
“in five years?” Jeff, the truth is, I don’t really see myself anywhere in five years. I am not a planner, I do not have a five-year plan, I think all of us can agree that five years ago, Instagram and Snapchat didn’t exist. You know, GoPro, Netflix wasn’t what it is today. I mean, […]

“in five years?” Jeff, the truth is, I
don’t really see myself anywhere in five years. I am not a planner, I do
not have a five-year plan, I think all of us can
agree that five years ago, Instagram and Snapchat
didn’t exist. You know, GoPro, Netflix wasn’t what it is today. I mean, the world is
changing way too much for me to think where I’m gonna be
in five years professionally. Five years personally, I
will be in better shape, I will spend more time with
my family. I will be going to a lot of lacrosse games, and ballets, and shows, just trying to hack my life
to have a better balance. Professionally, I will be
doing what I always do, DRock, zoom on this ear, I
want you to go right in there. My friend, this ear will be
listening to the market place. I will be listening to the
market place and I will be adjusting on the fly in
real time and I will be running a business and
marketing like it’s 2017, like it’s 2019, like it’s
2022, like it’s 2027, I’m a reactionary, what I like to call, I am a half-time adjustments head coach. My game plan is okay going
into the game, I’m down 21-3 at halftime, I’ve got 15
minutes, I reverse, drop down, flip it and reverse it, I
come out and I win 27-24. That is who I am as an
entrepreneur, that is why I have no idea what I will
be doing or how I see myself professionally in five years.


“about building a business?” You know, Sasha’s taught me a bunch of stuff. Some that I like to keep, some that I kind of push to the side, right Dad? You know, this is a very easy question for me. Who asked that question? – [Voiceover] Brandon Upley. – Brandon, Brandon, that’s very easy. This, […]

“about building a business?” You know, Sasha’s taught
me a bunch of stuff. Some that I like to
keep, some that I kind of push to the side, right Dad? You know, this is a very
easy question for me. Who asked that question? – [Voiceover] Brandon Upley. – Brandon, Brandon, that’s very easy. This, my dad taught me word is bond. I’ve said a couple times
for the people that watch me a lot, they know
this, that when I walked into my dad’s business at
14, let’s just say I was a little bit of a bullshit
artist and a lot of the charisma and the showmanship and the salesmanship that a lot of you enjoy,
and I appreciate that, also comes with being full of crap. It’s got a very similar
cousin DNA and I’m glad I got very lucky, let’s call it
what it is, I do not think I’d be as honorable or as good
of a dude without my dad’s correction of you make
of, I never forget it, you make a commitment, you
buy, when I started buying wine, you buy 50 cases, no matter
what, you take those 50 cases. If you say I’ll take 50
cases, if the market changes, if it gets an 84 in the
Wine Spectator, you take it, you eat it, you drink
it, your word is bond and because I play the
marathon, not the sprint, long-term businessman,
that’s helped me a lot because I’ve kept
relationships forever because sticking to it has mattered
quite a bit, so thanks Dad and thanks Brandon for the question. – [Voiceover] Jeff asks,
“Where do you see yourself

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