops as a young
person to start talking? When you have the
results to back it but you’re not an all time great yet. Do you start talking
or do you document? Thank you. – I think you start talking,
the whole thing’s a process. You start talking immediately. It takes a long time to become
an overnight success, right? I think for the both of us and
everybody we know that we admire who’s
achieved anything. They’ve been
at this a long time– – Work!
– talking at it, and by the way, they weren’t great
at the beginning. Go watch–
– Speak for yourself. – Go watch early interviews
of Steve Jobs. Right? Early interviews of
Steve Jobs are fantastic. He’s terrible and he
actually in one of them says, “I need to go throw up,”
because he’s so nervous about talking on camera.
He’s terrible. And the point is he practices and he practices
and he practices. He gets better but
he does it out loud and I think the idea of
hiding until it’s perfect it’s a fool’s game. I think you put
yourself out there, you start, you practice,
you practice out loud, then you get feedback
and you can grow. – You counterpunch,
you adjust. – Yeah, you put it out there. – I would say the one thing
that you may be referring to that I talk about a lot is,
it’s tough to come out the gate at 22 and say this
is the definitive thing, here’s my advice. I think talking to
the world about your– – About what you believe.
– correct, is the game. – Is the game.
– I think what we’re seeing on the internet
right now like I’m a– – 22-year-old guru.
– I’m a business coach and I’m gonna teach you
and the only business I have is you’re gonna pay me 20K
and I’m gonna teach you how to charge other people down
the ladder 20K to give you guys that’s the bad stuff. So, your point of
view on the world,– – Yeah.
– and like what you believe and where you come from,
that’s gold. Your process. That’s why I talk a lot about
documenting instead of creating. It’s just truth.
– Yeah. – But I agree with you. There’s no substitute for doing. The amount of people that
wait for the perfect thing,– – Yeah.
– and then never do anything. – You know the most beautiful
thing when you’re young and you think you have
something to contribute is to admit that you
don’t know everything, admit that you’re learning.
– Yes. – If you say I’m a
22-year-old expert and I can help you do X, Y and Z,
you actually, it’s not true. There’s so much more to learn
and everybody knows that. – Everybody who is the
kind of people that you want. – Yes. – People that are attracted
to that are gonna do very little for you besides some
short term dollars. – Agreed. And if you say look,
I’m in this business, I’m fascinated by it.
I’m growing fast, I’m learning fast, I’m still a student
of this stuff but I have this service to offer, that humility is
unbelievably attractive and people want to be a part of that
’cause they know you’re showing up to learn not, you know. – Simon, I don’t know if
you’re paying attention to this but in reverse what’s
happening is people are renting expensive things, showing a bullshit
lifestyle on Instagram. Going to their, asking their dad
to take $25,000 out in cash from a bank putting it on a bed,
taking a picture then putting it back in, just complete
and utter fraud and it pisses me off. – That’s insane. – Yeah and by the way,
it’s just a non-winning game. – And you only attract
people who want that– – The worst. – and that’s not
even who you are. – The worst. The worst. Anyway, Simon.
– Probably lying, isn’t it? – Question of the day,
every guest gets to ask


You run a $100 million revenue company. How do you stay hungry? – Period. Betty, I think that truth is I think a lot of us are hardwired. I think because I didn’t come from much, because I didn’t speak the language, because I wasn’t physically large. I actually think that’s a dude thing for […]

You run a $100 million
revenue company. How do you stay hungry? – Period. Betty, I think that truth is I think a lot of
us are hardwired. I think because
I didn’t come from much, because I didn’t
speak the language, because I wasn’t
physically large. I actually think that’s
a dude thing for sure. And because I think I’m
wired to love underdogs. I’ve always loved them. I think where I’ve come from,
there is no I’ve never made it. First of all, I don’t
like the physical things. That’s a huge advantage. Not needing to buy a plane
or an $8000 pair sneakers. There’s no
physical thing I want. Just like the awesome Instagram
photo that Tyler you put together of the game
(bell chimes) I love the process.
I’m hungry forever. I’m the hungriest. I’m super hungry. I threw up this morning and I’m
theoretically physically I’m not hungry right now ’cause I’m
feeling a little woozy but emotionally as an
entrepreneur, I’m the hungriest. It’s incredible. I’m dramatically more successful
than I was 10 years ago, I’m more hungry not less. – Because? – Because I just think it
was hardwired from the get. ‘Cause I just think
it’s black and white. I just think at some level you’re just wired
the way you are. There is nothing that’s gonna
fill my appetite because what drives my hunger is the process
not the results and then by nature in that
construct it goes forever. The only thing that changes my
hunger is if is if the two other most important variables in this
game play themselves out: the health and well-being of my
family or the way I feel about the allocation of my time and the depth of that
time with my family. Those are the only
vulnerabilities. There’s no $14 million check or $48 billion check
or buying the Jets. There’s nothing
that will stop the hunger. When I put my jersey on, when
I’m in the context of being a businessman, the hungry
vibe will be there forever. It’s when I’m Gary as a person
where there’s other things in my life besides being on the field
that could play out that could get me to be less
hungry professionally. But on the field, I’m going to be a psycho through
and through forever. – Like it.
– That’s it.


