
“40 year old Gary give 28 year old Gary?” – I was trying to remember why I picked this question, I really curated a bunch of questions by the way. By the way, I want, you know, I’m feeling a renaissance here so, a freshness of not having all of these characters on with me, […]

“40 year old Gary give
28 year old Gary?” – I was trying to remember
why I picked this question, I really curated a bunch
of questions by the way. By the way, I want, you know, I’m feeling a renaissance here so, a freshness of not having
all of these characters on with me, really looking
for more questions. A lot of you have not
asked in a long time, a lot of you ask often,
as a matter of fact, here’s what I want you to do, use the hashtag #askgaryvee, but also for the
old timers, the hustlers, that have not had the luck, or the serendipity of
having one of their questions on the show, don’t lie, because lying is the devil, and I’m going to make
the India and team actually do the homework. For all of you, when you
ask your next question that you want on the next show, which will hopefully be tomorrow, or the next day, or what have you, or next week, whatever, do hashtag #askgaryvee
like we do on Twitter, or Instagram, but also
then in the copy put x how many times have
you asked for a question to be on the show,
and have not had it. So meaning if you asked
a question 43 times, but your question has
been on the show, don’t use the x, but if you are a virgin to the question
being on the show, but you’ve asked 84 times, it might be a nice time to like. Now, there may be a reason
you haven’t been picked because there could be people that just ask crappy questions. Talent is a variable, you’re bad at asking questions, but we’re going to push
a little harder in trying to get you on the show. – [India] And videos,
we love videos. – We love videos. Uh, DJ – [India] Younglegend. – Younglegend, asked 40
and 28 year old self, and again,
I know a lot of you, DRock, you and India probably, maybe
even Staphon at this point, you guys know me so well,
that you probably to keep yourself not bored of
filming these things, start answering what you
think I’m going to say, and I think you think
I’m going to go down the traditional path of hang
out with more chicks, have more funs
on the weekends, that’s where I’ve gone cliche. You got a place where
you’re about to go? – [Voiceover] Not at 28, I can do – Not at 28, at 22? It’s funny you said that,
maybe that’s why I picked it. Twenty-eight was a very
interesting year for me, when I got engaged. I’m going to stun
everybody right now, I would tell 28 year
old Gary to work more. And I’m going to
throw you for a loop, what a lot of you don’t
know about 28 year old Gary is 28 year old Gary was
working nine to seven. Like I’m really sad that
my life went this way. Here’s what I mean by that. As much as I hustled, as much as I hustled, 22 to 32, I work way more now. And to be very honest with you, that stinks because
I have a family. And at 22 to 30, or 22 to 28, I had nobody but myself, right? And so, what I would
tell 28 year old Gary is that in two years you’re
going to drive on the highway, you’re going to look at yourself and say that you’re full of shit, and that you’re not hustling. I know that just came out right? And kind of we just
did content on that. and so why wait two years, in the same way that 38
year old Gary started taking care of his
health instead of waiting to 40 which was my main plan. I would say to
28 year old Gary, hey bro, you’re going to realize
in 24 months that you’re not doing the actions
it’s going to take. You’re doing everything right, if you want to be very successful, and live a very nice life, and be rich and all that, but you’re nowhere close
to all time legacy, and not even in the same realm
of buying the New York Jets, so get your shit together. And do it now, and I wished
I would because that would have been 24 more months of
the hustle that’s executed so much happiness for me, and so you know, no
question, not a regret, because I don’t look backwards,
I don’t let negativity, but it would be convenient
if I was working 20 hour days and traveling 22 to 32,
versus now when it’s coming out of Misha and Xander
and Lizzie time, you know it’s tough. So that’s what I would say, I would say hey, this is
how it’s going to play out, might as well get a couple
of more years in now. Because if I stop going extreme, and by the way, this is a fun
thing for you guys to hear, I am absolutely in the early
stages in my own brain, of not traveling to the level
that I have been traveling. You know the kids are
now seven and four, there’s a lot more functions. I want to spend more
time with them, these are formative years. Like so, you know, let’s say I decide to
like really slow it down a significant level at 43, let’s say that’s my
prediction right now, you know, well 28 could
have made it that 41. That’s kind of how
I think about it. It’s all just masked with numbers, and you know everybody’s
going to jump in the comments and say different things
of course, of course, and that’s not wrong. But 28 year old Gary hustled, but hustled the way a lot
of you hustled pre-seeing DailyVee and Snapchat, which is you thought you were
the best hustler you knew, and then you got to
see how I do it, and you’re like Jesus, and that’s who that guy was, and he worked hard,
and whatever but, he wasn’t this guy. Cool. I’m curious what
60 year old Gary is going to say to 40 year old Gary. – [India] Work harder. (laughter) – Work harder, you think so? Do you think,
honestly, without a joke, do you think like
on a serious kick, I’m actually a little bit nervous, like let’s go into like, I never speak to my fears here, this could be interesting, I’m not sure, you know,
I’m very conscious that it becomes like a speed junkie, right? Like I don’t even know
what it would be like to work nine to eight, like you have to understand
the once in a blue moon when I walk home at like, walk into my apartment, I’m talking about
three times a year, during work days, I mean
obviously I take holidays and all of that,
but like to walk tonight to walk into my apartment
at eight pm, feels awkward. – [India] Like what do you do? – Like whoa, this is not a joke. There was some funny
day that happened maybe three or four months ago
when I came home at 9:45 pm, and I walk in,
I hear Lizzie in the room, and she’s like what are
you doing home so early? (laughter) and I was like Jesus,
(laughter) 9:45, it hit me harder,
9:45 is later there are enormous
amounts of people, there are an enormous amount
of you that are watching this right now that will never come
home that late in the history of your work career. You know? Anyway, so back to what
I was like fearful of? I’m worried that like
the action is so intense that like it’s a detox, like I actually already
know for me to cut back, what I just alluded to, I’m going to have to
have a detox year. Like it’s going to take
me a lot of time, three, four, five, like that
will be some fun DailyVee’s I’m going to be in the
corner like (laughter) like it’s going to take
me six months, like if I want to come home. My weird intuition is
it’s not that I’m going to come home at seven, it’s that I’m going to
come home at five or six, spend an hour,
90 minutes with the family and then go back out. That’s my intuition,
that’s my main plan. For the next move, I think. Because the kids are going
to go to sleep early anyway, like later, you know
seven, eight years from now when they’re actually
up to eight, 10, 11, 12. – [India] So when you say go
out, you’re not like going out,


