
marketing Wattpad is something I’m very obsessed with a lot of 13 and 20 year olds on their reading emails it depends on what your going out there I’m just making you know I just know that what had has a 32 2013 making published assumptions you might be running a book for fifty-year-olds I […]

marketing Wattpad is something I’m very
obsessed with a lot of 13 and 20 year olds on their reading emails it depends
on what your going out there I’m just making you know I just know that what
had has a 32 2013 making published assumptions you might be running a book
for fifty-year-olds I don’t know but medium I would start putting out pieces
of content on medium immediately if and when and it seems
like a smoke is their Twitter eliminates 240 character limit and go to 10,000
characters I might Brentwood right right now a five to seven thousand I don’t home
character execution of one of the chapters in the book and literally the
second you hear that it’s real you like I would have liked Twitter’s blog push
notification to your phone its use it comes right that piece post it like Ctrl
C Ctrl V get ready and then I would take the link to that tweet and I would get
up and write clock every single tech writer in the game and say hey I just
wrote a piece because being your piece will be the example they use when they
announced to the world that Twitter has gone to the length is not affecting you I want an exact the 10,000 character
piece of content posted ready for that moment I want you to set like I want me
to say everybody is set to push notification for it I’m gonna have it up
immediately and I want the comms team to hit up every single tech reporter about
my first post that 10,000 sure you know what I was I was very like
I was very business see the last week I


“I noticed that you endorse certain books “and allow yourself to be quoted on the cover. “I thought you didn’t read books?” – Over the last year, I have given two or three quotes to books, which is highly unusual, I see Steve about it, and Steve’s always cynical, look, he already dissed me in […]

“I noticed that you endorse certain books “and allow yourself to
be quoted on the cover. “I thought you didn’t read books?” – Over the last year, I have
given two or three quotes to books, which is highly
unusual, I see Steve about it, and Steve’s always cynical, look, he already dissed me in the show, like, you know. You said, “Oh, Gary.” You know, but I had to
explain myself to you. (laughter) Um, uh, so I rarely do it. Steve’s shaking his head because he sees the millions that come through, requests. And we always say no,
’cause I don’t read them, and how am I gonna put my name on it. The only reason I’ve put my name on a couple of books, is
because I know the human being. And so, that’s what uh, that’s what. As I’ve gotten to know Jay Bear, and others of that nature. Actually, that one’s not even out yet, so Louis, you know. These are people I know,
I feel comfortable with. And if you actually
look carefully, at the, and Steve knows this because he helps me edit some of these quotes sometimes, I won’t say things more
specific about the book. I’ll say, “Jay has a
great read on the market.” So I’ve very careful with saying, “In this book, he will
change your, on page 147,” you know? It’s very Jay. And so as I’ve gotten to know people over the last seven to 10 years, and I feel like I’ve gotten to know them, I’ve felt comfortable
to give them something. These are friends of mine who are trying to leverage my name to do something that’s important to them,
and I’ve been careful with the way I’ve positioned the quote. You know, to make it more about them. And so that’s it, I’m
really glad you asked that question, India,
’cause it’s the right. I saw it and I was like,
even I was a little too scared to send it to you
and say I should answer this. So, but it’s the right thing to do, to answer these questions. That’s why we have the show,
not just to pick the easy ones. I like that you do that. Keep doin’ it. You know what, by the way? Go harder. LIke, luckily lately,
because I think the show has painted a better
360-version of myself, people are dissing on me less, because I think the depth has been able to be sucked out, and so, but I’m always happy to
answer the toughest of tough. – [India] Wanna do a hater episode? – I mean I don’t know if I wanna,


“is that next book coming anytime soon?” – Oh that’s a good, oh I’m supposed – Oh the book announcement! – See, Sid, see this is what’s so incredible about life. – This is good, this is good. – You love this, right? You need to right a Medium post about this actually, and stop […]