It’s your boy Zain coming from Sydney, Australia and welcome to the show, ET. I believe this is a huge issue for a lot of people in life and my question is where does where does motivation stop and execution begin? I want to take this opportunity to thank you both for being huge influences […]

It’s your boy Zain coming from
Sydney, Australia and welcome to the show, ET. I believe this is a huge issue
for a lot of people in life and my question is where does where does motivation stop
and execution begin? I want to take this opportunity
to thank you both for being huge influences in my life and I can
proudly say that I wouldn’t be the man I am today if
it wasn’t for you two. – That’s very nice.
– I appreciate that, man. – Z-squared I’ll tell you that,
the amount of people that come in and write notes all day,
little notebooks of motivation, spend ungodly amount of hours, the amount of hours that we’ve spent watching
each other’s stuff, I don’t want to speak for you but my gut is zero.
Zero full hours. – He said it. – You know, I don’t know,
I don’t know but here’s what I can tell you some
people need to be motivated. For me, I didn’t. I got a chip on my shoulder and
that thing will drive me until the day I’m in the ground. I’m so motivated it’s
coming out of my face. So I don’t need that. So I can’t speak for everybody, everybody’s got
different versions. But here’s what I can tell you
there’s a sign in here that is driving everybody crazy. It’s been brought up like
four times in the last week. It says, “Ideas are shit.” It hangs in our office and it’s
driving crazy and the reason I don’t finish my statement in that sign is I want people to think. ‘Cause the sign actually reads
if it was in full entirety, “Ideas are shit
until you execute them.” Where does
motivation stop and start? Everybody’s got a different
answer but here’s what I can tell you; It’s really easy to be
motivated either you’ve got it or you can watch it. It’s really hard to execute. It is the variable
that separates people. People are always gonna tell me
every day, every day I roll up on people they’re like yo,
I’m gonna buy the Seahawks and you’re gonna buy the
Jets and I’m like great. Can’t wait to see you. People are always telling me
that going to do this, this and this and that and you know what
I do, I don’t know if you do this I ask a lots of them to
email me in 60 days, in 90 days in a year and you
know how many do? Goose egg. (clicks tongue)
People talk shit. And I don’t know where it stops
or starts but I know that most of you, 99% of you aren’t going to do anything about it
and that sucks. – I’m with Gary, inhale, exhale
it’s like asking me which one is which, I don’t know
which one is which. When you inhale, you exhale. I don’t know which ones first
which one is second but you’re not executing
you’re not motivational. I don’t know what the other
stuff is you’re doing but real motivation I don’t know which
one comes first but it makes you do something. If you’re not doing anything
you’re not really motivated. – Do you think it’s a
little bit Star Wars like? I just went somewhere weird. I’m sitting here I’m like you
know, the truth is don’t you think motivation comes
a little bit from a little bit of darkness? This is my point, this is fun
to do this in his room and I’ve been talking to a bunch of
female entrepreneurs the other day and some
leaders in my company. There’s a lot of
mixed genders in here. And again, I’m so scared to go
here because I understand where I’m going I don’t know, I think having,
being a minority, being an underdog
is an advantage. I can’t not believe that. I genuinely believe
I’m making this for my son, Xander, I think you’re soft. I think you’re watching this
right now, six years now I think you’re gonna text me in
a few minutes and be like “Yo, I’m going to kill you,”
which I hope because I hope you have that in you but the truth is, I just believe
that Andy’s in a disadvantage. I just genuinely believe that. I don’t know how else to say it? Now, by the way,
that’s me stereotyping. If Andy’s lucky to be motivated,
something bad happened, I don’t know his dynamic with
his brother but I think being a younger brother’s a
great one, right? Show me a kid who walks in here and says, I’m like
what’s your story? Well, I grew up super rich
and white and it’s awesome. I’m like keep going, they’re
like well my older brother was a star football
player and I wasn’t. I’m like okay now right
I’m like show me something. – Absolutely. – I think, I think a lot of you
are not motivated because you’re lucky and what I mean by that is
you’re lucky in different ways. You haven’t dealt with adversity
that much and by the way it’s not a black-and-white
thing, girl-boy thing– – Absolutely, absolutely.
– you just had great parents. You had a good upbringing. Life just didn’t give you that
much adversity and so, I don’t know,
I want to slice throats. – Yeah. – Like I don’t know.
My stuff is super evil. I’m being really honest
with you guys today. I go to the conference
everybody’s in the green room friends, friends. I’m like I’m gonna
slice your throat. – No question. – You’re gonna go up there
and people are gonna clap. I’m gonna up there and
people are gonna hate you after. They’ll be like why did I even
clap for the guy before me. That’s what’s
going through my mind. – No question.
– It’s just not a nice thing. – Yeah, no question. – Do you know why people
hate when I have guests on? It just happened right now.
I interrupt. – You’re supposed to, Gary.
– I can’t help it. – You’re ready to go. I was an was gonna say for
me, everybody’s like you’re so engaged with your son,
you’re so engaged your daughter. That’s because my
father wasn’t there. I’m not a good father. I just didn’t have my father so every day I wake
up that drives me. I’m not gonna be him. Every time I get on the mic it’s
like my people didn’t take all of us talk
nobody’s taking action. So I’m with you
it’s the dark side. It’s the I didn’t have,
I ate out of trash cans. I told the kids yesterday with
the NBA I said look everybody can get but can you keep. So, for me, I say I’m not into
money I just don’t want to go back to being homeless. I don’t want to each
out of trash cans again. I don’t want to sleep
in abandoned buildings. It’s the darkness that
gets me up and drives me. – I genuinely believe the
worst thing in life is to be somewhere, grow and
then go backwards. Now, I’m weird because I’m
also weirdly romantic to it. That Rocky where he
loses everything, he’s back. There’s a part of me was always
like, ooh, if I lose everything but then I’ll rise back and then I’ll realize who my
real friends were. Andy will not want to
be my friend any more. Good, when I rise back,
I’ll be like fuck you. – Andy will be there.
– You think so? – I think so. – Let’s go to the next one.
– Andy, you owe him. – [Voiceover] Aaron Perez asks,
“En route to self-awareness,