about cars motorcycles because i love me or my life in general I mean blocks because i love you too what should i do because you say that you are so hard until 30 and you say that people will respect your for your actions I dream being a successful entrepreneur and I want to […]

about cars motorcycles because i love me
or my life in general I mean blocks because i love you too
what should i do because you say that you are so hard until 30 and you say
that people will respect your for your actions I dream being a successful entrepreneur
and I want to respect to but partial results or I saw work in silence I mean knowing camera and no social media what should i do very
pleased I want to go Arlene I Love You Man and anybody in
this planning is like you sorry for my english and aspiring keep pushing I’m
grant Reynolds gravity right even the editing with a little sometimes I was
even PC Steven real quick i’ll jump in Tucker please add anything you can do
this I i want to give you a definition i said
that i built a business until I was 30 32 and then I talked about business
stuff instead of being a twenty-year-old giving business advice your content
producer you’re talking about your opinions
that’s different if you were giving advice is a ten-year-old 20 or 30 year
old about building a business of building a motorcycle business or things
of that nature that’s very different than you
pontificating giving your two cents adding to culture social commentating so
I what I want to give you a definition is my whole way to your 30 to talk to
the world if you’re going to give advice I do think it should be predicated on
something advice you know giving your two cents we’re all entitled to our opinions
social commentating we’re all entitled to that making videos and commentating I think the journey of your life and
your thoughts and those things are super fine you clearly i mean i would push
very hard what I just saw give me a nice little
tingle keep pounding produce content use all the platforms use your youth and need of ability on
this world that we now live in musically snapchat produce for all mediums get it
out there yeah I mean it seems to me like he’s got
a lot of charisma right now I great totally agree on some producer so then ask yourself what we talked the
very first question what audience you want to talk to and what do they care
about and there’s a lot of young guys at that in Colombia who care about cars and
motorcycles and that stuff if you become the guy who speaks to all of them that
put you in a great position to start a lot of different days before i can tell
that’s exactly right where i can tell you nothing there’s a lot of people are actually
just curious what youth corps life and culture and Columbia’s like I was
watching that like looking the background like I learned something
about the kids like I actually think just your life is actually interesting
to so many people and nobody can you know if you’re not in Colombia you can
produce content around Colombians of use your advantages
that so many people think or disadvantage that’s exactly the man so what is going to get you get a
parting shot hear anything you want to


