
“after dealing with grief and loss?” – Sam, I don’t feel comfortable in answering questions that I’m not in a position to answer and the truth is I have not dealt and this is why I’m probably so happy. To be at 40 years old and have the unfortunate situation of not having three of […]

“after dealing with
grief and loss?” – Sam, I don’t feel comfortable
in answering questions that I’m not in a position to answer and
the truth is I have not dealt and this is why I’m
probably so happy. To be at 40 years old and have
the unfortunate situation of not having three of my four
grandparents when I was born well, two, one died
before I can remember him. I’ve been very lucky and I would
tell you that I’m going to make you one promise. Your grandfather is
not heartbroken. It’s only been eight weeks. Life is very long, your
grandfather knew that best. I don’t think he would judge
you in an eight week window. I think you should
properly grieve. And I do think
it’s a gut punch. I think it is appropriate. Heck, I sometimes don’t hustle
for 6 to 12 to 24 hours after a Jets loss and that’s silliness.
Right? So for you to be appropriately
mourning I think is great and I think you should not put
pressure on yourself and I think you should let your
emotions run their course. Eventually you have to
get back in the saddle, that’s just the way it is. But I don’t think you should
put pressure on yourself at two months, for sure, let
alone maybe even six months. But, I’m sure you’ll get
back on the grind in no time. And I really appreciate
the kind words and I’m sorry for your loss. – [India] Last one.
– Last one.