– [Voiceover] I.K.E. asks, “As a rapper, what’s the best “marketing tips to implement?” “Should I treat music like an entrepreneur would his product?” – I would just say exactly what Gary said before, just add value. Think about a specific group of people ’cause you can’t reach everybody. I’m just being real. I don’t […]

– [Voiceover] I.K.E. asks,
“As a rapper, what’s the best “marketing tips to implement?” “Should I treat music like an
entrepreneur would his product?” – I would just say exactly
what Gary said before, just add value. Think about a specific
group of people ’cause you can’t reach everybody. I’m just being real. I don’t care how good
you are at what you do. You pick your poison, you pick
a group and you just pour into that group so that every time they listen to you
like Gary said. I’m just going to be honest. I’m like Gary I don’t listen to
anything, I don’t read anything. But I got hooked on this Beyoncé
song and I been listening to that song this morning,
I listened to it, it’s like I can’t put it down. And it’s not
because it’s Beyoncé. No disrespect but it’s not
because of what you think but when I hear the song
I hear I was here. So I’m waking up this morning
like you get to GaryVee show you got to be present. Not just there, you
got to be present ’cause you may only get to
do this one more time so I’m listening to her song, and
I felt like she wrote it for ET. – We should find out, we should
activate everybody let’s find out if B wrote it for you.
(group laughter) You think she did? – I believe she wrote it for me. I really do. – Listen, I think way too many
people, I’ll give you my advice. I think you need to make
pretend, not make pretend let me rephrase, you haven’t made it. I don’t think this was J Cole
asking the question, right? You haven’t made it. So stop being fancy. I am stunned by the fanciness in
the market of speakers, authors, entrepreneurs, athletes and
definitely rappers ’cause I got a ton of them. You’re trying to be big time, you think acting
like that is that. You know how
you promote music? Make one person every
day like your music. – Right.
– You know how you do that? By liking them first. By literally going to Twitter, I’ll give you something
real tangible. (tapping from ceiling) – Somebody loves us.
– I love it. Twitter.com/search. Twitter.com/search
go search people. You’ve got your opinion of
who you are as a rapper. Go search people
talking about Future. You think that’s your style. Jump in and say yeah
I like that track, too. Yes, I love that hook. When ET tweets that Beyoncé
spoke to me, jump in and be like yeah that part. Become part of the community. Everybody wants
everybody to love them. Love the community first
then they’ll love you back. Guilt them into loving you. – Oh that’s so ah, ah! Look guys that first video, for
real, you’d be shocked at the millions of people, that one
video has 38 million views. – Fuck! – You’ll be shocked that
I did not do that on purpose. You’d be shocked that I just,
what GaryVee just said, I poured in to that community
for about 18 years and then, boom, all of a sudden one day that seed blossomed
into the tree. 18 years. – Doing the right thing
is always the right thing. – 18 years.
– I love it. – So I also said to whoever
you are, don’t do what Gary is saying and think that six months you’re going to see the
results, or a year. Just because he told you that and you did what
he told you to do. At six months later,– – [Gary] How do
think about patience? – I mean it’s life.
It’s everything. – I’m a big, big,
big pusher patience. – Yeah, I’m just saying, because
you don’t know the result. You can only work the process. You don’t know when
the prize– – You know what I’m most
fascinated about? Everybody there right now,
how many there gave up a month before it was going to happen. – Yep, yep, yep, yep.
Weeks. – I’m worried that what happens
when you die and you go talk to God, God’s like yo, listen,
I got to show you something. You gave up on March 19, 1994,
it was gonna happen on April 7, 1994 and
you’re like what? I’m fascinated by
lack of patience. – Yeah. Yep.
– All right, let’s move on. – [Voiceover] Jacob Brown asks,
“As a PhD, what percentage of


– [Voiceover] Chris asks, “How many jobs have you had before “being super successful and how has it helped you now?” – My first job was a janitor. – Where were you born? – 1996 November 13. Get the fuck out of here. Stop. – November 14th. – What? – Yep. I was married on […]

– [Voiceover] Chris asks, “How
many jobs have you had before “being super successful and
how has it helped you now?” – My first job was a janitor. – Where were you born?
– 1996 November 13. Get the fuck out of here.
Stop. – November 14th.
– What? – Yep. I was married
on November 13th. – What?
– Yep. Yep. Interesting. November 13, 1996.
– 1986. – ’86–
– ’86. – oh, thank God. Thank God, I feel way better. ’86. I was like ’96
he looked so good. I was like ’86, good that was
right before AJ was born so I was getting super pumped for
my birthday and the last one without my little bro.
– That’s insane. – Awesome. What we’re
talking about again? I got so excited. – First job.
First job. – First job. So you were a janitor,
but where you born? – In Puerto Rico. – Right and how old were
you when you came here? – 16. – Great so you come
here at 16– – At Fort Lauderdale
to Florida– – Okay. – and I worked as a janitor at
nights at a community college and I want your
Hollister during the day. They never even put
it on the floor. I was in the stock room putting
on sensors on the shirts. – Nice.
– But you know,– – And then what? – And then I became, I worked at a film school working on the rental departments putting all,
getting the gear out and putting it back in and organizing
and putting that all together. You’ve done that? – [Staphon] Yeah.
(laughter) – But it’s amazing.
– Yeah, Staphon. – I’ll tell you something
a job never defined me. I thought I always, I understood
what I was doing it and I always try to make it, when I was
when I was cleaning bathrooms– – You made it fun?
– Yes. I was caught dancing with my
broom at seven o’clock at night. People would tell me you’re the
happiest janitor I’ve ever seen. But, you know, it actually
allowed me to do something. – What did you do
right before real estate? – Film directing.
But that wasn’t a job. – Oh wait, wait, wait I also
saw this clip I mean it Lizzie watches this all the time so
it’s in the background you had some crazy success
you had weird hair– – Yes. – and you had a
successful thing happen. – Yeah, I was until I did a film
that to me it was not a disaster it was a disaster because
I wasn’t able to understand storytelling too well so
the picture looks amazing. Great cinematography
but there was no– – No soul? – I couldn’t tell a story well
so you could see people having a conversation but there
was no soul behind it. – Mhmmm.
– I was too young to do it. I was 19 and I got very
frustrated that’s how it started in the, that’s a
longer story but– – We need to
figure out that story. That’s it? – [India] That’s
all the questions.