– [Gilbert] Yes. Hey what’s up, Gary? – How are you, brother? – [Gilbert] Pretty good, pretty good and yourself? – Tremendous. What is your question? – [Gilbert] My question is I have an upcoming provisional patent on a warehouse product. I was wondering what I could do to help prepare myself to becoming a […]

– [Gilbert] Yes.
Hey what’s up, Gary? – How are you, brother? – [Gilbert] Pretty good,
pretty good and yourself? – Tremendous. What is
your question? – [Gilbert] My question is I
have an upcoming provisional patent on a warehouse product. I was wondering what I could
do to help prepare myself to becoming a future business owner
or entrepreneur or what not? – So what are you worried about? – [Gilbert] I don’t know.
What can I do? What are some books I help
prepare myself because I’m going to end up having to cleaning
warehouses just to get my product out there and
I was wondering, I don’t know. I have all the stuff coming up
that I have to try to accomplish I just need some any
type of business advice. – Let me give you good advice
you’re gonna get nothing from reading a book. No book’s gonna
tell you what to do. What you need to do is wrap your
head around that you have to bleed out of your fucking
eyes and work 24/7/365. There’s no advice
that I can give you. It’s gonna be about putting
in the hard work and learning the ropes. I’d also give you huge advice
go ask questions to all of your future customers. Whoever you’re going to
sell to go ask them questions. The best way to be successful
in business is to deliver for people what they actually want
and the best way to figure out what they want is
to ask questions. – [Gilbert] Can I input on this? This prototype it has
four additional attachments that cater to the user so
that’s what I’m going off of. – Okay. – [Gilbert] This thing is it’s,
okay, it’s a dust mop. – Okay. – [Gilbert] And it hasn’t
been altered since 1993. So what I’ve done is–
– I love it. – [Gilbert] I added four new
attachments to it and it is like the future of dust mops. – So listen, I don’t give
a shit if it is the future of human beings. If the customers don’t
eventually like it or care it’s not going to matter so just
because you love your dust mop doesn’t mean that
the market does. You have to go out there
and really get people to give a crap. Create content, get it in to
people’s hands give away some for free, get it out there.
Got it? – [Gilbert] Okay.
– Alright, buddy. – [Gilbert] Thank you.
– Take care. Gilbert, alright.


to the world that I was a winner because it was such a loser in school that I just worked every minute I didn’t you know go to an extra keg party I didn’t you know like spend an extra go away in a weekend and just do something different like I punted everything it […]