“is that next book coming anytime soon?” – Oh that’s a good, oh I’m supposed – Oh the book announcement! – See, Sid, see this is what’s so
incredible about life. – This is good, this is good. – You love this, right? You need to right a Medium
post about this actually, and stop spilling coffee on yourself. – That’s the plan.
– Let’s talk about this. This is the first time in 124
episodes that I’m like no, let’s keep going. I think we’ve done some maybe there’s one other thing, something, but no, this is really
the first time I’m like flat out no, let’s just keep going. Definitely the first
time we’re going improv, and we are supposed to announce something very special, and now we’re going to. The new book is coming soon. Who asked that question? – [India] It was Kenneth. – Kenneth, thank you for saving the show. We have a new book coming, a lot of you know this, Kenneth didn’t. It’s coming out in March. It’s called #AskGaryVee, the book, and I’m trying to position it, I’m trying to create the
subtitle in a point of the modern MBA or the
holistic view of being a business, like business
2016 and be the way to, like I gotta come up
with the subtitle, but I wanna give it. I’m worried that it
being called #AskGaryVee makes it very narrow, and
you’re at the bookstore and you’ve never heard of me. You’re like I don’t know. I gotta give it a strong
subtitle of a 360, as a matter of fact, question of the day. What should the subtitle be
of the #AskGaryVee book? I like that, somebodys about to really get pumped. Here’s another way for you
to be a part of the book. It’s going to be 497 answers, and this was
the original subtitle. 497 answers on how to be great at remember it was super long. Zak made an incredible cover. I’m not gonna link it up yet, because I’m not sure it’s that, but and then it’s like and 80 never before answered questions which you and I and my ghost writer Steph Lan are gonna be attacking very shortly. I have a feeling some of
you want to be one of those never before asked questions and answers. We’re doing a competition. Oh, I get to make up the email address. Yes, so if you email right up here, bookquestions@vaynermedia.com, that’s right,
bookquestions@vaynermedia.com. This is what you will be emailing me. The question, and that may be a question that’s already used in the book, so India, world famous India may
be reaching out to you to get another question from you, because that ones not gonna make it, but more importantly, this
is the gameification. This is the kickstarter aspect of it. This is the salesman. This is the right hook part of it. You have to email blind auction. Blind, you have to email your name and how many books you’re willing to buy, because believe it or not, it’s actually already on Amazon. Do not buy it, by the way. I know a bunch of you are like Gary, I already went and bought it. I don’t want that yet,
because I wanna get the cover out there, get it really
right, and then do a huge push probably in November,
December, juice it up, let people discover it. Don’t get crazy. You can get a little
crazy if you want to, but don’t get there yet. How many books will you buy? Literally, let’s say DRock enters, Hey Gary Vee, you’re the best. By the way, you look so fit lately. You look great. I love the show. I haven’t missed any of them. You’re just super handsome and massively, massively, massively smart. You’re my favorite. Okay, here it is, I will buy 137 books. Here’s my question. The top 80 or 90, we have to decide. We’ll decide very shortly, and we’ll keep a database. Whatever we decide of 87 never before, the top 87 book amounts
will get into the book. You’ll be there, from
you, it’ll be really rad. You’ll be super happy. I’ll be happy because I
have a bunch of books. You’ll be happy ’cause
you’ll give up a bunch of books for next Easter,
something like that, or for your group, or your
clients, or your friends. That’s what it is, my friends. Join, send, we will
give you some time here, but we will be calibrating
those numbers immediately. See how that worked out. You keep asking questions. (instrumental hip hop music)


“platform to make a virtual bookshelf with quotes “and books that mean a lot to me? “Pinterest?” – Yes. Good job, Anders.

“platform to make a virtual
bookshelf with quotes “and books that mean a lot to me? “Pinterest?” – Yes. Good job, Anders.