“after dealing with grief and loss?” – Sam, I don’t feel comfortable in answering questions that I’m not in a position to answer and the truth is I have not dealt and this is why I’m probably so happy. To be at 40 years old and have the unfortunate situation of not having three of […]

“after dealing with
grief and loss?” – Sam, I don’t feel comfortable
in answering questions that I’m not in a position to answer and
the truth is I have not dealt and this is why I’m
probably so happy. To be at 40 years old and have
the unfortunate situation of not having three of my four
grandparents when I was born well, two, one died
before I can remember him. I’ve been very lucky and I would
tell you that I’m going to make you one promise. Your grandfather is
not heartbroken. It’s only been eight weeks. Life is very long, your
grandfather knew that best. I don’t think he would judge
you in an eight week window. I think you should
properly grieve. And I do think
it’s a gut punch. I think it is appropriate. Heck, I sometimes don’t hustle
for 6 to 12 to 24 hours after a Jets loss and that’s silliness.
Right? So for you to be appropriately
mourning I think is great and I think you should not put
pressure on yourself and I think you should let your
emotions run their course. Eventually you have to
get back in the saddle, that’s just the way it is. But I don’t think you should
put pressure on yourself at two months, for sure, let
alone maybe even six months. But, I’m sure you’ll get
back on the grind in no time. And I really appreciate
the kind words and I’m sorry for your loss. – [India] Last one.
– Last one.


“18 hours a day? “In episode 215, you said that putting in the time does not “mean you will be successful. “I’m confused, should I give up?” – Ethan? Ethan, it works both ways. Here’s my point about hard work, it’s a great opportunity to great way to be in this spot as we move […]

“18 hours a day? “In episode 215, you said that
putting in the time does not “mean you will be successful. “I’m confused,
should I give up?” – Ethan? Ethan, it works both ways. Here’s my point about hard work,
it’s a great opportunity to great way to be in this spot
as we move to the next office. Hard work really matters but
let’s talk about it both ways. Yes, in episode 215 or
wherever I said it that if you put in 18 hours a day and
you don’t have talent you will not get results. If you put in nine hours a day
and you’re loaded with talent in whatever you’re doing
you’ll get results. It’s this cross-section of
work ethic and talent. They both matter. People get so mad when
I talk about talent. We had a hold Krewella episode
where it was like that whole debate and in the comments a
bunch of you losers, yep, losers were like, “No, you can make it
happen if you work hard enough.” That is just not true. Stand up everybody in the
comment section if you worked very hard for three, four, five,
six, seven years at something and you didn’t get the greatest
results of all time and have a white picket fence
and hit the Hall of Fame. It happens every day. But talent is not something that
you, watching this right now, can go home and say I’m going to
muster up more talent in art, in business, in sports. You can’t do that. But work ethic you can. And so I push work ethic because
I believe it’s a variable and I believe it’s far
more controllable. I do believe that you can cut
out leisure, change your mindset and put in the work. I do not believe the
automatically can become an unbelievably millionaire status
world-class in what you do. Do I think you can become
a better editor if you do it bunch?
Sure do. Do you think I better at
tennis if you play it a lot? Yes, I do. Do I think that means that
you could be on the tour? No, I do not. – [India] Next question.


“40 year old Gary give 28 year old Gary?” – I was trying to remember why I picked this question, I really curated a bunch of questions by the way. By the way, I want, you know, I’m feeling a renaissance here so, a freshness of not having all of these characters on with me, […]