to the world that I was a winner because
it was such a loser in school that I just worked every minute I didn’t you
know go to an extra keg party I didn’t you know like spend an extra go away in
a weekend and just do something different like I punted everything it
just went completely and utterly into I’m gonna build businesses this is who I
am and so you know maybe it would have gone on the ski trips so I can be good
skiing down into it like maybe like I would have done it with a rounded out
some stuff but the truth is in a weird way in the same way that I just talked
to you about the last question I don’t know like it’s also good I don’t i
probably like if I could speak to my high school self is that is not the way
it’s yeah I mean my high school so good news it’s gonna go it wasn’t a better I
like the den to I was antsy and I wanted to like everyone like I’m still there
but like that but I was super happy like I was like some outcasts like it by
teachers and my friends parents thought I was a loser but all my friends loved
me so let’s call it what it is when you’re fifteen you don’t give a shit
about teachers and parents you want your homies do think your cool so I was super
happy it was just trying to chip on my shoulder because unlike the all-time
great i really believe this i really believe it’s the same way that Harrison
Ford about his acting or LeBron about his basketball or or some music Whitney
Houston better singing like I did I really think young Whitney Houston a bit
greatest sitting there and saying she’s killing at a church she saying nobody
knows how great I’m really gonna be like I literally thought that I’d like I
can’t wait for them to all really know so there’s a little bit of like I can’t
wait to have my coming-out party I was I was antsy for the coming out party but
I’d probably say it like a man it’s all gonna work out great like like just do
everything you think you want to do just follow your instincts it’s gonna be good
high school reunions I know I haven’t got to talk to a lot of people on
Facebook in different places in my high school in like it’s interesting you know
I wasn’t outwardly like running through the halls and telling everybody that I
was going to be you know like I think the one thing that’s felt really nice is
like a lot of people have sent emails like it’s so nice to see you doing well
you were you were really nice and high school like that makes me feel nice
thing I think a lot of people are starting to realize on daily be that I’m
just a nice guy to be quite competitive and computational on a scary be on stage
like most people consumed from me on one likely to be a painting stuff ironically me and my competitive zone
when I’m not in business or on basketball court I’m actually kind of
completely the other way and I think that it was nice like that’s what I
don’t remember being like I forget the people are just mean in high school and
I was so self-confident that I never got dragged down to do that it’s good for
people’s for some peeps many of watching out to disclose the glory days to Jackie
jock jock jock wishes high school still


on how to get out of his mess. What would you tell him? (laughs) – Ugh, this is tough. You know what’s funny? I actually had a very interesting moment with myself yesterday. Obviously, maybe some of you saw this picture (fingers snap) And a lot of people then put out, did Gary Vee pay […]

on how to get out of his mess. What would you tell him? (laughs) – Ugh, this is tough. You know what’s funny? I actually had a very interesting moment with myself yesterday. Obviously, maybe some of you
saw this picture (fingers snap) And a lot of people then put out, did Gary Vee pay the
plane to fly over Boston and say look up cheaters? And it was funny, I was sitting
there and I had very, very– I’mma tell you guys a story. In 2008, in the midst of
Wine Library TV exploding, it was the first time that I
was starting to get attention at any kind of level
outside of a small circle. I don’t know if it was an
article or a conversation, I don’t remember. But I read something about the notion of that person or this story
I read was talking about becoming a caricature of yourself. And it really hit me, and
I was saying to myself, huh, am I forcing the narrative? Am I becoming more hyperbolized? More energetic? More intense? To pander to what the
audience is giving me. Am I becoming a caricature of myself? And I don’t know if I’ve ever
really answered it, right. It was very difficult for
somebody that’s really in tune, I was really struggling to
unpeel the banana and be like, Am I? Am I? It’s interesting. What if it really happened, right? We just had a famous athlete
ask a question one second ago. What if Tom Brady hit me up and asked me? Would I be like, “Oh, Tom I wish you’re leg fell off your body.” The answer’s no, I’m not that human right. And the truth is, it’s actually
very hard for me to be upset with an athlete, even
though that’s where I get sports muscles aka you guys know what beer muscles are right? Somebody get’s drunk and they wanna fight. I get sports muscles. I’m at a sporting event, I wanna fight. But outside of it, especially right now in non football season, I feel like I’m almost
becoming a caricature of myself outside the football environment
of hating the Patriots and it was really interesting. I literally thought about that yesterday. So, being honest with myself, if he hit me up and asked me a question, I’d probably give him the best
sound advice that I could. And I’d try, ’cause
there’s still a good part– as I was just about to say that (laughs) there was a part of my… (laughs) There’s a part of me is
like, “This is the moment where I can finally put
the nail in the coffin and sabotage him.” I mean, the truth is he’s getting close to the end of his career. It’s funny, Kobe, hated him my whole life. Like just hated him, sorry. But now I kinda root for him
because he’s an underdog. I love underdogs, right. And I think Tom is the complete
and utter reverse of that in our society today and in my division. So it makes me very easy to dislike him. Look, he destroyed his phone, systematically to conceal the evidence. Nobody in public domain,
no matter what he does is going to believe him. So many people over and
over talk about the fact that people don’t care
that much about the crime, they care about the coverup. It’s unbelievable what America does with the coverup versus the actual crime. Literally probably right up to
where it gets to the ultimate like a murder, I don’t
think we’re like, all right. But underneath that, I mean there’s like– I don’t need to say ’em out loud. There’s four to five things
in society that can be done where the issue is the issue. But boy, all those
thousands of other things they’re actually things
we’re more than willing to let go away because
we have all have empathy to know that we’re not
perfect and we all have our skeletons in our closets. It’s when you try to trick us after we, the collective United States, the collective world, have put you on such a pedestal and you’ve been rewarded with the riches that come along with that. And so I would say to him to have empathy and to understand why it’s happened. And I would probably tell
him, which ugh it sucks but this is what I’d tell him. I’d probably tell him look, the truth is, the more you fight this, the worst. The more you approach it with empathy, it is what it is. The chips have fallen. You’re probably too
emotional or passionate to apologize or admit. I don’t think you have to do that. I think you just have to go neutral for a long enough period of time and I don’t think anybody
cares 24 months ago– from now other than passionate Patriot and anti-Patriot fans that debate this for the rest of your career. Out of fondness of debating around sports. That’s probably what I would tell him.


