#AskGaryVee Episode 51: Jacks of All Trades, Hiring, & SEO Rankings


– [Voiceover] Andrew asks, “On your team, is it better to have employees who’re specialized in one thing, or people who can wear many hats?” – Andrew, I think the answer is both work. I think you need both in an organization of size, but I, you know, in a world of not trying to […]

– [Voiceover] Andrew asks, “On
your team, is it better to have employees who’re
specialized in one thing, or people who can wear many hats?” – Andrew, I think the answer is both work. I think you need both in an organization of size, but I, you know, in a world of not trying
to be politically correct on this show, and, like, trying to draw some
real lines in the sand, I’m a huge fan of jack of all trades. Tons of people will tell you
that means you’re not good at any of them. I don’t agree. I think I’m really (beep)
awesome at 19 different things, and I’m watching even
the people in this room and this room get better
at different things. I hate when people use the excuse of I’m great at this,
and I go deep in this to not try to get better at other things. So, to make a 51-49 call,
which is what this is, which is, like, both matter,
both really do matter. DRock’s not good at basketball, but he doesn’t have to do
that for what he’s doing here. This one has a shot at being a meme. Makes Staphon so happy. But I won’t do the DRock, I’m gonna find something on somebody else. I’m gonna go with having multiple skills. I think it speaks to agility, and I love that. – [Voiceover] Anthony asks, “If
given an opportunity to swap


– [Voiceover] Anthony asks, “If given an opportunity to swap VaynerMedia for the Jets, would you, and why or why not? Not really, right, Gary? – Anthony, I would switch VaynerMedia for the New York Jets in a hot second. Now, I would take along all the employees and make them all work at the […]

– [Voiceover] Anthony asks, “If
given an opportunity to swap VaynerMedia for the Jets, would you, and why or why not? Not really, right, Gary? – Anthony, I would switch VaynerMedia for the New York Jets in a hot second. Now, I would take along all the employees and make them all work at the New York Jets, and I’d assume, like,
of the 500 or so peeps that I could probably get,
like, 312 to come over. You know, or I would just create some weird advertising division within the New York Jets that
allowed me to keep everybody because I’ve fallen quite in love. I’m very in love with you guys. – Thanks, Gary. – You’re welcome. And so, you know, I’ve fallen in love with all these peeps, but I would do it, because I want to own the New York Jets, and that’s the bottom line.


– Gary, my name is Zac. I’m the CEO and lead designer here at Power Labs, which is a website design company, and my question for you today is: when you’re faced with two equally qualified candidates, how do you choose which one to hire, assuming you only need to hire one employee? I’m asking […]

– Gary, my name is Zac. I’m the CEO and lead designer here at Power Labs, which
is a website design company, and my question for you today is: when you’re faced with two
equally qualified candidates, how do you choose which one to hire, assuming you only need
to hire one employee? I’m asking because I
recently needed to hire on a lot of new employees for 2015, and I appreciate your answer. Thanks, man. – Zac, so many things are
running through my head, all of them are gonna razz
you, which pisses me off, because I really appreciate
you watching the show, and you seem like an awesome dude. A couple things. No such thing as ‘equally qualified’, make a goddamn call, right, just make one. Number two, it seems like
you’re growing pretty well. There’s a weird part of me that’s trying to tell you to hire both of them. The only rationale is
that you can’t justify in any shape or form
within the first six months of 2015, you needing, there’s both so narrow,
back to the last question, great way that worked out, that you could never see you using them, because if you both, if you
love both of them so much, that you should absolutely hire them both. I’m a big fan of hiring
ahead of my growth. A lot of people are always like, how did you grow this so quickly? It’s because I am on the offense and I’m hiring ahead of my growth because I’m not worried about my margin. I’m not hiring enough that
I couldn’t make payroll if something weird happened, you know, and in a week I couldn’t make payroll, I’m leaving a cushion for practicality because I’m an immigrant
and I care about people and I wouldn’t want to have layoffs, but I’m always on the offense. So, the two big things
that pop off for me are, one, you know, are you indecisive or was it, like, the best thing to figure
out how to ask a question for the show, or if you really mean it, as a CEO, and, you know, and this is where, if you’re
CEO and lead designer, you need to put your CEO hat on and make a decision, and then, number two, as a CEO, you’re hiring a lot of people, there’s something weird,
I can’t tell you why, but there’s something weird that tells me you should hire both. – [Voiceover] Courtney asks,


– [Voiceover] Courtney asks, “Does it bother your wife that you constantly spin your ring?” – No. Lizzie’s way too big picture for something as silly as that. This is what always pisses me off, right. You see me spinning the ring, and you decide, not you, but like, people decide, oh, he must be […]

– [Voiceover] Courtney asks, “Does it bother your
wife that you constantly spin your ring?” – No. Lizzie’s way too big picture for something as silly as that. This is what always pisses me off, right. You see me spinning the ring, and you decide, not you, but like, people decide, oh, he must be on his fifth ring. All my friends who never spin their ring and are very conservative
and don’t travel the world and don’t hustle 19 hours a day, all those people, they’re
on their third ring. Me? Right, you know, everybody talks about me being chaotic, and all this
stuff, and I’m like chaos and not tight and lists. Meanwhile, I don’t lost my phone, I haven’t lost my wallet, I don’t leave my bag. Meanwhile, all these people around me, the A-types, they’ve left their phone, they’ve lost their things, so, don’t sleep on my carelessness because it is dramatically smaller than most of you think. I could be chaos and
practical at the same time, and that’s what I am. And, so, Lizzie isn’t scared
of me spinning my ring because I’ll never lose it, got it?


– [Voiceover] Mike asks, “How can I market a video and rank on Google if I do not want to utilize YouTube? But willing to invest time and finances.” – Mike, this is an awkward question. The first thing that pops in my mind is, why don’t you wanna use YouTube? I’m trying to make […]

– [Voiceover] Mike asks, “How can I market a
video and rank on Google if I do not want to utilize YouTube? But willing to invest time and finances.” – Mike, this is an awkward question. The first thing that pops in my mind is, why don’t you wanna use YouTube? I’m trying to make conclusions here. Maybe you want it to be behind a paywall and get subscriptions? The energy of this question is off to me. I can’t wrap my head around why you would not want it on
YouTube in a world where, that is so much ‘by
accident’ business in there, because there’s so many eyeballs and you can SEO for it. You’re trying to SEO the video on Google when YouTube is the
number two search engine in the world and video
is native towards it. Again, every spidey sense is. Is that you wanna charge for it, which you can still do on YouTube and block it, like, you know, like, block it, like, there’s, this is off, brother. I’d love you to follow up
and give me some rationale, because I can’t find much. Somebody help me here, is there anybody got something for me? – [Steve] Unless he’s got some moral objection to YouTube. Google is the same company. – Maybe you hate YouTube and you’ve got a moral objection to YouTube, but Google is the same
company, you’re right. I can’t make this
connection point, and, boy,

What's the greatest holiday gift you've every received?
// Asked by India K COMMENT ON YOUTUBE