“40 year old Gary give
28 year old Gary?” – I was trying to remember
why I picked this question, I really curated a bunch
of questions by the way. By the way, I want, you know, I’m feeling a renaissance here so, a freshness of not having
all of these characters on with me, really looking
for more questions. A lot of you have not
asked in a long time, a lot of you ask often,
as a matter of fact, here’s what I want you to do, use the hashtag #askgaryvee, but also for the
old timers, the hustlers, that have not had the luck, or the serendipity of
having one of their questions on the show, don’t lie, because lying is the devil, and I’m going to make
the India and team actually do the homework. For all of you, when you
ask your next question that you want on the next show, which will hopefully be tomorrow, or the next day, or what have you, or next week, whatever, do hashtag #askgaryvee
like we do on Twitter, or Instagram, but also
then in the copy put x how many times have
you asked for a question to be on the show,
and have not had it. So meaning if you asked
a question 43 times, but your question has
been on the show, don’t use the x, but if you are a virgin to the question
being on the show, but you’ve asked 84 times, it might be a nice time to like. Now, there may be a reason
you haven’t been picked because there could be people that just ask crappy questions. Talent is a variable, you’re bad at asking questions, but we’re going to push
a little harder in trying to get you on the show. – [India] And videos,
we love videos. – We love videos. Uh, DJ – [India] Younglegend. – Younglegend, asked 40
and 28 year old self, and again,
I know a lot of you, DRock, you and India probably, maybe
even Staphon at this point, you guys know me so well,
that you probably to keep yourself not bored of
filming these things, start answering what you
think I’m going to say, and I think you think
I’m going to go down the traditional path of hang
out with more chicks, have more funs
on the weekends, that’s where I’ve gone cliche. You got a place where
you’re about to go? – [Voiceover] Not at 28, I can do – Not at 28, at 22? It’s funny you said that,
maybe that’s why I picked it. Twenty-eight was a very
interesting year for me, when I got engaged. I’m going to stun
everybody right now, I would tell 28 year
old Gary to work more. And I’m going to
throw you for a loop, what a lot of you don’t
know about 28 year old Gary is 28 year old Gary was
working nine to seven. Like I’m really sad that
my life went this way. Here’s what I mean by that. As much as I hustled, as much as I hustled, 22 to 32, I work way more now. And to be very honest with you, that stinks because
I have a family. And at 22 to 30, or 22 to 28, I had nobody but myself, right? And so, what I would
tell 28 year old Gary is that in two years you’re
going to drive on the highway, you’re going to look at yourself and say that you’re full of shit, and that you’re not hustling. I know that just came out right? And kind of we just
did content on that. and so why wait two years, in the same way that 38
year old Gary started taking care of his
health instead of waiting to 40 which was my main plan. I would say to
28 year old Gary, hey bro, you’re going to realize
in 24 months that you’re not doing the actions
it’s going to take. You’re doing everything right, if you want to be very successful, and live a very nice life, and be rich and all that, but you’re nowhere close
to all time legacy, and not even in the same realm
of buying the New York Jets, so get your shit together. And do it now, and I wished
I would because that would have been 24 more months of
the hustle that’s executed so much happiness for me, and so you know, no
question, not a regret, because I don’t look backwards,
I don’t let negativity, but it would be convenient
if I was working 20 hour days and traveling 22 to 32,
versus now when it’s coming out of Misha and Xander
and Lizzie time, you know it’s tough. So that’s what I would say, I would say hey, this is
how it’s going to play out, might as well get a couple
of more years in now. Because if I stop going extreme, and by the way, this is a fun
thing for you guys to hear, I am absolutely in the early
stages in my own brain, of not traveling to the level
that I have been traveling. You know the kids are
now seven and four, there’s a lot more functions. I want to spend more
time with them, these are formative years. Like so, you know, let’s say I decide to
like really slow it down a significant level at 43, let’s say that’s my
prediction right now, you know, well 28 could
have made it that 41. That’s kind of how
I think about it. It’s all just masked with numbers, and you know everybody’s
going to jump in the comments and say different things
of course, of course, and that’s not wrong. But 28 year old Gary hustled, but hustled the way a lot
of you hustled pre-seeing DailyVee and Snapchat, which is you thought you were
the best hustler you knew, and then you got to
see how I do it, and you’re like Jesus, and that’s who that guy was, and he worked hard,
and whatever but, he wasn’t this guy. Cool. I’m curious what
60 year old Gary is going to say to 40 year old Gary. – [India] Work harder. (laughter) – Work harder, you think so? Do you think,
honestly, without a joke, do you think like
on a serious kick, I’m actually a little bit nervous, like let’s go into like, I never speak to my fears here, this could be interesting, I’m not sure, you know,
I’m very conscious that it becomes like a speed junkie, right? Like I don’t even know
what it would be like to work nine to eight, like you have to understand
the once in a blue moon when I walk home at like, walk into my apartment, I’m talking about
three times a year, during work days, I mean
obviously I take holidays and all of that,
but like to walk tonight to walk into my apartment
at eight pm, feels awkward. – [India] Like what do you do? – Like whoa, this is not a joke. There was some funny
day that happened maybe three or four months ago
when I came home at 9:45 pm, and I walk in,
I hear Lizzie in the room, and she’s like what are
you doing home so early? (laughter) and I was like Jesus,
(laughter) 9:45, it hit me harder,
9:45 is later there are enormous
amounts of people, there are an enormous amount
of you that are watching this right now that will never come
home that late in the history of your work career. You know? Anyway, so back to what
I was like fearful of? I’m worried that like
the action is so intense that like it’s a detox, like I actually already
know for me to cut back, what I just alluded to, I’m going to have to
have a detox year. Like it’s going to take
me a lot of time, three, four, five, like that
will be some fun DailyVee’s I’m going to be in the
corner like (laughter) like it’s going to take
me six months, like if I want to come home. My weird intuition is
it’s not that I’m going to come home at seven, it’s that I’m going to
come home at five or six, spend an hour,
90 minutes with the family and then go back out. That’s my intuition,
that’s my main plan. For the next move, I think. Because the kids are going
to go to sleep early anyway, like later, you know
seven, eight years from now when they’re actually
up to eight, 10, 11, 12. – [India] So when you say go
out, you’re not like going out,


– [Voiceover] Chris asks, “How do you girls stay so “grounded in a fake world?” – In a fake world? – Why does the world got to be fake? – The people I surround myself with aren’t fake. – Yeah, same. – And who says you guys are grounded? (laughter) – Exactly. – We might […]