“to speak in front of an auditorium full “of elementary schoolers, what would be your topic “of choice and why?” – My topic of choice, so first of all if I was in a room full of elementary school students, like I was once ever in my career which was in Houston in a tremendous […]

“to speak in front of an auditorium full “of elementary schoolers,
what would be your topic “of choice and why?” – My topic of choice, so first of all if I was in a room full of
elementary school students, like I was once ever in my
career which was in Houston in a tremendous conference that I went to where it was the best students
from elementary school of all of Houston and I
cursed up a storm and I talked about like all sorts of crap. I remember I tried to connect with them so I was using like random hip
hop artists that were popping at the time and the teachers
were literally flabbergasted and completely pissed off and the kids were completely pumped. And like these were like
the greatest students of like seventh and eighth
grade in all of Houston and like a third of the class
quit school in seventh grade when I was done with the talk. Because what I really talked
to them about was real life which is look you’re a great student, you’re goin’ down a
certain path right now. Bad news, education in
America is screwing you over. You’re gonna pop out and
you’re gonna realize holy crap I don’t wanna do this or this
and that and then I talked about the virtues of good schooling. Which is the randomness of
having a college roommate that’s a billionaire and some
of the other random stuff. But you know it was a tremendous talk. My choice of topic today,
if I was to do it today, would be you know I would tell them to really recognize how to build self-esteem and self-awareness. I would pound that and I would say look, you’re looking at me and
I’m an old dude up here and I’m cliche just like all
your other teachers and parents but you need to find the
things that you’re good at and really find the friends
that you’re looking for and you know you hear it a million times that you’re not gonna look back and care about the dumb shit
that you care about now but you don’t believe me,
but that’s not gonna stop me from trying to pound it down
you’re little f- throat.


“Who do you ask when you have life or business questions?” – Jason, this is my strength and my weakness, and so I want to set that up immediately. I ask absolutely nobody. It is insane, I think about this all the time, and I truly, and you know what, it’s funny, subconsciously I said […]