– My name is Caleb Maddix. I’m 13 years old, and I just wrote my first book, Keys to Success for Kids, you can get it on Amazon.com, and my question is, if you were in my shoes, what would be the first step to promoting the book? #AskGaryVee show – Caleb, the first thing […]

– My name is Caleb Maddix. I’m 13 years old, and I
just wrote my first book, Keys to Success for Kids, you can get it on Amazon.com, and my question is, if you were in my shoes, what would be the first step to promoting the book? #AskGaryVee show – Caleb, the first thing
I would do is I would try to find a thought leader, with
a very big audience, that had let’s say either a blog
or a podcast or a show, and I would try to make a piece
of content that would catch his or his team’s
attention, so that then that person would promote
it to that enormously large audience that probably has
a lot of kids or younger brother and siblings, and you would get a disproportion, organic,
awareness play that you didn’t have to pay for, and
an instance what you did was you hacked it by making
very compelling content. That would probably be what I would do.


“Doesn’t he see the value while “he writes books himself?” – Niels, I don’t read books, because of a couple things. One, I’m very inefficient at reading so it takes me a long, long time, and the truth is I don’t think I actually grasp what I read. As a matter of fact, something very […]

“Doesn’t he see the value while “he writes books himself?” – Niels, I don’t read books,
because of a couple things. One, I’m very inefficient at reading so it takes me a long, long time, and the truth is I don’t
think I actually grasp what I read. As a matter of fact,
something very interesting has happened over the
last six to eight months here at VaynerMedia. When I see that something
comes in my inbox that’s a very important piece of business, and it’s a very long email,
AKA more than 18 words, I call a five minute meeting,
because in five minutes, and my staff will tell you. You won’t see the body language here, but I’m saying it for them it’s insane. In a meeting, I basically don’t even let people finish saying what they’re saying, because I’ve grasped it,
but if they sent me that same comment in four sentences I literally wouldn’t even
know what was going on. I don’t read, because I
don’t think it’s an efficient transaction of transforming information into my brain, I really don’t. Audio books is something I need to take very seriously, but the truth is I don’t read because the way I like to consume
information is living it. I know that sounds weird, but it’s just the truth. I really do think the reason that I’ve been able to be an anomaly is I know that that’s
probably not the norm. Most people do read books, like as a matter of fact, it’s crazy that the internet came along, because if the internet hadn’t come along, I wouldn’t have written
or read in my life. I was well on my way, if I was I’m sure there’s some 50 to 80 year olds who are watching the show right now, or listening to the show who are like me who realize, holy crap. They really didn’t write or read from 24 to 45, pre-internet stuff. I write books, because I know so many people do read. I know so many people do learn from highlighting the shit out of the books. I don’t, and so you can’t be religious or romantic about these things. Just cause I write them doesn’t mean I need to read them, and vice versa. The reason I don’t do it is ’cause I don’t find value in it for me, and I
highly recommend a lot of you start really auditing yourself
and understanding, are you doing stuff that actually
doesn’t bring any value to you just because that’s what society and the world and you have always done because the answer is yes.


– Gary Vee what’s up? Lewis Howes here from the School of Greatness podcast. Big fan of the #AskGaryVee Show keep it up, love what you’re doin’. I’ve got a two part question for you and it’s geared around selling books. Now I’ve got a big book launch coming out in October, in the fall. […]