– [Voiceover] Chris asks,
“How do you girls stay so “grounded in a fake world?” – In a fake world? – Why does the
world got to be fake? – The people I surround
myself with aren’t fake. – Yeah, same. – And who says you
guys are grounded? (laughter) – Exactly.
– We might be batshit crazy, you just don’t know. If I were to answer that
question I was also say family. We are family for each other
obviously we’re sisters and we’re very close with our family and
nothing happens that doesn’t slide by our our dad or our mom
and they keep us in check and we keep each other in check. – And also not feeling entitled. I think that’s something we
really surrounded by especially in the dance music realm
there so many DJs who have this entitled aura and you could
see it online and in person. – There’s so much subtext
what you’re saying right now. – There’s like this hierarchy of
what kind of value bring and why that’s more valuable than other
careers or other realms in art. I think that’s what, even the
first question when you’re saying what made you pop off.
– Yeah. – I’ve actually never
felt like we popped off. I never really felt
that we made it. I think the day I really feel
Krewella made it is when I’m going to lose that hunger and
I think we have to constantly remind ourselves to understand
our value and our worth and to acknowledge our achievements
as artist but not to let that hinder us from having that
hunger to work every day, to go to the studio every day, to say
yes to opportunities because the second you start
saying, “Oh no, I’m good.” – “We made it.”
– Exactly. – Or “I’m too good.”
– Yeah. – What do you think?
– For them? – Or about the game? Where do you think, while
I’ve got you for another second, where is the current state
of EDM in your guy’s opinion? Obviously it was a that space,
I don’t know, eight years ago, nine years ago most people
didn’t know about. I still think there’s a lot of people who
are watching who are 40, 50-year-old marketing dudes that
have no idea what this space is and they’re going to Google it.
But obviously when you start talking to a 35 and under demo in
America and obviously in Europe and other places it’s been huge,
everybody at this point already knows that it’s so
interesting to watch. It is really to me the thing
that is most followed hip hop as a new genre that
didn’t really exist before. I’m curious for you guys who
are much closer to it, where is it in it’s lifecycle? Just starting, hitting
an interesting time? It’s become dramatically more
mainstream than it was five, six years ago. What is your
point of view on it? – I think it has plateaued. I think it’s hit the climax–
– Okay. – I don’t think it’s
going anywhere, anytime soon. It just branched off in so
many different directions. There’s so many
different sub-genres. There’s new artist coming
through every day. Guys likes Skrillex and
Diplo are doing a great job of cosigning younger talent,
bringing them up through the system and there’s the
difference between it now and what it was 15 years ago was how
much corporate backing it gets. You see with the brands
you work with all the time and how badly they want to be
involved with these entities and the biggest throwers of
festivals in the world, these biggest entertainment companies
in the world have put so much money into making sure that
it’s going to stay where it is. Keep going with it.
– Ladies? – It’s hard for me to comment
on this because I do feel like we’ve never quite
belonged in the EDM world– – Okay. – and so it’s hard for me to
look at us as even still a part of it even though I know it’s
kinda one foot in the door, one out for us.
– Okay. – We’ve always tried to maintain
our own lane while still, again, keeping one foot
in the EDM world. – I understand. – I think that that’s probably a
good thing for us because like Jake said, I agree, I think it
has plateaued and we have this amazing opportunity to take
ourselves on a completely different lane and
pave our own way. – Do our own thing.
– Yeah, it’s cool. – I just think a lot of what
were talking about when you’re talking about depression with a
lot of young entrepreneurs– – Yes. – maybe feeling let down that
they can’t really achieve the success that they been hyped up
to achieve, what do you think our society being a more and more
fame obsessed society has to do with that especially
with social media? – Yeah, I think the whole 15
minutes of fame has become everybody is
famous to 15 people. You got an entire generation of
young teens right now that take 45 minutes and take a selfie
’cause they want to get the lighting right and post on
Instagram if it doesn’t get enough likes they
take it down right away. Peer pressure, I’ve never
been more obsessed with this. I have a seven and a
four-year-old, instilling self-esteem in to them is
everything because they’re going to need it really, really big.
– Yeah. – Because the market’s gonna push back on every
one of their flaws. Yeah, I think we’re living
through a really, really interesting time.
I really do. I think there a lot of
things happening at once. This is not a very simple issue
where it’s like social media. I think parents, I’m 40, parents
of my generation that grew up during great times, you know
we’re not our parents or our grandparents, great-grandparents
generation where they fought wars and the Depression
and things of that nature. We’ve had so much prosperity
that I think if you look at every empire that when things
are good for too long people become soft. And I think that’s
what’s happening. I think we’re soft. And I think, you know, coming from an immigrant
DNA, like you guys, it’s easier for me to see it. I just think we’re soft and
I think that and I think that I don’t want to add to it. As a very positive optimistic
rah-rah, crush it, anybody can do it guy I want to also at
least have the other part of the equation which is of course hard