“Who do you ask when you have
life or business questions?” – Jason, this is my
strength and my weakness, and so I want to set that up immediately. I ask absolutely nobody. It is insane, I think about this all the time, and I truly, and you know what, it’s funny, subconsciously
I said it’s my strength and my weakness, I guess
maybe that answer’s my 51/49 question of, is it a strength or a weakness? I do think about it a lot. I do wonder why I’m not
really mentored out, even with the most amazing
dad who’s in the business, you know, I was mentored, you know, and maybe this
is just the way I roll, maybe I’m being mentored by example. You know, I think my parents, my parents, you know, it’s funny, I’m gonna be a different parent I think, and sit down with my kids, and do my spiel, I mean I love doing this, imagine me as a dad, I’d be like, kid, when the wind blows, you know, I’m just gonna like you know, do shit like that. You know, like, I never really went that route, I watched my parents, and maybe I watch other people. And I, you know, Steve Ross, who’s my LP and investor partner now, one of the most successful businessmen of the last hundred years in the US. You know, I have full access to
him at a scary level, and I don’t hit him up for, like, what do you think? And this is a guy who
owns a football team, you know, 5 billion dollar man, and I never sit down and ask him, I’m like, let me tell you. It’s in me, again, it’s either a
strength or a weakness, but the true answer to the
question is absolutely nobody. I’m a big believer that people should see a psychiatrist, and
vent, and like do that, I don’t do that, even though
I believe in it tremendously, I don’t think I’m a hypocrite, because the truth is, it’s stunning, and by the way, if I ever go through a, if I ever went through a sustained 36 hour period
of being really upset, I would do it in a heartbeat, I would change my behavior, but I am so scared, and so blessed and so thankful, and so grateful for the perspective that
I have as a human being, which is, you just can’t
wrap your head, my friends, VaynerNation, you just
cannot wrap your head around the excitement that I would have in my body, if all the things on paper that seemed like my successes would disappear tomorrow. Obviously I want to take care of my family and put a roof over their heads, and those kinds of things. But you do not understand
my lack of taste for caviar like I just don’t give a shit. Like I love the game. You know why I love the
Jets and the Knicks? Because they don’t win. Do you understand? And so for me, the fear of
failure is not a fear at all, as a matter of fact I would argue that I have more a fear for success than I have fear for failure, and so, because of that, I don’t know, it puts me in a very happy place. I don’t look for advice,
because the truth is, I don’t want to screw anything up. I don’t want to speak to somebody to vent, because I don’t want to
screw anything up, like, I feel like the chemicals
are aligned right now, and I’m very happy. I’m super duper duper happy. – [India] Cool, that’s good.


for candidates running for president on how to utilize social media for their campaign?” – Shaybod, I think most intriguing thing to me, and I don’t know if it will ever happen, but I think when it happens I’ll be like, damn, if I was born in America that would have been me, because truth […]

for candidates running for president on how to utilize social
media for their campaign?” – Shaybod, I think most
intriguing thing to me, and I don’t know if it will ever happen, but I think when it happens I’ll be like, damn, if I was born in America
that would have been me, because truth is if I was born in America, I would 100% be a
politician and try to become the President of the United States. But because I wasn’t,
and I can’t be president, I’m selfish in the fact
that I can’t be the top dog. Makes the game completely not interesting. Fuck being a governor. And so anyway, what I would do is go rogue as rogue. I would come out the gate,
throw every skeleton I’ve got out there, all of them. I mean I don’t care what the person does. If that person did drugs,
cheated on their wife or husband, stole money, punched
someone, stabbed someone, like all of it, all of it,
all of it from the gate. Get it out of the way, because it’s ammo against the thing I
want that person to do, which is then go transparent as hell. Right, like throw it all out there, leave nothing for your
competitor to dig up on you, because you’ve now taken control of it by throwing it out there. You may dip, people may
not want to vote for you, but then you start building
momentum from that bottom spot, and you start going in the
direction of pure Meerkat, Periscope, pure content at scale, pure Q and A sessons, all day, every day. Pure and utter transparency in a world where you’ve created the leverage by throwing every skeleton,
I mean all of them. I don’t mean the ones you’re okay with. You’re okay maybe saying
you cheated on your spouse, or you did drugs, or you stole cash, but you feel bad that
you punched your mom, but that’s then that’s ammo. You’ve gotta let it all
out, all of it, all of it. Is the punch to mom funny to you? – Yeah, a little bit. – Okay, cool. You gotta go all out,
and then what you’ve done by doing that is you’ve created
leverage on the other side for you to be able to be as transparent, and then what happens
is really interesting. Then what you have is momentum
in the other direction, because you’ve been
transparent with America, but your competition
and competitor haven’t. Now you’re at the debate, and saying what about you Staphon? You know it’s kind of,
you know what it is? Oh my god you know what it is? It’s literally Eminem’s
last battle in 8 Mile. That’s exactly (laughs) that’s literal. It just hit me looking at you,
cause we talk about hip hop. Like I was, it’s literally,
I was about to say, but I know something about you. That’s really what it is. I actually think, so my advice is the way
Eminem won the last battle in 8 Mile, the movie, is
the way I think a politician can revolutionize politics in America. As a matter of fact, before I
die I think that will happen. Because I think technology
will push us into a corner of not allowing the shadows
of society to exist. It’s crazy the way I live my life now. I would be a totally different person if I wasn’t so self aware of what’s going on with technology. I would be a worse moral
person, I just would, and nobody’s perfect, but it’s crazy to me that I’m a better man, because
I’m scared that somebody’s gonna meerkat it, tweet it,
instagram it, see me out doing this, that, the other
thing, it’s just the way it is. And so, that was funny, pretty cool. That’s what I would do.