– Gary Vee what’s up? Lewis Howes here from the
School of Greatness podcast. Big fan of the
#AskGaryVee Show keep it up, love what you’re doin’. I’ve got a two part question
for you and it’s geared around selling books. Now I’ve got a big book launch coming out in October, in the fall. It’s called the School of
Greatness, very excited about it – Good plug.
– [Lewis] and I’ve got a two part question for you. One with Instagram ads looking like they’re gonna be opening up here soon, – Somebody’s paying attention. – and if you could only
spend money in one place on ads Facebook or Instagram,
where would you be putting your money on a book launch
coming out this fall? That’s part one and part
two if you were looking to get 10,000 preorders
through bulk orders where would you be focusing
your energy and efforts to get 10,000 preorders come through.
– [Gary] Piece a cake ’cause I’ve done it so many times.
– [Lewis] That’s the question. Hope you like it. Thanks for all you do.
– [Gary] I love it Lewis. I would, I’m hedging here
because I just don’t know exactly what Instagram’s gonna do. If I knew that Instagram was
gonna fully open up the funnel, the firehose and ads are just rolling in, and we’re seeing five,
seven ads a day on our feed then I would say Instagram. I really would ’cause I do
believe the attention is sitting in Instagram the problem is my intuition without any knowledge is they’re
gonna be a little tighter on the spigot and it’s
gonna be a little tougher to actually break through. And so I would spend 50 cents on a dollar in Facebook and Instagram. The problem is your book’s
coming out in October. The ad platform’s supposed
to come out in October. My belief is it comes out later so I think I want you mentally in Facebook,
Facebook’s gonna dominate. Number two’s a piece a
cake ’cause I’ve done it multiple times and I’ll do
it again in March or February for my #AskGaryVee book. The place to go is to your homies. The place to go is to your homies. What I mean by that is
reverse engineer everything you’ve done for people
for the last 18 months and send them one by one, not in bulk, biggest mistake people
make is send a bulk email and say this is the one time
I wanna send a bulk email. You know I just need all
of you to buy my book. I get that all the time, that
is a piece a crap execution, it will not work. I don’t feel like it’s
personal, I never buy but Lewis when you email me and
you write a whole thing like hey remember when
we first met in Ohio and I drove you around, or St.
Louis, and I drove you around and this and that and
you know thanks for being on my podcast and hey
remember a couple months ago I asked this question on the
show so here’s my thinking and hey it was great to see that. Like real stuff, like real
stuff, like the party in LA that I helped, like real stuff, real stuff that happened between you and I. Not a bulk control c,
control v, this is you and me. You spend five minutes writing this email. It would really mean a lot
to me, I’m gonna be guilted into buying 100 books. And that’s it. And you’ve gotta lotta people like that. And some people are
even more homie with you and they’ll buy 1,000 or
they’ll buy 40 or they’ll buy 90 and literally when Jab,
Jab, Jab Right Hook came out in that August, it came out
in February, in that August or when did it come out? In January, I don’t even remember, when did Jab, Jab, Jab,
Right hook come out? Anyway, in that August. Maybe December? Anyway, in that August I emailed thousands of people one by one, wrote
them one by one emails, it took forever and I got a lot of sales and well into the tens of thousands so that’s exactly what I would do. I’d reverse engineer, CRM,
your whole social graph. The 25 to 7,000 people
that most matter and one by one by one remind them
the nice things you’ve done. I know how you roll, you
build up leverage one by one by one, one by one by one, one by one by one. Tedious, long but effort that
converts into actual sales and follow-up. I went in right in there be
like look you need to say no in this email or, at the time
Nate who’s the CEO of the book, or Nate is gonna email
you and ask you every week on the week and I’m cool
as shit if you go with no ’cause I get it. Cool but you need to say
it ’cause I will bother you until you tell me and
so put them in a corner, suffocate them, don’t let
them be able to just delete it and not answer, pound them,
let them basically understand that you will not have a
relationship going forward if you don’t at least answer
and that no is equally as awesome as 1,000 and that’s what I did. I really made everybody
feel very comfortable in saying no ’cause I get it
as I did with them being 1,000. It’s funny after I did Jab,
Jab Right Hook, even though I did it for Crush It
and Thank You Economy after I did it for Jab,
Jab Right Hook it’s funny I’ve been giving this advice
to a lot of people and as you guys know we’ve been buying a lot of hundreds and two hundreds
and putting them out for Vayner. So that’s the scoop my man,
that’s what I would do. Guys, thank you for watching the show.