work, of course talent and of course look there’s so much
going on in the world right now. I think we’re all sensitive to
a lot of different things that are happening. You never know when
prosperity can end. It ends in a blink. I’m thankful for
the way that it is. I do not think kids being stuck
in their cell phones all day is a bad thing. I don’t think
that’s a ruining them. I think technology is eating the
world and I think it’s going to be more of that. I think that when you guys first
started doing shows compared to now if you think about phone
usage at your shows when you guys are standing there, I’m
curious what you think about what’s going on down there
because that’s just their norm. – Mhmmm. – I love when people think, did
you guys see that picture of the 90-year-old woman that was in
the crowd when the Pope came and everybody took a photo she
didn’t and everybody made a big deal about that? You did. Did you see this?
– Yeah. – You did you see it?
You see it? So it’s a photo like six months
ago when the Pope came to the US I think that everybody made
a big deal about which is everybody taking a photo of it
she just standing, she’s like 90 and she just standing there and
everybody’s like she’s a hero and literally I take
a reverse view on it. I feel bad for her because she’s
old and she probably already forgot about that moment where
as everybody else recorded it. I know it’s a funny– – That’s age discrimination. – Of course it’s
age discrimination. I’m trying to make a zing
joke, I’m sure she remembers it. I have no idea who she is but
I think that change is tough. In the same way that, staying to
music, both hip hop and EDM, one foot in, one foot out both those
genres had nothing but haters in the beginning saying,
“That’s not real music.” – Mhmmm. – And I just don’t like when
people impose their thoughts. Just ’cause kids are
communicating this way doesn’t mean that
millennials are introverted. I love when all my old friends
and when I said old I mean 35-year-olds say these kids
can’t hold a real conversation because their having them here. Meanwhile these same kids spoke
to the same six people their entire childhood because
they didn’t have the outlet to different people,
different things. These kids are
much more worldly. They know a lot more and so
I don’t think anything is bad. I’m pretty much and
optimist that way. But I am worried about
depression because I do think way more scary to me than living
a public life and fame obsession is parents telling their kids
things that aren’t realistic. I do think that we have to train
our generation to deal with adversity and I don’t think
getting an eighth trophy, I do not if you come in fucking last
place that your team should be cheering and
celebrating and given trophies. They should be looked at like, “You guys
suck shit. You lost.” – Don’t you think that this–
– I do believe that’s healthy. – But the advice to the
entrepreneur to push through– – These guys are
going out of business. Do you understand
what’s going to happen? 99% of these– – So they move on
to the next one. – It’s not an
opportunity to get better? – Of course it is.
– Keep going. People out there, keep going. – Of course, keep going but if
you are not self-aware, if you kept rapping, my man,
you would not be as happy as you are today.
– Agreed. – So now go that tell them to keep going
when they’re delusional. – You’ll figure it out. – That was the moment.
That’s the bottom line. You understand? You guys keep
going, keep evolving– – Yes. – but blindly going that I’m
going to be Eminem isn’t gonna work. – But if you don’t do that,
you’ll never figure it out. If I hadn’t put all the time and
energy into that I wouldn’t have understood how to
market recording artist. – That’s a very different thing
then keep evolving and being self-aware and understanding
your strengths and weaknesses to create the next opportunity
versus what people normally hear when you hear keep going which
is if I just keep putting in more hours eventually
I’m gonna put out a song. (inaudible) You didn’t keep
putting out songs– – I did until something else
but if I hadn’t kept going, if I would’ve stopped those thousands
and thousands of times people told me I couldn’t do it. – But please understand in this
conversation when you look back at it you adjusted to a different
opportunity on those learnings. That’s not what people hear– – That’s keep going though. – by your definition but I’m
telling you right now that’s what would people hear. When people hear keep going they
think they’re going to break through on the thing, do you
know that everybody wants to be a famous singer, a famous
athlete and a famous actor and if that person keeps acting
instead of becoming a director which is maybe the skill set
they have they’re gonna lose. – I think what you’re saying
keep going but stay focused but be open to reinventing
yourself all along the way. – Be self-aware. It’s my favorite part of this. It’s what I jumped on earlier. If you actually know yourself
you can win so much more. Just this blind faith that
everybody’s entitled to this level of success is ludicrous. Because most people don’t want
to work hard enough, most people don’t have enough talent and the
math has proven that that’s not the case. The bottom of the 1%, the 1%
earners in America, the top 1% earners, the bottom of
that make $400,000 a year. If you go talk every 15 to
22-year-old, they don’t even conceive anything being
short of a millionaire, of making $1 million a year. But the data shows only 1% in our US society
make $400,000 or more and that makes
them one of the top 1%. We have not had the proper
conversation for every one of you guys, there are 50,000
groups that didn’t make it and it wasn’t because they
gave up one year too early. They just weren’t
talented enough. That’s what I believe.