“What’s the biggest way, right now, “you are hypocritical of your won advice?” – (sighs) Edward, this is a really, really, really, good question. Edward, this may be my favorite question. You know what, Edward, you’ve also solved something else for me, that is tremendous. Which is people always ask me, you know this Steve. […]

“What’s the biggest way, right now, “you are hypocritical of
your won advice?” – (sighs) Edward, this
is a really, really, really, good question. Edward, this may be my favorite question. You know what, Edward, you’ve also solved something else for me, that is tremendous. Which is people always ask
me, you know this Steve. “What’s the one question
nobody ever asks you, that should ask you?”
(laughs) I think this is really it. Edward, it’s a moving target. Right now, luckily, ’cause
I’ve built out infrastructure a lot less, right, I’m
putting out content. I’m doing a consistent show. Andy K. doing a ton of
Facebook dark posts. We’re doing a ton of
influencer stuff on Instagram. I would say maybe a little bit, we need a little bit
more umph on Pinterest but even that we’re doing, huh. I would say this, in the historical track
of me giving advice since 2009 in business, this is easily the least hypocritical, least not following my advice that I’ve ever been in because I finally hit
scale where I can afford this incredibly good-looking team. Show Steve for the good-looking stuff. – Hello there. – And so (laughs). And so… What do you guys think, actually? This could be a lot of fun. I’m trying to think of like
what we’re not crushing on that we believe in so much. We’re really doing well right now. – I think, I don’t know. – [Gary] Go ahead, it’s okay
you won’t hurt my feelings. – Okay, I think that we could probably be jabbing on Wine Library better. I think that a lot of– – No, I don’t well, by the way, come back to me. Wine Library is like out of the, I think for sure. Wine Library’s got Instagram
that it could be doing better. Pinterest. Wine Library’s got its
own spiel of re-orging in a way that I think can do better work. Wine Library for sure. I’m talking about our world where I have a little bit more control because I’m day-to-day Wine Library. What do you think is the, India? Anything? – [Voiceover] Hmm. – I think SlideShare. – [Voiceover] Yeah. – I’m a big, right, SlideShare. I think we’ve really, that’s me and you. – [India] Yeah. – And maybe I could be
giving a little bit more time and access to India and Steve
for the follow up content. I’m just like grinding so hard. I mean like… There’s just like not a minute in the day. I’m mean like, we’re literally
like talking on Sunday nights – [India] Yeah. – It’s pretty intense. 6pm this last Sunday. So, I don’t know. I don’t know, I’m feeling
really great right now about it. As good as I’ve ever felt. Wine Library as a whole
could be doing better. Definitely on Instagram. There’s so much upside
for wine businesses there. I could be giving a little bit more access to following up on content. I don’t know. – [Steve] Could be making more episodes of
The #AskGaryVee Show. – More episodes. We’re grinding pretty good right now. But I want that question
asked once a quarter