If you were going to market a brick and mortar bookshop, where would you start?” – So Josh, first of all, this is a great question. Second of all, I really appreciate the love you’ve given me. Obviously you put Thank You Economy in one of your, your Instagram’s tremendous. Obviously the question was posted, […]

If you were going to market
a brick and mortar bookshop, where would you start?” – So Josh, first of all,
this is a great question. Second of all, I really appreciate
the love you’ve given me. Obviously you put Thank
You Economy in one of your, your Instagram’s tremendous. Obviously the question
was posted, so if you guys could catch his name or slow
it down, go back and watch it, go check out his Instagram. I think your Instagram is really tight. I’ve always said that
marketing doesn’t fix your shit product. Now after being such a
great guy, you’re like, crap, where’s he going with this? Being a bookstore in the
traditional sense of the word is over, right? There’s something called
Amazon, it’s chipping away, it’s just starting. Let me say that one more
time because I think people are confused.
It’s just starting. The corrosion of people going
to bricks and mortar for books has been on like Donkey
Kong, in an iPad, Kindle, and Amazon world. I think if I was to buy 17
bookstores at a bankruptcy, and I had to do it, what I
would do is I would turn them into a live events space
where bookselling was the secondary aspect of it. I would turn it into a coffee
shop, I would turn it into a coworking space, I would
turn it into an events spot. I would turn the physical,
and the fun part is, guys, and this is a little preview,
I’m getting my hands into Wine Library a little bit,
Wine Library’s second floor that has a lot of square
footage, I’m about to turn into an events space. I’m eating my own dogfood on this one. I would say the content you’re
putting out on the ‘Gram, and I didn’t have time to
look at everything else you’re doing, is really strong. But as you can imagine, is that
going to make somebody want to buy a book from you,
for 30 to 70 percent more? Yeah, hippies like India, show her. She would do that, right? But that is a very, no, loving
books is one thing, India. Going and spending 70 percent
more, I can see you, because I know you a little bit, maybe
doing that once in a while. Actually, do you buy
your books from Amazon? – No, I buy my books from
Alexander book company. Yay! Shameless plug! – You know. (laughs) I think that there are some
hipsters out there, but they’re not going to drive your
bottom line, right? That’s the anomaly, not the standard. I’ve done this show for a little
while now, and I would say that India and Staphon’s
head nodding as I was giving that answer was a really good
indication that we’re barking up the right tree here. I would sell 30 to 50 percent
less books to clear up the square footage, within
the store, no matter how big you are, 100 square
feet, 1000 square feet, 5000 square feet, to really
activate the physical location and find other ways and
means to make dollars, because I think bookselling
within a bricks and mortar needs to be the secondary
income, not the first play. I think that’s something
people need to wrap their head around. By the way, real quick,
don’t finish the editing. That is pretty much my
theory on retail, period. Multi use, events, experiential, McDonalds, a lot of people talking about McDonalds. I think they need to triple
down on the playground thesis, right? I mean, I don’t know. People have got to realize,
retail’s in a very new place. – Just leaving this
message because you wanted


“Gary, I’m ten years old, which one of your books should I read first and when should I read it? I can’t decide.” – Dawn, first of all, big shout out to you, because at ten years old, I had read zero books in my life, so I appreciate you debating the three books. You […]

“Gary, I’m ten years old, which one of your books
should I read first and when should I read it? I can’t decide.” – Dawn, first of all,
big shout out to you, because at ten years old, I
had read zero books in my life, so I appreciate you
debating the three books. You know, actually for you, I’d probably just start with
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. I think the Thank You Economy– I think Jab, Jab, Jab,
Right Hook in a lot of ways is a modern version of Crush
It! with less kind of oomph, and rah-rah and hype, so
if you want to get pumped, at your 120 months of existence, then Crush It! is interesting. I think Thank You Economy
is probably the one that I want most in your
veins and your religion, so that, I might even save for last, but Jab, Jab, Jab, Right
Hook has modern-day execution of what Crush It! is. You’re going to really
understand it better than a lot of people in the VaynerNation because you’re so much in a
place where you’re growing up native to the digital communication world, so I’d go Jab, Jab, Jab,
Right Hook, Crush It, Thank You Economy. – [Voiceover]
Lean Box Company asks,