– [Voiceover] Tom asks, “How’d you girls get hooked “up with Jake Udell?” How big of an influence has it had on your career?” – High school. – Yep. I graduated with Jake Udell. Jake was in my science, what was it? Which science class? Was it biology? All I know is I got a […]

– [Voiceover] Tom asks,
“How’d you girls get hooked “up with Jake Udell?” How big of an influence
has it had on your career?” – High school.
– Yep. I graduated with Jake Udell. Jake was in my science,
what was it? Which science class?
Was it biology? All I know is I got a D. Got a D. (laughter) And Jake you were
actually if you want to talk about your music career. You were pursuing
being an artist. – I was an awful rapper.
Like the worst. DJ Khaled and DJ Drama
actually posted my mix tape. – Why didn’t you just
put in the 10,000 hours? – I did. I did.
– And become– – So here’s the thing
I gave up on my 10,000 hours as a musician– – Because you
didn’t have the talent. – Okay, I’ll admit that.
– Jake has this swag. – See here’s the thing, I made
a pivot and said okay– – Because you were smart. Because not everybody
can do anything if they put in 10,000 hours. – I actually believe, I believe
that if you put in the 10,000 hours it can happen. I’m not saying you can be
performing at the Grammys but you can it’s possible
to have a hit record. I believe that can happen. – Okay. Anything can happen. But it doesn’t
consistently happen. To me that’s the
point which is like– – That’s what’s so fascinating
about what Malcolm said though. Malcolm said he couldn’t find
people that have put in the 10,000 hours that
hadn’t made it. Of course ’cause their stores
weren’t known because he was trying to find them and
he couldn’t find them. – How many hours did
you put into rapping? – Oh my gosh.
– Exactly. – Not 10,000 though,
not even close. – But that’s impossible. If you suck shit at something
and you put 10,000 hours you’re not going to become
one of the greats in it. – Right.
– I was a better marketer. – There’s enormous amounts of
kids, every single kid that tried become a professional
athlete that didn’t become a professional athlete which is
almost everybody put in all the hours from first grade to
senior year and didn’t make it. – 10,000 though? That’s the
thing when you look at that– – I don’t know the math
on what 10,000 hours is. – Did I spent 10,000 hours for
my rap career or was I 10,000 hours in the studio? I was definitely not 10,000
hours in the studio trying to be the best rapper.
– I love Malcolm. Nobody can convince me. If that was true then we should
tell every six-year-old right now to spend every minute of
your time on the number one thing that you want to be and
you will become that and that is absolute bullshit. – I think that’s
absolutely true. – So you think if I take a first
grader right now and say you’re going to become a
world-class surfer– – If he wants to be. – if he or she wants to be than
you’ll think they’ll become a world-class surfer? – That’s so tough. I think they’ll find
their career in surfing. I think that’s a logical great
decision that six-year-old. – And you’re saying that because
you found your career in the music industry whether or not
you were trying manage or not. – The thing is the guy before,
the first question he was asking about– – Nobody wants to be a manager
when they want to be a star. – I do.
– No, now. – Oh yeah.
– When you were 11– – I believed in them more than
I believed in myself so that was the turning point. – Because they had talent.
– Yeah. They’re good. – I think that that’s the point. I really mean that because you
have to understand where I’m coming from and where my energy
is coming from. Right now we are looking to the greatest era
of fake entrepreneurs ever. Every single person that is
under 25 is coming out of school and they’re like,
“I’m an app founder.” I’m sure you talk to these
people everybody’s a fucking entrepreneur and they just think
because they’ve said it and they’re gonna put in the time
and effort that automatically makes them a successful
entrepreneur and that’s the key. Which is you can be anything. Do I believe if I put in 10,000
hours into surfing that I’d be a good surfer?
I sure do. Do I think I could
win the competitions they have in Hawaii? No, I do not. I think there is a secondary
thing that has to happen. Look at the NBA. You mentioned Adele, what
about the 12th man on the Heat. Right? He’s one of the best 300
basketball players in the world but and he’s made it but what
about a person right after that the person in the D-League that’s making tens of
thousands of dollars? That guy is literally one of 500
best basketball players in the world but hasn’t won,
hasn’t made it by the Malcolm categorization. And then you have just millions
of people, there’s millions of people that are trying to make
EDM and hip hop music right this second and so many of them
can’t succeed in the marketplace ’cause the talent is a variable. I really do believe that. I just don’t see how one
doesn’t understand that. There’s so many
people that want it. There are so many people that
put in those hours in so many things and especially in music
and sports which are very high glossy, exciting things to be in
society like I don’t know. I’m fascinated by the talent
conversation because I think it is a dangerous conversation because I was picking
and prodding. The reason I’m in a good mood
as you’re talking a lot more now about self-awareness. I think a lot of kids right
now are getting eighth place trophies and they think they are
good enough and then the world hits them in the face and that’s
what we have so much depression and other things that people
don’t everybody was a “rah-rah.” Everybody wants you can do it. Nobody understands that when
they don’t do it what happens that kid’s psyche.
– Mhmmm. – I think part of being a
successful young person is you get the opportunity
to make those pivots. You get the opportunity to say,
“Okay I’m in eighth place maybe “I should become a coach. “Maybe I should change
my career progression.” – When you’re getting the
direction that you can still do it, you can still do it when so
few can then you start getting into a place where we’re selling
a bill of goods to the youth that isn’t true and you start
dealing with what I think the mental health issues that
are not being talked about where everybody all of a sudden
after 50 years of prosperity in America thinks that they’re
going to become Adele and LeBron and they don’t and
then they’re baffled. – Do you think that when you
talk about the 10,000 hour rule that the people that are making
it, do you think part of that is the equation is
perseverance though? You should have heard the songs
we wrote back in a day and we still write to this day and I
could have checked out and said, “Hey, I just don’t have talent.” – I don’t think there is a
single person that’s successful that didn’t put
in the hard work. Which is the reverse
of the conversation. I just don’t think that if you
put in the hard work you can necessarily be successful. There’s nobody that’s achieved
what you’ve achieved or what I’ve achieved that got
there by accident and didn’t put in the work. – How many entrepreneurs or
talented people have you met that have put in the level of
work that you’ve put in in to what you do to create all of
this amazing office by the way that haven’t made it
in a significant level? I don’t know any. – First of all, nobody works 18
hours a day like I do but (laughter) the punchline is I know a lot of
kids that have been hustling for the last six or seven years
trying to build and are on the third business and
they’re never going to make it. A lot. Because they’re schlemiels. – They’re what?
– Schlemiels. They don’t have it.
– That’s a Russian word? – It’s probably a Yiddish word if I had really get to
the core of it. They don’t have the skill to be
a business person that can make a business successful. The end. There the kids on “American
Idol” who literally come, think they’re Adele sing
and we all laughed. – The fact that they’re on their
third business a lot of them being schlemiels is that
they’re kinda BS, they’re not– – Let’s go into a
different place. Are you telling me that
talent has no part of the equation of success?
– Oh huge. – Well that’s
what you’re saying. – Huge. – I just want you to
know by definition. I want you watch this–
– To achieve talent. I truly believe that and there
have been some people in our experience that have come around that we maybe met
three, four years ago. – I understand. I think people can break
through and get better. Do you think everybody can? Do you think the majority can?
– No. – But I think everybody
has a unique talent though. It might not be music or
sports but you have to find it. Part of being a successful
20-something is understanding how to maneuver in times of
change and understand that you have to sometimes
pivot to be successful. – And how many of
those 20-year-old are gonna find success? – As many that want to.
– That’s not true. – As many who are studying the
same principles and same values that you have. – Last question before
I get really burning. I feel like I’m going to burn
this table now but I love it. I love it because I love it
because I love, first of all, it’s so funny because on the most
optimistic person I know and I feel like I’m
Debbie Downer here. I do think what’s scaring me and
why I’m talking about it is I think the pendulum swinging
a little bit too much to “Anybody can make it.
Everybody can make it. “Just put in the work.” I believe in that but I think
that maximizes what you have. I think the work will maximize
what you have I just don’t think everybody has it. Especially when
you get into art. When you get into music and
sports and things of that nature I think that is a tough challenge.
Last question. – [Voiceover] Chris asks,
“How do you girls stay so

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