– [Voiceover] Chris asks, “Gary, would you support “Vayner employees writing their own books “and curating their own content streams “and personal brands?” – Chris, this is a great question. As a matter of fact, first of all. India, first let’s talk about Chris bribing you, and, like, attacking you. Let’s go over here to […]

– [Voiceover] Chris asks,
“Gary, would you support “Vayner employees writing their own books “and curating their own content streams “and personal brands?” – Chris, this is a great question. As a matter of fact, first of all. India, first let’s talk
about Chris bribing you, and, like, attacking you. Let’s go over here to India. India, tell the VaynerNation,
oh, the VaynerNation, the story of, actually,
while you tell everybody Chris’ attack and bribing, I actually am gonna bring a prop for this. – [DRock] You can
mute your microphone. – That’s fine, I’ll be right back. Trouty! All right, I’ll give you the
microphone for India’s story. – All right, Chris was
extremely persistent over the holidays. A time where not a lot of our people were Tweeting questions. And he got his friends to
tweet after his question, and tag me. And then he said that he
might start bribing me. So, it definitely worked; here’s
your question on the show. – It didn’t work because
you didn’t execute the actual bribe gift. Right, you went noble. But now, Chris, I want you to know, and we’ve known each other a long, long long, long, long time. And it’s good to have you on the show. That you will need to send India a gift; it will need to be substantial. (people giggling) And we tell the
VaynerNation what you got her in an upcoming episode. And, so, this is really your
chance to either be a good guy, or a terrible guy. Trouty, can you do me a favor? Can you find me Jason Donnelly? – [Trouty] Yeah.
– He was going through– – He’s floatin’ around.
– [Gary] He’s floating around. He was going through orientation. Cool, we will, we’re
looking for Jason Donnelly. And we will answer Chris’ question with Jason Donnelly as a
human-prop to your question. Let’s go to the next question. I’ll interrupt that question
when Jason Donnelly shows up. That’s how we’re doin’ it, DRock. Don’t fight me, DRock! Let’s move on. All right, here we are to
finish off this answer. This is, actually, tremendous timing because the question came at the same exact time that Jason
rejoined VaynerMedia. Jason, you made the
vital, devastating mistake to leave VaynerMedia,
and go somewhere else; but then you rejoined Vayner today. Why don’t you tell VaynerNation first, just ’cause I wanna hear it
and feel good about myself, about why you did that. But just one sentence ’cause I wanna actually answer the question. – This is home; that’s it. (chuckling) – All right, I figured you
could answer this question better than I did, so, why
don’t you tell the VaynerNation how I did support somebody who
was writing their own book? – Not only did he support
me by just lovin’ the book, he bought copies and gave it to people throughout the office. He’s been nothin’ but helpful,
and the best boss ever. – So, yes, the answer
to the, thanks go work! You gotta make up lost time. The bottom-line is, of
course, I think that you can’t get away with saying you’re gonna take care of people, and you wanna build around them. Too many people wanna act like they’re gonna take care of everybody but then suppress people who
they think can trump them. See, there’s something
amazing that happens when you think you’re
greatest of all time. You don’t think that
anybody is necessarily gonna be able to surpass you. Thus, you don’t need to
suppress, and I mean that. I mean, it may sound like
a douchebag-thing to say, but, like, I believe so much in myself that there is no value in me
tryin’ to hold down people that I think are more talented than me. And that happens every day of the year in organizations all the time. And, so, for me, show them, show them. For me, if they’re better than me, or if they need to fly the nest; well, then that’s what needs to happen. If that means writing their own book and building their brand,
I’m more than happy to do that and support it. I just believe in fair, and in capitalism. And, so, not only do I
believe in supporting it I do support it actively when it happens.

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